-- | Enrich 'LogMessage's with timestamps and OS dependent information.
module Control.Eff.LogWriter.Rich
  ( richLogWriter
  , withRichLogging
  , stdoutLogWriter

import           Control.Eff                   as Eff
import           Control.Eff.Log
import           Control.Monad                  ( (>=>) )
import           Control.Lens                   (set)
import           Data.Text

-- | Enable logging to IO using the 'richLogWriter'.
-- Example:
-- > exampleWithIoLogging :: IO ()
-- > exampleWithIoLogging =
-- >     runLift
-- >   $ withRichLogging debugTraceLogWriter
-- >                   "my-app"
-- >                   local7
-- >                   (lmSeverityIsAtLeast informationalSeverity)
-- >   $ logInfo "Oh, hi there"
  :: Lifted IO e
  => LogWriter -- ^ The 'LogWriter' that will be used to write log messages.
  -> Text -- ^ The default application name to put into the 'lmAppName' field.
  -> Facility -- ^ The default RFC-5424 facility to put into the 'lmFacility' field.
  -> LogPredicate -- ^ The inital predicate for log messages, there are some pre-defined in "Control.Eff.Log.Message#PredefinedPredicates"
  -> Eff (Logs : LogWriterReader : e) a
  -> Eff e a
withRichLogging lw appName facility defaultPredicate =
  withLogging (richLogWriter appName facility lw)
    . setLogPredicate defaultPredicate

-- | Decorate an IO based 'LogWriter' to fill out these fields in 'LogMessage's:
-- * The messages will carry the given application name in the 'lmAppName' field.
-- * The 'lmTimestamp' field contains the UTC time of the log event
-- * The 'lmHostname' field contains the FQDN of the current host
-- * The 'lmFacility' field contains the given 'Facility'
-- It works by using 'mappingLogWriterIO'.
  :: Text -- ^ The default application name to put into the 'lmAppName' field.
  -> Facility -- ^ The default RFC-5424 facility to put into the 'lmFacility' field.
  -> LogWriter -- ^ The IO based writer to decorate
  -> LogWriter
richLogWriter appName facility = mappingLogWriterIO
  (   setLogMessageTimestamp
  >=> setLogMessageHostname
  >=> pure
  .   set lmFacility facility
  .   set lmAppName  (Just appName)