{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Thread and process write lock.
-- Allows synchronisation between threads and processes.
-- Uses an 'MVar' for synchronisation between threads
-- and fcntl write locks for synchronisation between processes.
-- Only ever have one 'Lock' object per lock file per process!
module Control.Funflow.Lock
  ( Lock
  , openLock
  , closeLock
  , withLock
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Exception.Safe
import           Control.Monad           (unless)
import           Network.HostName        (getHostName)
import           Path
import           Path.IO
import           System.Posix.Files
import           System.Posix.IO
import           System.Posix.Process
import           System.Random

-- | Thread and process write lock.
-- Only ever have one 'Lock' object per lock file per process!
data Lock = Lock
  { lockMVar :: MVar ()
  , lockDir  :: Path Abs Dir

-- | Open the lock file and create a lock object.
-- This does not acquire the lock.
-- Only ever have one 'Lock' object per lock file per process!
openLock :: Path Abs Dir -> IO Lock
openLock dir = do
  mvar <- newMVar ()
  createDirIfMissing True dir
  return $! Lock
    { lockMVar = mvar
    , lockDir = dir

-- | Close the lock file.
-- Does not release the lock.
-- Blocks if the lock is taken.
closeLock :: Lock -> IO ()
closeLock lock = do
  takeMVar (lockMVar lock)

-- | Acquire the lock for the duration of the given action and release after.
withLock :: Lock -> IO a -> IO a
withLock lock action =
  withMVar (lockMVar lock) $ \() ->
    bracket_ (acquireDirLock $ lockDir lock) (releaseDirLock $ lockDir lock) $

-- Internals

-- | Generate unique (per process) filename.
-- Combines the host name and process ID.
getUniqueFileName :: IO (Path Rel File)
getUniqueFileName = do
  hostName <- getHostName
  pid <- getProcessID
  parseRelFile $ hostName ++ show pid

lockFileName :: Path Rel File
lockFileName = [relfile|lock|]

-- | Acquire the lock.
-- Uses an algorithm that is described in the man-page of open (2) in the
-- last paragraph to @O_EXCL@ in release 4.14 of the Linux man-pages project.
-- Creates a file under a unique (per process) filename.
-- Attempts to hard-link that file to a common lock path.
-- If the operation succeeds, then the lock was acquired.
-- If not, but if the link count of the file under the unique filename
-- increased to two, then the lock was acquired.
-- Otherwise, another process holds the lock and this process waits
-- and retries.
acquireDirLock :: Path Abs Dir -> IO ()
acquireDirLock dir = do
  file <- getUniqueFileName
  let path = dir </> file
  fd <- createFile (fromAbsFile path) ownerWriteMode
  closeFd fd
  r <- try $ createLink (fromAbsFile path) (fromAbsFile $ dir </> lockFileName)
  case r of
    Right () -> return ()
    Left (_::IOError) -> do
      count <- linkCount <$> getFileStatus (fromAbsFile path)
      unless (count == 2) $ do
        delay <- randomRIO (50000, 100000)
        threadDelay delay
        acquireDirLock dir

-- | Release the lock.
-- Unlinks the file under the unique file name and the common lock file.
releaseDirLock :: Path Abs Dir -> IO ()
releaseDirLock dir = do
  file <- getUniqueFileName
  let path = dir </> file
  removeLink (fromAbsFile $ dir </> lockFileName)
  removeLink (fromAbsFile path)