Synopsis |
Getter, setter and modifier types.
type Getter f o = f -> o | Source |
type Setter f i = i -> f -> f | Source |
type Modifier f i o = (o -> i) -> f -> f | Source |
Label type.
Instances | |
Constructors | | Instances | |
Get the getter function from a label.
Get the setter function from a label.
Get the modifier function from a label.
Bidirectional functor.
The lens datatype, a function that works in two directions. To bad there
is no convenient way to do application for this.
| Constructors | | Instances | |
Constructor for lenses.
This isomorphism type class is like a Functor but works in two directions.
| | Methods | | | Instances | |
Combine a partial destructor with a label into something easily used in
the applicative instance for the hidden Point datatype. Internally uses
the covariant in getter, contravariant in setter bi-functioral-map function.
(Please refer to the example because this function is just not explainable
on its own.)
State monadic label operations.
Get a value out of state pointed to by the specified label.
Set a value somewhere in state pointed to by the specified label.
Modify a value with a function somewhere in state pointed to by the
specified label.
Alias for setM that reads like an assignment.
Derive labels using Template Haskell.
Derive labels for all the record selector in a datatype.
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0 |