-- | Analyse a program file and create basic blocks.

{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, FlexibleContexts, PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Language.Fortran.Analysis.BBlocks
  ( analyseBBlocks, genBBlockMap, showBBGr, showAnalysedBBGr, showBBlocks, bbgrToDOT, BBlockMap, ASTBlockNode, ASTExprNode
  , genSuperBBGr, SuperBBGr(..), showSuperBBGr, superBBGrToDOT, findLabeledBBlock, showBlock )

import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data hiding (transform)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Data
import Data.List (unfoldr, foldl')
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy hiding (fix)
import Control.Monad.Writer hiding (fix)
import Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty (pretty, Out)
import Language.Fortran.Analysis
import Language.Fortran.AST hiding (setName)
import Language.Fortran.Util.Position
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Functor.Identity


-- | Insert basic block graphs into each program unit's analysis
analyseBBlocks :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> ProgramFile (Analysis a)
analyseBBlocks pf = evalState (analyse (analyseAllLhsVars pf)) 1
    analyse = labelExprsInBBGr <=< labelBlocksInBBGr <=< return . trans toBBlocksPerPU <=< labelExprs <=< labelBlocks
    trans :: Data a => TransFunc ProgramUnit ProgramFile a
    trans = transformBi

-- | A mapping of program unit names to bblock graphs.
type BBlockMap a = M.Map ProgramUnitName (BBGr a)

-- | Create a mapping of (non-module) program unit names to their
-- associated bblock graph.
genBBlockMap :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> BBlockMap (Analysis a)
genBBlockMap pf = M.fromList [
    (puName pu, gr) | pu <- getPUs pf, Just gr <- [bBlocks (getAnnotation pu)]
    getPUs :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> [ProgramUnit (Analysis a)]
    getPUs = universeBi


type ASTBlockNode = Int

-- Insert unique labels on each AST-block for easier look-up later.
labelBlocks :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> State ASTBlockNode (ProgramFile (Analysis a))
labelBlocks = transform eachBlock
    eachBlock :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> State ASTBlockNode (Block (Analysis a))
    eachBlock b = do
      n <- get
      put (n + 1)
      return . labelWithinBlocks $ setAnnotation ((getAnnotation b) { insLabel = Just n }) b
    transform :: Data a => TransFuncM (State ASTBlockNode) Block ProgramFile a
    transform = transformBiM

-- A version of labelBlocks that works on all AST-blocks inside of a
-- basic-block graph that have not already been labelled with
-- numbers. The reason that this function must exist is because
-- additional AST-blocks are generated within the process of creating
-- basic-block graphs, and must also be labelled.
labelBlocksInBBGr :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> State ASTBlockNode (ProgramFile (Analysis a))
labelBlocksInBBGr = transform (bbgrMapM (nmapM' (mapM eachBlock)))
    eachBlock :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> State ASTBlockNode (Block (Analysis a))
    eachBlock b
      | a@Analysis { insLabel = Nothing } <- getAnnotation b = do
          n <- get
          put $ n + 1
          return . analyseAllLhsVars1 . labelWithinBlocks $ setAnnotation (a { insLabel = Just n }) b
      | otherwise = return . analyseAllLhsVars1 $ b
    transform :: Data a => (BBGr a -> State ASTBlockNode (BBGr a)) ->
                           ProgramFile a -> State ASTBlockNode (ProgramFile a)
    transform = transformBiM

-- Sets the label on each Index within a Block to match the Block, for
-- later look-up.
labelWithinBlocks :: forall a. Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> Block (Analysis a)
labelWithinBlocks = perBlock'
    perBlock' :: Block (Analysis a) -> Block (Analysis a)
    perBlock' b =
      case b of
        BlStatement a s e st               -> BlStatement a s (mfill i e) (fill i st)
        BlIf        a s e1 mn e2 bss el    -> BlIf        a s (mfill i e1) mn (mmfill i e2) bss el
        BlCase      a s e1 mn e2 is bss el -> BlCase      a s (mfill i e1) mn (fill i e2) (mmfill i is) bss el
        BlDo        a s e1 mn tl e2 bs el  -> BlDo        a s (mfill i e1) mn tl (mfill i e2) bs el
        BlDoWhile   a s e1 n tl e2 bs el   -> BlDoWhile   a s (mfill i e1) n tl (fill i e2) bs el
        _                             -> b
      where i = insLabel $ getAnnotation b

    mfill i  = fmap (fill i)
    mmfill i = fmap (fmap (fill i))

    fill :: forall f. (Data (f (Analysis a))) => Maybe ASTBlockNode -> f (Analysis a) -> f (Analysis a)
    fill Nothing  = id
    fill (Just i) = transform perIndex
        transform :: (Index (Analysis a) -> Index (Analysis a)) -> f (Analysis a) -> f (Analysis a)
        transform = transformBi

        perIndex :: (Index (Analysis a) -> Index (Analysis a))
        perIndex x = setAnnotation ((getAnnotation x) { insLabel = Just i }) x


type ASTExprNode = Int

-- Insert unique labels on each expression for easier look-up later.
labelExprs :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> State ASTExprNode (ProgramFile (Analysis a))
labelExprs = transform eachExpr
    eachExpr :: Data a => Expression (Analysis a) -> State ASTExprNode (Expression (Analysis a))
    eachExpr e = do
      n <- get
      put (n + 1)
      return $ setAnnotation ((getAnnotation e) { insLabel = Just n }) e
    transform :: Data a => TransFuncM (State ASTExprNode) Expression ProgramFile a
    transform = transformBiM

-- A version of labelExprs that works on all expressions inside of a
-- basic-block graph that have not already been labelled with
-- numbers. The reason that this function must exist is because
-- additional expressions are generated within the process of creating
-- basic-block graphs, and must also be labelled.
labelExprsInBBGr :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> State ASTExprNode (ProgramFile (Analysis a))
labelExprsInBBGr = transformBB (bbgrMapM (nmapM' (transformExpr eachExpr)))
    eachExpr :: Data a => Expression (Analysis a) -> State ASTExprNode (Expression (Analysis a))
    eachExpr e
      | a@Analysis { insLabel = Nothing } <- getAnnotation e = do
          n <- get
          put $ n + 1
          return $ setAnnotation (a { insLabel = Just n }) e
      | otherwise = return e
    transformBB :: Data a => (BBGr a -> State ASTExprNode (BBGr a)) ->
                             ProgramFile a -> State ASTExprNode (ProgramFile a)
    transformBB = transformBiM
    transformExpr :: Data a => (Expression (Analysis a) -> State ASTExprNode (Expression (Analysis a))) ->
                               [Block (Analysis a)] -> State ASTExprNode [Block (Analysis a)]
    transformExpr = transformBiM


-- Analyse each program unit
toBBlocksPerPU :: Data a => ProgramUnit (Analysis a) -> ProgramUnit (Analysis a)
toBBlocksPerPU pu
  | null bs   = pu
  | otherwise = pu'
    bs  =
      case pu of
        PUMain _ _ _ bs' _ -> bs';
        PUSubroutine _ _ _ _ _ bs' _ -> bs';
        PUFunction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bs' _ -> bs'
        _ -> []
    bbs = execBBlocker (processBlocks bs)
    fix = delEmptyBBlocks . delUnreachable . insExitEdges pu lm . delInvalidExits . insEntryEdges pu
    gr  = bbgrMap (fix . insEdges (newEdges bbs)) $ bbGraph bbs
    gr' = gr { bbgrEntries = [0], bbgrExits = [-1] } -- conventional entry/exit blocks
    pu' = setAnnotation ((getAnnotation pu) { bBlocks = Just gr' }) pu
    lm  = labelMap bbs

-- Create node 0 "the start node" and link it
-- for now assume only one entry
insEntryEdges :: (Data a, DynGraph gr) => ProgramUnit (Analysis a) -> gr [Block (Analysis a)] () -> gr [Block (Analysis a)] ()
insEntryEdges pu = insEdge (0, 1, ()) . insNode (0, bs)
    bs = genInOutAssignments pu False

-- create assignments of the form "x = f[1]" or "f[1] = x" at the
-- entry/exit bblocks.
genInOutAssignments :: Data a => ProgramUnit (Analysis a) -> Bool -> [Block (Analysis a)]
genInOutAssignments pu exit
  | exit, PUFunction{} <- pu = zipWith genAssign (genVar a0 noSrcSpan fn:vs) [(0::Integer)..]
  | otherwise                = zipWith genAssign vs [(1::Integer)..]
    Named fn      = puName pu
    name i        = fn ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
    a0            = head $ initAnalysis [prevAnnotation a]
    (a, s, vs)    = case pu of
      PUFunction _ _ _ _ _ (Just (AList a' s' vs')) _ _ _ -> (a', s', vs')
      PUSubroutine _ _ _ _ (Just (AList a' s' vs')) _ _   -> (a', s', vs')
      PUFunction a' s' _ _ _ Nothing _ _ _               -> (a', s', [])
      PUSubroutine a' s' _ _ Nothing _ _                 -> (a', s', [])
      _                                                -> (error "genInOutAssignments", error "genInOutAssignments", [])
    genAssign v i = analyseAllLhsVars1 $ BlStatement a0 s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a0 s vl vr)
        (vl, vr) = if exit then (v', v) else (v, v')
        v'       = case v of
          ExpValue _ s' (ValVariable _) -> genVar a0 s' (name i)
          _               -> error $ "unhandled genAssign case: " ++ show (void (const ()) v)

-- Remove exit edges for bblocks where standard construction doesn't apply.
delInvalidExits :: DynGraph gr => gr [Block a] b -> gr [Block a] b
delInvalidExits gr = flip delEdges gr $ do
  n  <- nodes gr
  bs <- maybeToList $ lab gr n
  guard $ isFinalBlockCtrlXfer bs
  le <- out gr n
  return $ toEdge le

-- Insert exit edges for bblocks with special handling.
insExitEdges :: (Data a, DynGraph gr) => ProgramUnit (Analysis a) -> M.Map String Node -> gr [Block (Analysis a)] () -> gr [Block (Analysis a)] ()
insExitEdges pu lm gr = flip insEdges (insNode (-1, bs) gr) $ do
  n <- nodes gr
  bs' <- maybeToList $ lab gr n
  guard $ null (out gr n) || isFinalBlockExceptionalCtrlXfer bs'
  n' <- examineFinalBlock lm bs'
  return (n, n', ())
    bs = genInOutAssignments pu True

-- Given a list of ControlPairs for a StRead, return (if any exists)
-- the expression accompanying an END or ERR, respectively
getReadCtrlXfers :: [ControlPair a] -> (Maybe (Expression a), Maybe (Expression a))
getReadCtrlXfers = foldl' handler (Nothing, Nothing)
    handler r@(r1, r2) (ControlPair _ _ ms e) = case ms of
      Nothing -> r
      Just s  ->
        case map toLower s of
          "end" -> (Just e, r2)
          "err" -> (r1, Just e)
          _     -> r

-- Find target of Goto statements (Return statements default target to -1).
examineFinalBlock :: Num a1 => M.Map String a1 -> [Block a2] -> [a1]
examineFinalBlock lm bs@(_:_)
  | BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoUnconditional _ _ k) <- last bs = [lookupBBlock lm k]
  | BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoAssigned _ _ _ ks)   <- last bs = map (lookupBBlock lm) (maybe [] aStrip ks)
  | BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoComputed _ _ ks _)   <- last bs = map (lookupBBlock lm) (aStrip ks)
  | BlStatement _ _ _ StReturn{}            <- last bs = [-1]
  | BlStatement _ _ _ (StIfArithmetic _ _ _ k1 k2 k3) <- last bs =
      [lookupBBlock lm k1, lookupBBlock lm k2, lookupBBlock lm k3]
  | BlStatement _ _ _ (StRead _ _ cs _) <- last bs =
      let (me, mr) = getReadCtrlXfers $ aStrip cs
          f = maybe [] $ \v -> [lookupBBlock lm v]
      in  f me ++ f mr
examineFinalBlock _ _                                        = [-1]

-- True iff the final block in the list is an explicit control transfer.
isFinalBlockCtrlXfer :: [Block a] -> Bool
isFinalBlockCtrlXfer bs@(_:_)
  | BlStatement _ _ _ StGotoUnconditional{} <- last bs = True
  | BlStatement _ _ _ StGotoAssigned{}      <- last bs = True
  | BlStatement _ _ _ StReturn{}            <- last bs = True
  | BlStatement _ _ _ StIfArithmetic{}      <- last bs = True
  -- Note that StGotoComputed is not handled here since it
  -- is not an explicit control transfer if the expression
  -- does not index into one of the labels, in which case
  -- it acts as a StContinue
isFinalBlockCtrlXfer _                                 = False

-- True iff the final block in the list has an control transfer
-- with exceptional circumstances, like a StGotoComputed or a StRead
isFinalBlockExceptionalCtrlXfer :: [Block a] -> Bool
isFinalBlockExceptionalCtrlXfer bs@(_:_)
  | BlStatement _ _ _ StGotoComputed{} <- last bs = True
  | BlStatement _ _ _ StRead{}         <- last bs = True
isFinalBlockExceptionalCtrlXfer _                   = False

-- Drop any '0' that appear at the beginning of a label since
-- labels like "40" and "040" are considered equivalent.
dropLeadingZeroes :: String -> String
dropLeadingZeroes = dropWhile (== '0')

lookupBBlock :: Num a1 => M.Map String a1 -> Expression a2 -> a1
lookupBBlock lm a =
  case a of
    ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l) -> (-1) `fromMaybe` M.lookup (dropLeadingZeroes l) lm
-- This occurs if a variable is being used for a label, e.g., from a Fortran 77 ASSIGN statement
    ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable l) -> (-1) `fromMaybe` M.lookup l lm
    _ -> error "unhandled lookupBBlock"

-- Seek out empty bblocks with a single entrance and a single exit
-- edge, and remove them, re-establishing the edges without them.
delEmptyBBlocks :: (Foldable t, DynGraph gr) => gr (t a) b -> gr (t a) b
delEmptyBBlocks gr
  | (n, s, t, l):_ <- candidates = delEmptyBBlocks . insEdge (s, t, l) . delNode n $ gr
  | otherwise                    = gr
    -- recompute candidate nodes each iteration
    candidates = do
      let emptyBBs = filter (null . snd) (labNodes gr)
      let adjs     = map (\ (n, _) -> (n, inn gr n, out gr n)) emptyBBs
      (n, [(s,_,l)], [(_,t,_)]) <- adjs
      return (n, s, t, l)

-- Delete unreachable nodes.
delUnreachable :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> gr a b
delUnreachable gr = subgraph (reachable 0 gr) gr


-- Running state during basic block analyser.
data BBState a = BBS { bbGraph  :: BBGr a
                     , curBB    :: BB a
                     , curNode  :: Node
                     , labelMap :: M.Map String Node
                     , nums     :: [Int]
                     , tempNums :: [Int]
                     , newEdges :: [LEdge ()] }

-- Initial state
bbs0 :: BBState a
bbs0 = BBS { bbGraph = bbgrEmpty, curBB = [], curNode = 1
           , labelMap = M.empty, nums = [2..], tempNums = [0..]
           , newEdges = [] }

-- Monad
type BBlocker a = State (BBState a)

-- Monad entry function.
execBBlocker :: BBlocker a b -> BBState a
execBBlocker = flip execState bbs0


-- Handle a list of blocks (typically from ProgramUnit or nested inside a BlDo, BlIf, etc).
processBlocks :: Data a => [Block (Analysis a)] -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Node, Node)
-- precondition: curNode is not yet in the graph && will label the first block
-- postcondition: final bblock is in the graph labeled as endN && curNode == endN
-- returns start and end nodes for basic block graph corresponding to parameter bs
processBlocks bs = do
  startN <- gets curNode
  mapM_ perBlock bs
  endN   <- gets curNode
  modify $ \ st -> st { bbGraph = bbgrMap (insNode (endN, reverse (curBB st))) (bbGraph st)
                      , curBB   = [] }
  return (startN, endN)


-- Handle an AST-block element
perBlock :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) ()
-- invariant: curNode corresponds to curBB, and is not yet in the graph
-- invariant: curBB is in reverse order
perBlock b@(BlIf _ _ _ _ exps bss _) = do
  processLabel b
  _ <- forM (catMaybes . filter isJust $ exps) processFunctionCalls
  addToBBlock $ stripNestedBlocks b
  (ifN, _) <- closeBBlock

  -- go through nested AST-blocks
  startEnds <- forM bss $ \ bs -> do
    (thenN, endN) <- processBlocks bs
    _ <- genBBlock
    return (thenN, endN)

  -- connect all the new bblocks with edges, link to subsequent bblock labeled nxtN
  nxtN   <- gets curNode
  let es  = startEnds >>= \ (thenN, endN) -> [(ifN, thenN, ()), (endN, nxtN, ())]
  -- if there is no "Else"-statement then we need an edge from ifN -> nxtN
  createEdges $ if any isNothing exps then es else (ifN, nxtN, ()):es

perBlock b@(BlCase _ _ _ _ _ inds bss _) = do
  processLabel b
  addToBBlock $ stripNestedBlocks b
  (selectN, _) <- closeBBlock

  -- go through nested AST-blocks
  startEnds <- forM bss $ \ bs -> do
    (caseN, endN) <- processBlocks bs
    _ <- genBBlock
    return (caseN, endN)

  -- connect all the new bblocks with edges, link to subsequent bblock labeled nxtN
  nxtN   <- gets curNode
  let es  = startEnds >>= \ (caseN, endN) -> [(selectN, caseN, ()), (endN, nxtN, ())]
  -- if there is no "CASE DEFAULT"-statement then we need an edge from selectN -> nxtN
  createEdges $ if any isNothing inds then es else (selectN, nxtN, ()):es

perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoComputed _ _ _ exp)) = do
  processLabel b
  _ <- processFunctionCalls exp
  addToBBlock b
  (gotoN, nxtN) <- closeBBlock
  createEdges [(gotoN, nxtN, ())]

perBlock b@(BlStatement a ss _ (StIfLogical _ _ exp stm)) = do
  processLabel b
  _ <- processFunctionCalls exp
  addToBBlock $ stripNestedBlocks b

  -- start a bblock for the nested statement inside the If
  (ifN, thenN) <- closeBBlock

  -- build pseudo-AST-block to contain nested statement
  _ <- processBlocks [BlStatement a{ insLabel = Nothing } ss Nothing stm]
  _ <- gets curNode

  -- connect all the new bblocks with edges, link to subsequent bblock labeled nxtN
  nxtN <- genBBlock
  createEdges [(ifN, thenN, ()), (ifN, nxtN, ()), (thenN, nxtN, ())]

perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ StIfArithmetic{}) =
  -- Treat an arithmetic if similarly to a goto
  processLabel b >> addToBBlock b >> closeBBlock_
perBlock b@(BlDo _ _ _ _ _ (Just spec) bs _) = do
  let DoSpecification _ _ (StExpressionAssign _ _ _ e1) e2 me3 = spec
  _  <- processFunctionCalls e1
  _  <- processFunctionCalls e2
  _  <- case me3 of Just e3 -> Just `fmap` processFunctionCalls e3; Nothing -> return Nothing
  perDoBlock Nothing b bs
perBlock b@(BlDo _ _ _ _ _ Nothing bs _) = perDoBlock Nothing b bs
perBlock b@(BlDoWhile _ _ _ _ _ exp bs _) = perDoBlock (Just exp) b bs
perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ StReturn{}) =
  processLabel b >> addToBBlock b >> closeBBlock_
perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ StGotoUnconditional{}) =
  processLabel b >> addToBBlock b >> closeBBlock_
perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ (StCall _ _ ExpValue{} Nothing)) = do
  (prevN, callN) <- closeBBlock
  -- put StCall in a bblock by itself
  addToBBlock b
  (_, nextN) <- closeBBlock
  createEdges [ (prevN, callN, ()), (callN, nextN, ()) ]
perBlock (BlStatement a s l (StCall a' s' cn@ExpValue{} (Just aargs))) = do
  let a0 = head . initAnalysis $ [prevAnnotation a]
  let exps = map extractExp . aStrip $ aargs
  (prevN, formalN) <- closeBBlock

  -- create bblock that assigns formal parameters (n[1], n[2], ...)
  case l of
    Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l')) -> insertLabel l' formalN -- label goes here, if present
    _                                   -> return ()
  let name i   = varName cn ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
  let formal (ExpValue a'' s'' (ValVariable _)) i = genVar a''{ insLabel = Nothing } s'' (name i)
      formal e i                                  = genVar a''{ insLabel = Nothing } s'' (name i)
        where a'' = getAnnotation e; s'' = getSpan e
  forM_ (zip exps [(1::Integer)..]) $ \ (e, i) -> do
    e' <- processFunctionCalls e -- may generate additional bblocks
    let b = BlStatement a{ insLabel = Nothing } s l (StExpressionAssign a' s' (formal e' i) e')
    addToBBlock $ analyseAllLhsVars1 b

  (formalN', dummyCallN) <- closeBBlock
  -- formalN' may differ from formalN when additional bblocks were
  -- generated by processFunctionCalls.

  let dummyArgs = map (Argument a0 s' Nothing) (zipWith formal exps [(1::Integer)..])

  -- create "dummy call" bblock with dummy parameters in the StCall AST-node.
  addToBBlock . analyseAllLhsVars1 $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StCall a' s' cn (Just $ fromList a0 dummyArgs))
  (_, returnedN) <- closeBBlock

  -- re-assign the variables using the values of the formal parameters, if possible
  -- (because call-by-reference)
  forM_ (zip exps [(1::Integer)..]) $ \ (e, i) ->
    -- this is only possible for l-expressions
    (when (isLExpr e) $
      addToBBlock . analyseAllLhsVars1 $
        BlStatement a{ insLabel = Nothing } s l (StExpressionAssign a' s' e (formal e i)))
  (_, nextN) <- closeBBlock

  -- connect the bblocks
  createEdges [ (prevN, formalN, ()), (formalN', dummyCallN, ())
              , (dummyCallN, returnedN, ()), (returnedN, nextN, ()) ]

perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ (StRead _ _ cs _)) = do
  let (end, err) = getReadCtrlXfers $ aStrip cs

  processLabel b
  b' <- descendBiM processFunctionCalls b
  addToBBlock b'

  when (isJust end || isJust err) $ do
    (readN, nxtN) <- closeBBlock
    createEdges [(readN, nxtN, ())]

perBlock b = do
  processLabel b
  b' <- descendBiM processFunctionCalls b
  addToBBlock b'

-- helper monadic combinators

-- Do-block helper
perDoBlock :: Data a => Maybe (Expression (Analysis a)) -> Block (Analysis a) -> [Block (Analysis a)] -> BBlocker (Analysis a) ()
perDoBlock repeatExpr b bs = do
  (n, doN) <- closeBBlock
  case getLabel b of
    Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l)) -> insertLabel l doN
    _                                  -> return ()
  case repeatExpr of Just e -> void (processFunctionCalls e); Nothing -> return ()
  addToBBlock $ stripNestedBlocks b
  _ <- closeBBlock
  -- process nested bblocks inside of do-statement
  (startN, endN) <- processBlocks bs
  n' <- genBBlock
  -- connect all the new bblocks with edges, link to subsequent bblock labeled n'
  createEdges [(n, doN, ()), (doN, n', ()), (doN, startN, ()), (endN, doN, ())]

-- Maintains perBlock invariants while potentially starting a new
-- bblock in case of a label.
processLabel :: Block a -> BBlocker a ()
processLabel b | Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l)) <- getLabel b = do
  (n, n') <- closeBBlock
  insertLabel l n'
  createEdges [(n, n', ())]
processLabel _ = return ()

-- Inserts into labelMap
insertLabel :: MonadState (BBState a) m => String -> Node -> m ()
insertLabel l n = modify $ \ st -> st { labelMap = M.insert (dropLeadingZeroes l) n (labelMap st) }

-- Puts an AST block into the current bblock.
addToBBlock :: Block a -> BBlocker a ()
addToBBlock b = modify $ \ st -> st { curBB = b:curBB st }

-- Closes down the current bblock and opens a new one.
closeBBlock :: BBlocker a (Node, Node)
closeBBlock = do
  n  <- gets curNode
  modify $ \ st -> st { bbGraph = bbgrMap (insNode (n, reverse (curBB st))) (bbGraph st), curBB = [] }
  n' <- genBBlock
  return (n, n')
closeBBlock_ :: StateT (BBState a) Identity ()
closeBBlock_ = void closeBBlock

-- Starts up a new bblock.
genBBlock :: BBlocker a Int
genBBlock = do
  n' <- gen
  modify $ \ st -> st { curNode = n', curBB = [] }
  return n'

-- Adds labeled-edge mappings.
createEdges :: MonadState (BBState a) m => [LEdge ()] -> m ()
createEdges es = modify $ \ st -> st { newEdges = es ++ newEdges st }

-- Generates a new node number.
gen :: BBlocker a Int
gen = do
  ~(n:ns) <- gets nums
  modify $ \ s -> s { nums = ns }
  return n

genTemp :: String -> BBlocker a String
genTemp str = do
  ~(n:ns) <- gets tempNums
  modify $ \ s -> s { tempNums = ns }
  return $ "_" ++ str ++ "_t#" ++ show n

-- Strip nested code not necessary since it is duplicated in another
-- basic block.
stripNestedBlocks :: Block a -> Block a
stripNestedBlocks (BlDo a s l mn tl ds _ el)     = BlDo a s l mn tl ds [] el
stripNestedBlocks (BlDoWhile a s l tl n e _ el)  = BlDoWhile a s l tl n e [] el
stripNestedBlocks (BlIf a s l mn exps _ el)      = BlIf a s l mn exps [] el
stripNestedBlocks (BlCase a s l mn sc inds _ el) = BlCase a s l mn sc inds [] el
stripNestedBlocks (BlStatement a s l
                   (StIfLogical a' s' e _))      = BlStatement a s l (StIfLogical a' s' e (StEndif a' s' Nothing))
stripNestedBlocks b                              = b

-- Flatten out function calls within the expression, returning an
-- expression that replaces the original expression (probably becoming
-- a temporary variable).
processFunctionCalls :: Data a => Expression (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Expression (Analysis a))
processFunctionCalls = transformBiM processFunctionCall -- work bottom-up

-- Flatten out a single function call.
processFunctionCall :: Data a => Expression (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Expression (Analysis a))
-- precondition: there are no more nested function calls within the actual arguments
processFunctionCall (ExpFunctionCall a s fn@(ExpValue a' s' _) aargs) = do
  let a0 = head . initAnalysis $ [prevAnnotation a]
  (prevN, formalN) <- closeBBlock

  let exps = map extractExp (fromMaybe [] (aStrip <$> aargs))

  -- create bblock that assigns formal parameters (fn[1], fn[2], ...)
  let name i   = varName fn ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
  let formal (ExpValue _ s'' (ValVariable _)) i = genVar a0 s'' $ name i
      formal e i                                = genVar a0 (getSpan e) $ name i

  forM_ (zip exps [(1::Integer)..]) $ \ (e, i) ->
    addToBBlock . analyseAllLhsVars1 $ BlStatement a0 s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a' s' (formal e i) e)
  (_, dummyCallN) <- closeBBlock

  let retV = genVar a0 s $ name (0::Integer)
  let dummyArgs = map (Argument a0 s' Nothing) (retV:zipWith formal exps [(1::Integer)..])

  -- create "dummy call" bblock with dummy arguments in the StCall AST-node.
  addToBBlock . analyseAllLhsVars1 $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StCall a' s' fn (Just $ fromList a0 dummyArgs))
  (_, returnedN) <- closeBBlock

  -- re-assign the variables using the values of the formal parameters, if possible
  -- (because call-by-reference)
  forM_ (zip exps [(1::Integer)..]) $ \ (e, i) ->
    -- this is only possible for l-expressions
    (when (isLExpr e) $
      addToBBlock . analyseAllLhsVars1 $ BlStatement a0 s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a' s' e (formal e i)))
  tempName <- genTemp (varName fn)
  let temp = genVar a0 s tempName

  addToBBlock . analyseAllLhsVars1 $ BlStatement a0 s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a0 s' temp retV)
  (_, nextN) <- closeBBlock

  -- connect the bblocks
  createEdges [ (prevN, formalN, ()), (formalN, dummyCallN, ())
              , (dummyCallN, returnedN, ()), (returnedN, nextN, ()) ]
  return temp
processFunctionCall e = return e

extractExp :: Argument a -> Expression a
extractExp (Argument _ _ _ exp) = exp

-- Supergraph: all program units in one basic-block graph

data SuperBBGr a = SuperBBGr { superBBGrGraph :: BBGr a
                             , superBBGrClusters :: IM.IntMap ProgramUnitName
                             , superBBGrEntries :: M.Map PUName SuperNode }

type SuperNode = Node
type SuperEdge = (SuperNode, SuperNode, ELabel)
type PUName = ProgramUnitName
type NLabel a = BB (Analysis a)
type ELabel = ()

genSuperBBGr :: forall a. Data a => BBlockMap (Analysis a) -> SuperBBGr (Analysis a)
genSuperBBGr bbm = SuperBBGr { superBBGrGraph = superGraph''
                             , superBBGrClusters = cmap
                             , superBBGrEntries = entryMap }
    namedNodes   :: [((PUName, Node), NLabel a)]
    namedNodes   = [ ((name, n), bs) | (name, gr) <- M.toList bbm, (n, bs) <- labNodes (bbgrGr gr) ]
    namedEdges   :: [((PUName, Node), (PUName, Node), ELabel)]
    namedEdges   = [ ((name, n), (name, m), l) | (name, gr) <- M.toList bbm, (n, m, l) <- labEdges (bbgrGr gr) ]
    superNodeMap :: M.Map (PUName, Node) SuperNode
    superNodeMap = M.fromList $ zip (map fst namedNodes) [1..]
    getSuperNode :: (PUName, Node) -> SuperNode
    getSuperNode = fromJustMsg "UNDEFINED SUPERNODE" . flip M.lookup superNodeMap
    superNodes   :: [(SuperNode, NLabel a)]
    superNodes   = [ (getSuperNode n, bs) | (n, bs) <- namedNodes ]
    superEdges   :: [(SuperNode, SuperNode, ELabel)]
    superEdges   = [ (getSuperNode n, getSuperNode m, l) | (n, m, l) <- namedEdges ]
    superGraph   :: Gr (NLabel a) ELabel
    superGraph   = mkGraph superNodes superEdges
    entryMap     :: M.Map PUName SuperNode
    entryMap     = M.fromList [ (name, n') | ((name, n), n') <- M.toList superNodeMap, n == 0  ]
    exitMap      :: M.Map PUName SuperNode
    exitMap      = M.fromList [ (name, n') | ((name, n), n') <- M.toList superNodeMap, n == -1 ]
    -- List of Calls and their corresponding SuperNode where they appear.
    -- Assumption: all StCalls appear by themselves in a bblock.
    stCalls      :: [(SuperNode, String)]
    stCalls      = [ (getSuperNode n, sub) | (n, [BlStatement _ _ _ (StCall _ _ e _)]) <- namedNodes
                                           , v@ExpValue{}                              <- [e]
                                           , let sub = varName v
                                           , Named sub `M.member` entryMap && Named sub `M.member` exitMap ]
    stCallCtxts  :: [([SuperEdge], SuperNode, String, [SuperEdge])]
    stCallCtxts  = [ (inn superGraph n, n, sub, out superGraph n) | (n, sub) <- stCalls ]
    stCallEdges  :: [SuperEdge]
    stCallEdges  = concat [   [ (m, nEn, l) | (m, _, l) <- inEdges  ] ++
                              [ (nEx, m, l) | (_, m, l) <- outEdges ]
                          | (inEdges, _, sub, outEdges) <- stCallCtxts
                          , let nEn = fromJustMsg ("UNDEFINED: " ++ sub) (M.lookup (Named sub) entryMap)
                          , let nEx = fromJustMsg ("UNDEFINED: " ++ sub) (M.lookup (Named sub) exitMap) ]
    superGraph'  :: Gr (NLabel a) ELabel
    superGraph'  = insEdges stCallEdges . delNodes (map fst stCalls) $ superGraph
    cmap         :: IM.IntMap PUName -- SuperNode ==> PUName
    cmap         = IM.fromList [ (n, name) | ((name, _), n) <- M.toList superNodeMap ]
    mainEntry    :: SuperNode -- (possibly more than one, arbitrarily take first)
    mainEntry:_  = [ n | (n, _) <- labNodes superGraph', null (pre superGraph' n) ]
    -- Rename the main entry point to 0
    superGraph'' :: BBGr (Analysis a)
    superGraph'' = BBGr { bbgrGr = delNode mainEntry .
                                   insEdges [ (0, m, l) | (_, m, l) <- out superGraph' mainEntry ] .
                                   insNode (0, []) $ superGraph'
                        , bbgrEntries = (0:) . filter (/=mainEntry) . map snd . M.toList $ entryMap
                        , bbgrExits   = (-1:) . map snd . M.toList $ exitMap }

fromJustMsg :: String -> Maybe a -> a
fromJustMsg _ (Just x) = x
fromJustMsg msg _      = error msg


findLabeledBBlock :: String -> BBGr a -> Maybe Node
findLabeledBBlock llab gr =
  listToMaybe [ n | (n, bs) <- labNodes (bbgrGr gr), b <- bs
                  , ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger llab') <- maybeToList (getLabel b)
                  , llab == llab' ]

-- | Show a basic block graph in a somewhat decent way.
showBBGr :: (Out a, Show a) => BBGr a -> String
showBBGr (BBGr gr _ _) = execWriter . forM (labNodes gr) $ \ (n, bs) -> do
  let b = "BBLOCK " ++ show n ++ " -> " ++ show (map (\ (_, m, _) -> m) $ out gr n)
  tell $ "\n\n" ++ b
  tell $ "\n" ++ replicate (length b) '-' ++ "\n"
  tell (((++"\n") . pretty) =<< bs)

-- | Show a basic block graph without the clutter
showAnalysedBBGr :: (Out a, Show a) => BBGr (Analysis a) -> String
showAnalysedBBGr = showBBGr . bbgrMap (nmap strip)
    strip = map (fmap insLabel)

-- | Show a basic block supergraph
showSuperBBGr :: (Out a, Show a) => SuperBBGr (Analysis a) -> String
showSuperBBGr = showAnalysedBBGr . superBBGrGraph

-- | Pick out and show the basic block graphs in the program file analysis.
showBBlocks :: (Data a, Out a, Show a) => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> String
showBBlocks pf = perPU =<< getPUs pf
    perPU PUComment{} = ""
    perPU pu | Analysis { bBlocks = Just gr } <- getAnnotation pu =
      dashes ++ "\n" ++ p ++ "\n" ++ dashes ++ "\n" ++ showBBGr (bbgrMap (nmap strip) gr) ++ "\n\n"
      where p = "| Program Unit " ++ show (puName pu) ++ " |"
            dashes = replicate (length p) '-'
    perPU pu =
      dashes ++ "\n" ++ p ++ "\n" ++ dashes ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map (pretty . fmap insLabel) (programUnitBody pu)) ++ "\n\n"
      where p = "| Program Unit " ++ show (puName pu) ++ " |"
            dashes = replicate (length p) '-'
    strip = map (fmap insLabel)
    getPUs :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> [ProgramUnit (Analysis a)]
    getPUs = universeBi

-- | Output a graph in the GraphViz DOT format
bbgrToDOT :: BBGr a -> String
bbgrToDOT = bbgrToDOT' IM.empty

-- | Output a supergraph in the GraphViz DOT format
superBBGrToDOT :: SuperBBGr a -> String
superBBGrToDOT sgr = bbgrToDOT' (superBBGrClusters sgr) (superBBGrGraph sgr)

-- shared code for DOT output
bbgrToDOT' :: IM.IntMap ProgramUnitName -> BBGr a -> String
bbgrToDOT' clusters' (BBGr{ bbgrGr = gr }) = execWriter $ do
  tell "strict digraph {\n"
  tell "node [shape=box,fontname=\"Courier New\"]\n"
  let entryNodes = filter (null . pre gr) (nodes gr)
  let nodes' = bfsn entryNodes gr
  _ <- forM nodes' $ \ n -> do
    let Just bs = lab gr n
    let mname = IM.lookup n clusters'
    case mname of Just name -> do tell $ "subgraph \"cluster " ++ showPUName name ++ "\" {\n"
                                  tell $ "label=\"" ++ showPUName name ++ "\"\n"
                                  tell "fontname=\"Courier New\"\nfontsize=24\n"
                  _         -> return ()
    tell $ "bb" ++ show n ++ "[label=\"" ++ show n ++ "\\l" ++ concatMap showBlock bs ++ "\"]\n"
    when (null bs) . tell $ "bb" ++ show n ++ "[shape=circle]\n"
    tell $ "bb" ++ show n ++ " -> {"
    _ <- forM (suc gr n) $ \ m -> tell (" bb" ++ show m)
    tell "}\n"
    when (isJust mname) $ tell "}\n"
  tell "}\n"

showPUName :: ProgramUnitName -> String
showPUName (Named n) = n
showPUName NamelessBlockData = ".blockdata."
showPUName NamelessMain = ".main."
showPUName NamelessComment = ".comment."

-- | Some helper functions to output some pseudo-code for readability.
showBlock :: Block a -> String
showBlock (BlStatement _ _ mlab st)
    | null (str :: String) = ""
    | otherwise = showLab mlab ++ str ++ "\\l"
    str =
      case st of
        StExpressionAssign _ _ e1 e2 -> showExpr e1 ++ " <- " ++ showExpr e2
        StIfLogical _ _ e1 _         -> "if " ++ showExpr e1
        StWrite _ _ _ (Just aexps)   -> "write " ++ aIntercalate ", " showExpr aexps
        StPrint _ _ _ (Just aexps)   -> "print " ++ aIntercalate ", " showExpr aexps
        StCall _ _ cn _              -> "call " ++ showExpr cn
        StDeclaration _ _ ty Nothing adecls ->
          showType ty ++ " " ++ aIntercalate ", " showDecl adecls
        StDeclaration _ _ ty (Just aattrs) adecls ->
          showType ty ++ " " ++
            aIntercalate ", " showAttr aattrs ++
            aIntercalate ", " showDecl adecls
        StDimension _ _ adecls       -> "dimension " ++ aIntercalate ", " showDecl adecls
        StExit{}                     -> "exit"
        _                            -> "<unhandled statement: " ++ show (toConstr (fmap (const ()) st)) ++ ">"
showBlock (BlIf _ _ mlab _ (Just e1:_) _ _) = showLab mlab ++ "if " ++ showExpr e1 ++ "\\l"
showBlock (BlDo _ _ mlab _ _ (Just spec) _ _) =
    showLab mlab ++ "do " ++ showExpr e1 ++ " <- " ++
      showExpr e2 ++ ", " ++
      showExpr e3 ++ ", " ++
      maybe "1" showExpr me4 ++ "\\l"
  where DoSpecification _ _ (StExpressionAssign _ _ e1 e2) e3 me4 = spec
showBlock (BlDo _ _ _ _ _ Nothing _ _) = "do"
showBlock (BlComment{})                = ""
showBlock b = "<unhandled block: " ++ show (toConstr (fmap (const ()) b)) ++ ">"

showAttr :: Attribute a -> String
showAttr (AttrParameter _ _) = "parameter"
showAttr (AttrPublic _ _) = "public"
showAttr (AttrPrivate _ _) = "private"
showAttr (AttrProtected _ _) = "protected"
showAttr (AttrAllocatable _ _) = "allocatable"
showAttr (AttrAsynchronous _ _) = "asynchronous"
showAttr (AttrDimension _ _ aDimDecs) =
  "dimension ( " ++ aIntercalate ", " showDim aDimDecs ++ " )"
showAttr (AttrExternal _ _) = "external"
showAttr (AttrIntent _ _ In) = "intent (in)"
showAttr (AttrIntent _ _ Out) = "intent (out)"
showAttr (AttrIntent _ _ InOut) = "intent (inout)"
showAttr (AttrIntrinsic _ _) = "intrinsic"
showAttr (AttrOptional _ _) = "optional"
showAttr (AttrPointer _ _) = "pointer"
showAttr (AttrSave _ _) = "save"
showAttr (AttrTarget _ _) = "target"
showAttr (AttrValue _ _) = "value"
showAttr (AttrVolatile _ _) = "volatile"
showAttr (AttrSuffix _ _ (SfxBind _ _ Nothing)) = "bind(c)"
showAttr (AttrSuffix _ _ (SfxBind _ _ (Just e))) = "bind(c,name=" ++ showExpr e ++ ")"

showLab :: Maybe (Expression a) -> String
showLab a =
  case a of
    Nothing -> replicate 6 ' '
    Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l)) -> ' ':l ++ replicate (5 - length l) ' '
    _ -> error "unhandled showLab"

showValue :: Value a -> Name
showValue (ValVariable v)       = v
showValue (ValIntrinsic v)      = v
showValue (ValInteger v)        = v
showValue (ValReal v)           = v
showValue (ValComplex e1 e2)    = "( " ++ showExpr e1 ++ " , " ++ showExpr e2 ++ " )"
showValue (ValString s)         = "\\\"" ++ escapeStr s ++ "\\\""
showValue v                     = "<unhandled value: " ++ show (toConstr (fmap (const ()) v)) ++ ">"

escapeStr :: String -> String
escapeStr = map fst . unfoldr f . map (,False)
    f []                = Nothing
    f ((c,False):cs)
      | c `elem` "\"\\" = Just (('\\', False), (c, True):cs)
    f ((c,_):cs)        = Just ((c, False), cs)

showExpr :: Expression a -> String
showExpr (ExpValue _ _ v)         = showValue v
showExpr (ExpBinary _ _ op e1 e2) = "(" ++ showExpr e1 ++ showOp op ++ showExpr e2 ++ ")"
showExpr (ExpUnary _ _ op e)      = "(" ++ showUOp op ++ showExpr e ++ ")"
showExpr (ExpSubscript _ _ e1 aexps) = showExpr e1 ++ "[" ++
                                       aIntercalate ", " showIndex aexps ++ "]"
showExpr e                        = "<unhandled expr: " ++ show (toConstr (fmap (const ()) e)) ++ ">"

showIndex :: Index a -> String
showIndex (IxSingle _ _ _ i) = showExpr i
showIndex (IxRange _ _ l u s) =
  maybe "" showExpr l ++ -- Lower
  ':' : maybe "" showExpr u ++ -- Upper
  maybe "" (\u' -> ':' : showExpr u') s -- Stride

showUOp :: UnaryOp -> String
showUOp Plus = "+"
showUOp Minus = "-"
showUOp Not = "!"
-- needs a custom instance
showUOp (UnCustom x) = show x

showOp :: BinaryOp -> String
showOp Addition = " + "
showOp Multiplication = " * "
showOp Subtraction = " - "
showOp Division = " / "
showOp Concatenation = " // "
showOp op = " ." ++ show op ++ ". "

showType :: TypeSpec a -> String
showType (TypeSpec _ _ t (Just _)) = showBaseType t ++ "(selector)" -- ++ show s
showType (TypeSpec _ _ t Nothing)  = showBaseType t

showBaseType :: BaseType -> String
showBaseType TypeInteger         = "integer"
showBaseType TypeReal            = "real"
showBaseType TypeDoublePrecision = "double"
showBaseType TypeComplex         = "complex"
showBaseType TypeDoubleComplex   = "doublecomplex"
showBaseType TypeLogical         = "logical"
showBaseType (TypeCharacter l k) = case (l, k) of
  (Just cl, Just ki) -> "character(" ++ showCharLen cl ++ "," ++ ki ++ ")"
  (Just cl, Nothing) -> "character(" ++ showCharLen cl ++ ")"
  (Nothing, Just ki) -> "character(kind=" ++ ki ++ ")"
  (Nothing, Nothing) -> "character"
showBaseType (TypeCustom s)      = "type(" ++ s ++ ")"
showBaseType TypeByte            = "byte"
showBaseType ClassStar           = "class(*)"
showBaseType (ClassCustom s)     = "class(" ++ s ++ ")"

showCharLen :: CharacterLen -> String
showCharLen CharLenStar = "*"
showCharLen CharLenColon = ":"
showCharLen CharLenExp  = "*" -- FIXME, possibly, with a more robust const-exp
showCharLen (CharLenInt i) = show i

showDecl :: Declarator a -> String
showDecl (DeclArray _ _ e adims length' initial) =
  showExpr e ++
    "(" ++ aIntercalate "," showDim adims ++ ")" ++
    maybe "" (\e' -> "*" ++ showExpr e') length' ++
    maybe "" (\e' -> " = " ++ showExpr e') initial
showDecl (DeclVariable _ _ e length' initial) =
  showExpr e ++
    maybe "" (\e' -> "*" ++ showExpr e') length' ++
    maybe "" (\e' -> " = " ++ showExpr e') initial

showDim :: DimensionDeclarator a -> String
showDim (DimensionDeclarator _ _ me1 me2) = maybe "" ((++":") . showExpr) me1 ++ maybe "" showExpr me2

aIntercalate :: [a1] -> (t a2 -> [a1]) -> AList t a2 -> [a1]
aIntercalate sep f = intercalate sep . map f . aStrip

noSrcSpan :: SrcSpan
noSrcSpan = SrcSpan initPosition initPosition

-- Some helper functions that really should be in fgl.

-- | Fold a function over the graph. Monadically.
ufoldM' :: (Graph gr, Monad m) => (Context a b -> c -> m c) -> c -> gr a b -> m c
ufoldM' f u g
  | isEmpty g = return u
  | otherwise = f c =<< ufoldM' f u g'
    (c,g') = matchAny g

-- | Map a function over the graph. Monadically.
gmapM' :: (DynGraph gr, Monad m) => (Context a b -> m (Context c d)) -> gr a b -> m (gr c d)
gmapM' f = ufoldM' (\ c g -> f c >>= \ c' -> return (c' & g)) empty

-- | Map a function over the 'Node' labels in a graph. Monadically.
nmapM' :: (DynGraph gr, Monad m) => (a -> m c) -> gr a b -> m (gr c b)
nmapM' f = gmapM' (\ (p,v,l,s) -> f l >>= \ l' -> return (p,v,l',s))

-- Local variables:
-- mode: haskell
-- haskell-program-name: "cabal repl"
-- End: