{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Foundation.Collection.Collection
( Collection(..)
, NonEmpty
, getNonEmpty
, nonEmpty
, nonEmpty_
, nonEmptyFmap
, and
, or
) where
import Basement.Compat.Base hiding (and)
import Basement.Types.OffsetSize
import Basement.Types.AsciiString
import Basement.Exception (NonEmptyCollectionIsEmpty(..))
import Foundation.Collection.Element
import Basement.NonEmpty
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Basement.Block as BLK
import qualified Basement.UArray as UV
import qualified Basement.BoxedArray as BA
import qualified Basement.String as S
nonEmpty :: Collection c => c -> Maybe (NonEmpty c)
nonEmpty c
| null c = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (NonEmpty c)
nonEmpty_ :: Collection c => c -> NonEmpty c
nonEmpty_ c
| null c = throw NonEmptyCollectionIsEmpty
| otherwise = NonEmpty c
nonEmptyFmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> NonEmpty (f a) -> NonEmpty (f b)
nonEmptyFmap f (NonEmpty l) = NonEmpty (fmap f l)
class (IsList c, Item c ~ Element c) => Collection c where
{-# MINIMAL null, length, (elem | notElem), minimum, maximum, all, any #-}
null :: c -> Bool
length :: c -> CountOf (Element c)
elem :: forall a . (Eq a, a ~ Element c) => Element c -> c -> Bool
elem e col = not $ e `notElem` col
notElem :: forall a . (Eq a, a ~ Element c) => Element c -> c -> Bool
notElem e col = not $ e `elem` col
maximum :: forall a . (Ord a, a ~ Element c) => NonEmpty c -> Element c
minimum :: forall a . (Ord a, a ~ Element c) => NonEmpty c -> Element c
any :: (Element c -> Bool) -> c -> Bool
all :: (Element c -> Bool) -> c -> Bool
instance Collection [a] where
null = Data.List.null
length = CountOf . Data.List.length
elem = Data.List.elem
notElem = Data.List.notElem
minimum = Data.List.minimum . getNonEmpty
maximum = Data.List.maximum . getNonEmpty
any = Data.List.any
all = Data.List.all
instance UV.PrimType ty => Collection (BLK.Block ty) where
null = (==) 0 . BLK.length
length = BLK.length
elem = BLK.elem
minimum = BLK.foldl1' min
maximum = BLK.foldl1' max
all = BLK.all
any = BLK.any
instance UV.PrimType ty => Collection (UV.UArray ty) where
null = UV.null
length = UV.length
elem = UV.elem
minimum = UV.foldl1' min
maximum = UV.foldl1' max
all = UV.all
any = UV.any
instance Collection (BA.Array ty) where
null = BA.null
length = BA.length
elem = BA.elem
minimum = BA.foldl1' min
maximum = BA.foldl1' max
all = BA.all
any = BA.any
deriving instance Collection AsciiString
instance Collection S.String where
null = S.null
length = S.length
elem = S.elem
minimum = Data.List.minimum . toList . getNonEmpty
maximum = Data.List.maximum . toList . getNonEmpty
all = S.all
any = S.any
instance Collection c => Collection (NonEmpty c) where
null _ = False
length = length . getNonEmpty
elem e = elem e . getNonEmpty
maximum = maximum . getNonEmpty
minimum = minimum . getNonEmpty
all p = all p . getNonEmpty
any p = any p . getNonEmpty
and :: (Collection col, Element col ~ Bool) => col -> Bool
and = all (== True)
or :: (Collection col, Element col ~ Bool) => col -> Bool
or = any (== True)