-- Copyright (c) 2012 Mark Dittmer - http://www.markdittmer.org
-- Developed for a Google Summer of Code project - http://gsoc2012.markdittmer.org

module System.FSNotify.Polling
  ( createPollManager
  , PollManager(..)
  , FileListener(..)
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (FilePath)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
-- import Debug.Trace (trace)
import System.FilePath
import System.FSNotify.Listener
import System.FSNotify.Path (findFiles, canonicalizeDirPath)
import System.FSNotify.Types
import System.PosixCompat.Files
import System.PosixCompat.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (forM_)

data EventType =
  | ModifiedEvent
  | RemovedEvent

data WatchKey = WatchKey ThreadId deriving (Eq, Ord)
data WatchData = WatchData FilePath EventChannel
type WatchMap = Map WatchKey WatchData
data PollManager = PollManager (MVar WatchMap)

generateEvent :: UTCTime -> EventType -> FilePath -> Maybe Event
generateEvent timestamp AddedEvent    filePath = Just (Added    filePath timestamp)
generateEvent timestamp ModifiedEvent filePath = Just (Modified filePath timestamp)
generateEvent timestamp RemovedEvent  filePath = Just (Removed  filePath timestamp)

generateEvents :: UTCTime -> EventType -> [FilePath] -> [Event]
generateEvents timestamp eventType = mapMaybe (generateEvent timestamp eventType)

handleEvent :: EventChannel -> ActionPredicate -> Event -> IO ()
handleEvent chan actPred event
  | actPred event = writeChan chan event
  | otherwise     = return ()

pathModMap :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO (Map FilePath UTCTime)
pathModMap True  path = findFiles True path >>= pathModMap'
pathModMap False path = findFiles False path >>= pathModMap'

pathModMap' :: [FilePath] -> IO (Map FilePath UTCTime)
pathModMap' files = fmap Map.fromList $ mapM pathAndTime files
    pathAndTime :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, UTCTime)
    pathAndTime path = do
      modTime <- getModificationTime path
      return (path, modTime)

pollPath :: Int -> Bool -> EventChannel -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Map FilePath UTCTime -> IO ()
pollPath interval recursive chan filePath actPred oldPathMap = do
  threadDelay interval
  newPathMap  <- pathModMap recursive filePath
  currentTime <- getCurrentTime
  let deletedMap = Map.difference oldPathMap newPathMap
      createdMap = Map.difference newPathMap oldPathMap
      modifiedAndCreatedMap = Map.differenceWith modifiedDifference newPathMap oldPathMap
      modifiedMap = Map.difference modifiedAndCreatedMap createdMap
      generateEvents' = generateEvents currentTime
  handleEvents $ generateEvents' AddedEvent    $ Map.keys createdMap
  handleEvents $ generateEvents' ModifiedEvent $ Map.keys modifiedMap
  handleEvents $ generateEvents' RemovedEvent  $ Map.keys deletedMap
  pollPath' newPathMap
    modifiedDifference :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime
    modifiedDifference newTime oldTime
      | oldTime /= newTime = Just newTime
      | otherwise            = Nothing

    handleEvents :: [Event] -> IO ()
    handleEvents = mapM_ (handleEvent chan actPred)

    pollPath' :: Map FilePath UTCTime -> IO ()
    pollPath' = pollPath interval recursive chan filePath actPred

-- Additional init funciton exported to allow startManager to unconditionally
-- create a poll manager as a fallback when other managers will not instantiate.
createPollManager :: IO PollManager
createPollManager = fmap PollManager $ newMVar Map.empty

killWatchingThread :: WatchKey -> IO ()
killWatchingThread (WatchKey threadId) = killThread threadId

killAndUnregister :: MVar WatchMap -> WatchKey -> IO ()
killAndUnregister mvarMap wk = do
  _ <- withMVar mvarMap $ \m -> do
    killWatchingThread wk
    return $ Map.delete wk m
  return ()

instance FileListener PollManager where
  initSession = fmap Just createPollManager

  killSession (PollManager mvarMap) = do
    watchMap <- readMVar mvarMap
    forM_ (Map.keys watchMap) killWatchingThread

  listen conf (PollManager mvarMap) path actPred chan  = do
    path' <- canonicalizeDirPath path
    pmMap <- pathModMap False path'
    threadId <- forkIO $ pollPath (confPollInterval conf) False chan path' actPred pmMap
    let wk = WatchKey threadId
    modifyMVar_ mvarMap $ return . Map.insert wk (WatchData path' chan)
    return $ killAndUnregister mvarMap wk

  listenRecursive conf (PollManager mvarMap) path actPred chan = do
    path' <- canonicalizeDirPath path
    pmMap <- pathModMap True  path'
    threadId <- forkIO $ pollPath (confPollInterval conf) True chan path' actPred pmMap
    let wk = WatchKey threadId
    modifyMVar_ mvarMap $ return . Map.insert wk (WatchData path' chan)
    return $ killAndUnregister mvarMap wk

  usesPolling = const True

getModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO UTCTime
getModificationTime p = fromEpoch . modificationTime <$> getFileStatus p

fromEpoch :: EpochTime -> UTCTime
fromEpoch = posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac