Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Intended for qualified import.
import Test.Falsify.Generator (Gen) import qualified Test.Falsify.Generator qualified as Gen
- data Gen a
- bool :: Bool -> Gen Bool
- inRange :: Range a -> Gen a
- integral :: Range a -> Gen a
- enum :: Range a -> Gen a
- int :: Range Int -> Gen Int
- choose :: Gen a -> Gen a -> Gen a
- oneof :: NonEmpty (Gen a) -> Gen a
- list :: Range Word -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
- elem :: NonEmpty a -> Gen a
- pick :: NonEmpty a -> Gen ([a], a, [a])
- pickBiased :: NonEmpty a -> Gen ([a], a, [a])
- shuffle :: [a] -> Gen [a]
- type Permutation = [(Word, Word)]
- applyPermutation :: Permutation -> [a] -> [a]
- permutation :: Word -> Gen Permutation
- frequency :: forall a. [(Word, Gen a)] -> Gen a
- data Tree a where
- drawTree :: Tree String -> String
- tree :: forall a. Range Word -> Gen a -> Gen (Tree a)
- bst :: forall a b. Integral a => (a -> Gen b) -> Interval a -> Gen (Tree (a, b))
- type ShrinkTree = Tree
- data IsValidShrink p n
- = ValidShrink p
- | InvalidShrink n
- path :: forall a p n. (a -> IsValidShrink p n) -> ShrinkTree a -> Gen (Either n (NonEmpty p))
- pathAny :: ShrinkTree a -> Gen (NonEmpty a)
- data Marked f a = Marked {}
- data Mark
- selectAllKept :: (Traversable t, Selective f) => t (Marked f a) -> f (t (Maybe a))
- mark :: Gen a -> Gen (Marked Gen a)
- data Fun a b
- applyFun :: Fun a b -> a -> b
- pattern Fn :: (a -> b) -> Fun a b
- pattern Fn2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Fun (a, b) c
- pattern Fn3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Fun (a, b, c) d
- fun :: Function a => Gen b -> Gen (Fun a b)
- class Function a where
- data (:->) :: Type -> Type -> Type
- functionMap :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b) -> (a :-> c) -> b :-> c
- data WordN = WordN Precision Word64
- wordN :: Precision -> Gen WordN
- properFraction :: HasCallStack => Precision -> Gen ProperFraction
- withoutShrinking :: Gen a -> Gen a
- shrinkToOneOf :: forall a. a -> [a] -> Gen a
- firstThen :: forall a. a -> a -> Gen a
- shrinkWith :: forall a. (a -> [a]) -> Gen a -> Gen a
- shrinkToNothing :: Gen a -> Gen (Maybe a)
- fromShrinkTree :: forall a. Tree a -> Gen a
- toShrinkTree :: forall a. Gen a -> Gen (Tree a)
- bindIntegral :: Integral a => Gen a -> (a -> Gen b) -> Gen b
- perturb :: Integral a => a -> Gen b -> Gen b
- prim :: Gen Word64
- primWith :: (Sample -> [Word64]) -> Gen Sample
- exhaustive :: Word64 -> Gen Word64
- captureLocalTree :: Gen SampleTree
- bindWithoutShortcut :: Gen a -> (a -> Gen b) -> Gen b
Generator of a random value
Generators can be combined through their Functor
, Applicative
and Monad
interfaces. The primitive generator is prim
, but most users will probably
want to construct their generators using the predefined from
Test.Falsify.Generator as building blocks.
Generators support "internal integrated shrinking". Shrinking is
integrated in the sense of Hedgehog, meaning that we don't write a separate
shrinker at all, but the shrink behaviour is implied by the generator. For
example, if you have a generator genList
for a list of numbers, then
filter even <$> genList
will only generate even numbers, and that property is automatically preserved during shrinking. Shrinking is internal in the sense of Hypothesis, meaning that unlike in Hedgehog, shrinking works correctly even in the context of monadic bind. For example, if you do
do n <- genListLength replicateM n someOtherGen
then we can shrink n
and the results from someOtherGen
in any order (that
said, users may prefer to use the dedicated
generator for this purpose, which
improves on this in a few ways).
is NOT an instance of Alternative
; this would not be
compatible with the generation of infinite data structures. For the same
reason, we do not have a monad transformer version of Gen either.
Simple (non-compound) generators
Compound generators
Taking advantage of Selective
choose :: Gen a -> Gen a -> Gen a Source #
Generate a value with one of two generators
Shrinks towards the first generator;the two generators can shrink independently from each other.
In the remainder of this docstring we give some background to this function,
which may be useful for general understanding of the falsify
The implementation takes advantage of the that Gen
is a selective functor
to ensure that the two generators can shrink independently: if the initial
value of the generator is some y
produced by the second generator, later
shrunk to some y'
, then if the generator can shrink to x
at some point,
produced by the first generator, then shrinking effectively "starts over":
the value of x
is independent of y'
That is different from doing this:
do b <- bool if b then l else r
In this case, l
and r
will be generated from the same sample tree,
and so cannot shrink independently.
It is also different from
do x <- l y <- r b <- bool return $ if b then x else y
In this case, l
and r
are run against different sample trees, like we
do here, but in this case if the current value produced by the generator is
produced by the right generator, then the sample tree used for the left
generator will always shrink to Minimal
(this must be possible because
we're not currently using it); this means that we would then only be able to
shrink to a value from the left generator if the minimal value produced by
that generator happens to work.
To rephrase that last point: generating values that are not actually used will lead to poor shrinking, since those values can always be shrunk to their minimal value, independently from whatever property is being tested: the shrinker does not know that the value is not being used. The correct way to conditionally use a value is to use the selective interface, as we do here.
oneof :: NonEmpty (Gen a) -> Gen a Source #
Generate a value with one of many generators
Uniformly selects a generator and shrinks towards the first one.
list :: Range Word -> Gen a -> Gen [a] Source #
Generate list of specified length
Shrinking behaviour:
- The length of the list will shrink as specified by the given range.
- We can drop random elements from the list, but prefer to drop them from near the end of the list.
Note on shrinking predictability: in the case that the specified Range
an origin which is neither the lower bound nor the upper bound (and only in
that case), list
can have confusing shrinking behaviour. For example,
suppose we have a range (0, 10)
with origin 5. Then we could start by
generating an intermediate list of length of 10 and then subsequently drop 5
elements from that, resulting in an optimal list length. However, we can now
shrink that length from 10 to 2 (which is closer to 5, after all), but now we
only have 2 elements to work with, and hence the generated list will now drop
from 5 elements to 2. This is not necessarily a problem, because that length
2 can now subsequently shrink further towards closer to the origin (5), but
nonetheless it might result in confusing intermediate shrinking steps.
elem :: NonEmpty a -> Gen a Source #
Choose random element
Shrinks towards earlier elements.
NOTE: Does not work on infinite lists (it computes the length of the list).
pick :: NonEmpty a -> Gen ([a], a, [a]) Source #
Generalization of elem
that additionally returns the parts of the list
before and after the element
pickBiased :: NonEmpty a -> Gen ([a], a, [a]) Source #
Choose random element from a list
This is different from elem
: it avoids first computing the length of the
list, and is biased towards elements earlier in the list. The advantage is
that this works for infinite lists, too.
Also returns the elements from the list before and after the chosen element.
shuffle :: [a] -> Gen [a] Source #
Shuffle list (construct a permutation)
Shrinking behaviour: shuffle
is defined in terms of permutation
, which
provides some guarantees: it shrinks towards making changes near the start
of the list, and towards swapping fewer elements of the list.
It is difficult to define precisely how this affects the resulting list, but we can say that if for a particular counter-example it suffices if two lists are different in one element, then the shuffled list will in fact only be different in one place from the original, and that one element will have been swapped with an immediate neighbour.
type Permutation = [(Word, Word)] Source #
Permutation is a sequence of swaps
applyPermutation :: Permutation -> [a] -> [a] Source #
permutation :: Word -> Gen Permutation Source #
Generate permutation for a list of length n
This is essentially an implemention of Fisher-Yates, in that we generate a
series of swaps (i, j), with 1 <= i <= n - 1 and 0 <= j <= i
, except that
- We can shrink a choice of
(towards 1). - We can drop arbitrary swaps.
This ensures that we shrink towards making swaps nearer the start of the list, as well as towards fewer swaps.
We make no attempt to make the permutation canonical; doing so makes it extremely difficult to get predicable shrinking behaviour.
Tweak test data distribution
frequency :: forall a. [(Word, Gen a)] -> Gen a Source #
Choose generator with the given frequency
For example,
frequency [ (1, genA) , (2, genB) ]
will use genA
13rd of the time, and genB
Shrinks towards generators earlier in the list; the generators themselves
are independent from each other (shrinking of genB
does not affect
shrinking of genA
Precondition: there should at least one generator with non-zero frequency.
Foldable Tree Source # | |
Defined in Data.Falsify.Tree fold :: Monoid m => Tree m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Tree a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Tree a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Tree a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Tree a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Tree a -> a # | |
Traversable Tree Source # | |
Functor Tree Source # | |
Show a => Show (Tree a) Source # | |
Eq a => Eq (Tree a) Source # | |
Binary trees
bst :: forall a b. Integral a => (a -> Gen b) -> Interval a -> Gen (Tree (a, b)) Source #
Construct binary search tree
Shrinks by replacing entire subtrees by the empty tree.
Shrink trees
type ShrinkTree = Tree Source #
data IsValidShrink p n Source #
Does a given shrunk value represent a valid shrink step?
(Show p, Show n) => Show (IsValidShrink p n) Source # | |
Defined in Test.Falsify.Internal.Generator.Shrinking showsPrec :: Int -> IsValidShrink p n -> ShowS # show :: IsValidShrink p n -> String # showList :: [IsValidShrink p n] -> ShowS # |
:: forall a p n. (a -> IsValidShrink p n) | Predicate |
-> ShrinkTree a | |
-> Gen (Either n (NonEmpty p)) |
Generate semi-random path through the tree
Will only construct paths that satisfy the given predicate (typically, a property that is being tested).
Shrinks towards shorter paths, and towards paths that use subtrees that appear earlier in the list of subtrees at any node in the tree.
See also pathAny
Show (f a) => Show (Marked f a) Source # | |
Eq (f a) => Eq (Marked f a) Source # | |
Ord (f a) => Ord (Marked f a) Source # | |
selectAllKept :: (Traversable t, Selective f) => t (Marked f a) -> f (t (Maybe a)) Source #
mark :: Gen a -> Gen (Marked Gen a) Source #
Mark an element, shrinking towards Drop
This is similar to shrinkToNothing
, except that Marked
still has a value
in the Drop
case: marks are merely hints, that we may or may not use.
Function a -> b
which can be shown, generated, and shrunk
pattern Fn :: (a -> b) -> Fun a b Source #
Pattern synonym useful when generating functions of one argument
pattern Fn2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Fun (a, b) c Source #
Pattern synonym useful when generating functions of two arguments
pattern Fn3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Fun (a, b, c) d Source #
Pattern synonym useful when generating functions of three arguments
fun :: Function a => Gen b -> Gen (Fun a b) Source #
Generate function a -> b
given a generator for b
class Function a where Source #
Generating functions
function :: Gen b -> Gen (a :-> b) Source #
Build reified function
is an abstract type; if you need to add additional Function
instances, you need to use functionMap
, or rely on the default
implementation in terms of generics.
functionMap :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b) -> (a :-> c) -> b :-> c Source #
Reducing precision
wordN :: Precision -> Gen WordN Source #
Uniform selection of n
-bit word of given precision, shrinking towards 0
properFraction :: HasCallStack => Precision -> Gen ProperFraction Source #
Uniform selection of fraction, shrinking towards 0
Precondition: precision must be at least 1 bit (a zero-bit number is constant 0; it is meaningless to have a fraction in a point range).
Overriding shrinking
withoutShrinking :: Gen a -> Gen a Source #
Disable shrinking in the given generator
Due to the nature of internal shrinking, it is always possible that a
generator gets reapplied to samples that were shrunk wrt to a different
generator. In this sense, withoutShrinking
should be considered to be a
hint only.
This function is only occassionally necessary; most users will probably not need to use it.
shrinkToOneOf :: forall a. a -> [a] -> Gen a Source #
Start with x
, then shrink to one of the xs
Once shrunk, will not shrink again.
Minimal value is the first shrunk value, if it exists, and the original otherwise.
firstThen :: forall a. a -> a -> Gen a Source #
Generator that always produces x
as initial value, and shrinks to y
shrinkWith :: forall a. (a -> [a]) -> Gen a -> Gen a Source #
Shrink with provided shrinker
This provides compatibility with QuickCheck-style manual shrinking.
Defined in terms of fromShrinkTree
; see discussion there for some
notes on performance.
shrinkToNothing :: Gen a -> Gen (Maybe a) Source #
Start with Just x
for some x
, then shrink to Nothing
Shrink trees
fromShrinkTree :: forall a. Tree a -> Gen a Source #
Construct generator from shrink tree
This provides compatibility with Hedgehog-style integrated shrinking.
This is O(n^2) in the number of shrink steps: as this shrinks, the generator is growing a path of indices which locates a particular value in the shrink tree (resulting from unfolding the provided shrinking function). At each step during the shrinking process the shrink tree is re-evaluated and the next value in the tree is located; since this path throws linearly, the overall cost is O(n^2).
The O(n^2) cost is only incurred on locating the next element to be tested; the property is not reevaluated at already-shrunk values.
toShrinkTree :: forall a. Gen a -> Gen (Tree a) Source #
Expose the full shrink tree of a generator
This generator does not shrink.
Generator independence
bindIntegral :: Integral a => Gen a -> (a -> Gen b) -> Gen b Source #
Selective bind
Unlike monadic bind, the RHS is generated and shrunk completely independently
for each different value of a
produced by the LHS.
This is a generalization of bindS
to arbitrary integral values; it is also
much more efficient than bindS
NOTE: This is only one way to make a generator independent. See perturb
for more primitive combinator.
perturb :: Integral a => a -> Gen b -> Gen b Source #
Run generator on different part of the sample tree depending on a
Uniform selection of Word64
, shrinking towards 0, using binary search
This is a primitive generator; most users will probably not want to use this generator directly.
primWith :: (Sample -> [Word64]) -> Gen Sample Source #
Generalization of prim
that allows to override the shrink behaviour
This is only required in rare circumstances. Most users will probably never need to use this generator.
exhaustive :: Word64 -> Gen Word64 Source #
Generate arbitrary value x <= n
Unlike prim
, exhaustive
does not execute binary search. Instead, all
smaller values are considered. This is potentially very expensive; the
primary use case for this generator is testing shrinking behaviour, where
binary search can lead to some unpredicatable results.
This does NOT do uniform selection: for small n
, the generator will with
overwhelming probability produce n
itself as initial value.
This is a primitive generator; most users will probably not want to use this generator directly.
captureLocalTree :: Gen SampleTree Source #
Capture the local sample tree
This generator does not shrink.