{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Support code to implement 'Api' _server_ processes.
-- @since 0.16.0
module Control.Eff.Concurrent.Api.Server
  ( -- * Starting Api Servers
  , spawnLinkApiServer
  , spawnApiServerStateful
  , spawnApiServerEffectful
  , spawnLinkApiServerEffectful
  , apiServerLoop
  -- ** Api Server Callbacks
  , CallbackResult(..)
  , MessageCallback(..)
  -- ** Callback Smart Constructors
  -- *** Calls and Casts (for 'Api's)
  , handleCasts
  , handleCalls
  , handleCastsAndCalls
  , handleCallsDeferred
  -- *** Generic Message Handler
  , handleMessages
  , handleSelectedMessages
  , handleAnyMessages
  , handleProcessDowns
  -- *** Fallback Handler
  , dropUnhandledMessages
  , exitOnUnhandled
  , logUnhandledMessages
  -- ** Api Composition
  , (^:)
  , fallbackHandler
  , ToServerPids(..)
  -- ** RecoverableInterrupt handler
  , InterruptCallback(..)
  , stopServerOnInterrupt

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Eff
import           Control.Eff.Extend
import           Control.Eff.Log
import           Control.Eff.State.Strict
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Api
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Api.Request
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Process
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad                  ( (>=>) )
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Dynamic
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Text as T
import           Data.Type.Pretty
import           GHC.Stack

-- | /Serve/ an 'Api' in a newly spawned process.
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall api eff
   . ( ToServerPids api
     , HasCallStack
     , Member Logs eff
     , PrettyTypeShow (PrettyServerPids api)
  => MessageCallback api (InterruptableProcess eff)
  -> InterruptCallback (ConsProcess eff)
  -> Eff (InterruptableProcess eff) (ServerPids api)
spawnApiServer scb (InterruptCallback icb) = toServerPids (Proxy @api)
  <$> spawn (apiServerLoop scb (InterruptCallback (raise . icb)))

-- | /Serve/ an 'Api' in a newly spawned -and linked - process.
-- @since 0.14.2
  :: forall api eff
   . ( ToServerPids api
     , HasCallStack
     , Member Logs eff
     , Typeable api
     , PrettyTypeShow (PrettyServerPids api)
  => MessageCallback api (InterruptableProcess eff)
  -> InterruptCallback (ConsProcess eff)
  -> Eff (InterruptableProcess eff) (ServerPids api)
spawnLinkApiServer scb (InterruptCallback icb) = toServerPids (Proxy @api)
  <$> spawnLink (apiServerLoop scb (InterruptCallback (raise . icb)))

-- | /Server/ an 'Api' in a newly spawned process; the callbacks have access
-- to a state value.
-- The initial state value is returned by the action given as parameter, from
-- within the new process.
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall api eff state
   . ( HasCallStack
     , ToServerPids api
     , NFData state
     , PrettyTypeShow (PrettyServerPids api)
  => Eff (InterruptableProcess eff) state
  -> MessageCallback api (State state ': InterruptableProcess eff)
  -> InterruptCallback (State state ': ConsProcess eff)
  -> Eff (InterruptableProcess eff) (ServerPids api)
spawnApiServerStateful initEffect (MessageCallback sel cb) (InterruptCallback intCb)
  = fmap (toServerPids (Proxy @api)) $ spawnRaw $ do
    state <- provideInterruptsShutdown initEffect
    evalState state $ receiveSelectedLoop sel $ \msg -> case msg of
      Left  m -> invokeIntCb m
      Right m -> do
        r <- do s <- force <$> get
                raise (provideInterrupts (runState s (cb m)))
        case r of
          Left  i                  -> invokeIntCb i
          Right (x , s')           -> do
            put (force s')
            case x of
              (StopServer i) -> invokeIntCb i
              AwaitNext      -> return Nothing
  invokeIntCb j = do
    l <- intCb j
    case l of
      AwaitNext               -> return Nothing
      StopServer ExitNormally -> return (Just ())
      StopServer k            -> exitBecause k

-- | /Server/ an 'Api' in a newly spawned process; The caller provides an
-- effect handler for arbitrary effects used by the server callbacks.
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall api eff serverEff
   . ( HasCallStack
     , ToServerPids api
     , Member Interrupts serverEff
     , SetMember Process (Process eff) serverEff
     , Member Logs serverEff
     , PrettyTypeShow (PrettyServerPids api)
  => (forall b . Eff serverEff b -> Eff (InterruptableProcess eff) b)
  -> MessageCallback api serverEff
  -> InterruptCallback serverEff
  -> Eff (InterruptableProcess eff) (ServerPids api)
spawnApiServerEffectful handleServerInternalEffects scb icb =
  toServerPids (Proxy @api)
    <$> spawn (handleServerInternalEffects (apiServerLoop scb icb))

-- | /Server/ an 'Api' in a newly spawned process; The caller provides an
-- effect handler for arbitrary effects used by the server callbacks.
-- Links to the calling process like 'linkProcess' would.
-- @since 0.14.2
  :: forall api eff serverEff
   . ( HasCallStack
     , ToServerPids api
     , Member Interrupts serverEff
     , SetMember Process (Process eff) serverEff
     , Member Logs serverEff
     , PrettyTypeShow (PrettyServerPids api)
  => (forall b . Eff serverEff b -> Eff (InterruptableProcess eff) b)
  -> MessageCallback api serverEff
  -> InterruptCallback serverEff
  -> Eff (InterruptableProcess eff) (ServerPids api)
spawnLinkApiServerEffectful handleServerInternalEffects scb icb =
  toServerPids (Proxy @api)
    <$> spawnLink (handleServerInternalEffects (apiServerLoop scb icb))

-- | Receive loop for 'Api' 'Control.Eff.Concurrent.Api.Client.call's. This starts a receive loop for
-- a 'MessageCallback'. It is used behind the scenes by 'spawnLinkApiServerEffectful'
-- and 'spawnApiServerEffectful'.
-- @since 0.14.2
  :: forall api eff serverEff
   . ( HasCallStack
     , ToServerPids api
     , Member Interrupts serverEff
     , SetMember Process (Process eff) serverEff
     , Member Logs serverEff
     , PrettyTypeShow (PrettyServerPids api)
  => MessageCallback api serverEff
  -> InterruptCallback serverEff
  -> Eff serverEff ()
apiServerLoop (MessageCallback sel cb) (InterruptCallback intCb) = do
  logInfo ( "enter server loop: "
          <> pack (showPretty (Proxy @(PrettySurrounded (PutStr "[") (PutStr "]")
                                (PrettyServerPids api))))
    ( ( either
              (fmap Left  . intCb)
              (fmap Right . tryUninterrupted . cb))
      >=> handleCallbackResult
    :: Either (CallbackResult 'NoRecovery) (Either (Interrupt 'Recoverable) (CallbackResult 'Recoverable))
    -> Eff serverEff (Maybe ())
  handleCallbackResult (Left AwaitNext) = return Nothing
  handleCallbackResult (Left (StopServer r)) = exitBecause r
  handleCallbackResult (Right (Right AwaitNext)) = return Nothing
  handleCallbackResult (Right (Right (StopServer r))) =
    intCb r >>= handleCallbackResult . Left
  handleCallbackResult (Right (Left r)) =
    intCb r >>= handleCallbackResult . Left

-- | A command to the server loop started by 'apiServerLoop'.
-- Typically returned by a 'MessageCallback' to indicate if the server
-- should continue or stop.
-- @since 0.13.2
data CallbackResult (r :: ExitRecovery) where
  -- | Tell the server to keep the server loop running
  AwaitNext :: CallbackResult r
  -- | Tell the server to exit, this will cause 'apiServerLoop' to stop handling requests without
  -- exiting the process.
  StopServer :: Interrupt r -> CallbackResult r
  --  SendReply :: reply -> CallbackResult () -> CallbackResult (reply -> Eff eff ())
  deriving ( Typeable )

-- | An existential wrapper around  a 'MessageSelector' and a function that
-- handles the selected message. The @api@ type parameter is a phantom type.
-- The return value of the handler function is a 'CallbackResult'.
-- @since 0.13.2
data MessageCallback api eff where
   MessageCallback :: MessageSelector a -> (a -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'Recoverable)) -> MessageCallback api eff

instance Semigroup (MessageCallback api eff) where
  (MessageCallback selL runL) <> (MessageCallback selR runR) =
    MessageCallback (Left <$> selL <|> Right <$> selR) (either runL runR)

instance Monoid (MessageCallback api eff) where
  mappend = (<>)
  mempty  = MessageCallback selectAnyMessage (const (pure AwaitNext))

instance Default (MessageCallback api eff) where
  def = mempty

-- | A smart constructor for 'MessageCallback's
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall eff a
   . (HasCallStack, NFData a, Typeable a)
  => (a -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'Recoverable))
  -> MessageCallback '[] eff
handleMessages = MessageCallback selectMessage

-- | A smart constructor for 'MessageCallback's
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall eff a
   . HasCallStack
  => MessageSelector a
  -> (a -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'Recoverable))
  -> MessageCallback '[] eff
handleSelectedMessages = MessageCallback

-- | A smart constructor for 'MessageCallback's
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall eff
   . HasCallStack
  => (StrictDynamic -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'Recoverable))
  -> MessageCallback '[] eff
handleAnyMessages = MessageCallback selectAnyMessage

-- | A smart constructor for 'MessageCallback's
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall api eff
   . ( HasCallStack, Typeable api, Typeable (Api api 'Asynchronous)
     , NFData (Request api))
  => (Api api 'Asynchronous -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'Recoverable))
  -> MessageCallback api eff
handleCasts h = MessageCallback
      cr@(Cast _ :: Request api) -> Just cr
      _callReq                   -> Nothing
  (\(Cast req :: Request api) -> h req)

-- | A smart constructor for 'MessageCallback's
-- ==== __Example__
-- @
-- handleCalls
--   (\ (RentBook bookId customerId) runCall ->
--      runCall $ do
--          rentalIdE <- rentBook bookId customerId
--          case rentalIdE of
--            -- on fail we just don't send a reply, let the caller run into
--            -- timeout
--            Left err -> return (Nothing, AwaitNext)
--            Right rentalId -> return (Just rentalId, AwaitNext))
-- @
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall api eff effScheduler
   . ( HasCallStack
     , Typeable api
     , SetMember Process (Process effScheduler) eff
     , Member Interrupts eff
  => (  forall secret reply
      . (NFData reply, Typeable reply, Typeable (Api api ( 'Synchronous reply)))
     => Api api ( 'Synchronous reply)
     -> (Eff eff (Maybe reply, CallbackResult 'Recoverable) -> secret)
     -> secret
  -> MessageCallback api eff
handleCalls h = MessageCallback
      (Cast _ :: Request api) -> Nothing
      callReq                 -> Just callReq
  (\(Call callRef fromPid req :: Request api) -> h
    (\resAction -> do
      (mReply, cbResult) <- resAction
      traverse_ (sendReply (mkRequestOrigin req fromPid callRef)) mReply
      return cbResult

-- | A smart constructor for 'MessageCallback's
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall api eff effScheduler
   . ( HasCallStack
     , Typeable api
     , Typeable (Api api 'Asynchronous)
     , NFData (Request api)
     , SetMember Process (Process effScheduler) eff
     , Member Interrupts eff
  => (Api api 'Asynchronous -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'Recoverable))
  -> (  forall secret reply
      . (Typeable reply, Typeable (Api api ( 'Synchronous reply)), NFData reply)
     => Api api ( 'Synchronous reply)
     -> (Eff eff (Maybe reply, CallbackResult 'Recoverable) -> secret)
     -> secret
  -> MessageCallback api eff
handleCastsAndCalls onCast onCall = handleCalls onCall <> handleCasts onCast

-- | A variation of 'handleCalls' that allows to defer a reply to a call.
-- @since 0.14.2
  :: forall api eff effScheduler
   . ( HasCallStack
     , Typeable api
     , SetMember Process (Process effScheduler) eff
     , Member Interrupts eff
  => (  forall reply
      . (Typeable reply, NFData reply, Typeable (Api api ( 'Synchronous reply)))
     => RequestOrigin (Api api ( 'Synchronous reply))
     -> Api api ( 'Synchronous reply)
     -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'Recoverable)
  -> MessageCallback api eff
handleCallsDeferred h = MessageCallback
      (Cast _ :: Request api) -> Nothing
      callReq                 -> Just callReq
  (\(Call callRef fromPid req :: Request api) ->
    h (RequestOrigin fromPid callRef) req

type family ResponseType request where
  ResponseType (Api a ('Synchronous r)) = r

-- | A smart constructor for 'MessageCallback's
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall eff
   . HasCallStack
  => (MonitorReference -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'Recoverable))
  -> MessageCallback '[] eff
handleProcessDowns k = MessageCallback selectMessage (k . downReference)

-- | Compose two 'Api's to a type-level pair of them.
-- > handleCalls api1calls ^: handleCalls api2calls ^:
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall (api1 :: Type) (apis2 :: [Type]) eff
   . HasCallStack
  => MessageCallback api1 eff
  -> MessageCallback apis2 eff
  -> MessageCallback (api1 ': apis2) eff
(MessageCallback selL runL) ^: (MessageCallback selR runR) =
  MessageCallback (Left <$> selL <|> Right <$> selR) (either runL runR)

infixr 5 ^:

-- | Make a fallback handler, i.e. a handler to which no other can be composed
-- to from the right.
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall api eff
   . HasCallStack
  => MessageCallback api eff
  -> MessageCallback '[] eff
fallbackHandler (MessageCallback s r) = MessageCallback s r

-- | A 'fallbackHandler' that drops the left-over messages.
-- @since 0.13.2
dropUnhandledMessages :: forall eff . HasCallStack => MessageCallback '[] eff
dropUnhandledMessages =
  MessageCallback selectAnyMessage (const (return AwaitNext))

-- | A 'fallbackHandler' that terminates if there are unhandled messages.
-- @since 0.13.2
exitOnUnhandled :: forall eff . HasCallStack => MessageCallback '[] eff
exitOnUnhandled = MessageCallback selectAnyMessage $ \msg ->
  return (StopServer (ErrorInterrupt ("unhandled message " <> show msg)))

-- | A 'fallbackHandler' that drops the left-over messages.
-- @since 0.13.2
  :: forall eff
   . (Member Logs eff, HasCallStack)
  => MessageCallback '[] eff
logUnhandledMessages = MessageCallback selectAnyMessage $ \msg -> do
  logWarning ("ignoring unhandled message " <> T.pack (show msg))
  return AwaitNext

-- | Helper type class for the return values of 'spawnApiServer' et al.
-- @since 0.13.2
class ToServerPids (t :: k) where
  type PrettyServerPids t :: PrettyType
  type ServerPids t
  toServerPids :: proxy t -> ProcessId -> ServerPids t

instance ToServerPids '[] where
  type PrettyServerPids '[] = PutStr "any message"
  type ServerPids '[] = ProcessId
  toServerPids _ = id

  forall (api1 :: Type) (api2 :: [Type])
  . (ToServerPids api1, ToServerPids api2)
  => ToServerPids (api1 ': api2) where
  type PrettyServerPids (api1 ': api2) = PrettyServerPids api1 <++> PutStr ", " <++> PrettyServerPids api2
  type ServerPids (api1 ': api2) = (ServerPids api1, ServerPids api2)
  toServerPids _ p =
    (toServerPids (Proxy @api1) p, toServerPids (Proxy @api2) p)

  forall (api1 :: Type)
  . (ToServerPids api1)
  => ToServerPids api1 where
  type PrettyServerPids api1 = ToPretty api1
  type ServerPids api1 = Server api1
  toServerPids _ = asServer

-- | Just a wrapper around a function that will be applied to the result of
-- a 'MessageCallback's 'StopServer' clause, or an 'Interrupt' caught during
-- the execution of @receive@ or a 'MessageCallback'
-- @since 0.13.2
data InterruptCallback eff where
   InterruptCallback ::
     (Interrupt 'Recoverable -> Eff eff (CallbackResult 'NoRecovery)) -> InterruptCallback eff

instance Default (InterruptCallback eff) where
  def = stopServerOnInterrupt

-- | A smart constructor for 'InterruptCallback's
-- @since 0.13.2
stopServerOnInterrupt :: forall eff . HasCallStack => InterruptCallback eff
stopServerOnInterrupt = InterruptCallback (pure . StopServer . interruptToExit)