feldspar-language- A functional embedded language for DSP and parallelism




A module for virtual vectors. Many of the functions defined here are imitations of Haskell's list operations, and to a first approximation they behave accordingly.

A virtual vector normally doesn't use any physical memory. Memory is only introduced explicitly using the function force or converted to a core array using freezeVector. The function vector for creating a vector also allocates memory.

Note also that most operations only introduce a small constant overhead on the vector. The exceptions are

  • fold
  • fold1
  • Functions that introduce storage (see above)
  • "Folding" functions: sum, maximum, etc.

These functions introduce overhead that is linear in the length of the vector.

Finally, note that freezeVector can be introduced implicitly by functions overloaded by the Syntactic class.



data Vector a Source

Symbolic vector


(Role a ~ (), Info a ~ EdgeSize () (Internal a), Syntactic a) => EdgeInfo (Vector a) 
(Role a ~ (), Info a ~ EdgeSize () (Internal a), Syntactic a) => Syntactic (Vector a) 
Syntactic a => RandomAccess (Vector a) 
(ElemWise a, Syntactic (Vector a)) => ElemWise (Vector a) 
(Role a ~ (), Info a ~ EdgeSize () (Internal a), Syntactic a) => MultiEdge (Vector a) Feldspar EdgeSize 
Type a => Wrap (Vector (Data a)) (Data [a]) 
Type a => Wrap (Matrix a) (Data [[a]]) 
Numeric a => Mul (Data a) (Matrix a) 
Numeric a => Mul (Data a) (DVector a) 
Numeric a => Mul (DVector a) (Matrix a) 
Numeric a => Mul (DVector a) (DVector a) 
Numeric a => Mul (DVector a) (Data a) 
Numeric a => Mul (Matrix a) (Matrix a) 
Numeric a => Mul (Matrix a) (DVector a) 
Numeric a => Mul (Matrix a) (Data a) 
(Wrap t u, Type a, Nat s) => Wrap (DVector a -> t) (Data' s [a] -> u) 
(Wrap t u, Type a, Nat row, Nat col) => Wrap (Matrix a -> t) (Data' (row, col) [[a]] -> u) 

type DVector a = Vector (Data a)Source

Short-hand for non-nested parallel vector


segments :: Vector a -> [Vector a]Source

Breaks up a segmented vector into a list of single-segment vectors.

mergeSegments :: Syntactic a => Vector a -> Vector aSource

Converts a segmented vector to a vector with a single segment.

freezeVector :: Type a => Vector (Data a) -> Data [a]Source

Converts a non-nested vector to a core vector.

unfreezeVector :: Type a => Data [a] -> Vector (Data a)Source

Converts a non-nested core vector to a parallel vector.

unfreezeVector' :: Type a => Length -> Data [a] -> Vector (Data a)Source

Variant of unfreezeVector with additional static size information.

memorize :: Syntactic (Vector a) => Vector a -> Vector aSource

Optimizes vector lookup by computing all elements and storing them in a core array.

vector :: Type a => [a] -> Vector (Data a)Source

Constructs a non-nested vector. The elements are stored in a core vector.


head :: Syntactic a => Vector a -> aSource

last :: Syntactic a => Vector a -> aSource

permute' :: (Data Length -> Data Index -> Data Index) -> Vector a -> Vector aSource

Permute a single-segment vector

permute :: Syntactic a => (Data Length -> Data Index -> Data Index) -> Vector a -> Vector aSource

Permute a vector

map :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector bSource

zip' :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a, b)Source

Zipping a single-segment vector

zip :: (Syntactic a, Syntactic b) => Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a, b)Source

unzip :: Vector (a, b) -> (Vector a, Vector b)Source

zipWith :: (Syntactic a, Syntactic b) => (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector cSource

fold :: Syntactic a => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> aSource

Corresponds to the standard foldl.

fold1 :: Type a => (Data a -> Data a -> Data a) -> Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource

Corresponds to the standard foldl1.

sum :: Numeric a => Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource

maximum :: Ord a => Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource

minimum :: Ord a => Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource

scalarProd :: Numeric a => Vector (Data a) -> Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource

Scalar product of two vectors

Wrapping for vectors