freenect-1.2.1: Interface to the Kinect device.

Safe HaskellNone




Interface to the Kinect device.

See the package archive for example programs.


Initializing the context

First you need to initalize a context. Example:

do context <- newContext
   initalize context
   shutdown context

Rather than messing around with this, it's better if you just use withContext, which does this for you:

withContext $ context -> do

All stuff with this library works within a context.

Working with devices

You need to select which sub devices you want to use from the Kinect (e.g. camera, motor, audio):

selectSubdevices context [Camera,Motor]

Then you open a device context through which you can control the sub devices.

withDevice context 0 $ device -> do

The second argument is which Kinect to use. You can get a count of these using

deviceCount <- countDevices context

Then you should set the depth mode you want:

setDepthMode device Medium ElevenBit

This should come before the next part, which is setting the callback:

setDepthCallback device $ payload timestamp -> do
  printf "Payload: %sn" (take 100 $ show payload)

Important: Based on the depth mode set earlier, setDepthCallback knows how to copy the payload into a vector for the callback. This is why it should come first. Arguably in future APIs a device should not be initializable without a depth mode.

Once that's done, you start the depth stream:

startDepth device

Likewise, you can grab video frames. Once you have a context, set the video mode you want using

setVideoMode device Medium RGB

In this example, we set medium resolution (640x480) with raw RGB24 Bytes.

Next, set the video callback:

setVideoCallback device $ payload timestamp -> do
  printf "Payload: %sn" (take 100 $ show payload)

Note that unlike depth, which comes in as vector of Word16's, video is a vector of Word8's.

Lastly, start the video stream:

startVideo device


Finally you need a way to receieve data. You call processEvents like this, for example:

forever $ do
  processEvents context

Calls processEvents to trigger the depth and/or video callback. Continue calling it sequentially as much as you want, but not from within the depth or video callbacks.

Events; recieving data

initialize :: Context -> IO () Source

Initialize a Freenect context. Throws exception if already initialized.

newContext :: IO Context Source

Create a new Freenect context. Must be initialized before use.

shutdown :: Context -> IO () Source

Shutdown a Freenect context.

countDevices :: Context -> IO Integer Source

Count the number of devices on a Freenect context.

withContext :: (Context -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Do something with an initialized context, and free the context at the end of the comutation, or on exception.

processEvents :: Context -> IO () Source

Process events.

selectSubdevices :: Context -> [Subdevice] -> IO () Source

Set which subdevices any subsequent calls to openDevice should open. This will not affect devices which have already been opened. The default behavior, should you choose not to call this function at all, is to open all supported subdevices - motor, cameras, and audio, if supported on the platform.

newDevice :: IO Device Source

Create a new device.

openDevice :: Context -> Device -> Integer -> IO () Source

Open a Kinect device.

closeDevice :: Device -> IO () Source

Close a device.

withDevice :: Context -> Integer -> (Device -> IO a) -> IO a Source

Do something with an initialized context, and free the context at the end of the comutation, or on exception.

setLogLevel :: LogLevel -> Context -> IO () Source

Set the logging level for the specified context.

setVideoCallback :: Device -> (Vector Word8 -> Word32 -> IO ()) -> IO () Source

Set callback for video information received event.

startVideo :: Device -> IO () Source

Start the video information stream for a device.

stopVideo :: Device -> IO () Source

Start the video information stream for a device.

setDepthCallback :: Device -> (Vector Word16 -> Word32 -> IO ()) -> IO () Source

Set callback for depth information received event.

startDepth :: Device -> IO () Source

Start the depth information stream for a device.

stopDepth :: Device -> IO () Source

Stop the depth information stream for a device.

setTiltDegrees :: Double -> Device -> IO () Source

Set the tilt degrees for a device.

getTiltDegrees :: Device -> IO Double Source

Get the tilt degrees for a device

getAcceleration :: Device -> IO (Double, Double, Double) Source

Get the accelaretion for (x, y, z) axes from the internal tilt state

setLed :: Device -> Led -> IO () Source

Sets the current LED state for the specified device

setDepthMode :: Device -> Resolution -> DepthFormat -> IO () Source

Sets the current depth mode for the specified device. The mode cannot be changed while streaming is active.

setFlag :: Device -> Flag -> Bool -> IO () Source

Sets a specific device flag for depth and video cameras. The bool value defines to enable or disable the given flag. The specific camera has to be started with startVideo/startDepth before Freenect accepts these flags (seems to be a small bug for me, an issue is written at libfreenect)

data Context Source

A Freenect context.

data Device Source

A Freenect device.

data FreenectException Source

Freenect exception type.



There was a problem initializing.


There was a problem shutting down.


There was a problem closing the device.


Trying to initialize a context that was already initialized.


Trying to open a device that was already opened.


Attempt to use an uninitialized context.


Attempt to use an uninitialized device.

ProcessEvents CInt

Call to process events failed.

OpenDeviceFailed Integer

Opening a device failed.


Problem starting the video stream.


Problem stopping the video stream


Problem starting the depth stream.


Problem stopping the depth stream


Unable to set the tilt.


Unable to set active led


Failed to enable a specific device flag


Unable to set the video mode.


TODO, not used: You didn't set the video mode.


Unable to set the depth mode.


TODO, not used: You didn't set the depth mode.


Problem starting the audio stream


Problem stopping the audio stream

data Subdevice Source

A sub-device (motor, camera and audio), if supported on the platform.



data LogLevel Source

Message logging levels.



Crashing/non-recoverable errors


Major errors


Warning messages


Important messages


Normal messages


Useful development messages


Slightly less useful messages


EVERYTHING. May slow performance.

data Led Source


setAudioInCallback :: Device -> (Int -> Vector Word32 -> Vector Word32 -> Vector Word32 -> Vector Word32 -> Vector Word16 -> IO ()) -> IO () Source

Set callback for incoming audio events.

startAudio :: Device -> IO () Source

Start the audio information stream for a device.

stopAudio :: Device -> IO () Source

Stop the audio information stream for a device.