{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation
( OpResult(..)
, OperationError(..)
, Operation
, Need(..)
, Code
, Execution(..)
, Expect(..)
, freshId
, failure
, retry
, send
, request
, waitFor
, waitForOr
, wrongVersion
, streamDeleted
, invalidTransaction
, accessDenied
, protobufDecodingError
, serverError
, invalidServerResponse
, module Data.Machine
) where
import Prelude (String)
import Data.Machine
import Data.ProtocolBuffers
import Data.Serialize
import Data.UUID
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Command
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Prelude
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Settings
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Stream
import Database.EventStore.Internal.Types
data OpResult
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show)
data OperationError
= WrongExpectedVersion Text ExpectedVersion
| StreamDeleted Text
| InvalidTransaction
| AccessDenied StreamName
| InvalidServerResponse Command Command
| ProtobufDecodingError String
| ServerError (Maybe Text)
| InvalidOperation Text
| StreamNotFound Text
| NotAuthenticatedOp
| Aborted
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception OperationError
data Execution a
= Proceed a
| Retry
| Failed !OperationError
instance Functor Execution where
fmap f (Proceed a) = Proceed (f a)
fmap _ Retry = Retry
fmap _ (Failed e) = Failed e
instance Applicative Execution where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Execution where
return = Proceed
Proceed a >>= f = f a
Retry >>= _ = Retry
Failed e >>= _ = Failed e
type Operation output = MachineT Execution Need output
data Need a where
NeedUUID :: Need UUID
NeedRemote :: Command -> ByteString -> Maybe Credentials -> Need Package
WaitRemote :: UUID -> Need (Maybe Package)
type Code o a = PlanT Need o Execution a
freshId :: Code o UUID
freshId = awaits NeedUUID
failure :: OperationError -> Code o a
failure = lift . Failed
retry :: Code o a
retry = lift Retry
send :: (Encode req, Decode resp)
=> Command
-> Command
-> Maybe Credentials
-> req
-> Code o resp
send reqCmd expCmd cred req = do
let payload = runPut $ encodeMessage req
pkg <- awaits $ NeedRemote reqCmd payload cred
let gotCmd = packageCmd pkg
when (gotCmd /= expCmd)
(invalidServerResponse expCmd gotCmd)
case runGet decodeMessage (packageData pkg) of
Left e -> protobufDecodingError e
Right resp -> return resp
data Expect o where
Expect :: Decode resp => Command -> (UUID -> resp -> Code o ()) -> Expect o
runFirstMatch :: Package -> [Expect o] -> Code o ()
runFirstMatch _ [] = invalidOperation "No expectation was fulfilled"
runFirstMatch pkg (Expect cmd k:rest)
| packageCmd pkg /= cmd = runFirstMatch pkg rest
| otherwise =
case runGet decodeMessage (packageData pkg) of
Left e -> protobufDecodingError e
Right resp -> k (packageCorrelation pkg) resp
request :: Encode req
=> Command
-> Maybe Credentials
-> req
-> [Expect o]
-> Code o ()
request reqCmd cred rq exps = do
let payload = runPut $ encodeMessage rq
pkg <- awaits $ NeedRemote reqCmd payload cred
runFirstMatch pkg exps
waitFor :: UUID -> [Expect o] -> Code o ()
waitFor pid exps = waitForOr pid stop exps
waitForOr :: UUID -> (Code o ()) -> [Expect o] -> Code o ()
waitForOr pid alt exps =
awaits (WaitRemote pid) >>= \case
Nothing -> alt
Just pkg ->
runFirstMatch pkg exps
wrongVersion :: Text -> ExpectedVersion -> Code o a
wrongVersion stream ver = failure (WrongExpectedVersion stream ver)
streamDeleted :: Text -> Code o a
streamDeleted stream = failure (StreamDeleted stream)
invalidTransaction :: Code o a
invalidTransaction = failure InvalidTransaction
accessDenied :: StreamName -> Code oconcat a
accessDenied = failure . AccessDenied
protobufDecodingError :: String -> Code o a
protobufDecodingError = failure . ProtobufDecodingError
serverError :: Maybe Text -> Code o a
serverError = failure . ServerError
invalidServerResponse :: Command -> Command -> Code o a
invalidServerResponse expe got = failure $ InvalidServerResponse expe got
invalidOperation :: Text -> Code o a
invalidOperation = failure . InvalidOperation