{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Control.Monad.Trans.Fraxl
  -- * The Fraxl Monad
  , Fraxl
  , Fetch
  , runFraxl
  , simpleAsyncFetch
  , fetchNil
  , (|:|)
  , hoistFetch
  , transFetch
  -- * The Sequence of Effects
  , ASeq(..)
  , reduceASeq
  , hoistASeq
  , traverseASeq
  , rebaseASeq
  -- * Caching
  , CachedFetch(..)
  , fetchCached
  , runCachedFraxl
  , evalCachedFraxl
  , module Data.GADT.Compare
  -- * Union
  , Union(..)
  , unconsCoRec
  , Flap(..)
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative.Free.Fast
import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.Async
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Fraxl.Free
import           Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
import           Data.GADT.Compare
import           Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import           Data.Vinyl
import           Data.Vinyl.CoRec
import           Data.Vinyl.Functor (Compose(..), (:.))
import           Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel

-- | Fraxl is based on a particular Freer monad.
-- This Freer monad has applicative optimization,
-- which is used to parallelize effects.
type FreerT f = FreeT (Ap f)

-- | Fraxl is just the 'FreerT' monad transformer, applied with 'Union'.
-- This is because 'Fraxl' is just a free monad over a variety of data sources.
type Fraxl r = FreerT (Union r)

-- | A data source is an effect @f@ that operates in some monad @m@.
-- Given a sequence of effects,
-- a data source should use @m@ to prepare a corresponding sequence of results.
type Fetch f m a = ASeq f a -> m (ASeq m a)

-- | Fetch empty union.
-- Only necessary to terminate a list of 'Fetch' functions for @Fetch (Union r)@
fetchNil :: Applicative m => Fetch (Union '[]) m a
fetchNil ANil = pure ANil
fetchNil _ = error "Not possible - empty union"

-- | Like '(:)' for constructing @Fetch (Union (f ': r))@
(|:|) :: forall f r a m. (Monad m, RecApplicative r, FoldRec r r)
       => (forall a'. Fetch f m a')
       -> (forall a'. Fetch (Union r) m a')
       -> Fetch (Union (f ': r)) m a
(fetch |:| fetchU) list = (\(_, _, x) -> x) <$> runUnion ANil ANil list where
  runUnion :: ASeq f x
           -> ASeq (Union r) y
           -> ASeq (Union (f ': r)) z
           -> m (ASeq m x, ASeq m y, ASeq m z)
  runUnion flist ulist ANil = (, , ANil) <$> fetch flist <*> fetchU ulist
  runUnion flist ulist (ACons (Union u) us) = case unconsCoRec u of
    Left (Flap fa) -> fmap
      (\(ACons ma ms, other, rest) -> (ms, other, ACons ma rest))
      (runUnion (ACons fa flist) ulist us)
    Right u' -> fmap
      (\(other, ACons ma ms, rest) -> (other, ms, ACons ma rest))
      (runUnion flist (ACons (Union u') ulist) us)

infixr 5 |:|

-- | Hoist a 'Fetch' function into a different result monad.
hoistFetch :: Functor m => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> Fetch f m a -> Fetch f n a
hoistFetch u f = u . fmap (hoistASeq u) . f

-- | Translate a 'Fetch' function from @f@ requests, to @g@ requests.
transFetch :: (forall x. g x -> f x) -> Fetch f m a -> Fetch g m a
transFetch u f list = f (hoistASeq u list)

-- | Runs a Fraxl computation, using a given 'Fetch' function for @f@.
-- This takes 'FreerT' as a parameter rather than 'Fraxl',
-- because 'Fraxl' is meant for a union of effects,
-- but it should be possible to run a singleton effect.
runFraxl :: Monad m => (forall a'. Fetch f m a') -> FreerT f m a -> m a
runFraxl fetch = iterT $ \a -> unAp a
  (\f s -> join (reduceASeq <$> fetch s) >>= f) (const id) ANil

-- | A simple method of turning an 'IO' bound computation
-- into a concurrent 'Fetch'.
simpleAsyncFetch :: MonadIO m
                    => (forall x. f x -> IO x)
                    -> Fetch f m a
simpleAsyncFetch fetchIO
  = traverseASeq (fmap (liftIO . wait) . liftIO . async . fetchIO)

-- | Caching in Fraxl works by translating @FreerT f@ into
-- @FreerT (CachedFetch f)@, then running with 'CachedFetch''s DataSource.
-- That instance requires 'f' to to have a 'GCompare' instance.
-- The 'CachedFetch' instance uses a 'MonadState' to track cached requests.
-- The state variable is a 'DMap' from the 'dependent-map' package.
-- Keys are requests, and values are 'MVar's of the results.
newtype CachedFetch f a = CachedFetch (f a)

fetchCached :: forall t m f a.
            ( Monad m
            , MonadTrans t
            , MonadState (DMap f MVar) (t m)
            , GCompare f
            , MonadIO (t m))
            => (forall a'. Fetch f m a') -> Fetch (CachedFetch f) (t m) a
fetchCached fetch list = snd <$> runCached ANil list where
  runCached :: ASeq f x
            -> ASeq (CachedFetch f) y
            -> t m (ASeq (t m) x, ASeq (t m) y)
  runCached flist ANil = (, ANil) <$> lift (hoistASeq lift <$> fetch flist)
  runCached flist (ACons (CachedFetch f) fs) = do
    cache <- get
    case DMap.lookup f cache of
      Just mvar -> fmap
        (second (ACons (liftIO $ readMVar mvar)))
        (runCached flist fs)
      Nothing -> do
        (mvar :: MVar z) <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
        put (DMap.insert f mvar cache)
        let store :: t m z -> t m z
            store m = m >>= \a -> liftIO (putMVar mvar a) >> return a
          (\(ACons m ms, rest) -> (ms, ACons (store m) rest))
          (runCached (ACons f flist) fs)

-- | Runs a Fraxl computation with caching using a given starting cache.
-- Alongside the result, it returns the final cache.
runCachedFraxl :: forall m f a.
                  ( MonadIO m
                  , GCompare f)
                  => (forall a'. Fetch f m a')
                  -> FreerT f m a
                  -> DMap f MVar
                  -> m (a, DMap f MVar)
runCachedFraxl fetch a cache = let
  cachedA :: FreerT (CachedFetch f) (StateT (DMap f MVar) m) a
  cachedA = transFreeT (hoistAp CachedFetch) (hoistFreeT lift a)
  in runStateT (runFraxl (fetchCached fetch) cachedA) cache

-- | Like 'runCachedFraxl', except it starts with an empty cache
-- and discards the final cache.
evalCachedFraxl :: forall m f a.
                   ( MonadIO m
                   , GCompare f)
                   => (forall a'. Fetch f m a') -> FreerT f m a -> m a
evalCachedFraxl fetch a = fst <$> runCachedFraxl fetch a DMap.empty

class RIndex t ts ~ i => FMatch1 t ts i where
  fmatch1' :: Handler r (f t) -> Rec (Maybe :. f) ts -> Either r (Rec (Maybe :. f) (RDelete t ts))

instance FMatch1 t (t ': ts) 'Z where
  fmatch1' _ (Compose Nothing :& xs) = Right xs
  fmatch1' (H h) (Compose (Just x) :& _) = Left (h x)

instance (FMatch1 t ts i, RIndex t (s ': ts) ~ 'S i,
          RDelete t (s ': ts) ~ (s ': RDelete t ts))
         => FMatch1 t (s ': ts) ('S i) where
  fmatch1' h (x :& xs) = (x :&) <$> fmatch1' h xs

-- | Handle a single variant of a 'CoRec': either the function is
-- applied to the variant or the type of the 'CoRec' is refined to
-- reflect the fact that the variant is /not/ compatible with the type
-- of the would-be handler
fmatch1 :: (FMatch1 t ts (RIndex t ts),
            RecApplicative ts,
            FoldRec (RDelete t ts) (RDelete t ts))
        => Handler r (f t)
        -> CoRec f ts
        -> Either r (CoRec f (RDelete t ts))
fmatch1 h = fmap (fromJust . firstField)
          . fmatch1' h
          . coRecToRec

unconsCoRec :: (RecApplicative ts, FoldRec ts ts) => CoRec f (t ': ts) -> Either (f t) (CoRec f ts)
unconsCoRec = fmatch1 (H id)

newtype Flap a f = Flap (f a)

-- | @Union@ represents a value of any type constructor in @r@ applied with @a@.
newtype Union r a = Union (CoRec (Flap a) r)

instance GEq (Union '[]) where
  _ `geq` _ = error "Not possible - empty union"

instance (RecApplicative r, FoldRec r r, GEq f, GEq (Union r)) => GEq (Union (f ': r)) where
  Union a `geq` Union b = case (unconsCoRec a, unconsCoRec b) of
    (Left (Flap fa), Left (Flap fb)) -> fa `geq` fb
    (Right a', Right b') -> Union a' `geq` Union b'
    _ -> Nothing

instance GCompare (Union '[]) where
  _ `gcompare` _ = error "Not possible - empty union"

instance (RecApplicative r, FoldRec r r, GCompare f, GCompare (Union r)) => GCompare (Union (f ': r)) where
  Union a `gcompare` Union b = case (unconsCoRec a, unconsCoRec b) of
    (Left (Flap fa), Left (Flap fb)) -> fa `gcompare` fb
    (Right a', Right b')             -> Union a' `gcompare` Union b'
    (Left _, Right _)                -> GLT
    (Right _, Left _)                -> GGT