find-conduit-0.0.1: A file-finding conduit that allows user control over traversals.

Safe HaskellNone




newtype Predicate m Source


Predicate (FileEntry -> m (Maybe FileEntry, Maybe (Predicate m))) 

sourceFileEntries :: MonadResource m => Bool -> Predicate m -> FilePath -> Producer m FileEntrySource

Walk through the entries of a directory tree, allowing the user to specify a Predicate which may decides not only which entries to yield from the conduit, but also which directories to follow, and how to recurse into that directory by permitting the use of a subsequent Predicate.

Note that the followSymlinks parameter to this function has a different meaning than it does for sourceDirectoryDeep: if True, symlinks are never passed to the predicate, only what they point to; if False, symlinks are never read at all. For sourceDirectoryDeep, if followSymlinks is False it only prevents directory symlinks from being read.

matchAll :: Monad m => Predicate mSource

Return all entries. This is the same as sourceDirectoryDeep, except that the FileStatus structure for each entry is also provided. As a result, only one stat call is ever made per entry, compared to two per directory in the current version of sourceDirectoryDeep.

ignoreVcs :: MonadIO m => Predicate mSource

Return all entries, except for those within version-control metadata directories (and not including the version control directory itself either).



:: Monad m 
=> (FilePath -> FilePath)

Function that specifies which part of the pathname to match against. Use this to match against only filenames, or to relativize the path against the search root before comparing.

-> Bool

If True, prune directories from the search that do not match.

-> Text

The regular expression search pattern.

-> Predicate m 

The regexMatcher predicate builder matches some part of every path against a given regex. Use the simpler regex if you just want to apply a regex to every file name.

regex :: Monad m => Text -> Predicate mSource

Find every entry whose filename part matching the given regular expression.

glob :: Monad m => Text -> Predicate mSource

Find every entry whose filename part matching the given filename globbing expression. For example: glob *.hs.