{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Futhark.Representation.SOACS.Simplify
       ( simplifySOACS
       , simplifyLambda
       , simplifyStms

       , simpleSOACS

       , soacRules

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set      as S

import Futhark.Representation.SOACS
import qualified Futhark.Representation.AST as AST
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Attributes.Aliases
import qualified Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Engine as Engine
import qualified Futhark.Optimise.Simplify as Simplify
import Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Rules
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Rule
import Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.ClosedForm
import Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Lore
import Futhark.Tools
import Futhark.Pass
import qualified Futhark.Analysis.SymbolTable as ST
import qualified Futhark.Analysis.UsageTable as UT
import Futhark.Analysis.DataDependencies
import Futhark.Transform.Rename
import Futhark.Util

simpleSOACS :: Simplify.SimpleOps SOACS
simpleSOACS = Simplify.bindableSimpleOps simplifySOAC

simplifySOACS :: Prog -> PassM Prog
simplifySOACS = Simplify.simplifyProg simpleSOACS soacRules blockers
  where blockers = Engine.noExtraHoistBlockers { Engine.getArraySizes = getShapeNames }

-- | Getting the roots of what to hoist, for now only variable
-- names that represent shapes/sizes.
getShapeNames :: (LetAttr lore ~ (VarWisdom, Type)) =>
                 AST.Stm lore -> Names
getShapeNames bnd =
  let tps1 = map patElemType $ patternElements $ stmPattern bnd
      tps2 = map (snd . patElemAttr) $ patternElements $ stmPattern bnd
  in  S.fromList $ subExpVars $ concatMap arrayDims (tps1 ++ tps2)

simplifyLambda :: (HasScope SOACS m, MonadFreshNames m) =>
                  Lambda -> [Maybe VName] -> m Lambda
simplifyLambda =
  Simplify.simplifyLambda simpleSOACS soacRules Engine.noExtraHoistBlockers

simplifyStms :: (HasScope SOACS m, MonadFreshNames m) =>
                Stms SOACS -> m (Stms SOACS)
simplifyStms =
  Simplify.simplifyStms simpleSOACS soacRules Engine.noExtraHoistBlockers

simplifySOAC :: Simplify.SimplifyOp SOACS
simplifySOAC (CmpThreshold what s) = do
  what' <- Engine.simplify what
  return (CmpThreshold what' s, mempty)
simplifySOAC (Stream outerdim form lam arr) = do
  outerdim' <- Engine.simplify outerdim
  (form', form_hoisted) <- simplifyStreamForm form
  arr' <- mapM Engine.simplify arr
  (lam', lam_hoisted) <- Engine.simplifyLambda lam (map Just arr)
  return (Stream outerdim' form' lam' arr', form_hoisted <> lam_hoisted)
  where simplifyStreamForm (Parallel o comm lam0 acc) = do
          acc'  <- mapM Engine.simplify acc
          (lam0', hoisted) <- Engine.simplifyLambda lam0 $
                              replicate (length $ lambdaParams lam0) Nothing
          return (Parallel o comm lam0' acc', hoisted)
        simplifyStreamForm (Sequential acc) = do
          acc' <- mapM Engine.simplify acc
          return (Sequential acc', mempty)

simplifySOAC (Scatter len lam ivs as) = do
  len' <- Engine.simplify len
  (lam', hoisted) <- Engine.simplifyLambda lam $ map Just ivs
  ivs' <- mapM Engine.simplify ivs
  as' <- mapM Engine.simplify as
  return (Scatter len' lam' ivs' as', hoisted)

simplifySOAC (GenReduce w ops bfun imgs) = do
  w' <- Engine.simplify w
  (ops', hoisted) <- fmap unzip $ forM ops $ \(GenReduceOp dests_w dests nes op) -> do
    dests_w' <- Engine.simplify dests_w
    dests' <- Engine.simplify dests
    nes' <- mapM Engine.simplify nes
    (op', hoisted) <- Engine.simplifyLambda op $ replicate (length $ lambdaParams op) Nothing
    return (GenReduceOp dests_w' dests' nes' op', hoisted)
  imgs'  <- mapM Engine.simplify imgs
  (bfun', bfun_hoisted) <- Engine.simplifyLambda bfun $ map Just imgs
  return (GenReduce w' ops' bfun' imgs', mconcat hoisted <> bfun_hoisted)

simplifySOAC (Screma w (ScremaForm (scan_lam, scan_nes) reds map_lam) arrs) = do
  (scan_lam', scan_lam_hoisted) <-
    Engine.simplifyLambda scan_lam $ replicate (length scan_nes) Nothing
  (reds', reds_hoisted) <- fmap unzip $ forM reds $ \(Reduce comm lam nes) -> do
    (lam', hoisted) <- Engine.simplifyLambda lam $ replicate (length nes) Nothing
    nes' <- Engine.simplify nes
    return (Reduce comm lam' nes', hoisted)
  (map_lam', map_lam_hoisted) <- Engine.simplifyLambda map_lam $ map Just arrs
  (,) <$> (Screma <$> Engine.simplify w <*>
           (ScremaForm <$> ((,) scan_lam' <$> Engine.simplify scan_nes) <*>
             pure reds' <*> pure map_lam') <*>
            Engine.simplify arrs) <*>
    pure (scan_lam_hoisted <> mconcat reds_hoisted <> map_lam_hoisted)

instance BinderOps (Wise SOACS) where
  mkExpAttrB = bindableMkExpAttrB
  mkBodyB = bindableMkBodyB
  mkLetNamesB = bindableMkLetNamesB

fixLambdaParams :: (MonadBinder m, Bindable (Lore m), BinderOps (Lore m)) =>
                   AST.Lambda (Lore m) -> [Maybe SubExp] -> m (AST.Lambda (Lore m))
fixLambdaParams lam fixes = do
  body <- runBodyBinder $ localScope (scopeOfLParams $ lambdaParams lam) $ do
    zipWithM_ maybeFix (lambdaParams lam) fixes'
    return $ lambdaBody lam
  return lam { lambdaBody = body
             , lambdaParams = map fst $ filter (isNothing . snd) $
                              zip (lambdaParams lam) fixes' }
  where fixes' = fixes ++ repeat Nothing
        maybeFix p (Just x) = letBindNames_ [paramName p] $ BasicOp $ SubExp x
        maybeFix _ Nothing = return ()

removeLambdaResults :: [Bool] -> AST.Lambda lore -> AST.Lambda lore
removeLambdaResults keep lam = lam { lambdaBody = lam_body'
                                   , lambdaReturnType = ret }
  where keep' :: [a] -> [a]
        keep' = map snd . filter fst . zip (keep ++ repeat True)
        lam_body = lambdaBody lam
        lam_body' = lam_body { bodyResult = keep' $ bodyResult lam_body }
        ret = keep' $ lambdaReturnType lam

soacRules :: RuleBook (Wise SOACS)
soacRules = standardRules <> ruleBook topDownRules bottomUpRules

topDownRules :: [TopDownRule (Wise SOACS)]
topDownRules = [RuleOp hoistCertificates,
                RuleOp removeReplicateMapping,
                RuleOp removeReplicateWrite,
                RuleOp removeUnusedSOACInput,
                RuleOp simplifyClosedFormReduce,
                RuleOp simplifyKnownIterationSOAC,
                RuleOp fuseConcatScatter,
                RuleOp simplifyMapIota,
                RuleOp moveTransformToInput

bottomUpRules :: [BottomUpRule (Wise SOACS)]
bottomUpRules = [RuleOp removeDeadMapping,
                 RuleOp removeDeadReduction,
                 RuleOp removeDeadWrite,
                 RuleBasicOp removeUnnecessaryCopy,
                 RuleOp liftIdentityMapping,
                 RuleOp liftIdentityStreaming,
                 RuleOp removeDuplicateMapOutput,
                 RuleOp mapOpToOp

-- Any certificates attached to a trivial Stm in the body might as
-- well be applied to the SOAC itself.
hoistCertificates :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
hoistCertificates vtable pat aux soac
  | (soac', hoisted) <- runState (mapSOACM mapper soac) mempty,
    hoisted /= mempty =
      certifying (hoisted <> stmAuxCerts aux) $ letBind_ pat $ Op soac'
  where mapper = identitySOACMapper { mapOnSOACLambda = onLambda }
        onLambda lam = do
          stms' <- mapM onStm $ bodyStms $ lambdaBody lam
          return lam { lambdaBody =
                       mkBody stms' $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam }
        onStm (Let se_pat se_aux (BasicOp (SubExp se))) = do
          let (invariant, variant) =
                partition (`ST.elem` vtable) $
                unCertificates $ stmAuxCerts se_aux
              se_aux' = se_aux { stmAuxCerts = Certificates variant }
          modify (Certificates invariant<>)
          return $ Let se_pat se_aux' $ BasicOp $ SubExp se
        onStm stm = return stm
hoistCertificates _ _ _ _ =

liftIdentityMapping :: BottomUpRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
liftIdentityMapping (_, usages) pat _ (Screma w form arrs)
  | Just fun <- isMapSOAC form = do
  let inputMap = M.fromList $ zip (map paramName $ lambdaParams fun) arrs
      free = freeIn $ lambdaBody fun
      rettype = lambdaReturnType fun
      ses = bodyResult $ lambdaBody fun

      freeOrConst (Var v)    = v `S.member` free
      freeOrConst Constant{} = True

      checkInvariance (outId, Var v, _) (invariant, mapresult, rettype')
        | Just inp <- M.lookup v inputMap =
            let e | patElemName outId `UT.isConsumed` usages
                    || inp `UT.isConsumed` usages =
                      Copy inp
                  | otherwise =
                      SubExp $ Var inp
            in ((Pattern [] [outId], BasicOp e) : invariant,
      checkInvariance (outId, e, t) (invariant, mapresult, rettype')
        | freeOrConst e = ((Pattern [] [outId], BasicOp $ Replicate (Shape [w]) e) : invariant,
        | otherwise = (invariant,
                       (outId, e) : mapresult,
                       t : rettype')

  case foldr checkInvariance ([], [], []) $
       zip3 (patternElements pat) ses rettype of
    ([], _, _) -> cannotSimplify
    (invariant, mapresult, rettype') -> do
      let (pat', ses') = unzip mapresult
          fun' = fun { lambdaBody = (lambdaBody fun) { bodyResult = ses' }
                     , lambdaReturnType = rettype'
      mapM_ (uncurry letBind) invariant
      letBindNames_ (map patElemName pat') $ Op $ Screma w (mapSOAC fun') arrs
liftIdentityMapping _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

liftIdentityStreaming :: BottomUpRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
liftIdentityStreaming _ (Pattern [] pes) _ (Stream w form lam arrs)
  | (variant_map, invariant_map) <-
      partitionEithers $ map isInvariantRes $ zip3 map_ts map_pes map_res,
    not $ null invariant_map = do

      forM_ invariant_map $ \(pe, arr) ->
        letBind_ (Pattern [] [pe]) $ BasicOp $ Copy arr

      let (variant_map_ts, variant_map_pes, variant_map_res) = unzip3 variant_map
          lam' = lam { lambdaBody = (lambdaBody lam) { bodyResult = fold_res ++ variant_map_res }
                     , lambdaReturnType = fold_ts ++ variant_map_ts }

      letBind_ (Pattern [] $ fold_pes ++ variant_map_pes) $
        Op $ Stream w form lam' arrs
  where num_folds = length $ getStreamAccums form
        (fold_pes, map_pes) = splitAt num_folds pes
        (fold_ts, map_ts) = splitAt num_folds $ lambdaReturnType lam
        lam_res = bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam
        (fold_res, map_res) = splitAt num_folds lam_res
        params_to_arrs = zip (map paramName $ drop (1 + num_folds) $ lambdaParams lam) arrs

        isInvariantRes (_, pe, Var v)
          | Just arr <- lookup v params_to_arrs =
              Right (pe, arr)
        isInvariantRes x =
          Left x
liftIdentityStreaming _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

-- | Remove all arguments to the map that are simply replicates.
-- These can be turned into free variables instead.
removeReplicateMapping :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
removeReplicateMapping vtable pat _ (Screma w form arrs)
  | Just fun <- isMapSOAC form,
    Just (bnds, fun', arrs') <- removeReplicateInput vtable fun arrs = do
      forM_ bnds $ \(vs,cs,e) -> certifying cs $ letBindNames vs e
      letBind_ pat $ Op $ Screma w (mapSOAC fun') arrs'
removeReplicateMapping _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

-- | Like 'removeReplicateMapping', but for 'Scatter'.
removeReplicateWrite :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
removeReplicateWrite vtable pat _ (Scatter len lam ivs as)
  | Just (bnds, lam', ivs') <- removeReplicateInput vtable lam ivs = do
      forM_ bnds $ \(vs,cs,e) -> certifying cs $ letBindNames vs e
      letBind_ pat $ Op $ Scatter len lam' ivs' as
removeReplicateWrite _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

removeReplicateInput :: Aliased lore =>
                        ST.SymbolTable lore
                     -> AST.Lambda lore -> [VName]
                     -> Maybe ([([VName], Certificates, AST.Exp lore)],
                                AST.Lambda lore, [VName])
removeReplicateInput vtable fun arrs
  | not $ null parameterBnds = do
  let (arr_params', arrs') = unzip params_and_arrs
      fun' = fun { lambdaParams = acc_params <> arr_params' }
  return (parameterBnds, fun', arrs')
  | otherwise = Nothing

  where params = lambdaParams fun
        (acc_params, arr_params) =
          splitAt (length params - length arrs) params
        (params_and_arrs, parameterBnds) =
          partitionEithers $ zipWith isReplicateAndNotConsumed arr_params arrs

        isReplicateAndNotConsumed p v
          | Just (BasicOp (Replicate (Shape (_:ds)) e), v_cs) <-
              ST.lookupExp v vtable,
            not $ paramName p `S.member` consumedByLambda fun =
              Right ([paramName p],
                     case ds of
                       [] -> BasicOp $ SubExp e
                       _  -> BasicOp $ Replicate (Shape ds) e)
          | otherwise =
              Left (p, v)

-- | Remove inputs that are not used inside the SOAC.
removeUnusedSOACInput :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
removeUnusedSOACInput _ pat _ (Screma w (ScremaForm scan reduce map_lam) arrs)
  | (used,unused) <- partition usedInput params_and_arrs,
    not (null unused) = do
      let (used_params, used_arrs) = unzip used
          map_lam' = map_lam { lambdaParams = used_params }
      letBind_ pat $ Op $ Screma w (ScremaForm scan reduce map_lam') used_arrs
  where params_and_arrs = zip (lambdaParams map_lam) arrs
        used_in_body = freeIn $ lambdaBody map_lam
        usedInput (param, _) = paramName param `S.member` used_in_body
removeUnusedSOACInput _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

removeDeadMapping :: BottomUpRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
removeDeadMapping (_, used) pat _ (Screma w form arrs)
  | Just fun <- isMapSOAC form =
  let ses = bodyResult $ lambdaBody fun
      isUsed (bindee, _, _) = (`UT.used` used) $ patElemName bindee
      (pat',ses', ts') = unzip3 $ filter isUsed $
                         zip3 (patternElements pat) ses $ lambdaReturnType fun
      fun' = fun { lambdaBody = (lambdaBody fun) { bodyResult = ses' }
                 , lambdaReturnType = ts'
  in if pat /= Pattern [] pat'
     then letBind_ (Pattern [] pat') $ Op $ Screma w (mapSOAC fun') arrs
     else cannotSimplify
removeDeadMapping _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

removeDuplicateMapOutput :: BottomUpRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
removeDuplicateMapOutput (_, used) pat _ (Screma w form arrs)
  | Just fun <- isMapSOAC form =
  let ses = bodyResult $ lambdaBody fun
      ts = lambdaReturnType fun
      pes = patternValueElements pat
      ses_ts_pes = zip3 ses ts pes
      (ses_ts_pes', copies) =
        foldl checkForDuplicates (mempty,mempty) ses_ts_pes
  in if null copies then cannotSimplify
     else do
       let (ses', ts', pes') = unzip3 ses_ts_pes'
           pat' = Pattern [] pes'
           fun' = fun { lambdaBody = (lambdaBody fun) { bodyResult = ses' }
                      , lambdaReturnType = ts' }
       letBind_ pat' $ Op $ Screma w (mapSOAC fun') arrs
       forM_ copies $ \(from,to) ->
         if UT.isConsumed (patElemName to) used then
           letBind_ (Pattern [] [to]) $ BasicOp $ Copy $ patElemName from
           letBind_ (Pattern [] [to]) $ BasicOp $ SubExp $ Var $ patElemName from
  where checkForDuplicates (ses_ts_pes',copies) (se,t,pe)
          | Just (_,_,pe') <- find (\(x,_,_) -> x == se) ses_ts_pes' =
              -- This subexp has been returned before, producing the
              -- array pe'.
              (ses_ts_pes', (pe', pe) : copies)
          | otherwise = (ses_ts_pes' ++ [(se,t,pe)], copies)
removeDuplicateMapOutput _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

-- Mapping some operations becomes an extension of that operation.
mapOpToOp :: BottomUpRuleOp (Wise SOACS)

mapOpToOp (_, used) pat aux1 e
  | Just (map_pe, cs, w, BasicOp (Reshape newshape reshape_arr), [p], [arr]) <-
      isMapWithOp pat e,
    paramName p == reshape_arr,
    not $ UT.isConsumed (patElemName map_pe) used = do
      let redim | isJust $ shapeCoercion newshape = DimCoercion w
                | otherwise                       = DimNew w
      certifying (stmAuxCerts aux1 <> cs) $ letBind_ pat $
        BasicOp $ Reshape (redim : newshape) arr

  | Just (_, cs, _,
          BasicOp (Concat d arr arrs dw), ps, outer_arr : outer_arrs) <-
      isMapWithOp pat e,
    (arr:arrs) == map paramName ps =
      certifying (stmAuxCerts aux1 <> cs) $ letBind_ pat $
      BasicOp $ Concat (d+1) outer_arr outer_arrs dw

  | Just (map_pe, cs, _,
          BasicOp (Rearrange perm rearrange_arr), [p], [arr]) <-
      isMapWithOp pat e,
    paramName p == rearrange_arr,
    not $ UT.isConsumed (patElemName map_pe) used =
      certifying (stmAuxCerts aux1 <> cs) $ letBind_ pat $
      BasicOp $ Rearrange (0 : map (1+) perm) arr

  | Just (map_pe, cs, _, BasicOp (Rotate rots rotate_arr), [p], [arr]) <-
      isMapWithOp pat e,
    paramName p == rotate_arr,
    not $ UT.isConsumed (patElemName map_pe) used =
      certifying (stmAuxCerts aux1 <> cs) $ letBind_ pat $
      BasicOp $ Rotate (intConst Int32 0 : rots) arr

mapOpToOp _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

isMapWithOp :: PatternT attr
            -> SOAC (Wise SOACS)
            -> Maybe (PatElemT attr, Certificates, SubExp,
                      AST.Exp (Wise SOACS), [ParamT Type], [VName])
isMapWithOp pat e
  | Pattern [] [map_pe] <- pat,
    Screma w form arrs <- e,
    Just map_lam <- isMapSOAC form,
    [Let (Pattern [] [pe]) aux2 e'] <-
      stmsToList $ bodyStms $ lambdaBody map_lam,
    [Var r] <- bodyResult $ lambdaBody map_lam,
    r == patElemName pe =
      Just (map_pe, stmAuxCerts aux2, w, e', lambdaParams map_lam, arrs)
  | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Some of the results of a reduction (or really: Redomap) may be
-- dead.  We remove them here.  The trick is that we need to look at
-- the data dependencies to see that the "dead" result is not
-- actually used for computing one of the live ones.
removeDeadReduction :: BottomUpRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
removeDeadReduction (_, used) pat (StmAux cs _) (Screma w form arrs)
  | Just ([Reduce comm redlam nes], maplam) <- isRedomapSOAC form,
    not $ all (`UT.used` used) $ patternNames pat, -- Quick/cheap check

    let (red_pes, map_pes) = splitAt (length nes) $ patternElements pat,
    let redlam_deps = dataDependencies $ lambdaBody redlam,
    let redlam_res = bodyResult $ lambdaBody redlam,
    let redlam_params = lambdaParams redlam,
    let used_after = map snd $ filter ((`UT.used` used) . patElemName . fst) $
                     zip red_pes redlam_params,
    let necessary = findNecessaryForReturned (`elem` used_after)
                    (zip redlam_params $ redlam_res <> redlam_res) redlam_deps,
    let alive_mask = map ((`S.member` necessary) . paramName) redlam_params,

    not $ all (==True) alive_mask = do

  let fixDeadToNeutral lives ne = if lives then Nothing else Just ne
      dead_fix = zipWith fixDeadToNeutral alive_mask nes
      (used_red_pes, _, used_nes) =
        unzip3 $ filter (\(_,x,_) -> paramName x `S.member` necessary) $
        zip3 red_pes redlam_params nes

  let maplam' = removeLambdaResults (take (length nes) alive_mask) maplam
  redlam' <- removeLambdaResults (take (length nes) alive_mask) <$> fixLambdaParams redlam (dead_fix++dead_fix)

  certifying cs $ letBind_ (Pattern [] $ used_red_pes ++ map_pes) $
    Op $ Screma w (redomapSOAC [Reduce comm redlam' used_nes] maplam') arrs

removeDeadReduction _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

-- | If we are writing to an array that is never used, get rid of it.
removeDeadWrite :: BottomUpRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
removeDeadWrite (_, used) pat _ (Scatter w fun arrs dests) =
  let (i_ses, v_ses) = splitAt (length dests) $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody fun
      (i_ts, v_ts) = splitAt (length dests) $ lambdaReturnType fun
      isUsed (bindee, _, _, _, _, _) = (`UT.used` used) $ patElemName bindee
      (pat', i_ses', v_ses', i_ts', v_ts', dests') =
        unzip6 $ filter isUsed $
        zip6 (patternElements pat) i_ses v_ses i_ts v_ts dests
      fun' = fun { lambdaBody = (lambdaBody fun) { bodyResult = i_ses' ++ v_ses' }
                 , lambdaReturnType = i_ts' ++ v_ts'
  in if pat /= Pattern [] pat'
     then letBind_ (Pattern [] pat') $ Op $ Scatter w fun' arrs dests'
     else cannotSimplify
removeDeadWrite _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

-- handles now concatenation of more than two arrays
fuseConcatScatter :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
fuseConcatScatter vtable pat _ (Scatter _ fun arrs dests)
  | Just (ws@(w':_), xss, css) <- unzip3 <$> mapM isConcat arrs,
    xivs <- transpose xss,
    all (w'==) ws = do
      let r = length xivs
      fun2s <- mapM (\_ -> renameLambda fun) [1 .. r-1]
      let fun_n = length $ lambdaReturnType fun
          (fun_is, fun_vs) = unzip $ map (splitAt (fun_n `div` 2) .
                             bodyResult . lambdaBody ) (fun:fun2s)
          (its, vts) = unzip $ replicate r $
                       splitAt (fun_n `div` 2) $ lambdaReturnType fun
          new_stmts  = mconcat $ map (bodyStms . lambdaBody) (fun:fun2s)
      let fun' = Lambda
                 { lambdaParams = mconcat $ map lambdaParams (fun:fun2s)
                 , lambdaBody = mkBody new_stmts $
                                mix fun_is <> mix fun_vs
                 , lambdaReturnType = mix its <> mix vts
      certifying (mconcat css) $
        letBind_ pat $ Op $ Scatter w' fun' (concat xivs) $ map (incWrites r) dests
  where sizeOf :: VName -> Maybe SubExp
        sizeOf x = arraySize 0 . ST.entryType <$> ST.lookup x vtable
        mix = concat . transpose
        incWrites r (w, n, a) = (w, n*r, a) -- ToDO: is it (n*r) or (n+r-1)??
        isConcat v = case ST.lookupExp v vtable of
          Just (BasicOp (Concat 0 x ys _), cs) -> do
            x_w <- sizeOf x
            y_ws<- mapM sizeOf ys
            guard $ all (x_w==) y_ws
            return (x_w, x:ys, cs)
          Just (BasicOp (Reshape reshape arr), cs) -> do
            guard $ isJust $ shapeCoercion reshape
            (a, b, cs') <- isConcat arr
            return (a, b, cs <> cs')
          _ -> Nothing

fuseConcatScatter _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

simplifyClosedFormReduce :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
simplifyClosedFormReduce _ pat _ (Screma (Constant w) form _)
  | Just nes <- concatMap redNeutral . fst <$> isRedomapSOAC form,
    zeroIsh w =
      forM_ (zip (patternNames pat) nes) $ \(v, ne) ->
      letBindNames_ [v] $ BasicOp $ SubExp ne
simplifyClosedFormReduce vtable pat _ (Screma _ form arrs)
  | Just [Reduce _ red_fun nes] <- isReduceSOAC form =
      foldClosedForm (`ST.lookupExp` vtable) pat red_fun nes arrs
simplifyClosedFormReduce _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

-- For now we just remove singleton SOACs.
simplifyKnownIterationSOAC :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
simplifyKnownIterationSOAC _ pat _ (Screma (Constant k)
                                    (ScremaForm (scan_lam, scan_nes) reds map_lam)
  | oneIsh k = do
      zipWithM_ bindMapParam (lambdaParams map_lam) arrs
      (to_scan, to_red, map_res) <- splitAt3 (length scan_nes) (length red_nes) <$>
                                    bodyBind (lambdaBody map_lam)
      scan_res <- eLambda scan_lam $ map eSubExp $ scan_nes ++ to_scan
      red_res <- eLambda red_lam $ map eSubExp $ red_nes ++ to_red

      zipWithM_ bindArrayResult scan_pes scan_res
      zipWithM_ bindResult red_pes red_res
      zipWithM_ bindArrayResult map_pes map_res

        where (Reduce _ red_lam red_nes) = singleReduce reds
              (scan_pes, red_pes, map_pes) = splitAt3 (length scan_nes) (length red_nes) $
                                             patternElements pat
              bindMapParam p a = do
                a_t <- lookupType a
                letBindNames_ [paramName p] $
                  BasicOp $ Index a $ fullSlice a_t [DimFix $ constant (0::Int32)]
              bindArrayResult pe se =
                letBindNames_ [patElemName pe] $
                BasicOp $ ArrayLit [se] $ rowType $ patElemType pe
              bindResult pe se =
                letBindNames_ [patElemName pe] $ BasicOp $ SubExp se
simplifyKnownIterationSOAC _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

data ArrayOp = ArrayIndexing Certificates VName (Slice SubExp)
             | ArrayRearrange Certificates VName [Int]
             | ArrayVar Certificates VName -- ^ Never constructed.
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

arrayOpArr :: ArrayOp -> VName
arrayOpArr (ArrayIndexing _ arr _) = arr
arrayOpArr (ArrayRearrange _ arr _) = arr
arrayOpArr (ArrayVar _ arr) = arr

arrayOpCerts :: ArrayOp -> Certificates
arrayOpCerts (ArrayIndexing cs _ _) = cs
arrayOpCerts (ArrayRearrange cs _ _) = cs
arrayOpCerts (ArrayVar cs _) = cs

isArrayOp :: Certificates -> AST.Exp (Wise SOACS) -> Maybe ArrayOp
isArrayOp cs (BasicOp (Index arr slice)) =
  Just $ ArrayIndexing cs arr slice
isArrayOp cs (BasicOp (Rearrange perm arr)) =
  Just $ ArrayRearrange cs arr perm
isArrayOp _ _ =

fromArrayOp :: ArrayOp -> (Certificates, AST.Exp (Wise SOACS))
fromArrayOp (ArrayIndexing cs arr slice) = (cs, BasicOp $ Index arr slice)
fromArrayOp (ArrayRearrange cs arr perm) = (cs, BasicOp $ Rearrange perm arr)
fromArrayOp (ArrayVar cs arr) = (cs, BasicOp $ SubExp $ Var arr)

arrayOps :: AST.Body (Wise SOACS) -> S.Set ArrayOp
arrayOps = mconcat . map onStm . stmsToList . bodyStms
  where onStm (Let _ aux e) =
          case isArrayOp (stmAuxCerts aux) e of
            Just op -> S.singleton op
            Nothing -> execWriter $ walkExpM walker e
        onOp = execWriter . mapSOACM identitySOACMapper { mapOnSOACLambda = onLambda }
        onLambda lam = do tell $ arrayOps $ lambdaBody lam
                          return lam
        walker = identityWalker { walkOnBody = tell . arrayOps
                                , walkOnOp = tell . onOp }

replaceArrayOps :: M.Map ArrayOp ArrayOp
                -> AST.Body (Wise SOACS) -> AST.Body (Wise SOACS)
replaceArrayOps substs (Body _ stms res) =
  mkBody (fmap onStm stms) res
  where onStm (Let pat aux e) =
          let (cs', e') = onExp (stmAuxCerts aux) e
          in certify cs' $ mkLet (patternContextIdents pat) (patternValueIdents pat) e'
        onExp cs e
          | Just op <- isArrayOp cs e,
            Just op' <- M.lookup op substs =
              fromArrayOp op'
        onExp cs e = (cs, mapExp mapper e)
        mapper = identityMapper { mapOnBody = const $ return . replaceArrayOps substs
                                , mapOnOp = return . onOp }
        onOp = runIdentity . mapSOACM identitySOACMapper { mapOnSOACLambda = return . onLambda }
        onLambda lam = lam { lambdaBody = replaceArrayOps substs $ lambdaBody lam }

-- Turn
--    map (\i -> ... xs[i] ...) (iota n)
-- into
--    map (\i x -> ... x ...) (iota n) xs
-- This is not because we want to encourage the map-iota pattern, but
-- it may be present in generated code.  This is an unfortunately
-- expensive simplification rule, since it requires multiple passes
-- over the entire lambda body.  It only handles the very simplest
-- case - if you find yourself planning to extend it to handle more
-- complex situations (rotate or whatnot), consider turning it into a
-- separate compiler pass instead.
simplifyMapIota :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
simplifyMapIota vtable pat _ (Screma w (ScremaForm scan reduce map_lam) arrs)
  | Just (p, _) <- find isIota (zip (lambdaParams map_lam) arrs),
    indexings <- filter (indexesWith (paramName p)) $ S.toList $
                 arrayOps $ lambdaBody map_lam,
    not $ null indexings = do
      -- For each indexing with iota, add the corresponding array to
      -- the Screma, and construct a new lambda parameter.
      (more_arrs, more_params, replacements) <-
        unzip3 . catMaybes <$> mapM mapOverArr indexings
      let substs = M.fromList $ zip indexings replacements
          map_lam' = map_lam { lambdaParams = lambdaParams map_lam <> more_params
                             , lambdaBody = replaceArrayOps substs $
                                            lambdaBody map_lam
      letBind_ pat $ Op $ Screma w (ScremaForm scan reduce map_lam') (arrs <> more_arrs)
  where isIota (_, arr) = case ST.lookupBasicOp arr vtable of
                            Just (Iota _ (Constant o) (Constant s) _, _) ->
                              zeroIsh o && oneIsh s
                            _ -> False

        indexesWith v (ArrayIndexing cs arr (DimFix (Var i) : _))
          | arr `ST.elem` vtable,
            all (`ST.elem` vtable) $ unCertificates cs =
              i == v
        indexesWith _ _ = False

        mapOverArr (ArrayIndexing cs arr slice) = do
          arr_elem <- newVName $ baseString arr ++ "_elem"
          arr_t <- lookupType arr
          arr' <- if arraySize 0 arr_t == w
                  then return arr
                  else certifying cs $ letExp (baseString arr ++ "_prefix") $
                       BasicOp $ Index arr $
                       fullSlice arr_t [DimSlice (intConst Int32 0) w (intConst Int32 1)]
          return $ Just (arr',
                         Param arr_elem (rowType arr_t),
                         ArrayIndexing cs arr_elem (drop 1 slice))

        mapOverArr _ = return Nothing

simplifyMapIota  _ _ _ _ = cannotSimplify

-- If a Screma's map function contains a transformation
-- (e.g. transpose) on a parameter, create a new parameter
-- corresponding to that transformation performed on the rows of the
-- full array.
moveTransformToInput :: TopDownRuleOp (Wise SOACS)
moveTransformToInput vtable pat _ (Screma w (ScremaForm scan reduce map_lam) arrs)
  | ops <- filter arrayIsMapParam $ S.toList $ arrayOps $ lambdaBody map_lam,
    not $ null ops = do
      (more_arrs, more_params, replacements) <-
        unzip3 . catMaybes <$> mapM mapOverArr ops

      when (null more_arrs) cannotSimplify

      let substs = M.fromList $ zip ops replacements
          map_lam' = map_lam { lambdaParams = lambdaParams map_lam <> more_params
                             , lambdaBody = replaceArrayOps substs $
                                            lambdaBody map_lam

      letBind_ pat $ Op $ Screma w (ScremaForm scan reduce map_lam') (arrs <> more_arrs)

  where map_param_names = map paramName (lambdaParams map_lam)

        -- It's not just about whether the array is a parameter;
        -- everything else must be map-invariant.
        arrayIsMapParam (ArrayIndexing cs arr slice) =
          arr `elem` map_param_names &&
          all (`ST.elem` vtable) (S.toList $ freeIn cs <> freeIn slice) &&
          not (null slice) && not (null $ sliceDims slice)
        arrayIsMapParam (ArrayRearrange cs arr perm) =
          arr `elem` map_param_names &&
          all (`ST.elem` vtable) (S.toList $ freeIn cs) &&
          not (null perm)
        arrayIsMapParam ArrayVar{} =

        mapOverArr op
         | Just (_, arr) <- find ((==arrayOpArr op) . fst) (zip map_param_names arrs) = do
             arr_t <- lookupType arr
             let whole_dim = DimSlice (intConst Int32 0) (arraySize 0 arr_t) (intConst Int32 1)
             arr_transformed <- certifying (arrayOpCerts op) $
                                letExp (baseString arr ++ "_transformed") $
                                case op of
                                  ArrayIndexing _ _ slice ->
                                    BasicOp $ Index arr $ whole_dim : slice
                                  ArrayRearrange _ _ perm ->
                                    BasicOp $ Rearrange (0 : map (+1) perm) arr
                                  ArrayVar{} ->
                                    BasicOp $ SubExp $ Var arr
             arr_transformed_t <- lookupType arr_transformed
             arr_transformed_row <- newVName $ baseString arr ++ "_transformed_row"
             return $ Just (arr_transformed,
                            Param arr_transformed_row (rowType arr_transformed_t),
                            ArrayVar mempty arr_transformed_row)

        mapOverArr _ = return Nothing

moveTransformToInput _ _ _ _ =