-- | Facilities for composing SOAC functions.  Mostly intended for use
-- by the fusion module, but factored into a separate module for ease
-- of testing, debugging and development.  Of course, there is nothing
-- preventing you from using the exported functions whereever you
-- want.
-- Important: this module is \"dumb\" in the sense that it does not
-- check the validity of its inputs, and does not have any
-- functionality for massaging SOACs to be fusible.  It is assumed
-- that the given SOACs are immediately compatible.
-- The module will, however, remove duplicate inputs after fusion.
module Futhark.Optimise.Fusion.Composing
  ( fuseMaps
  , fuseRedomap
  , mergeReduceOps

import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe

import qualified Futhark.Analysis.HORepresentation.SOAC as SOAC

import Futhark.Representation.AST
import Futhark.Binder (Bindable(..), insertStm, insertStms, mkLet)
import Futhark.Construct (mapResult)
import Futhark.Util (splitAt3, takeLast, dropLast)

-- | @fuseMaps lam1 inp1 out1 lam2 inp2@ fuses the function @lam1@ into
-- @lam2@.  Both functions must be mapping functions, although @lam2@
-- may have leading reduction parameters.  @inp1@ and @inp2@ are the
-- array inputs to the SOACs containing @lam1@ and @lam2@
-- respectively.  @out1@ are the identifiers to which the output of
-- the SOAC containing @lam1@ is bound.  It is nonsensical to call
-- this function unless the intersection of @out1@ and @inp2@ is
-- non-empty.
-- If @lam2@ accepts more parameters than there are elements in
-- @inp2@, it is assumed that the surplus (which are positioned at the
-- beginning of the parameter list) are reduction (accumulator)
-- parameters, that do not correspond to array elements, and they are
-- thus not modified.
-- The result is the fused function, and a list of the array inputs
-- expected by the SOAC containing the fused function.
fuseMaps :: Bindable lore =>
            Names     -- ^ The producer var names that still need to be returned
         -> Lambda lore -- ^ Function of SOAC to be fused.
         -> [SOAC.Input] -- ^ Input of SOAC to be fused.
         -> [(VName,Ident)] -- ^ Output of SOAC to be fused.  The
                            -- first identifier is the name of the
                            -- actual output, where the second output
                            -- is an identifier that can be used to
                            -- bind a single element of that output.
         -> Lambda lore -- ^ Function to be fused with.
         -> [SOAC.Input] -- ^ Input of SOAC to be fused with.
         -> (Lambda lore, [SOAC.Input]) -- ^ The fused lambda and the inputs of
                                   -- the resulting SOAC.
fuseMaps unfus_nms lam1 inp1 out1 lam2 inp2 = (lam2', M.elems inputmap)
  where lam2' =
          lam2 { lambdaParams = [ Param name t
                                | Ident name t <- lam2redparams ++ M.keys inputmap ]
               , lambdaBody   = new_body2'
        new_body2 = let bnds res = [ mkLet [] [p] $ BasicOp $ SubExp e
                                   | (p,e) <- zip pat res]
                        bindLambda res =
                            stmsFromList (bnds res) `insertStms` makeCopiesInner (lambdaBody lam2)
                    in makeCopies $ mapResult bindLambda (lambdaBody lam1)
        new_body2_rses = bodyResult new_body2
        new_body2'= new_body2 { bodyResult = new_body2_rses ++
                                             map (Var . identName) unfus_pat  }
        -- infusible variables are added at the end of the result/pattern/type
        (lam2redparams, unfus_pat, pat, inputmap, makeCopies, makeCopiesInner) =
          fuseInputs unfus_nms lam1 inp1 out1 lam2 inp2
        --(unfus_accpat, unfus_arrpat) = splitAt (length unfus_accs) unfus_pat

fuseInputs :: Bindable lore =>
           -> Lambda lore -> [SOAC.Input] -> [(VName,Ident)]
           -> Lambda lore -> [SOAC.Input]
           -> ([Ident], [Ident], [Ident],
               M.Map Ident SOAC.Input,
               Body lore -> Body lore, Body lore -> Body lore)
fuseInputs unfus_nms lam1 inp1 out1 lam2 inp2 =
  (lam2redparams, unfus_vars, outbnds, inputmap, makeCopies, makeCopiesInner)
  where (lam2redparams, lam2arrparams) =
          splitAt (length lam2params - length inp2) lam2params
        lam1params = map paramIdent $ lambdaParams lam1
        lam2params = map paramIdent $ lambdaParams lam2
        lam1inputmap = M.fromList $ zip lam1params inp1
        lam2inputmap = M.fromList $ zip lam2arrparams            inp2
        (lam2inputmap', makeCopiesInner) = removeDuplicateInputs lam2inputmap
        originputmap = lam1inputmap `M.union` lam2inputmap'
        outins = uncurry (outParams $ map fst out1) $
                 unzip $ M.toList lam2inputmap'
        outbnds= filterOutParams out1 outins
        (inputmap, makeCopies) =
          removeDuplicateInputs $ originputmap `M.difference` outins
        -- Cosmin: @unfus_vars@ is supposed to be the lam2 vars corresponding to unfus_nms (?)
        getVarParPair x = case SOAC.isVarInput (snd x) of
                            Just nm -> Just (nm, fst x)
                            Nothing -> Nothing --should not be reached!
        outinsrev = M.fromList $ mapMaybe getVarParPair $ M.toList outins
        unfusible outname
          | outname `S.member` unfus_nms =
            outname `M.lookup` M.union outinsrev (M.fromList out1)
        unfusible _ = Nothing
        unfus_vars= mapMaybe (unfusible . fst) out1

outParams :: [VName] -> [Ident] -> [SOAC.Input]
          -> M.Map Ident SOAC.Input
outParams out1 lam2arrparams inp2 =
  M.fromList $ mapMaybe isOutParam $ zip lam2arrparams inp2
  where isOutParam (p, inp)
          | Just a <- SOAC.isVarInput inp,
            a `elem` out1 = Just (p, inp)
        isOutParam _      = Nothing

filterOutParams :: [(VName,Ident)]
                -> M.Map Ident SOAC.Input
                -> [Ident]
filterOutParams out1 outins =
  snd $ mapAccumL checkUsed outUsage out1
  where outUsage = M.foldlWithKey' add M.empty outins
          where add m p inp =
                  case SOAC.isVarInput inp of
                    Just v  -> M.insertWith (++) v [p] m
                    Nothing -> m

        checkUsed m (a,ra) =
          case M.lookup a m of
            Just (p:ps) -> (M.insert a ps m, p)
            _           -> (m, ra)

removeDuplicateInputs :: Bindable lore =>
                         M.Map Ident SOAC.Input
                      -> (M.Map Ident SOAC.Input, Body lore -> Body lore)
removeDuplicateInputs = fst . M.foldlWithKey' comb ((M.empty, id), M.empty)
  where comb ((parmap, inner), arrmap) par arr =
          case M.lookup arr arrmap of
            Nothing -> ((M.insert par arr parmap, inner),
                        M.insert arr (identName par) arrmap)
            Just par' -> ((parmap, inner . forward par par'),
        forward to from b =
          mkLet [] [to] (BasicOp $ SubExp $ Var from)
          `insertStm` b

fuseRedomap :: Bindable lore =>
               Names -> [VName]
            -> Lambda lore -> [SubExp] -> [SubExp] -> [SOAC.Input]
            -> [(VName,Ident)]
            -> Lambda lore -> [SubExp] -> [SubExp] -> [SOAC.Input]
            -> (Lambda lore, [SOAC.Input])
fuseRedomap unfus_nms outVars p_lam p_scan_nes p_red_nes p_inparr outPairs
                              c_lam c_scan_nes c_red_nes c_inparr =
  -- We hack the implementation of map o redomap to handle this case:
  --   (i) we remove the accumulator formal paramter and corresponding
  --       (body) result from from redomap's fold-lambda body
  let p_num_nes   = length p_scan_nes + length p_red_nes
      unfus_arrs  = filter (`S.member` unfus_nms) outVars
      p_lam_body   = lambdaBody p_lam
      (p_lam_scan_ts, p_lam_red_ts, p_lam_map_ts) =
        splitAt3 (length p_scan_nes) (length p_red_nes) $ lambdaReturnType p_lam
      (p_lam_scan_res, p_lam_red_res, p_lam_map_res) =
        splitAt3 (length p_scan_nes) (length p_red_nes) $ bodyResult p_lam_body
      p_lam_hacked = p_lam { lambdaParams = takeLast (length p_inparr) $ lambdaParams p_lam
                           , lambdaBody   = p_lam_body { bodyResult = p_lam_map_res }
                           , lambdaReturnType = p_lam_map_ts }

  --  (ii) we remove the accumulator's (global) output result from
  --       @outPairs@, then ``map o redomap'' fuse the two lambdas
  --       (in the usual way), and construct the extra return types
  --       for the arrays that fall through.
      (res_lam, new_inp) = fuseMaps (S.fromList unfus_arrs) p_lam_hacked p_inparr
                                    (drop p_num_nes outPairs) c_lam c_inparr
      (res_lam_scan_ts, res_lam_red_ts, res_lam_map_ts) =
        splitAt3 (length c_scan_nes) (length c_red_nes) $ lambdaReturnType res_lam
      (_,extra_map_ts) = unzip $ filter (\(nm,_)->elem nm unfus_arrs) $
                         zip (drop p_num_nes outVars) $ drop p_num_nes $
                         lambdaReturnType p_lam

  -- (iii) Finally, we put back the accumulator's formal parameter and
  --       (body) result in the first position of the obtained lambda.
      accpars  = dropLast (length p_inparr) $ lambdaParams p_lam
      res_body = lambdaBody res_lam
      (res_lam_scan_res, res_lam_red_res, res_lam_map_res) =
        splitAt3 (length c_scan_nes) (length c_red_nes) $ bodyResult res_body
      res_body'= res_body { bodyResult = p_lam_scan_res ++ res_lam_scan_res ++
                                         p_lam_red_res ++ res_lam_red_res ++
                                         res_lam_map_res }
      res_lam' = res_lam { lambdaParams     = accpars ++ lambdaParams res_lam
                         , lambdaBody       = res_body'
                         , lambdaReturnType = p_lam_scan_ts ++ res_lam_scan_ts ++
                                              p_lam_red_ts ++ res_lam_red_ts ++
                                              res_lam_map_ts ++ extra_map_ts
  in  (res_lam', new_inp)

mergeReduceOps :: Lambda lore -> Lambda lore -> Lambda lore
mergeReduceOps (Lambda par1 bdy1 rtp1) (Lambda par2 bdy2 rtp2) =
  let body' = Body (bodyAttr bdy1)
                   (bodyStms bdy1 <> bodyStms bdy2)
                   (bodyResult bdy1 ++ bodyResult   bdy2)
      (len1, len2) = (length rtp1, length rtp2)
      par'  = take len1 par1 ++ take len2 par2 ++ drop len1 par1 ++ drop len2 par2
  in  Lambda par' body' (rtp1++rtp2)