fixed-vector- Generic vectors with statically known size.

Safe HaskellNone




Generic API for vectors with fixed length.

For encoding of vector size library uses Peano naturals defined in the library. At come point in the future it would make sense to switch to new GHC type level numerals.

Common pitfalls

Library provide instances for tuples. But there's a catch. Tuples are monomorphic in element type. Let consider 2-tuple (Int,Int). Vector type v is (,) Int and only allowed element type is Int. Because of that we cannot change element type and following code will fail:

 >>> map (== 1) ((1,2) :: (Int,Int))

     Couldn't match type `Int' with `Bool'
     In the expression: (== 1) ((1, 2) :: (Int, Int))
     In an equation for `it': it = map (== 1) ((1, 2) :: (Int, Int))

To make it work we need to change vector type as well. Functions from module Data.Vector.Fixed.Generic provide this functionality.

 >>> map (== 1) ((1,2) :: (Int,Int)) :: (Bool,Bool)


Vector type class

Vector size

type family Dim v Source

Size of vector expressed as type-level natural.

data Z Source

Type level zero


Typeable Z 
Arity Z 
Arity n => Index Z (S n) 

data S n Source

Successor of n


Typeable1 S 
Arity n => Index Z (S n) 
Arity n => Arity (S n) 
Index k n => Index (S k) (S n) 

Synonyms for small numerals

type N1 = S ZSource

type N2 = S N1Source

type N3 = S N2Source

type N4 = S N3Source

type N5 = S N4Source

type N6 = S N5Source

Type class

class Arity (Dim v) => Vector v a whereSource

Type class for vectors with fixed length. Instance should provide two functions: one to create vector and another for vector deconstruction. They must obey following law:

 inspect v construct = v


construct :: Fun (Dim v) a (v a)Source

N-ary function for creation of vectors.

inspect :: v a -> Fun (Dim v) a b -> bSource

Deconstruction of vector.

basicIndex :: v a -> Int -> aSource

Optional more efficient implementation of indexing. Shouldn't be used directly, use ! instead.


RealFloat a => Vector Complex a 
Vector Empty a 
Vector Only a 
~ * b a => Vector ((,) b) a

Note this instance (and other instances for tuples) is essentially monomorphic in element type. Vector type v of 2 element tuple (Int,Int) is (,) Int so it will only work with elements of type Int.

Arity n => Vector (ContVec n) a 
Arity n => Vector (VecList n) a 
Arity n => Vector (Vec n) a 
(Arity n, Prim a) => Vector (Vec n) a 
Unbox n a => Vector (Vec n) a 
(Arity n, Storable a) => Vector (Vec n) a 
(~ * b a, ~ * c a) => Vector ((,,) b c) a 
(~ * b a, ~ * c a, ~ * d a) => Vector ((,,,) b c d) a 
(~ * b a, ~ * c a, ~ * d a, ~ * e a) => Vector ((,,,,) b c d e) a 
(~ * b a, ~ * c a, ~ * d a, ~ * e a, ~ * f a) => Vector ((,,,,,) b c d e f) a 
(~ * b a, ~ * c a, ~ * d a, ~ * e a, ~ * f a, ~ * g a) => Vector ((,,,,,,) b c d e f g) a 

class (Vector (v n) a, Dim (v n) ~ n) => VectorN v n a Source

Vector parametrized by length. In ideal world it should be:

 forall n. (Arity n, Vector (v n) a, Dim (v n) ~ n) => VectorN v a

Alas polymorphic constraints aren't allowed in haskell.


Arity n => VectorN ContVec n a 
Arity n => VectorN VecList n a 
Arity n => VectorN Vec n a 
(Arity n, Prim a) => VectorN Vec n a 
Unbox n a => VectorN Vec n a 
(Arity n, Storable a) => VectorN Vec n a 

class Arity n Source

Type class for handling n-ary functions.


Arity Z 
Arity n => Arity (S n) 

newtype Fun n a b Source

Newtype wrapper which is used to make Fn injective. It's also a reader monad.




unFun :: Fn n a b


Arity n => Monad (Fun n a) 
Arity n => Functor (Fun n a) 
Arity n => Applicative (Fun n a) 

length :: forall v a. Arity (Dim v) => v a -> IntSource

Length of vector. Function doesn't evaluate its argument.


There are several ways to construct fixed vectors except using their constructor if it's available. For small ones it's possible to use functions mk1, mk2, etc.

>>> mk3 'a' 'b' 'c' :: (Char,Char,Char)

Another option is to create tuple and convert it to desired vector type. For example:

 v = convert (x,y,z)

It will work on if type of v is know from elsewhere. Same trick could be used to pattern match on the vector with opaque representation using view patterns

 function :: Vec N3 Double -> ...
 function (convert -> (x,y,z)) = ...

Third way is to use variadic function mkN. It works similarly to printf except it produces result of type ContVec which should be converted to vector of desired type by vector:

>>> vector $ mkN 'a' 'b' 'c' :: (Char,Char,Char)

Probably most generic way is to cons values to the ContVec and convert it vector of desired type using vector:

>>> vector $ 'a' <| 'b' <| 'c' <| empty :: (Char,Char,Char)

mk0 :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ Z) => v aSource

mk1 :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ N1) => a -> v aSource

mk2 :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ N2) => a -> a -> v aSource

mk3 :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ N3) => a -> a -> a -> v aSource

mk4 :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ N4) => a -> a -> a -> a -> v aSource

mk5 :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ N5) => a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> v aSource


data ContVec n a Source

Vector represented as continuation. Alternative wording: it's Church encoded N-element vector.


Arity n => VectorN ContVec n a 
Arity n => Make n a (ContVec n a) 
Arity n => Functor (ContVec n) 
Arity n => Applicative (ContVec n) 
Arity n => Foldable (ContVec n) 
Arity n => Traversable (ContVec n) 
Arity n => Vector (ContVec n) a 

empty :: ContVec Z aSource

Create empty vector.

vector :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ n) => ContVec n a -> v aSource

Convert continuation to the vector.

(<|) :: a -> ContVec n a -> ContVec (S n) aSource

Cons value to continuation based vector.

Variadic function

class Make n a r Source

Type class for variadic vector constructors.


Arity n => Make n a (ContVec n a) 
(~ * a' a, Make (S n) a r) => Make n a' (a -> r) 

mkN :: Make (S Z) a r => a -> rSource

Variadic vector constructor. Resulting vector should be converted from ContVec using vector function. For example:

>>> vector $ mkN 'a' 'b' 'c' :: (Char,Char,Char)


replicate :: Vector v a => a -> v aSource

Replicate value n times.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec2)
>>> replicate 1 :: Vec2 Int
fromList [1,1]
>>> replicate 2 :: (Double,Double,Double)
>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec4)
>>> replicate "foo" :: Vec4 String
fromList ["foo","foo","foo","foo"]

replicateM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => m a -> m (v a)Source

Execute monadic action for every element of vector.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec2,Vec3)
>>> replicateM (Just 3) :: Maybe (Vec3 Int)
Just fromList [3,3,3]
>>> replicateM (putStrLn "Hi!") :: IO (Vec2 ())
fromList [(),()]

generate :: Vector v a => (Int -> a) -> v aSource

Generate vector from function which maps element's index to its value.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Unboxed (Vec4)
>>> generate (^2) :: Vec4 Int
fromList [0,1,4,9]

generateM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (Int -> m a) -> m (v a)Source

Generate vector from monadic function which maps element's index to its value.

unfoldr :: Vector v a => (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> v aSource

Unfold vector.

basis :: (Vector v a, Num a) => Int -> v aSource

Unit vector along Nth axis. If index is larger than vector dimensions returns zero vector.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec3)
>>> basis 0 :: Vec3 Int
fromList [1,0,0]
>>> basis 1 :: Vec3 Int
fromList [0,1,0]
>>> basis 3 :: Vec3 Int
fromList [0,0,0]

Modifying vectors


head :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ S n) => v a -> aSource

First element of vector.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec3)
>>> let x = mk3 1 2 3 :: Vec3 Int
>>> head x

tail :: (Vector v a, Vector w a, Dim v ~ S (Dim w)) => v a -> w aSource

Tail of vector.


>>> import Data.Complex
>>> tail (1,2,3) :: Complex Double
2.0 :+ 3.0

cons :: (Vector v a, Vector w a, S (Dim v) ~ Dim w) => a -> v a -> w aSource

Cons element to the vector

snoc :: (Vector v a, Vector w a, S (Dim v) ~ Dim w) => a -> v a -> w aSource

Append element to the vector

reverse :: Vector v a => v a -> v aSource

Reverse order of elements in the vector

Indexing & lenses

class Index k n Source

Type class for indexing of vector when index value is known at compile time.


Arity n => Index Z (S n) 
Index k n => Index (S k) (S n) 

(!) :: Vector v a => v a -> Int -> aSource

Retrieve vector's element at index. Generic implementation is O(n) but more efficient one is used when possible.

index :: (Vector v a, Index k (Dim v)) => v a -> k -> aSource

Get element from vector at statically known index

element :: (Vector v a, Functor f) => Int -> (a -> f a) -> v a -> f (v a)Source

Twan van Laarhoven's lens for element of vector

elementTy :: (Vector v a, Index k (Dim v), Functor f) => k -> (a -> f a) -> v a -> f (v a)Source

Twan van Laarhoven's lens for element of vector with statically known index.


eq :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> v a -> BoolSource

Test two vectors for equality.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec2)
>>> let v0 = basis 0 :: Vec2 Int
>>> let v1 = basis 1 :: Vec2 Int
>>> v0 `eq` v0
>>> v0 `eq` v1

ord :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => v a -> v a -> OrderingSource

Lexicographic ordering of two vectors.


map :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b) -> v a -> v bSource

Map over vector

mapM :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> v a -> m (v b)Source

Monadic map over vector.

mapM_ :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> v a -> m ()Source

Apply monadic action to each element of vector and ignore result.

imap :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Int -> a -> b) -> v a -> v bSource

Apply function to every element of the vector and its index.

imapM :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Monad m) => (Int -> a -> m b) -> v a -> m (v b)Source

Apply monadic function to every element of the vector and its index.

imapM_ :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => (Int -> a -> m b) -> v a -> m ()Source

Apply monadic function to every element of the vector and its index and discard result.

sequence :: (Vector v a, Vector v (m a), Monad m) => v (m a) -> m (v a)Source

Evaluate every action in the vector from left to right.

sequence_ :: (Vector v (m a), Monad m) => v (m a) -> m ()Source

Evaluate every action in the vector from left to right and ignore result

sequenceA :: (Vector v a, Vector v (f a), Applicative f) => v (f a) -> f (v a)Source

Analog of sequenceA from Traversable.

traverse :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> v a -> f (v b)Source

Analog of traverse from Traversable.

distribute :: (Vector v a, Vector v (f a), Functor f) => f (v a) -> v (f a)Source

collect :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (f b), Functor f) => (a -> v b) -> f a -> v (f b)Source

distributeM :: (Vector v a, Vector v (m a), Monad m) => m (v a) -> v (m a)Source

collectM :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (m b), Monad m) => (a -> v b) -> m a -> v (m b)Source


foldl :: Vector v a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> v a -> bSource

Left fold over vector

foldr :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> bSource

Right fold over vector

foldl1 :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ S n) => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> aSource

Left fold over vector

fold :: (Vector v m, Monoid m) => v m -> mSource

Combine the elements of a structure using a monoid. Similar to fold

foldMap :: (Vector v a, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> v a -> mSource

Map each element of the structure to a monoid, and combine the results. Similar to foldMap

ifoldl :: Vector v a => (b -> Int -> a -> b) -> b -> v a -> bSource

Left fold over vector. Function is applied to each element and its index.

ifoldr :: Vector v a => (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> bSource

Left fold over vector

foldM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> v a -> m bSource

Monadic fold over vector.

ifoldM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => (b -> Int -> a -> m b) -> b -> v a -> m bSource

Left monadic fold over vector. Function is applied to each element and its index.

Special folds

sum :: (Vector v a, Num a) => v a -> aSource

Sum all elements in the vector.

maximum :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ S n, Ord a) => v a -> aSource

Maximal element of vector.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec3)
>>> let x = mk3 1 2 3 :: Vec3 Int
>>> maximum x

minimum :: (Vector v a, Dim v ~ S n, Ord a) => v a -> aSource

Minimal element of vector.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec3)
>>> let x = mk3 1 2 3 :: Vec3 Int
>>> minimum x

and :: Vector v Bool => v Bool -> BoolSource

Conjunction of all elements of a vector.

or :: Vector v Bool => v Bool -> BoolSource

Disjunction of all elements of a vector.

all :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> BoolSource

Determines whether all elements of vector satisfy predicate.

any :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> BoolSource

Determines whether any of element of vector satisfy predicate.


zipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (a -> b -> c) -> v a -> v b -> v cSource

Zip two vector together using function.


>>> import Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed (Vec3)
>>> let b0 = basis 0 :: Vec3 Int
>>> let b1 = basis 1 :: Vec3 Int
>>> let b2 = basis 2 :: Vec3 Int
>>> let vplus x y = zipWith (+) x y
>>> vplus b0 b1
fromList [1,1,0]
>>> vplus b0 b2
fromList [1,0,1]
>>> vplus b1 b2
fromList [0,1,1]

zipWithM :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> v a -> v b -> m (v c)Source

Zip two vector together using monadic function.

izipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (Int -> a -> b -> c) -> v a -> v b -> v cSource

Zip two vector together using function which takes element index as well.

izipWithM :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Monad m) => (Int -> a -> b -> m c) -> v a -> v b -> m (v c)Source

Zip two vector together using monadic function which takes element index as well..


convert :: (Vector v a, Vector w a, Dim v ~ Dim w) => v a -> w aSource

Convert between different vector types

toList :: Vector v a => v a -> [a]Source

Convert vector to the list

fromList :: Vector v a => [a] -> v aSource

Create vector form list. Will throw error if list is shorter than resulting vector.

fromList' :: Vector v a => [a] -> v aSource

Create vector form list. Will throw error if list has different length from resulting vector.

fromListM :: Vector v a => [a] -> Maybe (v a)Source

Create vector form list. Will return Nothing if list has different length from resulting vector.

fromFoldable :: (Vector v a, Foldable f) => f a -> Maybe (v a)Source

Create vector from Foldable data type. Will return Nothing if data type different number of elements that resulting vector.

Data types

data VecList n a whereSource

Vector based on the lists. Not very useful by itself but is necessary for implementation.


Nil :: VecList Z a 
Cons :: a -> VecList n a -> VecList (S n) a 


Typeable2 VecList 
Arity n => VectorN VecList n a 
Arity n => Functor (VecList n) 
Arity n => Applicative (VecList n) 
Arity n => Foldable (VecList n) 
Arity n => Traversable (VecList n) 
Arity n => Vector (VecList n) a 
(Eq a, Arity n) => Eq (VecList n a) 
(Ord a, Arity n) => Ord (VecList n a) 
(Show a, Arity n) => Show (VecList n a) 
(Arity n, Monoid a) => Monoid (VecList n a) 

newtype Only a Source

Single-element tuple.


Only a 


Functor Only 
Typeable1 Only 
Foldable Only 
Traversable Only 
Vector Only a 
Eq a => Eq (Only a) 
Data a => Data (Only a) 
Ord a => Ord (Only a) 
Show a => Show (Only a) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Only a) 

data Empty a Source

Empty tuple.



Tuple synonyms

type Tuple2 a = (a, a)Source

type Tuple3 a = (a, a, a)Source

type Tuple4 a = (a, a, a, a)Source

type Tuple5 a = (a, a, a, a, a)Source