A fast, flexible, fused effect system for Haskell

is an effect system for Haskell emphasizing expressivity and efficiency. The former is achieved by encoding algebraic, higher-order effects, while the latter is the result of fusing effect handlers all the way through computations.
Readers already familiar with effect systems may wish to start with the usage instead.
Algebraic effects
In fused-effects
and other systems with algebraic (or, sometimes, extensible) effects, effectful programs are split into two parts: the specification (or syntax) of the actions to be performed, and the interpretation (or semantics) given to them. Thus, a program written using the syntax of an effect can be given different meanings by using different effect handlers.
These roles are performed by the effect and carrier types, respectively. Effects are datatypes with one constructor for each action. Carriers are generally newtype
s, with a Carrier
instance specifying how an effect’s constructors should be interpreted. Each carrier handles one effect, but multiple carriers can be defined for the same effect, corresponding to different interpreters for the effect’s syntax.
Higher-order effects
Unlike most other effect systems, fused-effects
offers higher-order (or scoped) effects in addition to first-order algebraic effects. In a strictly first-order algebraic effect system, operations (like local
or catchError
) which specify some action limited to a given scope must be implemented as interpreters, hard-coding their meaning in precisely the manner algebraic effects were designed to avoid. By specifying effects as higher-order functors, these operations are likewise able to be given a variety of interpretations. This means, for example, that you can introspect and redefine both the local
and ask
operations provided by the Reader
effect, rather than solely ask
(as is the case with certain formulations of algebraic effects).
As Nicolas Wu et al showed in Effect Handlers in Scope, this has implications for the expressiveness of effect systems. It also has the benefit of making effect handling more consistent, since scoped operations are just syntax which can be interpreted like any other, and are thus simpler to reason about.
In order to maximize efficiency, fused-effects
applies fusion laws, avoiding the construction of intermediate representations of effectful computations between effect handlers. In fact, this is applied as far as the initial construction as well: there is no representation of the computation as a free monad parameterized by some syntax type. As such, fused-effects
avoids the overhead associated with constructing and evaluating any underlying free or freer monad.
Instead, computations are performed in a carrier type for the syntax, typically a monad wrapping further monads, via an instance of the Carrier
class. This carrier is specific to the effect handler selected, but since it isn’t described until the handler is applied, the separation between specification and interpretation is maintained. Computations are written against an abstract effectful signature, and only specialized to some concrete carrier when their effects are interpreted.
Since the interpretation of effects is written as a typeclass instance which ghc
is eager to inline, performance is excellent: approximately on par with mtl
Finally, since the fusion of carrier algebras occurs as a result of the selection of the carriers, it doesn’t depend on complex RULES
pragmas, making it very easy to reason about and tune.
Using built-in effects
Like other effect systems, effects are performed in a Monad
extended with operations relating to the effect. In fused-effects
, this is done by means of a Member
constraint to require the effect’s presence in a signature, and a Carrier
constraint to relate the signature to the Monad
. For example, to use a State
effect managing a String
, one would write:
action :: (Member (State String) sig, Carrier sig m) => m ()
(Additional constraints may be necessary depending on the precise operations required, e.g. to make the Monad
methods available.)
Multiple effects can be required simply by adding their corresponding Member
constraints to the context. For example, to add a Reader
effect managing an Int
, we would write:
action :: (Member (State String) sig, Member (Reader Int) sig, Carrier sig m) => m ()
Different effects make different operations available; see the documentation for individual effects for more information about their operations. Note that we generally don't program against an explicit list of effect components: we take the typeclass-oriented approach, adding new constraints to sig
as new capabilities become necessary. If you want to name and share some predefined list of effects, it's best to use the -XConstraintKinds
extension to GHC, capturing the elements of sig
as a type synonym of kind Constraint
type Shared sig = ( Member (State String) sig
, Member (Reader Int) sig
, Member (Writer Graph) sig
myFunction :: (Shared sig, Carrier sig m) => Int -> m ()
Running effects
Effects are run with effect handlers, specified as functions (generally starting with run…
) invoking some specific Carrier
instance. For example, we can run a State
computation using runState
example1 :: (Carrier sig m, Effect sig) => [a] -> m (Int, ())
example1 list = runState 0 $ do
i <- get @Int
put (i + length list)
returns a tuple of both the computed value (the ()
) and the final state (the Int
), visible in the result of the returned computation. The get
function is resolved with a visible type application, due to the fact that effects can contain more than one state type (in contrast with mtl
's MonadState
, which limits the user to a single state type).
Since this function returns a value in some carrier m
, effect handlers can be chained to run multiple effects. Here, we get the list to compute the length of from a Reader
example2 :: (Carrier sig m, Effect sig, Monad m) => m (Int, ())
example2 = runReader "hello" . runState 0 $ do
list <- ask
put (length (list :: String))
(Note that the type annotation on list
is necessary to disambiguate the requested value, since otherwise all the typechecker knows is that it’s an arbitrary Foldable
. For more information, see the comparison to mtl
When all effects have been handled, a computation’s final value can be extracted with run
example3 :: (Int, ())
example3 = run . runReader "hello" . runState 0 $ do
list <- ask
put (length (list :: String))
is itself actually an effect handler for the Pure
effect, which has no operations and thus can only represent a final result value.
Alternatively, arbitrary Monad
s can be embedded into effectful computations using the Lift
effect. In this case, the underlying Monad
ic computation can be extracted using runM
. Here, we use the MonadIO
instance for the LiftC
carrier to lift putStrLn
into the middle of our computation:
example4 :: IO (Int, ())
example4 = runM . runReader "hello" . runState 0 $ do
list <- ask
liftIO (putStrLn list)
put (length list)
(Note that we no longer need to give a type annotation for list
, since putStrLn
constrains the type for us.)
Required compiler extensions
To use effects, you'll typically need -XFlexibleContexts
When defining your own effects, you may need -XKindSignatures
if GHC cannot correctly infer the type of your handler; see the documentation on common errors for more information about this case. -XDeriveGeneric
can be used with many first-order effects to derive default implementations of HFunctor
and Effect
When defining carriers, you'll need -XTypeOperators
to declare a Carrier
instance over (:+:
), -XFlexibleInstances
to loosen the conditions on the instance, -XMultiParamTypeClasses
since Carrier
takes two parameters, and -XUndecidableInstances
to satisfy the coverage condition for this instance.
The following invocation, taken from the teletype example, should suffice for most use or construction of effects and carriers:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric, DerivingStrategies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
Defining new effects
The process of defining new effects is outlined in docs/defining_effects.md
, using the classic Teletype
effect as an example.
Project overview
This project builds a Haskell package named fused-effects
. The library’s sources are in src
, with doctests (property tests written in documentation comments) attached to most functions. Unit tests are in test
, and library usage examples are in examples
. Further documentation can be found in docs
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
Finally, this project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
Development of fused-effects
is typically done using cabal new-build
cabal new-build # build the library
cabal new-test # build and run the examples, unit tests, and doctests
The package is available on hackage, and can be used by adding it to a component’s build-depends
field in your .cabal
Though fused-effects
is suitable for production work, it is currently in a pre-release state. Though we will attempt to comply with the Haskell Package Versioning Policy standard, we make no concrete guarantees of API stability between versions < Once v1.0.0.0 lands, all changes will abide by the PVP MAJOR.MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH standard.
To run the provided benchmark suite, use cabal new-bench
. You may wish to provide the -O2
compiler option to view performance under aggressive optimizations. fused-effects
has been benchmarked against a number of other effect systems. See also @patrickt’s benchmarks.
is an encoding of higher-order algebraic effects following the recipes in Effect Handlers in Scope (Nicolas Wu, Tom Schrijvers, Ralf Hinze), Monad Transformers and Modular Algebraic Effects: What Binds Them Together (Tom Schrijvers, Maciej Piróg, Nicolas Wu, Mauro Jaskelioff), and Fusion for Free—Efficient Algebraic Effect Handlers (Nicolas Wu, Tom Schrijvers).
Contributed packages
Though we aim to keep the fused-effects
core minimal, we encourage the development of external fused-effects
-compatible libraries. If you've written one that you'd like to be mentioned here, get in touch!
Comparison to mtl
Like mtl
, fused-effects
provides a library of monadic effects which can be given different interpretations. In mtl
this is done by defining new instances of the typeclasses encoding the actions of the effect, e.g. MonadState
. In fused-effects
, this is done by defining new instances of the Carrier
typeclass for the effect.
Also like mtl
, fused-effects
allows scoped operations like local
and catchError
to be given different interpretations. As with first-order operations, mtl
achieves this with a final tagless encoding via methods, whereas fused-effects
achieves this with an initial algebra encoding via Carrier
Unlike mtl
, effects are automatically available regardless of where they occur in the signature; in mtl
this requires instances for all valid orderings of the transformers (O(n²) of them, in general).
Also unlike mtl
, there can be more than one State
or Reader
effect in a signature. This is a tradeoff: mtl
is able to provide excellent type inference for effectful operations like get
, since the functional dependencies can resolve the state type from the monad type. On the other hand, this behaviour can be recovered in fused-effects
using newtype
wrappers with phantom type parameters and helper functions, e.g.:
newtype Wrapper s m a = Wrapper { runWrapper :: m a }
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad)
instance Carrier sig m => Carrier sig (Wrapper s m) where …
getState :: (Carrier sig m, Member (State s) m) => Wrapper m s
getState = get
Indeed, Wrapper
can now be made an instance of MonadState
instance (Carrier sig m, Member (State s) sig, Monad m) => MTL.MonadState s (Wrapper s m) where
get = Control.Effect.State.get
put = Control.Effect.State.put
Thus, the approaches aren’t mutually exclusive; consumers are free to decide which approach makes the most sense for their situation.
Unlike fused-effects
, mtl
provides a ContT
monad transformer; however, it’s worth noting that many behaviours possible with delimited continuations (e.g. resumable exceptions) are directly encodable as effects. Further, fused-effects
provides a relatively large palette of these, including resumable exceptions, tracing, resource management, and others, as well as tools to define your own.
Finally, thanks to the fusion and inlining of carriers, fused-effects
is approximately as fast as mtl
(see benchmarks).
Comparison to freer-simple
Like freer-simple
, fused-effects
uses an initial encoding of library- and user-defined effects as syntax which can then be given different interpretations. In freer-simple
, this is done with a family of interpreter functions (which cover a variety of needs, and which can be extended for more bespoke needs), whereas in fused-effects
this is done with Carrier
instances for newtype
(Tho note that as of fused-effects
0.3.1, it is possible to define handlers using runInterpret
in a manner analogous to freer-simple
’s interpret
, with the caveat that its use of higher-order functions defeats the fusion and inlining of Carrier
instances which makes fused-effects
so efficient.)
Unlike fused-effects
, in freer-simple
, scoped operations like catchError
and local
are implemented as interpreters, and can therefore not be given new interpretations.
Unlike freer-simple
, fused-effects
has relatively little attention paid to compiler error messaging, which can make common (compile-time) errors somewhat more confusing to diagnose. Similarly, freer-simple
’s family of interpreter functions can make the job of defining new effect handlers somewhat easier than in fused-effects
. Further, freer-simple
provides many of the same effects as fused-effects
, plus a coroutine effect, but minus resource management and random generation.
Finally, fused-effects
has been benchmarked as faster than freer-simple