-- | This module provides support for executing 'Process' actions from 'IO'.
-- One use case is interacting with processes from the REPL, e.g.:
-- >>> import Control.Eff.Concurrent.Process.SingleThreadedScheduler (defaultMain)
-- >>> import Control.Eff.Loop
-- >>> import Data.Dynamic
-- >>> import Data.Maybe
-- >>> s <- forkInteractiveScheduler Control.Eff.Concurrent.Process.SingleThreadedScheduler.defaultMain
-- >>> fooPid <- submit s (spawn (foreverCheap (receiveMessage SP >>= (logMsg . fromMaybe "Huh!??" . fromDynamic))))
-- >>> fooPid
-- <0.1.0>
-- >>> submit s (sendMessageAs SP fooPid "test")
-- test
-- >>> submit s (sendShutdown SP fooPid)
-- @since
module Control.Eff.Concurrent.Process.Interactive
  ( SchedulerSession()
  , forkInteractiveScheduler
  , killInteractiveScheduler
  , submit
  , submitCast
  , submitCall

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Eff
import           Control.Eff.Lift
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Api
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Api.Client
import           Control.Eff.Concurrent.Process
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Typeable                  ( Typeable )
import           System.Timeout

-- | Contains the communication channels to interact with a scheduler running in
-- its' own thread.
newtype SchedulerSession r = SchedulerSession (TMVar (SchedulerQueue r))

newtype SchedulerQueue r =
  SchedulerQueue (TChan (Eff (Process r ': r) (Maybe String)))

-- | Fork a scheduler with a process that communicates with it via 'MVar',
-- which is also the reason for the @Lift IO@ constraint.
  :: forall r
   . (SetMember Lift (Lift IO) r)
  => (Eff (Process r ': r) () -> IO ())
  -> IO (SchedulerSession r)
forkInteractiveScheduler ioScheduler = do
  inQueue  <- newTChanIO
  queueVar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
  void $ forkIO
          lift (atomically (putTMVar queueVar (SchedulerQueue inQueue)))
          readEvalPrintLoop queueVar
      atomically (void (takeTMVar queueVar))
  return (SchedulerSession queueVar)
  readEvalPrintLoop queueVar = do
    nextActionOrExit <- readAction
    case nextActionOrExit of
      Left  True       -> return ()
      Left  False      -> readEvalPrintLoop queueVar
      Right nextAction -> do
        res <- nextAction
        traverse_ (lift . putStrLn . (">>> " ++)) res
        yieldProcess SP
        readEvalPrintLoop queueVar
    readAction = lift $ atomically $ do
      mInQueue <- tryReadTMVar queueVar
      case mInQueue of
        Nothing                       -> return (Left True)
        Just (SchedulerQueue inQueue) -> do
          mnextAction <- tryReadTChan inQueue
          case mnextAction of
            Nothing         -> return (Left False)
            Just nextAction -> return (Right nextAction)

-- | Exit the schedulder immediately using an asynchronous exception.
killInteractiveScheduler :: SchedulerSession r -> IO ()
killInteractiveScheduler (SchedulerSession qVar) =
  atomically (void (tryTakeTMVar qVar))

-- | Send a 'Process' effect to the main process of a scheduler, this blocks
-- until the effect is executed.
  :: forall r a
   . (SetMember Lift (Lift IO) r)
  => SchedulerSession r
  -> Eff (Process r ': r) a
  -> IO a
submit (SchedulerSession qVar) theAction = do
  mResVar <- timeout 5000000 $ atomically
      SchedulerQueue inQueue <- readTMVar qVar
      resVar                 <- newEmptyTMVar
      writeTChan inQueue (runAndPutResult resVar)
      return resVar

  case mResVar of
    Just resVar -> atomically (takeTMVar resVar)
    Nothing     -> fail "ERROR: No Scheduler"
  runAndPutResult resVar = do
    res <- theAction
    lift (atomically (putTMVar resVar $! res))
    return Nothing

-- | Combination of 'submit' and 'cast'.
  :: forall o r
   . (SetMember Lift (Lift IO) r, Typeable o)
  => SchedulerSession r
  -> Server o
  -> Api o 'Asynchronous
  -> IO ()
submitCast sc svr request = submit sc (cast SchedulerProxy svr request)

-- | Combination of 'submit' and 'cast'.
  :: forall o q r
   . (SetMember Lift (Lift IO) r, Typeable o, Typeable q)
  => SchedulerSession r
  -> Server o
  -> Api o ( 'Synchronous q)
  -> IO q
submitCall sc svr request = submit sc (call SchedulerProxy svr request)