friday- A functional image processing library for Haskell.

Safe HaskellNone




Contains functions to compute and manipulate histograms as well as some images transformations which are histogram-based.

Every polymorphic function is specialised for histograms of Int32, Double and Float. Other types can be specialized as every polymorphic function is declared INLINABLE.


Types & helpers

data Histogram sh a Source #





(Eq a, Eq sh, Storable a) => Eq (Histogram sh a) Source # 


(==) :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Bool #

(Ord a, Ord sh, Storable a) => Ord (Histogram sh a) Source # 


compare :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Bool #

(>) :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Bool #

max :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a #

min :: Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a #

(Storable a, Show a, Show sh) => Show (Histogram sh a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Histogram sh a -> ShowS #

show :: Histogram sh a -> String #

showList :: [Histogram sh a] -> ShowS #

class Shape sh => HistogramShape sh where Source #

Subclass of Shape which defines how to resize a shape so it will fit inside a resized histogram.

Minimal complete definition



toBin :: sh -> sh -> sh -> sh Source #

Given a number of bins of an histogram, reduces an index so it will be mapped to a bin.


HistogramShape Z Source # 


toBin :: Z -> Z -> Z -> Z Source #

HistogramShape sh => HistogramShape ((:.) sh Int) Source # 


toBin :: (sh :. Int) -> (sh :. Int) -> (sh :. Int) -> sh :. Int Source #

class (Pixel p, Shape (PixelValueSpace p)) => ToHistogram p where Source #

This class defines how many dimensions a histogram will have and what will be the default number of bins.

Minimal complete definition

pixToIndex, domainSize

Associated Types

type PixelValueSpace p Source #

Gives the value space of a pixel. Single-channel pixels will be DIM1 whereas three-channels pixels will be DIM3. This is used to determine the rank of the generated histogram.


pixToIndex :: p -> PixelValueSpace p Source #

Converts a pixel to an index.

domainSize :: p -> PixelValueSpace p Source #

Returns the maximum number of different values an index can take for each dimension of the histogram (aka. the maximum index returned by pixToIndex plus one).

index :: (Shape sh, Storable a) => Histogram sh a -> sh -> a Source #

(!) :: (Shape sh, Storable a) => Histogram sh a -> sh -> a Source #

Alias of index.

linearIndex :: (Shape sh, Storable a) => Histogram sh a -> Int -> a Source #

Returns the value at the index as if the histogram was a single dimension vector (row-major representation).

map :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> b) -> Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh b Source #

assocs :: (Shape sh, Storable a) => Histogram sh a -> [(sh, a)] Source #

Returns all index/value pairs from the histogram.

pixToBin :: (HistogramShape (PixelValueSpace p), ToHistogram p) => PixelValueSpace p -> p -> PixelValueSpace p Source #

Given the number of bins of an histogram and a given pixel, returns the corresponding bin.

Histogram computations

histogram :: (MaskedImage i, ToHistogram (ImagePixel i), Storable a, Num a, HistogramShape (PixelValueSpace (ImagePixel i))) => Maybe (PixelValueSpace (ImagePixel i)) -> i -> Histogram (PixelValueSpace (ImagePixel i)) a Source #

Computes an histogram from a (possibly) multi-channel image.

If the size of the histogram is not given, there will be as many bins as the range of values of pixels of the original image (see domainSize).

If the size of the histogram is specified, every bin of a given dimension will be of the same size (uniform histogram).

histogram2D :: (Image i, ToHistogram (ImagePixel i), Storable a, Num a, HistogramShape (PixelValueSpace (ImagePixel i))) => ((PixelValueSpace (ImagePixel i) :. Int) :. Int) -> i -> Histogram ((PixelValueSpace (ImagePixel i) :. Int) :. Int) a Source #

Similar to histogram but adds two dimensions for the y and x-coordinates of the sampled points. This way, the histogram will map different regions of the original image.

For example, an RGB image will be mapped as Z :. red channel :. green channel :. blue channel :. y region :. x region.

As there is no reason to create an histogram as large as the number of pixels of the image, a size is always needed.

reduce :: (HistogramShape sh, Storable a, Num a) => Histogram ((sh :. Int) :. Int) a -> Histogram sh a Source #

Reduces a 2D histogram to its linear representation. See resize for a reduction of the number of bins of an histogram.

histogram == reduce . histogram2D

resize :: (HistogramShape sh, Storable a, Num a) => sh -> Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a Source #

Resizes an histogram to another index shape. See reduce for a reduction of the number of dimensions of an histogram.

cumulative :: (Storable a, Num a) => Histogram DIM1 a -> Histogram DIM1 a Source #

Computes the cumulative histogram of another single dimension histogram.

C(i) = SUM H(j) for each j in [0..i] where C is the cumulative histogram, and H the original histogram.

normalize :: (Storable a, Real a, Storable b, Fractional b) => b -> Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh b Source #

Normalizes the histogram so that the sum of the histogram bins is equal to the given value (normalisation by the L1 norm).

This is useful to compare two histograms which have been computed from images with a different number of pixels.

Images processing

equalizeImage :: (FunctorImage i i, Integral (ImagePixel i), ToHistogram (ImagePixel i), PixelValueSpace (ImagePixel i) ~ DIM1) => i -> i Source #

Equalizes a single channel image by equalising its histogram.

The algorithm equalizes the brightness and increases the contrast of the image by mapping each pixel values to the value at the index of the cumulative L1-normalized histogram :

N(x, y) = H(I(x, y)) where N is the equalized image, I is the image and H the cumulative of the histogram normalized over an L1 norm.


Histogram comparisons

compareCorrel :: (Shape sh, Storable a, Real a, Storable b, Eq b, Floating b) => Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> b Source #

Computes the Pearson's correlation coefficient between each corresponding bins of the two histograms.

A value of 1 implies a perfect correlation, a value of -1 a perfect opposition and a value of 0 no correlation at all.

compareCorrel = SUM  [ (H1(i) - µ(H1)) (H1(2) - µ(H2)) ]
                  / (   SQRT [ SUM [ (H1(i) - µ(H1))^2 ] ]
                      * SQRT [ SUM [ (H2(i) - µ(H2))^2 ] ] )

Where µ(H) is the average value of the histogram H.


compareChi :: (Shape sh, Storable a, Real a, Storable b, Fractional b) => Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> b Source #

Computes the Chi-squared distance between two histograms.

A value of 0 indicates a perfect match.

compareChi = SUM (d(i)) for each indice i of the histograms where d(i) = 2 * ((H1(i) - H2(i))^2 / (H1(i) + H2(i))).

compareIntersect :: (Shape sh, Storable a, Num a, Ord a) => Histogram sh a -> Histogram sh a -> a Source #

Computes the intersection of the two histograms.

The higher the score is, the best the match is.

compareIntersect = SUM (min(H1(i), H2(i)) for each indice i of the histograms.

compareEMD :: (Num a, Storable a) => Histogram DIM1 a -> Histogram DIM1 a -> a Source #

Computed the Earth mover's distance between two histograms.

Current algorithm only supports histograms of one dimension.
