Copyright | (c) gspia 2020- |
License | BSD |
Maintainer | gspia |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This is from
Please do also check the symbols library at Hackage.
- type LookupTable = Tree (Symbol, Symbol)
- type family Head2 (sym :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- type family ToList (sym :: Symbol) :: [Symbol] where ...
- data ToSymbol2 :: [Symbol] -> Exp Symbol
- data HeadA :: Symbol -> Exp Symbol
- data ToListA :: Symbol -> Exp [Symbol]
- data Uncons :: Symbol -> Exp (Maybe Symbol)
- type family Head1 (x :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) :: Symbol where ...
- type family ToList1 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) :: [Symbol] where ...
- type family ToList2 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) :: [Symbol] where ...
- type family LookupA (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (xs :: Tree Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- type family Lookup2 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (c :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) (l :: Tree Symbol) (r :: Tree Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- chars :: Tree String
- type Chars = 'Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\NUL") "\SOH" ('Leaf "\SOH")) "\STX" ('Node ('Leaf "\STX") "\ETX" ('Leaf "\ETX"))) "\EOT" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\EOT") "\ENQ" ('Leaf "\ENQ")) "\ACK" ('Node ('Leaf "\ACK") "\a" ('Leaf "\a")))) "\b" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\b") "\t" ('Leaf "\t")) "\n" ('Node ('Leaf "\n") "\v" ('Leaf "\v"))) "\f" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\f") "\r" ('Leaf "\r")) "\SO" ('Node ('Leaf "\SO") "\SI" ('Leaf "\SI"))))) "\DLE" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\DLE") "\DC1" ('Leaf "\DC1")) "\DC2" ('Node ('Leaf "\DC2") "\DC3" ('Leaf "\DC3"))) "\DC4" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\DC4") "\NAK" ('Leaf "\NAK")) "\SYN" ('Node ('Leaf "\SYN") "\ETB" ('Leaf "\ETB")))) "\CAN" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\CAN") "\EM" ('Leaf "\EM")) "\SUB" ('Node ('Leaf "\SUB") "\ESC" ('Leaf "\ESC"))) "\FS" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\FS") "\GS" ('Leaf "\GS")) "\RS" ('Node ('Leaf "\RS") "\US" ('Leaf "\US")))))) " " ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf " ") "!" ('Leaf "!")) "\"" ('Node ('Leaf "\"") "#" ('Leaf "#"))) "$" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "$") "%" ('Leaf "%")) "&" ('Node ('Leaf "&") "'" ('Leaf "'")))) "(" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "(") ")" ('Leaf ")")) "*" ('Node ('Leaf "*") "+" ('Leaf "+"))) "," ('Node ('Node ('Leaf ",") "-" ('Leaf "-")) "." ('Node ('Leaf ".") "/" ('Leaf "/"))))) "0" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "0") "1" ('Leaf "1")) "2" ('Node ('Leaf "2") "3" ('Leaf "3"))) "4" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "4") "5" ('Leaf "5")) "6" ('Node ('Leaf "6") "7" ('Leaf "7")))) "8" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "8") "9" ('Leaf "9")) ":" ('Node ('Leaf ":") ";" ('Leaf ";"))) "<" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "<") "=" ('Leaf "=")) ">" ('Node ('Leaf ">") "?" ('Leaf "?"))))))) "@" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "@") "A" ('Leaf "A")) "B" ('Node ('Leaf "B") "C" ('Leaf "C"))) "D" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "D") "E" ('Leaf "E")) "F" ('Node ('Leaf "F") "G" ('Leaf "G")))) "H" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "H") "I" ('Leaf "I")) "J" ('Node ('Leaf "J") "K" ('Leaf "K"))) "L" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "L") "M" ('Leaf "M")) "N" ('Node ('Leaf "N") "O" ('Leaf "O"))))) "P" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "P") "Q" ('Leaf "Q")) "R" ('Node ('Leaf "R") "S" ('Leaf "S"))) "T" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "T") "U" ('Leaf "U")) "V" ('Node ('Leaf "V") "W" ('Leaf "W")))) "X" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "X") "Y" ('Leaf "Y")) "Z" ('Node ('Leaf "Z") "[" ('Leaf "["))) "\\" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\\") "]" ('Leaf "]")) "^" ('Node ('Leaf "^") "_" ('Leaf "_")))))) "`" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "`") "a" ('Leaf "a")) "b" ('Node ('Leaf "b") "c" ('Leaf "c"))) "d" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "d") "e" ('Leaf "e")) "f" ('Node ('Leaf "f") "g" ('Leaf "g")))) "h" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "h") "i" ('Leaf "i")) "j" ('Node ('Leaf "j") "k" ('Leaf "k"))) "l" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "l") "m" ('Leaf "m")) "n" ('Node ('Leaf "n") "o" ('Leaf "o"))))) "p" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "p") "q" ('Leaf "q")) "r" ('Node ('Leaf "r") "s" ('Leaf "s"))) "t" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "t") "u" ('Leaf "u")) "v" ('Node ('Leaf "v") "w" ('Leaf "w")))) "x" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "x") "y" ('Leaf "y")) "z" ('Node ('Leaf "z") "{" ('Leaf "{"))) "|" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "|") "}" ('Leaf "}")) "~" ('Node ('Leaf "~") "\DEL" ('Leaf "\DEL")))))))
type family Head1 (x :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) :: Symbol where ... Source #
Helper, from symbols-package.
type family ToList1 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) :: [Symbol] where ... Source #
Helper, from symbols-package.
ToList1 x x = '[] | |
ToList1 x pfx = ToList2 x pfx (CmpSymbol x (AppendSymbol pfx "\128")) |
type family ToList2 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) :: [Symbol] where ... Source #
Helper, from symbols-package.
type family LookupA (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (xs :: Tree Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
Helper, from symbols-package.
type family Lookup2 (x :: Symbol) (pfx :: Symbol) (c :: Symbol) (o :: Ordering) (l :: Tree Symbol) (r :: Tree Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
Helper, from symbols-package.
type Chars = 'Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\NUL") "\SOH" ('Leaf "\SOH")) "\STX" ('Node ('Leaf "\STX") "\ETX" ('Leaf "\ETX"))) "\EOT" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\EOT") "\ENQ" ('Leaf "\ENQ")) "\ACK" ('Node ('Leaf "\ACK") "\a" ('Leaf "\a")))) "\b" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\b") "\t" ('Leaf "\t")) "\n" ('Node ('Leaf "\n") "\v" ('Leaf "\v"))) "\f" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\f") "\r" ('Leaf "\r")) "\SO" ('Node ('Leaf "\SO") "\SI" ('Leaf "\SI"))))) "\DLE" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\DLE") "\DC1" ('Leaf "\DC1")) "\DC2" ('Node ('Leaf "\DC2") "\DC3" ('Leaf "\DC3"))) "\DC4" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\DC4") "\NAK" ('Leaf "\NAK")) "\SYN" ('Node ('Leaf "\SYN") "\ETB" ('Leaf "\ETB")))) "\CAN" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\CAN") "\EM" ('Leaf "\EM")) "\SUB" ('Node ('Leaf "\SUB") "\ESC" ('Leaf "\ESC"))) "\FS" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\FS") "\GS" ('Leaf "\GS")) "\RS" ('Node ('Leaf "\RS") "\US" ('Leaf "\US")))))) " " ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf " ") "!" ('Leaf "!")) "\"" ('Node ('Leaf "\"") "#" ('Leaf "#"))) "$" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "$") "%" ('Leaf "%")) "&" ('Node ('Leaf "&") "'" ('Leaf "'")))) "(" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "(") ")" ('Leaf ")")) "*" ('Node ('Leaf "*") "+" ('Leaf "+"))) "," ('Node ('Node ('Leaf ",") "-" ('Leaf "-")) "." ('Node ('Leaf ".") "/" ('Leaf "/"))))) "0" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "0") "1" ('Leaf "1")) "2" ('Node ('Leaf "2") "3" ('Leaf "3"))) "4" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "4") "5" ('Leaf "5")) "6" ('Node ('Leaf "6") "7" ('Leaf "7")))) "8" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "8") "9" ('Leaf "9")) ":" ('Node ('Leaf ":") ";" ('Leaf ";"))) "<" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "<") "=" ('Leaf "=")) ">" ('Node ('Leaf ">") "?" ('Leaf "?"))))))) "@" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "@") "A" ('Leaf "A")) "B" ('Node ('Leaf "B") "C" ('Leaf "C"))) "D" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "D") "E" ('Leaf "E")) "F" ('Node ('Leaf "F") "G" ('Leaf "G")))) "H" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "H") "I" ('Leaf "I")) "J" ('Node ('Leaf "J") "K" ('Leaf "K"))) "L" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "L") "M" ('Leaf "M")) "N" ('Node ('Leaf "N") "O" ('Leaf "O"))))) "P" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "P") "Q" ('Leaf "Q")) "R" ('Node ('Leaf "R") "S" ('Leaf "S"))) "T" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "T") "U" ('Leaf "U")) "V" ('Node ('Leaf "V") "W" ('Leaf "W")))) "X" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "X") "Y" ('Leaf "Y")) "Z" ('Node ('Leaf "Z") "[" ('Leaf "["))) "\\" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\\") "]" ('Leaf "]")) "^" ('Node ('Leaf "^") "_" ('Leaf "_")))))) "`" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "`") "a" ('Leaf "a")) "b" ('Node ('Leaf "b") "c" ('Leaf "c"))) "d" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "d") "e" ('Leaf "e")) "f" ('Node ('Leaf "f") "g" ('Leaf "g")))) "h" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "h") "i" ('Leaf "i")) "j" ('Node ('Leaf "j") "k" ('Leaf "k"))) "l" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "l") "m" ('Leaf "m")) "n" ('Node ('Leaf "n") "o" ('Leaf "o"))))) "p" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "p") "q" ('Leaf "q")) "r" ('Node ('Leaf "r") "s" ('Leaf "s"))) "t" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "t") "u" ('Leaf "u")) "v" ('Node ('Leaf "v") "w" ('Leaf "w")))) "x" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "x") "y" ('Leaf "y")) "z" ('Node ('Leaf "z") "{" ('Leaf "{"))) "|" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "|") "}" ('Leaf "}")) "~" ('Node ('Leaf "~") "\DEL" ('Leaf "\DEL"))))))) Source #
Helper, from symbols-package. The character tree that is needed for handling the initial character of a symbol.