{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall                       #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror=incomplete-patterns #-}

Module      : Fcf.Data.Text
Description : Type-level Text data structure with methods
Copyright   : (c) gspia 2020-
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : gspia

= Fcf.Data.Text

We mimick Data.Text but on type level. The internal representation is based on
type level lists.



module Fcf.Data.Text
    ( Text (..)

    -- * Creation
    , Empty
    , Singleton
    , FromList
    , ToList
    , ToSymbol

    -- * Basic Interface
    , Null
    , Length
    , Append
    , Cons
    , Snoc
    , Uncons
    , Unsnoc
    , Head
    , Tail
    , Init
    , CompareLength

    -- * Transformation
    , FMap
    , Intercalate
    , Intersperse
    , Reverse
    , Replace

    -- * Special Folds
    , Concat
    , FConcatMap
    , Any
    , All

    -- * Substrings
    , Take
    , TakeEnd
    , Drop
    , DropEnd
    , TakeWhile
    , TakeWhileEnd
    , DropWhile
    , DropWhileEnd
    , DropAround
    , Strip

    -- * Breaking etc
    , SplitOn
    , Split
    , Lines
    , Words
    , Unlines
    , Unwords

    -- * Predicates
    , IsPrefixOf
    , IsSuffixOf
    , IsInfixOf

import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TL

import           Fcf ( If, Eval, Exp, type (=<<), type (@@)
                     , Flip, Pure)
import qualified Fcf.Class.Foldable as F (All, Any)
import           Fcf.Data.List ( type (++) )
import qualified Fcf.Data.List as F
    ( Length, Init, Reverse, Take, Drop, TakeWhile, DropWhile
    , Intercalate, Intersperse, IsPrefixOf, IsSuffixOf, IsInfixOf, Snoc)
import           Fcf.Data.Symbol (Symbol)
-- import qualified Fcf.Data.Symbol as FS

import qualified Fcf.Class.Functor as F ( FMap )

import           Fcf.Data.Nat (Nat)
import qualified Fcf.Data.Text.Internal as T
import           Fcf.Alg.Other ( PairMaybeToMaybePair )
import           Fcf.Alg.Morphism (First,Second)
import qualified Fcf.Alg.Symbol as S
import           Fcf.Alg.Nat (type (==))


-- For the doctests:

-- $setup
-- >>> import           Fcf (type (<=<), Not)


-- | 'Text' is a data structure, that is, a list to hold type-level symbols of
-- length one.
data Text = Text Symbol


-- | Empty
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! (Eval Empty :: Text)
-- (Eval Empty :: Text) :: Text
-- = 'Text ""
-- See also the other examples in this module.
data Empty :: Exp Text
type instance Eval Empty = 'Text ""

-- | Singleton
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Singleton "a")
-- Eval (Singleton "a") :: Text
-- = 'Text "a"
data Singleton :: Symbol -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Singleton s) = 'Text s

-- | Use FromList to construct a Text from type-level list.
-- === __Example__
-- :kind! Eval (FromSymbolList '["h", "e", "l", "l", "u", "r", "e", "i"])
-- Eval (FromSymbolList '["h", "e", "l", "l", "u", "r", "e", "i"]) :: Text
-- = 'Text "hellurei"
data FromSymbolList :: [Symbol] -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (FromSymbolList sym) =  'Text (T.ToSymbol2 @@ sym)

-- hmm, this is also a Monoid, so we should be able to use Concat
data FromList :: [Text] -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (FromList txt) =
    'Text (T.ToSymbol2 @@ Eval (F.FMap ToSymbol txt))

-- | Get the type-level list out of the 'Text'.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (ToSymbolList =<< FromSymbolList '["a", "b"])
-- Eval (ToSymbolList =<< FromSymbolList '["a", "b"]) :: [Symbol]
-- = '["a", "b"]
data ToSymbolList :: Text -> Exp [Symbol]
type instance Eval (ToSymbolList ('Text sym)) = T.ToListA @@ sym

-- | Split 'Text' to single character 'Text' list.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (ToList =<< FromSymbolList '["a", "b"])
-- Eval (ToList =<< FromSymbolList '["a", "b"]) :: [Text]
-- = '[ 'Text "a", 'Text "b"]
data ToList :: Text -> Exp [Text]
type instance Eval (ToList txt) = Eval (F.FMap Singleton =<< ToSymbolList txt)

-- | ToSymbol
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (ToSymbol =<< FromSymbolList '["w", "o", "r", "d"])
-- Eval (ToSymbol =<< FromSymbolList '["w", "o", "r", "d"]) :: Symbol
-- = "word"
data ToSymbol :: Text -> Exp Symbol
type instance Eval (ToSymbol ('Text sym)) = sym

-- | Null
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Null ('Text "ab"))
-- Eval (Null ('Text "ab")) :: Bool
-- = 'False
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Null =<< Empty)
-- Eval (Null =<< Empty) :: Bool
-- = 'True
data Null :: Text -> Exp Bool
type instance Eval (Null txt) = Eval
    (If (Eval (Eval (Length txt) == 0))
        (Pure 'True)
        (Pure 'False)

-- | Length
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Length =<< Singleton "ab")
-- Eval (Length =<< Singleton "ab") :: Nat
-- = 2
data Length :: Text -> Exp Nat
type instance Eval (Length ('Text sym)) = Eval (F.Length (T.ToList sym))

-- | Add a symbol to the beginning of a type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Cons "h" ('Text "aamu"))
-- Eval (Cons "h" ('Text "aamu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "haamu"
data Cons :: Symbol -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Cons s ('Text sym)) = 'Text (TL.AppendSymbol s sym)

-- | Add a symbol to the end of a type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Snoc ('Text "aam") "u")
-- Eval (Snoc ('Text "aam") "u") :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data Snoc :: Text -> Symbol -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Snoc ('Text sym) s) = 'Text (TL.AppendSymbol sym s)

-- | Append two type-level texts.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Append ('Text "aa") ('Text "mu"))
-- Eval (Append ('Text "aa") ('Text "mu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data Append :: Text -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Append ('Text s1) ('Text s2)) = 'Text (TL.AppendSymbol s1 s2)

-- | Get the first symbol from type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Uncons ('Text "haamu"))
-- Eval (Uncons ('Text "haamu")) :: Maybe (Symbol, Text)
-- = 'Just '("h", 'Text "aamu")
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Uncons ('Text ""))
-- Eval (Uncons ('Text "")) :: Maybe (Symbol, Text)
-- = 'Nothing
data Uncons :: Text -> Exp (Maybe (TL.Symbol, Text))
type instance Eval (Uncons txt) =
    Eval (PairMaybeToMaybePair '( Eval (Head txt), Eval (Tail txt) ))

-- | Get the last symbol from type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Unsnoc ('Text "aamun"))
-- Eval (Unsnoc ('Text "aamun")) :: Maybe (Symbol, Text)
-- = 'Just '("n", 'Text "aamu")
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Unsnoc ('Text ""))
-- Eval (Unsnoc ('Text "")) :: Maybe (Symbol, Text)
-- = 'Nothing
data Unsnoc :: Text -> Exp (Maybe (Symbol, Text))
type instance Eval (Unsnoc txt) = 
    Eval (F.FMap (Second Reverse) =<< Uncons =<< Reverse txt)

-- | Get the first symbol of type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Head ('Text "aamu"))
-- Eval (Head ('Text "aamu")) :: Maybe Symbol
-- = 'Just "a"
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Head ('Text ""))
-- Eval (Head ('Text "")) :: Maybe Symbol
-- = 'Nothing
data Head :: Text -> Exp (Maybe Symbol)
type instance Eval (Head ('Text sym)) = Eval
    (If (Eval (Eval (Length ('Text sym)) == 0))
        (Pure 'Nothing)
        (Pure ('Just (T.Head1 sym (TL.CmpSymbol sym "\128"))))

-- | Get the tail of a type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Tail ('Text "haamu"))
-- Eval (Tail ('Text "haamu")) :: Maybe Text
-- = 'Just ('Text "aamu")
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Tail ('Text ""))
-- Eval (Tail ('Text "")) :: Maybe Text
-- = 'Nothing
data Tail :: Text -> Exp (Maybe Text)
type instance Eval (Tail ('Text sym)) = Eval (F.FMap Singleton =<< T.Uncons sym)

-- | Take all except the last symbol from type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Init ('Text "aamun"))
-- Eval (Init ('Text "aamun")) :: Maybe Text
-- = 'Just ('Text "aamu")
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Init ('Text ""))
-- Eval (Init ('Text "")) :: Maybe Text
-- = 'Nothing
data Init :: Text -> Exp (Maybe Text)
type instance Eval (Init txt) = Eval (F.FMap FromList =<< F.Init =<< ToList txt)

-- | Compare the length of type-level text to given Nat and give
-- the Ordering.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (CompareLength ('Text "aamu") 3)
-- Eval (CompareLength ('Text "aamu") 3) :: Ordering
-- = 'GT
data CompareLength :: Text -> Nat -> Exp Ordering
type instance Eval (CompareLength txt n) = TL.CmpNat (Length @@ txt) n

-- | FMap for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :{
-- data IsIsymb :: Symbol -> Exp Bool
-- type instance Eval (IsIsymb s) = Eval ("i" S.== s)
-- data Isymb2e :: Symbol -> Exp Symbol
-- type instance Eval (Isymb2e s) = Eval
--     (If (IsIsymb @@ s)
--         (Pure "e")
--         (Pure s)
--     )
-- :}
-- >>> :kind! Eval (FMap Isymb2e ('Text "imu"))
-- Eval (FMap Isymb2e ('Text "imu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "emu"
data FMap :: (Symbol -> Exp Symbol) -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (FMap f txt) = Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.FMap f =<< ToSymbolList txt)

data FMapT :: (Text -> Exp Text) -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (FMapT f txt) = Eval (FromList =<< F.FMap f =<< ToList txt)

-- | Intercalate for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Intercalate ('Text " & ") ('[ 'Text "aamu", 'Text "valo"]))
-- Eval (Intercalate ('Text " & ") ('[ 'Text "aamu", 'Text "valo"])) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu & valo"
data Intercalate :: Text -> [Text] -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Intercalate txt txts) = 
    Eval (FromList =<< F.Intercalate '[txt] =<< F.FMap ToList txts)

-- | Intersperse for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Intersperse "." ('Text "aamu"))
-- Eval (Intersperse "." ('Text "aamu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "a.a.m.u"
data Intersperse :: Symbol -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Intersperse s ('Text txt)) =
    Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.Intersperse s (T.ToList txt))

-- | Reverse for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Reverse ('Text "aamu"))
-- Eval (Reverse ('Text "aamu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "umaa"
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Reverse =<< Reverse ('Text "aamu"))
-- Eval (Reverse =<< Reverse ('Text "aamu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data Reverse :: Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Reverse txt) =  Eval (FromList =<< F.Reverse =<< ToList txt)

-- | Replace for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Replace ('Text "tu") ('Text "la") ('Text "tuututtaa"))
-- Eval (Replace ('Text "tu") ('Text "la") ('Text "tuututtaa")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "laulattaa"
data Replace :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Replace orig new txt) =
    Eval (Intercalate new =<< SplitOn orig txt)

-- | Concat for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Concat '[ 'Text "la", 'Text "kana"])
-- Eval (Concat '[ 'Text "la", 'Text "kana"]) :: Text
-- = 'Text "lakana"
data Concat :: [Text] -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Concat lst) = 
    'Text (T.ToSymbol2 @@ Eval (F.FMap ToSymbol lst))

-- | FConcatMap for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :{
-- data IsIsymb :: Symbol -> Exp Bool
-- type instance Eval (IsIsymb s) = Eval ("i" S.== s)
-- data Isymb2aa :: Symbol -> Exp Text
-- type instance Eval (Isymb2aa s) = Eval
--     (If (IsIsymb @@ s)
--         (Pure ('Text "aa"))
--         (Pure ('Text s))
--     )
-- :}
-- >>> :kind! Eval (FConcatMap Isymb2aa ('Text "imu ih"))
-- Eval (FConcatMap Isymb2aa ('Text "imu ih")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu aah"
data FConcatMap :: (Symbol -> Exp Text) -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (FConcatMap f ('Text lst)) = Eval (Concat =<< F.FMap f (T.ToList lst))

-- | Any for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Any S.IsDigit ('Text "aamu1"))
-- Eval (Any S.IsDigit ('Text "aamu1")) :: Bool
-- = 'True
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Any S.IsDigit ('Text "aamu"))
-- Eval (Any S.IsDigit ('Text "aamu")) :: Bool
-- = 'False
data Any :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> Text -> Exp Bool
type instance Eval (Any f ('Text sym)) = Eval (F.Any f (T.ToList sym))

-- | All for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (All S.IsDigit ('Text "aamu1"))
-- Eval (All S.IsDigit ('Text "aamu1")) :: Bool
-- = 'False
-- >>> :kind! Eval (All S.IsDigit ('Text "321"))
-- Eval (All S.IsDigit ('Text "321")) :: Bool
-- = 'True
data All :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> Text -> Exp Bool
type instance Eval (All f ('Text lst)) = Eval (F.All f (T.ToList lst))

-- | Take for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Take 4 ('Text "aamun"))
-- Eval (Take 4 ('Text "aamun")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data Take :: Nat -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Take n ('Text lst)) = Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.Take n (T.ToList lst))

-- | TakeEnd for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (TakeEnd 4 ('Text "haamu"))
-- Eval (TakeEnd 4 ('Text "haamu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data TakeEnd :: Nat -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (TakeEnd n ('Text lst)) =
    Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.Reverse =<< F.Take n =<< F.Reverse (T.ToList lst))

-- | Drop for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Drop 2 ('Text "aamuna"))
-- Eval (Drop 2 ('Text "aamuna")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "muna"
data Drop :: Nat -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Drop n ('Text lst)) = Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.Drop n (T.ToList lst))

-- | DropEnd for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (DropEnd 2 ('Text "aamuna"))
-- Eval (DropEnd 2 ('Text "aamuna")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data DropEnd :: Nat -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (DropEnd n ('Text lst)) =
    Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.Reverse =<< F.Drop n =<< F.Reverse (T.ToList lst))

-- | TakeWhile for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (TakeWhile (Not <=< S.IsDigit) ('Text "aamu12"))
-- Eval (TakeWhile (Not <=< S.IsDigit) ('Text "aamu12")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data TakeWhile :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (TakeWhile f ('Text lst)) = Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.TakeWhile f (T.ToList lst))

-- | TakeWhileEnd for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (TakeWhileEnd (Not <=< S.IsDigit) ('Text "12aamu"))
-- Eval (TakeWhileEnd (Not <=< S.IsDigit) ('Text "12aamu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data TakeWhileEnd :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (TakeWhileEnd f ('Text lst)) =
    Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.Reverse =<< F.TakeWhile f =<< F.Reverse (T.ToList lst))

-- | DropWhile for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (DropWhile S.IsDigit ('Text "12aamu"))
-- Eval (DropWhile S.IsDigit ('Text "12aamu")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data DropWhile :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (DropWhile f ('Text lst)) = Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.DropWhile f (T.ToList lst))

-- | DropWhileEnd for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (DropWhileEnd S.IsDigit ('Text "aamu12"))
-- Eval (DropWhileEnd S.IsDigit ('Text "aamu12")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data DropWhileEnd :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (DropWhileEnd f ('Text lst)) =
    Eval (FromSymbolList =<< F.Reverse =<< F.DropWhile f =<< F.Reverse (T.ToList lst))

-- | DropAround for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (DropAround S.IsDigit ('Text "34aamu12"))
-- Eval (DropAround S.IsDigit ('Text "34aamu12")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data DropAround :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (DropAround f txt) = Eval (DropWhile f =<< DropWhileEnd f txt)

-- | Strip the space, newline and tab -symbols from the beginning and and
-- of type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Strip ('Text "  aamu \n"))
-- Eval (Strip ('Text "  aamu \n")) :: Text
-- = 'Text "aamu"
data Strip :: Text -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Strip txt) = Eval (DropAround S.IsSpaceDelim txt)

-- | SplitOn for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (SplitOn ('Text "ab") ('Text "cdabfgabh"))
-- Eval (SplitOn ('Text "ab") ('Text "cdabfgabh")) :: [Text]
-- = '[ 'Text "cd", 'Text "fg", 'Text "h"]
data SplitOn :: Text -> Text -> Exp [Text]
type instance Eval (SplitOn ('Text sep) ('Text txt)) =
    Eval (F.FMap FromSymbolList =<< SOLoop (T.ToList sep) '( '[], T.ToList txt))

-- | Helper for SplitOn
-- >>> :kind! Eval (SOTake '["a", "b"] '[ "c", "d", "a", "b", "f", "g"] '[])
-- Eval (SOTake '["a", "b"] '[ "c", "d", "a", "b", "f", "g"] '[]) :: ([Symbol],
--                                                                    [Symbol])
-- = '( '["c", "d"], '["f", "g"])
data SOTake :: [Symbol] -> [Symbol] -> [Symbol] -> Exp ([Symbol], [Symbol])
type instance Eval (SOTake sep '[] accum) = '(accum, '[])
type instance Eval (SOTake sep (t ': txt) accum) = Eval
    (If (Eval (F.IsPrefixOf sep (t ': txt)))
        (Pure '(accum, Eval (F.Drop (Eval (F.Length sep)) (t ': txt))))
        (SOTake sep txt (Eval (accum ++ '[t])))

-- | Helper for SplitOn
data SOLoop :: [Symbol] -> ([[Symbol]],[Symbol]) -> Exp [[Symbol]]
type instance Eval (SOLoop sep '(acc, '[])) = acc
type instance Eval (SOLoop sep '(acc, (t ': txt))) =
    Eval (SOLoop sep =<< First (F.Snoc acc) =<< SOTake sep (t ': txt) '[])

-- | Split for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Split S.IsSpace (Eval (Singleton "cd bf abh")))
-- Eval (Split S.IsSpace (Eval (Singleton "cd bf abh"))) :: [Text]
-- = '[ 'Text "cd", 'Text "bf", 'Text "abh"]
data Split :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> Text -> Exp [Text]
type instance Eval (Split p ('Text txt)) =
    Eval (F.FMap FromSymbolList =<< SplitLoop p '( '[], T.ToList txt))

-- | Helper for Split
data SplitTake :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> [Symbol] -> [Symbol] -> Exp ([Symbol], [Symbol])
type instance Eval (SplitTake p '[] accum) = '(accum, '[])
type instance Eval (SplitTake p (t ': txt) accum) = Eval
    (If (Eval (p t))
        (Pure '(accum, txt))
        (SplitTake p txt (Eval (accum ++ '[t])))

-- | Helper for Split
data SplitLoop :: (Symbol -> Exp Bool) -> ([[Symbol]],[Symbol]) -> Exp [[Symbol]]
type instance Eval (SplitLoop p '(acc, '[])) = acc
type instance Eval (SplitLoop p '(acc, (t ': txt))) = 
    Eval (SplitLoop p =<< First (F.Snoc acc) =<< SplitTake p (t ': txt) '[])

-- | Lines for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Lines =<< Singleton "ok\nhmm\nab")
-- Eval (Lines =<< Singleton "ok\nhmm\nab") :: [Text]
-- = '[ 'Text "ok", 'Text "hmm", 'Text "ab"]
data Lines :: Text -> Exp [Text]
type instance Eval (Lines txt) = Eval (Split S.IsNewLine txt)

-- | Words for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Words =<< Singleton "ok hmm\nab")
-- Eval (Words =<< Singleton "ok hmm\nab") :: [Text]
-- = '[ 'Text "ok", 'Text "hmm", 'Text "ab"]
data Words :: Text -> Exp [Text]
type instance Eval (Words txt) = Eval (Split S.IsSpaceDelim txt)

-- | Unlines for type-level text. This adds a newline to each Text and then
-- concats them.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Unlines '[ 'Text "ok", 'Text "hmm", 'Text "ab"])
-- Eval (Unlines '[ 'Text "ok", 'Text "hmm", 'Text "ab"]) :: Text
-- = 'Text "ok\nhmm\nab\n"
data Unlines :: [Text] -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Unlines txts) = 
    Eval (Concat =<< F.FMap (Flip Append (Singleton @@ "\n")) txts)

-- | Unwords for type-level text. This uses 'Intercalate' to add space-symbol
-- between the given texts.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Unwords '[ 'Text "ok", 'Text "hmm", 'Text "ab"])
-- Eval (Unwords '[ 'Text "ok", 'Text "hmm", 'Text "ab"]) :: Text
-- = 'Text "ok hmm ab"
data Unwords :: [Text] -> Exp Text
type instance Eval (Unwords txts) = Eval (Intercalate ('Text " ") txts)

-- | IsPrefixOf for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (IsPrefixOf ('Text "aa") ('Text "aamiainen"))
-- Eval (IsPrefixOf ('Text "aa") ('Text "aamiainen")) :: Bool
-- = 'True
data IsPrefixOf :: Text -> Text -> Exp Bool
type instance Eval (IsPrefixOf ('Text l1) ('Text l2) ) =
    Eval (F.IsPrefixOf (T.ToList l1) (T.ToList l2))

-- | IsSuffixOf for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (IsSuffixOf ('Text "nen") ('Text "aamiainen"))
-- Eval (IsSuffixOf ('Text "nen") ('Text "aamiainen")) :: Bool
-- = 'True
data IsSuffixOf :: Text -> Text -> Exp Bool
type instance Eval (IsSuffixOf ('Text l1) ('Text l2) ) =
    Eval (F.IsSuffixOf (T.ToList l1) (T.ToList l2))

-- | IsInfixOf for type-level text.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (IsInfixOf ('Text "mia") ('Text "aamiainen"))
-- Eval (IsInfixOf ('Text "mia") ('Text "aamiainen")) :: Bool
-- = 'True
data IsInfixOf :: Text -> Text -> Exp Bool
type instance Eval (IsInfixOf ('Text l1) ('Text l2) ) =
    Eval (F.IsInfixOf (T.ToList l1) (T.ToList l2))