flow-1.0.0: Functions and operators for more understandable Haskell

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Flow provides functions and operators for writing more understandable Haskell.

Flow does not export anything that conflicts with the Prelude. The recommended way to use Flow is to import it unqualified.

>>> import Flow


Function application

apply :: a -> (a -> b) -> b Source

apply x f == f x

Function application. This is like the $ operator.

>>> apply False not

Using this function with many arguments is cumbersome. Use |> or <| instead.

>>> False `apply` not `apply` fromEnum

This function usually isn't necessary since apply x f is the same as f x. However it can come in handy when working with higher-order functions.

>>> map (apply False) [not, id]

(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b infixl 0 Source

(x |> f) == f x

Left-associative apply operator. This is like a flipped version of the $ operator. Read it as "apply forward" or "pipe into".

>>> False |> not

Since this operator has such low precedence, it can be used to remove parentheses from complicated expressions.

>>> False |> not |> fromEnum

This operator can be used with higher-order functions, but apply might be clearer.

>>> map (False |>) [not, id]

(<|) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b infixr 0 Source

(f <| x) == f x

Right-associative apply operator. This is like the $ operator. Read it as "apply backward" or "pipe from".

>>> not <| False

This operator can be used to remove parentheses from complicated expressions because of its low precedence.

>>> fromEnum <| not <| False

With higher-order functions, this operator is a clearer alternative to flip apply.

>>> map (<| False) [not, id]

Function composition

compose :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c Source

compose f g x == g (f x)

Function composition. This is like the . operator.

>>> (compose not fromEnum) False

Composing many functions together quickly becomes unwieldy. Use .> or <. instead.

>>> (not `compose` fromEnum `compose` succ) False

(.>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c infixl 9 Source

(f .> g) x == g (f x)

Left-associative compose operator. This is like a flipped version of the . operator. Read it as "compose forward" or "and then".

>>> (not .> fromEnum) False

Thanks to its high precedence, composing many functions together is easy.

>>> (not .> fromEnum .> succ) False

(<.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c infixr 9 Source

(g <. f) x == g (f x)

Right-associative compose operator. This is like the . operator. Read it as "compose backward" or "but first".

>>> (fromEnum <. not) False

Composing many functions together is easy thanks to its high precedence.

>>> (succ <. fromEnum <. not) False

Strict function application

apply' :: a -> (a -> b) -> b Source

apply' x f == seq x (f x)

Strict function application. This is like the $! operator.

>>> apply' undefined (const False)
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined

(!>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b infixl 0 Source

(x !> f) == seq x (f x)

Left-associative apply' operator. This is like a flipped version of the $! operator.

>>> undefined !> const False
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined

(<!) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b infixr 0 Source

(f <! x) == seq x (f x)

Right-associative apply' operator. This is like the $! operator.

>>> const False <! undefined
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined