{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | Extend floating point types with a larger exponent range.
module Numeric.ExpExtended
  ( ExpExtendable(..)
  , expExtended'
  , unExpExtendable
  , unExpExtended
  , EDouble
  , EFloat
  ) where

import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)

import Text.Show as T
import Text.Read as T

import Numeric

import Numeric.ExpExtended.Internal

getCache :: ExpExtendable a => proxy a -> Cache a
getCache _ = cache

getCache1 :: ExpExtendable a => (b -> proxy a) -> Cache a
getCache1 _ = cache

getCache2 :: ExpExtendable a => (c -> b -> proxy a) -> Cache a
getCache2 _ = cache

getCacheIn1 :: ExpExtendable a => (proxy a -> b) -> Cache a
getCacheIn1 _ = cache

-- | Does the extended value fit in the base type without over/underflow?
unExpExtendable :: ExpExtendable a => ExpExtended a -> Bool
unExpExtendable = self
    c = getCacheIn1 self
    self x = withExpExtended x $ \_ e -> cRangeMin c < e && e < cRangeMax c

-- | Scale to the base type
--   (possibly overflowing to infinity or underflowing to zero).
unExpExtended :: ExpExtendable a => ExpExtended a -> a
unExpExtended x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> scaleFloat e m

-- | Extend the exponent range while preserving the value.
--   > expExtended' x == expExtended x 0
expExtended' :: ExpExtendable a => a -> ExpExtended a
expExtended' x = expExtended x 0

-- | Extend floating point types with a larger exponent range.
--   Implementors need only implement:
--    * the 'ExpExtended' data type, isomorphic to a strict pair @(a, 'Int')@
--    * its constructor 'unsafeExpExtended'
--    * its destructor 'withExpExtended'
--   Using a data family allows the UNPACK optimisation.
class RealFloat a => ExpExtendable a where
  {-# MINIMAL unsafeExpExtended, withExpExtended #-}

  -- | Associated data.
  --   Instances: 'Enum', 'Eq', 'Floating', 'Fractional', 'Num', 'Ord', 'Read', 'Real', 'RealFloat', 'RealFrac', 'Show'
  data ExpExtended a

  -- | Deconstruct into basic value and exponent.
  withExpExtended :: ExpExtended a -> (a -> Int -> r) -> r

  -- | Construct from a basic value and an exponent, without checking the
  --   invariant.  Use 'expExtended' instead.
  unsafeExpExtended :: a -> Int -> ExpExtended a

  -- | Cache of magic values.  Stored once per instance to avoid recomputation.
  cache :: Cache a
  cache = cacheDefault

  -- | Construct from a basic value and an exponent, ensuring that the result
  --   establishes the internal invariant:
  --   > m == significand m && ((m == 0 || isInfinite m || isNaN m) ==> e == 0)
  --   Also handles overflow to infinity, and underflow to zero.
  expExtended :: a -> Int -> ExpExtended a
  expExtended = self
      c = getCache2 self
      self m e
        | m == 0 = unsafeExpExtended m 0
        | isNaN m = unsafeExpExtended m 0
        | isInfinite m = unsafeExpExtended m 0
        | e > cSupExponent c || e' > maxExponent =
            unsafeExpExtended (signum m / 0) 0
        | e < cInfExponent c || e' < minExponent =
            unsafeExpExtended (signum m * 0) 0
        | otherwise = unsafeExpExtended m' e'
          m' = significand m
          e'' = exponent m
          e' = e + e''

instance ExpExtendable Float where
  data ExpExtended Float = EF {-# UNPACK #-} !Float {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  unsafeExpExtended = EF
  withExpExtended (EF m e) f = f m e

type EFloat = ExpExtended Float

instance ExpExtendable Double where
  data ExpExtended Double = ED {-# UNPACK #-} !Double {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  unsafeExpExtended = ED
  withExpExtended (ED m e) f = f m e

type EDouble = ExpExtended Double

instance (ExpExtendable a, Show a) => Show (ExpExtended a) where
  showsPrec d m = withExpExtended m $ \a b -> showParen (d > 10)
    $ showString "expExtended "
    . T.showsPrec 11 a
    . showChar ' '
    . T.showsPrec 11 b

instance (ExpExtendable a, Read a) => Read (ExpExtended a) where
  readPrec = parens $ prec 10 $ do
    Ident "expExtended" <- lexP
    a <- step T.readPrec
    b <- step T.readPrec
    return $ expExtended a b

instance ExpExtendable a => Eq (ExpExtended a) where
  a == b = withExpExtended a $ \m1 e1 -> withExpExtended b $ \m2 e2 ->
    e1 == e2 && m1 == m2
  a /= b = withExpExtended a $ \m1 e1 -> withExpExtended b $ \m2 e2 ->
    e1 /= e2 || m1 /= m2

instance ExpExtendable a => Ord (ExpExtended a) where
  compare a b = withExpExtended a $ \m1 e1 -> withExpExtended b $ \m2 e2 ->
    case max e1 e2 of
      e | m1 == 0 -> compare 0 m2
        | m2 == 0 -> compare m1 0
        | otherwise -> scaleFloat (e1 - e) m1 `compare` scaleFloat (e2 - e) m2

instance ExpExtendable a => Num (ExpExtended a) where
  negate a = withExpExtended a $ \m e -> unsafeExpExtended (negate m) e
  a + b = withExpExtended a $ \m1 e1 -> withExpExtended b $ \m2 e2 ->
    case max e1 e2 of
      e | m1 == 0 -> b
        | m2 == 0 -> a
        | otherwise -> expExtended (scaleFloat (e1 - e) m1 + scaleFloat (e2 - e) m2) e
  a * b = withExpExtended a $ \m1 e1 -> withExpExtended b $ \m2 e2 ->
    expExtended (m1 * m2) (e1 + e2)
  abs a = withExpExtended a $ \m e -> unsafeExpExtended (abs m) e
  signum a = withExpExtended a $ \m _ -> expExtended (signum m) 0
  fromInteger = self
      c = getCache1 self
      e = cDigits c
      self n = case fromInteger n of
        m | isInfinite m -> scaleFloat e (fromInteger (cDownShift c n e))
          | otherwise -> expExtended m 0

instance ExpExtendable a => Fractional (ExpExtended a) where
  recip a = withExpExtended a $ \m e -> expExtended (recip m) (negate e)
  fromRational q =
    let x = fromInteger (numerator q) / fromInteger (denominator q)
        p = toRational x
        d = q - p
        y = fromInteger (numerator d) / fromInteger (denominator d)
    in  x + y

instance ExpExtendable a => Real (ExpExtended a) where
  toRational = self
      c = getCacheIn1 self
      self a = withExpExtended a $ \m e ->
        let q = toRational m in case compare e 0 of
          GT -> q * fromInteger (cRadixPower c e)
          EQ -> q
          LT -> q / fromInteger (cRadixPower c (negate e))

instance ExpExtendable a => RealFrac (ExpExtended a) where
  properFraction = self
      c = getCache1 (snd . self)
      self a = withExpExtended a $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e > cDigits c ->
              case properFraction (scaleFloat (cDigits c + 1) m) of
                (n, _) -> (fromInteger (cUpShift c n (e - cDigits c - 1)), 0)
          | e < 0 -> (0, a)
          | otherwise -> case properFraction (scaleFloat e m) of
              (n, m') -> (n, expExtended m' 0)

reduce :: RealFrac a => a -> a -> a
reduce p x = case properFraction (x / p) of
  (n, y) -> let _n :: Int ; _n = n in y * p

instance ExpExtendable a => Floating (ExpExtended a) where
  pi = expExtended pi 0

  exp = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e == 0 -> expExtended (exp m) 0
          | cExpMin c <= e && e <= cExpMax c ->
              expExtended (exp (scaleFloat e m)) 0
          | e >= cExpSup c -> expExtended (if m > 0 then m / 0 else 0) 0
          | e < cExpInf c -> 1
          | otherwise -> expExtended (exp m) 0 ^ (cRadix c ^ e)

  log = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e ->
        expExtended (log m + fromIntegral e * cLogRadix c) 0

  sqrt = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e ->
        expExtended (sqrt (if even e then m else cRadix' c * m)) (e `div` 2)

  sin = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = let y = reduce (2 * pi) x in withExpExtended y $ \m e ->
        if e < cRangeMin c
        then y
        else expExtended (sin (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  cos = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended (reduce (2 * pi) x) $ \m e ->
        if e < cRangeMin c
        then 1
        else expExtended (cos (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  tan = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = let y = reduce pi x in withExpExtended y $ \m e ->
        if e < cRangeMin c
        then y
        else expExtended (tan (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  asin = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e ->
        if e < cRangeMin c
        then x
        else expExtended (asin (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  acos x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> expExtended (acos (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  atan = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e == 0 -> expExtended (atan m) 0
          | e <= cRangeMin c -> x
          | m < 0 -> negate (atan (negate x))
          | e >= cRangeMax c -> pi/2 - atan (recip x)
          | otherwise -> expExtended (atan (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  sinh = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e <= cRangeMin c -> x
          | cExpMin c <= e && e <= cExpMax c ->
              expExtended (sinh (scaleFloat e m)) 0
          | e >= cExpSup c -> expExtended (signum m / 0) 0
          | otherwise -> (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2

  cosh = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e == 0 -> expExtended (cosh m) 0
          | cExpMin c <= e && e <= cExpMax c ->
              expExtended (cosh (scaleFloat e m)) 0
          | e >= cExpSup c -> expExtended (1/0) 0
          | otherwise -> (exp x + exp (-x)) / 2

  tanh = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e == 0 -> expExtended (tanh m) 0
          | e <= cRangeMin c -> x
          | e < cRangeMax c -> expExtended (tanh (scaleFloat e m)) 0
          | otherwise -> signum x

  asinh = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e == 0 -> expExtended (asinh m) 0
          | e <= cRangeMin c -> x
          | e < cRangeMax c -> expExtended (asinh (scaleFloat e m)) 0
          | m < 0 -> negate (asinh (negate x))
          | otherwise -> log x + log 2
              -- x + sqrt (x^2 + 1) == 2 * x for huge x and small precision

  acosh = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e == 0 -> expExtended (acosh m) 0
          | e < cRangeMax c -> expExtended (acosh (scaleFloat e m)) 0
          | m < 0 -> acosh (negate x)
          | otherwise -> log x + log 2
              -- x + sqrt (x^2 - 1) == 2 * x for huge x and small precision

  atanh = self
     c = getCache1 self
     self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e == 0 -> expExtended (atanh m) 0
          | e <= cRangeMin c -> x
          | otherwise -> expExtended (atanh (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  log1p = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e <= cRangeMin c -> x
          | e >= cRangeMax c -> log (1 + x)
          | otherwise -> expExtended (log1p (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  expm1 = self
      c = getCache1 self
      self x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | e <= cRangeMin c -> x
          | e >= cExpMax c -> exp x - 1
          | otherwise -> expExtended (expm1 (scaleFloat e m)) 0

  log1pexp = log1p . exp

  log1mexp x
    | x <= negate (log 2) = log1p (negate (exp x))
    | otherwise = log (negate (expm1 x))

instance ExpExtendable a => RealFloat (ExpExtended a) where
  floatRadix = self
      c = getCacheIn1 self
      self _ = cRadix c

  floatDigits = self
      c = getCacheIn1 self
      self _ = cDigits c

  floatRange _ = (minExponent, maxExponent)

  decodeFloat x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case decodeFloat m of
    (n, e') -> (n, e + e')
  encodeFloat n e = expExtended (encodeFloat n 0) e

  significand x = withExpExtended x $ \m _ -> expExtended m 0
  exponent x = withExpExtended x $ \_ e -> e

  scaleFloat = self
      minExponentI = toInteger minExponent
      maxExponentI = toInteger maxExponent
      self 0 x = x
      self n x = withExpExtended x $ \m e -> case () of
        _ | m == 0 || isInfinite m || isNaN m -> x
          | e == 0 && minExponent <= n && n <= maxExponent ->
              unsafeExpExtended m n
          | minExponent <= n && n <= maxExponent &&
            minExponent <= ne && ne <= maxExponent ->
              unsafeExpExtended m ne
          | minExponentI <= neI && neI <= maxExponentI ->
              unsafeExpExtended m (fromInteger neI)
          | neI < minExponentI -> unsafeExpExtended (signum m * 0) 0
          | maxExponentI < neI -> unsafeExpExtended (signum m / 0) 0
            ne = n + e
            neI = toInteger n + toInteger e

  isNaN x = withExpExtended x $ \m _ -> isNaN m
  isInfinite x = withExpExtended x $ \m _ -> isInfinite m
  isDenormalized _ = False
  isNegativeZero x = withExpExtended x $ \m _ -> isNegativeZero m
  isIEEE _ = False -- what does this really mean?

  atan2 y x = withExpExtended y $ \my ey -> withExpExtended x $ \mx ex ->
    case negate (max ey ex) of
      e | ex == 0 && ey == 0 -> expExtended (atan2 my mx) 0
        | ex == 0 -> expExtended (atan2 (scaleFloat ey my) mx) 0
        | ey == 0 -> expExtended (atan2 my (scaleFloat ex mx)) 0
        | otherwise -> expExtended (atan2 (scaleFloat e my) (scaleFloat e mx)) 0

instance ExpExtendable a => Enum (ExpExtended a) where
  -- based on 'compensated' (c) Edward Kmett 2013 (license: BSD3)
  -- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/compensated-0.6.1/docs/src/Numeric-Compensated.html#line-436>
  succ a = a + 1
  pred a = a - 1
  toEnum = fromIntegral
  fromEnum = round
  enumFrom x = x : enumFrom (x + 1)
  enumFromThen x y = x : enumFromThen y (y - x + y)
  enumFromTo x y
    | x <= y = x : enumFromTo (x + 1) y
    | otherwise = []
  enumFromThenTo a b c
    | a <= b    = up a
    | otherwise = down a
     delta = b - a
     up x | x <= c    = x : up (x + delta)
          | otherwise = []
     down x | c <= x    = x : down (x + delta)
            | otherwise = []

--   TODO: instances for storable, deepseq, unboxed vectors, ...