{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

Description: Authentication logic for Pocket.

This module contains functions to deal with the authentication process
of Pocket. Read https://getpocket.com/developer/docs/authentication to
have all the details of this process.

A user friendly method to interact with the authentication process is
through the command:

stack exec follow_pocket_auth
module Follow.Digesters.Pocket.Auth
  ( requestTokenStep
  , accessTokenStep
  , jsonPostResponseBody
  , jsonHeaders
  , consumerKey
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.Catch (Exception, MonadThrow, throwM)
import           Data.Aeson          (ToJSON, Value (..), object, (.=))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HS
import           Data.Text           (Text)
import qualified Data.Text           as T (concat)
import           GHC.Generics        (Generic)
import           HTTP.Follow
import           Network.HTTP.Req    (MonadHttp, Option, POST (..),
                                      ReqBodyJson (..), Url, header, https,
                                      jsonResponse, req, responseBody, (/:))

-- | Errors authenticating in pocket API.
data PocketError
  = PocketTokenNotFound
  | PocketTokenDecodingError
  deriving (Eq, Show, Exception)

-- | Consumer key for the Follow application in Pocket.
consumerKey :: Text
consumerKey = "80296-6e350545b4382d839b3aa5df"

-- | First auth step. Asks Pocket for a request token. It returns the
-- token itself and the URL that the user must visit in order to grant
-- access before proceeding to the second step.
requestTokenStep :: (MonadThrow m, MonadHttp m) => m (Text, Text)
requestTokenStep = do
  token <- getRequestToken
  processTokenStep token $ \token ->
    ( token
    , T.concat
        [ "https://getpocket.com/auth/authorize?request_token="
        , token
        , "&redirect_uri="
        , "https://getpocket.com"

-- | Second auth step. Once a user has granted permission to Follow,
-- it exchanges a request token for an access token. The access token
-- is what it needs to be used in any other Pocket API call.
accessTokenStep :: (MonadHttp m, MonadThrow m) => Text -> m Text
accessTokenStep rToken = do
  token <- getAccessToken rToken
  processTokenStep token id

processTokenStep ::
     (MonadHttp m, MonadThrow m) => Maybe Value -> (Text -> a) -> m a
processTokenStep token f =
  case token of
    Nothing             -> throwM PocketTokenNotFound
    Just (String token) -> return $ f token
    Just _              -> throwM PocketTokenDecodingError

-- | Gets the JSON response body of a POST request.
jsonPostResponseBody ::
     (ToJSON b, MonadHttp m, MonadThrow m)
  => Url scheme
  -> b
  -> Option scheme
  -> m (HS.HashMap Text Value)
jsonPostResponseBody url body options =
  responseBody <$> req POST url (ReqBodyJson body) jsonResponse options

-- | Pocket expected headers for a JSON interaction.
jsonHeaders =
  header "Content-Type" "application/json; charset=UTF-8" <>
  header "X-Accept" "application/json"

getRequestToken :: (MonadHttp m, MonadThrow m) => m (Maybe Value)
getRequestToken =
  parseValue "code" <$> jsonPostResponseBody url body jsonHeaders
    url = https "getpocket.com" /: "v3" /: "oauth" /: "request"
    body =
        [ "consumer_key" .= String consumerKey
        , "redirect_uri" .= String "https://getpocket.com"

getAccessToken :: (MonadHttp m, MonadThrow m) => Text -> m (Maybe Value)
getAccessToken rToken =
  parseValue "access_token" <$> jsonPostResponseBody url body jsonHeaders
    url = https "getpocket.com" /: "v3" /: "oauth" /: "authorize"
    body = object ["consumer_key" .= String consumerKey, "code" .= rToken]

parseValue :: Text -> HS.HashMap Text Value -> Maybe Value
parseValue = HS.lookup