existential- Existential types with lens-like accessors.

Safe HaskellNone




type Cell = Cell1 Identity Source #

The Cell Type

A polymorphic cell. Type 'Cell MyClass' can take a value of any type that conforms to MyClass and to Typeable. It is defined in terms of Cell1.

data Cell1 f constr Source #

Generilization of Cell. 'Cell1 MyFunctor MyClass' takes values ^ of type 'MyFunctor a' with '(MyClass a,Typeable a)'.


(constr a, Typeable a) => Cell (f a) 


HasCell (Cell1 f constr) (Cell1 f constr) Source # 


cell :: Iso' (Cell1 f constr) (Cell1 f constr) Source #

type Inst constr a = Inst1 Identity constr a Source #

data Inst1 f constr a Source #


(Typeable a, constr a) => Inst (f a) 

type EntailsAll c0 c1 = forall a. c0 a :- c1 a Source #

dict :: Inst1 f constr a -> Dict (constr a) Source #

class HasCell a b | a -> b where Source #

HasCell permits the overloading of Iso cell and makes it easier | to wrap a Cell with a newtype without having to mention Cell all | the time.

Minimal complete definition



cell :: Iso' a b Source #


HasCell (Cell1 f constr) (Cell1 f constr) Source # 


cell :: Iso' (Cell1 f constr) (Cell1 f constr) Source #

makeCell :: (HasCell a (Cell constr), constr b, Typeable b) => b -> a Source #

Similar to makeCell. Uses Cell1 to allow the content ^ of a Cell to be wrapped with a generic type.


We can use 'makeCell "hello" :: MyType' if there is an instance ^ 'HasCell MyType (Cell Show)' (or any other class than show).

makeCell1 :: (HasCell a (Cell1 f constr), constr b, Typeable b) => f b -> a Source #

_Cell :: (constr b, Typeable b, Typeable a) => Prism (Cell constr) (Cell constr) a b Source #


Treats a Cell as an unbounded sum type: 'c^?_Cell :: Maybe a' has the ^ value 'Just x' if x is of type a and c contains value x. If cell c ^ has a value of any other type then a, 'c^?_Cell == Nothing'.

_Cell' :: (constr a, Typeable a, HasCell c (Cell constr)) => Prism c c a a Source #

Similar to _Cell but operates on types that wrap a cell instead of ^ on the cell itself.

_Cell1 :: (constr b, Typeable b, Typeable a, Typeable f) => Prism (Cell1 f constr) (Cell1 f constr) (f a) (f b) Source #

Similar to _Cell but values are wrapped in type f inside the cell.

_Cell1' :: (constr a, Typeable a, Typeable f, HasCell c (Cell1 f constr)) => Prism c c (f a) (f a) Source #

Analogous to _Cell' and _Cell1.

asCell :: (constr a, Typeable a) => Prism (Cell constr) (Cell constr) a a Source #

Like _Cell but disallows changing the type of the content of the cell. ^ facilitates type checking when the prism is not used for modification.

asCell1 :: (constr a, Typeable a, Typeable f) => Prism (Cell1 f constr) (Cell1 f constr) (f a) (f a) Source #

Like _Cell1 and as asCell.

asInst :: Functor g => (forall a. Inst1 f constr a -> g (Inst1 h constr' a)) -> Cell1 f constr -> g (Cell1 h constr') Source #

asInst1 :: Functor g => (forall a. Inst1 f constr a -> g (Inst1 h constr' a)) -> Cell1 f constr -> g (Cell1 h constr') Source #

fromInst :: Inst1 f constr a -> Cell1 f constr Source #

inst :: Lens' (Inst constr a) a Source #

inst1 :: Lens (Inst1 f constr a) (Inst1 g constr a) (f a) (g a) Source #

traverseCell :: Functor f => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> f a) -> Cell constr -> f (Cell constr) Source #


traverseCell' :: (Functor f, HasCell c (Cell constr)) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> f a) -> c -> f c Source #

traverseCell1 :: Functor f => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => g a -> f (h a)) -> Cell1 g constr -> f (Cell1 h constr) Source #

traverseCell1' :: (Functor f, HasCell c (Cell1 g constr)) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => g a -> f (g a)) -> c -> f c Source #

traverseInst :: Functor f => (constr a => a -> f a) -> Inst constr a -> f (Inst constr a) Source #

traverseInst1 :: Functor f => (constr a => g a -> f (h a)) -> Inst1 g constr a -> f (Inst1 h constr a) Source #

mapCell :: (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a) -> Cell constr -> Cell constr Source #

mapCell' :: HasCell c (Cell constr) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a) -> c -> c Source #

mapCell1 :: (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => f a -> f a) -> Cell1 f constr -> Cell1 f constr Source #

mapCell1' :: HasCell c (Cell1 f constr) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => f a -> f a) -> c -> c Source #

mapInst :: (constr a => a -> a) -> Inst constr a -> Inst constr a Source #

mapInst1 :: (constr a => f a -> f a) -> Inst1 f constr a -> Inst1 f constr a Source #

readCell1 :: (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => f a -> r) -> Cell1 f constr -> r Source #

readCell1' :: HasCell c (Cell1 f constr) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => f a -> r) -> c -> r Source #

readCell :: (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> r) -> Cell constr -> r Source #

readCell' :: HasCell c (Cell constr) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> r) -> c -> r Source #

readInst :: (constr a => a -> r) -> Inst constr a -> r Source #

readInst1 :: (constr a => f a -> r) -> Inst1 f constr a -> r Source #

apply2Cells :: Functor f => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> f a) -> f (Cell constr) -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> f (Cell constr) Source #

Combinators =

apply2Cells' :: (Functor f, HasCell c (Cell constr)) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> f a) -> f c -> c -> c -> f c Source #

apply2Cells1 :: (Functor f, Typeable g) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => g a -> g a -> f (g a)) -> f (Cell1 g constr) -> Cell1 g constr -> Cell1 g constr -> f (Cell1 g constr) Source #

apply2Cells1' :: (Functor f, Typeable g, HasCell c (Cell1 g constr)) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => g a -> g a -> f (g a)) -> f c -> c -> c -> f c Source #

map2Cells :: (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> a) -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> Cell constr Source #

map2Cells' :: HasCell c (Cell constr) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> a) -> c -> c -> c -> c Source #

map2Cells1 :: (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> a) -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> Cell constr Source #

map2Cells1' :: HasCell c (Cell constr) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> a) -> c -> c -> c -> c Source #

read2CellsWith :: (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> r) -> r -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> r Source #

read2CellsWith' :: HasCell c (Cell constr) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> r) -> r -> c -> c -> r Source #

read2Cells1With :: Typeable f => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => f a -> f a -> r) -> r -> Cell1 f constr -> Cell1 f constr -> r Source #

read2Cells1With' :: (HasCell c (Cell1 f constr), Typeable f) => (forall a. (constr a, Typeable a) => f a -> f a -> r) -> r -> c -> c -> r Source #

read2CellsH :: (forall a b. (constr a, Typeable a, constr b, Typeable b) => a -> b -> r) -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> r Source #

Heterogenous Combinators

read2CellsH' :: HasCell c (Cell constr) => (forall a b. (constr a, Typeable a, constr b, Typeable b) => a -> b -> r) -> c -> c -> r Source #

read2Cells1H :: (forall a b. (constr a, Typeable a, constr b, Typeable b) => f a -> f b -> r) -> Cell1 f constr -> Cell1 f constr -> r Source #

read2Cells1H' :: (forall a b. (constr a, Typeable a, constr b, Typeable b) => f a -> f b -> r) -> Cell1 f constr -> Cell1 f constr -> r Source #

cell1Equal :: Typeable f => (forall a. constr a => f a -> f a -> Bool) -> Cell1 f constr -> Cell1 f constr -> Bool Source #

Comparing the content of cells

cell1Equal' :: (HasCell c (Cell1 f constr), Typeable f) => (forall a. constr a => f a -> f a -> Bool) -> c -> c -> Bool Source #

cellEqual :: (forall a. constr a => a -> a -> Bool) -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> Bool Source #

cellEqual' :: HasCell c (Cell constr) => (forall a. constr a => a -> a -> Bool) -> c -> c -> Bool Source #

cellZoomEqual' :: (HasCell c (Cell constr), Eq c, Show c) => (forall a. constr a => a -> a -> Invariant) -> c -> c -> Invariant Source #

cell1ZoomEqual' :: (HasCell c (Cell1 f constr), Eq c, Show c, Typeable f) => (forall a. constr a => f a -> f a -> Invariant) -> c -> c -> Invariant Source #

cellCompare :: (forall a. constr a => a -> a -> Ordering) -> Cell constr -> Cell constr -> Ordering Source #

cellCompare' :: HasCell c (Cell constr) => (forall a. constr a => a -> a -> Ordering) -> c -> c -> Ordering Source #

cell1Compare :: Typeable f => (forall a. constr a => f a -> f a -> Ordering) -> Cell1 f constr -> Cell1 f constr -> Ordering Source #

cell1Compare' :: (HasCell c (Cell1 f constr), Typeable f) => (forall a. constr a => f a -> f a -> Ordering) -> c -> c -> Ordering Source #

cellLens :: Functor f => (forall a. constr a => LensLike' f a b) -> LensLike' f (Cell constr) b Source #

Creating Lenses

cellLens' :: (HasCell c (Cell constr), Functor f) => (forall a. constr a => LensLike' f a b) -> LensLike' f c b Source #

cell1Lens :: Functor f => (forall a. constr a => LensLike' f (g a) b) -> LensLike' f (Cell1 g constr) b Source #

cell1Lens' :: (HasCell c (Cell1 g constr), Functor f) => (forall a. constr a => LensLike' f (g a) b) -> LensLike' f c b Source #

rewriteCell :: EntailsAll c0 c1 -> Cell1 f c0 -> Cell1 f c1 Source #

Change type classes

rewriteInst :: (c0 a :- c1 a) -> Inst1 f c0 a -> Inst1 f c1 a Source #

spec :: f a -> (p a :- q a) -> p a :- q a Source #

transEnt :: EntailsAll c0 c1 -> EntailsAll c1 c2 -> EntailsAll c0 c2 Source #

exArrow :: forall m cl f b. (forall a. Kleisli m (Inst1 f cl a) b) -> Kleisli m (Cell1 f cl) b Source #

arbitraryCell :: Name -> ExpQ Source #

QuickCheck Helpers

onIdentity :: (a -> b -> c) -> Identity a -> Identity b -> c Source #


Utility function to facilitate the implementation of Cell | functions in terms of Cell1 functions.

prop_consistent_equal :: (Eq a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> Property Source #


Wrapping two values in cells does not change their equality

prop_consistent_compare :: (Ord a, Typeable a) => a -> a -> Property Source #

Wrapping two values in cells does not change their relative order

run_tests :: (PropName -> Property -> IO (a, Result)) -> IO ([a], Bool) Source #

Check all the QuickCheck properties.