Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- newtype FSTree = FSTree {}
- mkFSTree :: FilePath -> FSForest -> FSTree
- type FSForest = [FSTree]
- data Tree a :: * -> * = Node {}
- type Forest a = [Tree a]
- class TreeLens t a | t -> a where
- getDirectory :: FilePath -> IO FSTree
- getDirectory' :: FilePath -> IO FSTree
- copyTo :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO FSTree
- copyTo_ :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO ()
- moveTo :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO FSTree
- moveTo_ :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO ()
- mergeInto :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO FSTree
- mergeInto_ :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO ()
- remove :: FSTree -> IO ()
- tryRemove :: FSTree -> IO [IOException]
- tryRemoveWith :: (IOException -> IO a) -> FSTree -> IO [a]
- pop :: FSTree -> (FilePath, FSForest)
- pop_ :: FSTree -> FSForest
- flatten :: FSTree -> [FilePath]
- flattenPostOrder :: FSTree -> [FilePath]
- levels :: FSTree -> [[FilePath]]
- map :: (FilePath -> b) -> FSTree -> Tree b
- mapM :: Monad m => (FilePath -> m b) -> FSTree -> m (Tree b)
- mapM_ :: Monad m => (FilePath -> m b) -> FSTree -> m ()
- find :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FSForest -> FSForest
- findM :: Monad m => (FilePath -> m Bool) -> FSForest -> m FSForest
- filter :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FSForest -> FSForest
- filterM :: Monad m => (FilePath -> m Bool) -> FSForest -> m FSForest
- isFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
- isDir :: FilePath -> IO Bool
- isSymLink :: FilePath -> IO Bool
- isSymDir :: FilePath -> IO Bool
- isSymFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
- isRealFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
- isRealDir :: FilePath -> IO Bool
- extract :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FSForest -> (FSForest, FSForest)
- extractM :: Monad m => (FilePath -> m Bool) -> FSForest -> m (FSForest, FSForest)
- truncateAt :: TreeLens t a => Word -> t -> t
- zipWithDest :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> a) -> FilePath -> FSTree -> [a]
- zipWithDestM :: Monad m => (FilePath -> FilePath -> m a) -> FilePath -> FSTree -> m [a]
- zipWithDestM_ :: Monad m => (FilePath -> FilePath -> m a) -> FilePath -> FSTree -> m FSTree
Directory tree structure
A representation of a filesystem tree. The root label contains the path context, and every child node is a single file/directory name.
For example, say we have the following directory structure on our filesystem:
/example$ tree foo --charset ASCII foo `-- bar `-- test |-- a |-- A | |-- x | `-- y |-- b `-- B
then calling getDirectory
"/example/foo/bar/test" will yield a FSTree with
the following structure:
/example$ ghci Prelude Data.Tree System.Directory.Tree> putStrLn . drawTree . toTree =<< getDirectory "/example/foo/bar/test" /example/foo/bar/test | +- A | | | +- x | | | `- y | +- B | +- a | `- b
Generic rose trees
Re-exported from Data.Tree
data Tree a :: * -> *
Multi-way trees, also known as rose trees.
Overloaded tree lenses
class TreeLens t a | t -> a where Source
Lens for the value at a tree node
Lens for a list of children nodes
Retrieve directory trees from the filesystem
getDirectory :: FilePath -> IO FSTree Source
Lazily retrieves a representation of a directory and its contents recursively.
Relative paths are not converted to absolute. Thus, a FSTree formed from a relative path will contain a "relative tree", and the usual caveats of current directories and relative paths apply to the tree as a whole.
getDirectory' :: FilePath -> IO FSTree Source
A strict variant of getDirectory
Though race conditionals are still a possibility, this function will avoid some race conditions that could be caused from the use of lazy IO. For large directories, this function can easily cause memory leaks.
IO operations on directory trees
copyTo :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO FSTree Source
Copy a filesystem tree to a new location, creating directories as necessary.
The resulting FSTree
represents all of the copied directories/files in their
new home.
Note that an single exception will halt the entire operation.
moveTo :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO FSTree Source
Move a filesystem tree to a new location, deleting any file/directory that was present at the given destination path.
Directories listed in the source filesystem tree are removed from disk if the move
operation empties their contents completely. The resulting FSTree
all the moved directories/files in their new home.
Note that an single exception will halt the entire operation.
mergeInto :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO FSTree Source
This is similar to moveTo
, except that whatever was present at the destination
path isn't deleted before the move operation commences.
Note that an single exception will halt the entire operation.
mergeInto_ :: FilePath -> FSTree -> IO () Source
remove :: FSTree -> IO () Source
Remove a given filesystem tree. Directories are only removed if the remove operation empties its contents.
Note that an single exception will halt the entire operation.
tryRemove :: FSTree -> IO [IOException] Source
A variant of remove
. IOExceptions
do not stop the removal
process, and all IOExceptions
are accumulated into a list as the result of
the operation.
tryRemoveWith :: (IOException -> IO a) -> FSTree -> IO [a] Source
A variant of remove
. Allows you to specify your own exception handler to handle
exceptions for each removal operation.
Operations on directory trees
basic operations
pop :: FSTree -> (FilePath, FSForest) Source
Remove the root node of a filesystem tree, while preserving the paths of its children. In other words, this function does not alter where any paths point to.
flatten :: FSTree -> [FilePath] Source
Flattens a filesystem tree into a list of its contents. This is a pre-order traversal of the tree.
flattenPostOrder :: FSTree -> [FilePath] Source
A post-order traversal of the filesystem tree.
map over subtrees
mapM :: Monad m => (FilePath -> m b) -> FSTree -> m (Tree b) Source
Applies a monadic action to every filepath in a filesystem tree.
find subtrees
find :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FSForest -> FSForest Source
Find all sub-forests within a forest that match the given predicate.
filter subtrees
filter :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FSForest -> FSForest Source
Applies a predicate to each path name in a filesystem forest, and removes all unsuccessful paths from the result. If a directory fails the predicate test, then it will only be removed if all of its children also fail the test
useful predicates
isSymLink :: FilePath -> IO Bool Source
Checks if a path refers to a symbolic link. NOTE: always returns False on Windows
isRealFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool Source
Checks if a path refers to a real file (not a symbolic link)
isRealDir :: FilePath -> IO Bool Source
Checks if a path refers to a real directory (not a symbolic link)
extract subtrees
extract :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FSForest -> (FSForest, FSForest) Source
The first element of the result represents the forest after removing all subtrees that match the given predicate, and the second element is a list of trees that matched. This could be useful if you want to handle certain directories specially from others within a sub-filesystem.
extractM :: Monad m => (FilePath -> m Bool) -> FSForest -> m (FSForest, FSForest) Source
Monadic extract
truncate tree to a maximum level
truncateAt :: TreeLens t a => Word -> t -> t Source
Truncate a tree to a given maximum level, where root is level 0.
zip with destination tree
zipWithDest :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> a) -> FilePath -> FSTree -> [a] Source
A generalization of the various move, copy, and remove operations. This
operation pairs each node of a FSTree
with a second path formed by rerooting
the filesystem tree to the given destination path.
zipWithDestM :: Monad m => (FilePath -> FilePath -> m a) -> FilePath -> FSTree -> m [a] Source
Monadic zipWithDest
zipWithDestM_ :: Monad m => (FilePath -> FilePath -> m a) -> FilePath -> FSTree -> m FSTree Source
A variant of zipWithDestM
where the result is discarded and instead the
rerooted filesystem tree is returned.