{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericPython
( compileProg
, Constructor (..)
, emptyConstructor
, compileName
, compileDim
, compileExp
, compileCode
, compilePrimValue
, compilePrimType
, compilePrimTypeExt
, compilePrimToNp
, compilePrimToExtNp
, Operations (..)
, defaultOperations
, unpackDim
, CompilerM (..)
, OpCompiler
, WriteScalar
, ReadScalar
, Allocate
, Copy
, StaticArray
, EntryOutput
, EntryInput
, CompilerEnv(..)
, CompilerState(..)
, stm
, stms
, atInit
, collect'
, collect
, simpleCall
, copyMemoryDefaultSpace
) where
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Futhark.Representation.Primitive hiding (Bool)
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Syntax (Space(..))
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode as Imp
import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericPython.AST
import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericPython.Options
import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericPython.Definitions
import Futhark.Util.Pretty(pretty)
import Futhark.Util (zEncodeString)
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Attributes (builtInFunctions, isBuiltInFunction)
type OpCompiler op s = op -> CompilerM op s ()
type WriteScalar op s = VName -> PyExp -> PrimType -> Imp.SpaceId -> PyExp
-> CompilerM op s ()
type ReadScalar op s = VName -> PyExp -> PrimType -> Imp.SpaceId
-> CompilerM op s PyExp
type Allocate op s = VName -> PyExp -> Imp.SpaceId
-> CompilerM op s ()
type Copy op s = VName -> PyExp -> Imp.Space ->
VName -> PyExp -> Imp.Space ->
PyExp -> PrimType ->
CompilerM op s ()
type StaticArray op s = VName -> Imp.SpaceId -> PrimType -> Imp.ArrayContents -> CompilerM op s ()
type EntryOutput op s = VName -> Imp.SpaceId ->
PrimType -> Imp.Signedness ->
[Imp.DimSize] ->
CompilerM op s PyExp
type EntryInput op s = VName -> Imp.SpaceId ->
PrimType -> Imp.Signedness ->
[Imp.DimSize] ->
PyExp ->
CompilerM op s ()
data Operations op s = Operations { opsWriteScalar :: WriteScalar op s
, opsReadScalar :: ReadScalar op s
, opsAllocate :: Allocate op s
, opsCopy :: Copy op s
, opsStaticArray :: StaticArray op s
, opsCompiler :: OpCompiler op s
, opsEntryOutput :: EntryOutput op s
, opsEntryInput :: EntryInput op s
defaultOperations :: Operations op s
defaultOperations = Operations { opsWriteScalar = defWriteScalar
, opsReadScalar = defReadScalar
, opsAllocate = defAllocate
, opsCopy = defCopy
, opsStaticArray = defStaticArray
, opsCompiler = defCompiler
, opsEntryOutput = defEntryOutput
, opsEntryInput = defEntryInput
where defWriteScalar _ _ _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot write to non-default memory space because I am dumb"
defReadScalar _ _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot read from non-default memory space"
defAllocate _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot allocate in non-default memory space"
defCopy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot copy to or from non-default memory space"
defStaticArray _ _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot create static array in non-default memory space"
defCompiler _ =
fail "The default compiler cannot compile extended operations"
defEntryOutput _ _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot return array not in default memory space"
defEntryInput _ _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot accept array not in default memory space"
data CompilerEnv op s = CompilerEnv {
envOperations :: Operations op s
, envFtable :: M.Map Name [Imp.Type]
envOpCompiler :: CompilerEnv op s -> OpCompiler op s
envOpCompiler = opsCompiler . envOperations
envReadScalar :: CompilerEnv op s -> ReadScalar op s
envReadScalar = opsReadScalar . envOperations
envWriteScalar :: CompilerEnv op s -> WriteScalar op s
envWriteScalar = opsWriteScalar . envOperations
envAllocate :: CompilerEnv op s -> Allocate op s
envAllocate = opsAllocate . envOperations
envCopy :: CompilerEnv op s -> Copy op s
envCopy = opsCopy . envOperations
envStaticArray :: CompilerEnv op s -> StaticArray op s
envStaticArray = opsStaticArray . envOperations
envEntryOutput :: CompilerEnv op s -> EntryOutput op s
envEntryOutput = opsEntryOutput . envOperations
envEntryInput :: CompilerEnv op s -> EntryInput op s
envEntryInput = opsEntryInput . envOperations
newCompilerEnv :: Imp.Functions op -> Operations op s -> CompilerEnv op s
newCompilerEnv (Imp.Functions funs) ops =
CompilerEnv { envOperations = ops
, envFtable = ftable <> builtinFtable
where ftable = M.fromList $ map funReturn funs
funReturn (name, Imp.Function _ outparams _ _ _ _) = (name, paramsTypes outparams)
builtinFtable = M.map (map Imp.Scalar . snd) builtInFunctions
data CompilerState s = CompilerState {
compNameSrc :: VNameSource
, compInit :: [PyStmt]
, compUserState :: s
newCompilerState :: VNameSource -> s -> CompilerState s
newCompilerState src s = CompilerState { compNameSrc = src
, compInit = []
, compUserState = s }
newtype CompilerM op s a = CompilerM (RWS (CompilerEnv op s) [PyStmt] (CompilerState s) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad,
MonadState (CompilerState s),
MonadReader (CompilerEnv op s),
MonadWriter [PyStmt])
instance MonadFreshNames (CompilerM op s) where
getNameSource = gets compNameSrc
putNameSource src = modify $ \s -> s { compNameSrc = src }
collect :: CompilerM op s () -> CompilerM op s [PyStmt]
collect m = pass $ do
((), w) <- listen m
return (w, const mempty)
collect' :: CompilerM op s a -> CompilerM op s (a, [PyStmt])
collect' m = pass $ do
(x, w) <- listen m
return ((x, w), const mempty)
atInit :: PyStmt -> CompilerM op s ()
atInit x = modify $ \s ->
s { compInit = compInit s ++ [x] }
stm :: PyStmt -> CompilerM op s ()
stm x = tell [x]
stms :: [PyStmt] -> CompilerM op s ()
stms = mapM_ stm
futharkFun :: String -> String
futharkFun s = "futhark_" ++ zEncodeString s
paramsTypes :: [Imp.Param] -> [Imp.Type]
paramsTypes = map paramType
where paramType (Imp.MemParam _ space) = Imp.Mem (Imp.ConstSize 0) space
paramType (Imp.ScalarParam _ t) = Imp.Scalar t
compileOutput :: [Imp.Param] -> [PyExp]
compileOutput = map (Var . compileName . Imp.paramName)
runCompilerM :: Imp.Functions op -> Operations op s
-> VNameSource
-> s
-> CompilerM op s a
-> a
runCompilerM prog ops src userstate (CompilerM m) =
fst $ evalRWS m (newCompilerEnv prog ops) (newCompilerState src userstate)
standardOptions :: [Option]
standardOptions = [
Option { optionLongName = "write-runtime-to"
, optionShortName = Just 't'
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument "str"
, optionAction =
If (Var "runtime_file")
[Exp $ simpleCall "runtime_file.close" []] []
, Assign (Var "runtime_file") $
simpleCall "open" [Var "optarg", String "w"]
Option { optionLongName = "runs"
, optionShortName = Just 'r'
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument "str"
, optionAction =
[ Assign (Var "num_runs") $ Var "optarg"
, Assign (Var "do_warmup_run") $ Bool True
Option { optionLongName = "entry-point"
, optionShortName = Just 'e'
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument "str"
, optionAction =
[ Assign (Var "entry_point") $ Var "optarg" ]
Option { optionLongName = "binary-output"
, optionShortName = Just 'b'
, optionArgument = NoArgument
, optionAction = [Assign (Var "binary_output") $ Bool True]
Option { optionLongName = "tuning"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument "open"
, optionAction = [Exp $ simpleCall "read_tuning_file" [Var "sizes", Var "optarg"]]
data Constructor = Constructor [String] [PyStmt]
emptyConstructor :: Constructor
emptyConstructor = Constructor ["self"] [Pass]
constructorToFunDef :: Constructor -> [PyStmt] -> PyFunDef
constructorToFunDef (Constructor params body) at_init =
Def "__init__" params $ body <> at_init
compileProg :: MonadFreshNames m =>
Maybe String
-> Constructor
-> [PyStmt]
-> [PyStmt]
-> Operations op s
-> s
-> [PyStmt]
-> [Option]
-> Imp.Functions op
-> m String
compileProg module_name constructor imports defines ops userstate pre_timing options prog@(Imp.Functions funs) = do
src <- getNameSource
let prog' = runCompilerM prog ops src userstate compileProg'
maybe_shebang =
case module_name of Nothing -> "#!/usr/bin/env python\n"
Just _ -> ""
return $ maybe_shebang ++
pretty (PyProg $ imports ++
[ Import "argparse" Nothing
, Assign (Var "sizes") $ Dict []
] ++
defines ++
[Escape pyUtility] ++
where compileProg' = do
definitions <- mapM compileFunc funs
at_inits <- gets compInit
let constructor' = constructorToFunDef constructor at_inits
case module_name of
Just name -> do
(entry_points, entry_point_types) <-
unzip <$> mapM compileEntryFun (filter (Imp.functionEntry . snd) funs)
return [ClassDef $ Class name $
Assign (Var "entry_points") (Dict entry_point_types) :
map FunDef (constructor' : definitions ++ entry_points)]
Nothing -> do
let classinst = Assign (Var "self") $ simpleCall "internal" []
(entry_point_defs, entry_point_names, entry_points) <-
unzip3 <$> mapM (callEntryFun pre_timing)
(filter (Imp.functionEntry . snd) funs)
return (parse_options ++
ClassDef (Class "internal" $ map FunDef $
constructor' : definitions) :
classinst :
map FunDef entry_point_defs ++
selectEntryPoint entry_point_names entry_points)
parse_options =
Assign (Var "runtime_file") None :
Assign (Var "do_warmup_run") (Bool False) :
Assign (Var "num_runs") (Integer 1) :
Assign (Var "entry_point") (String "main") :
Assign (Var "binary_output") (Bool False) :
generateOptionParser (standardOptions ++ options)
selectEntryPoint entry_point_names entry_points =
[ Assign (Var "entry_points") $
Dict $ zip (map String entry_point_names) entry_points,
Assign (Var "entry_point_fun") $
simpleCall "entry_points.get" [Var "entry_point"],
If (BinOp "==" (Var "entry_point_fun") None)
[Exp $ simpleCall "sys.exit"
[Call (Field
(String "No entry point '{}'. Select another with --entry point. Options are:\n{}")
[Arg $ Var "entry_point",
Arg $ Call (Field (String "\n") "join")
[Arg $ simpleCall "entry_points.keys" []]]]]
[Exp $ simpleCall "entry_point_fun" []]
compileFunc :: (Name, Imp.Function op) -> CompilerM op s PyFunDef
compileFunc (fname, Imp.Function _ outputs inputs body _ _) = do
body' <- collect $ compileCode body
let inputs' = map (compileName . Imp.paramName) inputs
let ret = Return $ tupleOrSingle $ compileOutput outputs
return $ Def (futharkFun . nameToString $ fname) ("self" : inputs') (body'++[ret])
tupleOrSingle :: [PyExp] -> PyExp
tupleOrSingle [e] = e
tupleOrSingle es = Tuple es
simpleCall :: String -> [PyExp] -> PyExp
simpleCall fname = Call (Var fname) . map Arg
compileName :: VName -> String
compileName = zEncodeString . pretty
compileDim :: Imp.DimSize -> PyExp
compileDim (Imp.ConstSize i) = Integer $ toInteger i
compileDim (Imp.VarSize v) = Var $ compileName v
unpackDim :: PyExp -> Imp.DimSize -> Int32 -> CompilerM op s ()
unpackDim arr_name (Imp.ConstSize c) i = do
let shape_name = Field arr_name "shape"
let constant_c = Integer $ toInteger c
let constant_i = Integer $ toInteger i
stm $ Assert (BinOp "==" constant_c (Index shape_name $ IdxExp constant_i)) $
String "constant dimension wrong"
unpackDim arr_name (Imp.VarSize var) i = do
let shape_name = Field arr_name "shape"
src = Index shape_name $ IdxExp $ Integer $ toInteger i
stm $ Assign (Var $ compileName var) $ simpleCall "np.int32" [src]
entryPointOutput :: Imp.ExternalValue -> CompilerM op s PyExp
entryPointOutput (Imp.OpaqueValue desc vs) =
simpleCall "opaque" . (String (pretty desc):) <$>
mapM (entryPointOutput . Imp.TransparentValue) vs
entryPointOutput (Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ScalarValue bt ept name)) =
return $ simpleCall tf [Var $ compileName name]
where tf = compilePrimToExtNp bt ept
entryPointOutput (Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ArrayValue mem Imp.DefaultSpace bt ept dims)) = do
let cast = Cast (Var $ compileName mem) (compilePrimTypeExt bt ept)
return $ simpleCall "createArray" [cast, Tuple $ map compileDim dims]
entryPointOutput (Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ArrayValue mem (Imp.Space sid) bt ept dims)) = do
pack_output <- asks envEntryOutput
pack_output mem sid bt ept dims
badInput :: Int -> PyExp -> String -> PyStmt
badInput i e t =
Raise $ simpleCall "TypeError"
[Call (Field (String err_msg) "format")
[Arg (String t), Arg $ simpleCall "type" [e], Arg e]]
where err_msg = unlines [ "Argument #" ++ show i ++ " has invalid value"
, "Futhark type: {}"
, "Argument has Python type {} and value: {}"]
entryPointInput :: (Int, Imp.ExternalValue, PyExp) -> CompilerM op s ()
entryPointInput (i, Imp.OpaqueValue desc vs, e) = do
let type_is_ok = BinOp "and" (simpleCall "isinstance" [e, Var "opaque"])
(BinOp "==" (Field e "desc") (String desc))
stm $ If (UnOp "not" type_is_ok) [badInput i e desc] []
mapM_ entryPointInput $ zip3 (repeat i) (map Imp.TransparentValue vs) $
map (Index (Field e "data") . IdxExp . Integer) [0..]
entryPointInput (i, Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ScalarValue bt s name), e) = do
let vname' = Var $ compileName name
ctobject = compilePrimType bt
ctcall = simpleCall ctobject [e]
npobject = compilePrimToNp bt
npcall = simpleCall npobject [ctcall]
stm $ Try [Assign vname' npcall]
[Catch (Tuple [Var "TypeError", Var "AssertionError"])
[badInput i e $ prettySigned (s==Imp.TypeUnsigned) bt]]
entryPointInput (i, Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ArrayValue mem Imp.DefaultSpace t s dims), e) = do
let type_is_wrong =
UnOp "not" $
BinOp "and"
(BinOp "in" (simpleCall "type" [e]) (List [Var "np.ndarray"]))
(BinOp "==" (Field e "dtype") (Var (compilePrimToExtNp t s)))
stm $ If type_is_wrong
[badInput i e $ concat (replicate (length dims) "[]") ++
prettySigned (s==Imp.TypeUnsigned) t]
zipWithM_ (unpackDim e) dims [0..]
let dest = Var $ compileName mem
unwrap_call = simpleCall "unwrapArray" [e]
stm $ Assign dest unwrap_call
entryPointInput (i, Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ArrayValue mem (Imp.Space sid) bt ept dims), e) = do
unpack_input <- asks envEntryInput
unpack <- collect $ unpack_input mem sid bt ept dims e
stm $ Try unpack
[Catch (Tuple [Var "TypeError", Var "AssertionError"])
[badInput i e $ concat (replicate (length dims) "[]") ++
prettySigned (ept==Imp.TypeUnsigned) bt]]
extValueDescName :: Imp.ExternalValue -> String
extValueDescName (Imp.TransparentValue v) = extName $ valueDescName v
extValueDescName (Imp.OpaqueValue desc []) = extName $ zEncodeString desc
extValueDescName (Imp.OpaqueValue desc (v:_)) =
extName $ zEncodeString desc ++ "_" ++ pretty (baseTag (valueDescVName v))
extName :: String -> String
extName = (++"_ext")
valueDescName :: Imp.ValueDesc -> String
valueDescName = compileName . valueDescVName
valueDescVName :: Imp.ValueDesc -> VName
valueDescVName (Imp.ScalarValue _ _ vname) = vname
valueDescVName (Imp.ArrayValue vname _ _ _ _) = vname
readTypeEnum :: PrimType -> Imp.Signedness -> String
readTypeEnum (IntType Int8) Imp.TypeUnsigned = "u8"
readTypeEnum (IntType Int16) Imp.TypeUnsigned = "u16"
readTypeEnum (IntType Int32) Imp.TypeUnsigned = "u32"
readTypeEnum (IntType Int64) Imp.TypeUnsigned = "u64"
readTypeEnum (IntType Int8) Imp.TypeDirect = "i8"
readTypeEnum (IntType Int16) Imp.TypeDirect = "i16"
readTypeEnum (IntType Int32) Imp.TypeDirect = "i32"
readTypeEnum (IntType Int64) Imp.TypeDirect = "i64"
readTypeEnum (FloatType Float32) _ = "f32"
readTypeEnum (FloatType Float64) _ = "f64"
readTypeEnum Imp.Bool _ = "bool"
readTypeEnum Cert _ = error "readTypeEnum: cert"
readInput :: Imp.ExternalValue -> PyStmt
readInput (Imp.OpaqueValue desc _) =
Raise $ simpleCall "Exception"
[String $ "Cannot read argument of type " ++ desc ++ "."]
readInput decl@(Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ScalarValue bt ept _)) =
let type_name = readTypeEnum bt ept
in Assign (Var $ extValueDescName decl) $ simpleCall "read_value" [String type_name]
readInput decl@(Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ArrayValue _ _ bt ept dims)) =
let type_name = readTypeEnum bt ept
in Assign (Var $ extValueDescName decl) $ simpleCall "read_value"
[String $ concat (replicate (length dims) "[]") ++ type_name]
printValue :: [(Imp.ExternalValue, PyExp)] -> CompilerM op s [PyStmt]
printValue = fmap concat . mapM (uncurry printValue')
where printValue' (Imp.OpaqueValue desc _) _ =
return [Exp $ simpleCall "sys.stdout.write"
[String $ "#<opaque " ++ desc ++ ">"]]
printValue' (Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ArrayValue mem (Space _) bt ept shape)) e =
printValue' (Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ArrayValue mem DefaultSpace bt ept shape)) $
simpleCall (pretty e ++ ".get") []
printValue' (Imp.TransparentValue _) e =
return [Exp $ Call (Var "write_value")
[Arg e,
ArgKeyword "binary" (Var "binary_output")],
Exp $ simpleCall "sys.stdout.write" [String "\n"]]
prepareEntry :: (Name, Imp.Function op) -> CompilerM op s
(String, [String], [PyStmt], [PyStmt], [PyStmt], [PyStmt],
[(Imp.ExternalValue, PyExp)], [PyStmt])
prepareEntry (fname, Imp.Function _ outputs inputs _ results args) = do
let output_paramNames = map (compileName . Imp.paramName) outputs
funTuple = tupleOrSingle $ fmap Var output_paramNames
(argexps_mem_copies, prepare_run) <- collect' $ forM inputs $ \case
Imp.MemParam name space -> do
name' <- newVName $ baseString name <> "_copy"
copy <- asks envCopy
allocate <- asks envAllocate
let size = Var (extName (compileName name) ++ ".nbytes")
dest = name'
src = name
offset = Integer 0
case space of
DefaultSpace ->
stm $ Assign (Var (compileName name'))
(simpleCall "allocateMem" [size])
Space sid ->
allocate name' size sid
copy dest offset space src offset space size (IntType Int32)
return $ Just $ compileName name'
_ -> return Nothing
prepareIn <- collect $ mapM_ entryPointInput $ zip3 [0..] args $
map (Var . extValueDescName) args
(res, prepareOut) <- collect' $ mapM entryPointOutput results
let argexps_lib = map (compileName . Imp.paramName) inputs
argexps_bin = zipWith fromMaybe argexps_lib argexps_mem_copies
fname' = "self." ++ futharkFun (nameToString fname)
call_lib = [Assign funTuple $ simpleCall fname' (fmap Var argexps_lib)]
call_bin = [Assign funTuple $ simpleCall fname' (fmap Var argexps_bin)]
return (nameToString fname, map extValueDescName args,
prepareIn, call_lib, call_bin, prepareOut,
zip results res, prepare_run)
copyMemoryDefaultSpace :: VName -> PyExp -> VName -> PyExp -> PyExp ->
CompilerM op s ()
copyMemoryDefaultSpace destmem destidx srcmem srcidx nbytes = do
let offset_call1 = simpleCall "addressOffset"
[Var (compileName destmem), destidx, Var "ct.c_byte"]
let offset_call2 = simpleCall "addressOffset"
[Var (compileName srcmem), srcidx, Var "ct.c_byte"]
stm $ Exp $ simpleCall "ct.memmove" [offset_call1, offset_call2, nbytes]
compileEntryFun :: (Name, Imp.Function op)
-> CompilerM op s (PyFunDef, (PyExp, PyExp))
compileEntryFun entry = do
(fname', params, prepareIn, body_lib, _, prepareOut, res, _) <- prepareEntry entry
let ret = Return $ tupleOrSingle $ map snd res
(pts, rts) = entryTypes $ snd entry
return (Def fname' ("self" : params) $
prepareIn ++ body_lib ++ prepareOut ++ [ret],
(String fname', Tuple [List (map String pts), List (map String rts)]))
entryTypes :: Imp.Function op -> ([String], [String])
entryTypes func = (map desc $ Imp.functionArgs func,
map desc $ Imp.functionResult func)
where desc (Imp.OpaqueValue d _) = d
desc (Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ScalarValue pt s _)) = readTypeEnum pt s
desc (Imp.TransparentValue (Imp.ArrayValue _ _ pt s dims)) =
concat (replicate (length dims) "[]") ++ readTypeEnum pt s
callEntryFun :: [PyStmt] -> (Name, Imp.Function op)
-> CompilerM op s (PyFunDef, String, PyExp)
callEntryFun pre_timing entry@(fname, Imp.Function _ _ _ _ _ decl_args) = do
(_, _, prepareIn, _, body_bin, _, res, prepare_run) <- prepareEntry entry
let str_input = map readInput decl_args
exitcall = [Exp $ simpleCall "sys.exit" [Field (String "Assertion.{} failed") "format(e)"]]
except' = Catch (Var "AssertionError") exitcall
do_run = body_bin ++ pre_timing
(do_run_with_timing, close_runtime_file) = addTiming do_run
ignore s = ArgKeyword s $ String "ignore"
errstate = Call (Var "np.errstate") $ map ignore ["divide", "over", "under", "invalid"]
do_warmup_run =
If (Var "do_warmup_run") (prepare_run ++ do_run) []
do_num_runs =
For "i" (simpleCall "range" [simpleCall "int" [Var "num_runs"]])
(prepare_run ++ do_run_with_timing)
str_output <- printValue res
let fname' = "entry_" ++ nameToString fname
return (Def fname' [] $
str_input ++ prepareIn ++
[Try [With errstate [do_warmup_run, do_num_runs]] [except']] ++
[close_runtime_file] ++
nameToString fname,
Var fname')
addTiming :: [PyStmt] -> ([PyStmt], PyStmt)
addTiming statements =
([ Assign (Var "time_start") $ simpleCall "time.time" [] ] ++
statements ++
[ Assign (Var "time_end") $ simpleCall "time.time" []
, If (Var "runtime_file") print_runtime [] ],
If (Var "runtime_file") [Exp $ simpleCall "runtime_file.close" []] [])
where print_runtime =
[Exp $ simpleCall "runtime_file.write"
[simpleCall "str"
[BinOp "-"
(toMicroseconds (Var "time_end"))
(toMicroseconds (Var "time_start"))]],
Exp $ simpleCall "runtime_file.write" [String "\n"]]
toMicroseconds x =
simpleCall "int" [BinOp "*" x $ Integer 1000000]
compileUnOp :: Imp.UnOp -> String
compileUnOp op =
case op of
Not -> "not"
Complement{} -> "~"
Abs{} -> "abs"
FAbs{} -> "abs"
SSignum{} -> "ssignum"
USignum{} -> "usignum"
compileBinOpLike :: Monad m =>
Imp.Exp -> Imp.Exp
-> CompilerM op s (PyExp, PyExp, String -> m PyExp)
compileBinOpLike x y = do
x' <- compileExp x
y' <- compileExp y
let simple s = return $ BinOp s x' y'
return (x', y', simple)
compilePrimType :: PrimType -> String
compilePrimType t =
case t of
IntType Int8 -> "ct.c_int8"
IntType Int16 -> "ct.c_int16"
IntType Int32 -> "ct.c_int32"
IntType Int64 -> "ct.c_int64"
FloatType Float32 -> "ct.c_float"
FloatType Float64 -> "ct.c_double"
Imp.Bool -> "ct.c_bool"
Cert -> "ct.c_bool"
compilePrimTypeExt :: PrimType -> Imp.Signedness -> String
compilePrimTypeExt t ept =
case (t, ept) of
(IntType Int8, Imp.TypeUnsigned) -> "ct.c_uint8"
(IntType Int16, Imp.TypeUnsigned) -> "ct.c_uint16"
(IntType Int32, Imp.TypeUnsigned) -> "ct.c_uint32"
(IntType Int64, Imp.TypeUnsigned) -> "ct.c_uint64"
(IntType Int8, _) -> "ct.c_int8"
(IntType Int16, _) -> "ct.c_int16"
(IntType Int32, _) -> "ct.c_int32"
(IntType Int64, _) -> "ct.c_int64"
(FloatType Float32, _) -> "ct.c_float"
(FloatType Float64, _) -> "ct.c_double"
(Imp.Bool, _) -> "ct.c_bool"
(Cert, _) -> "ct.c_byte"
compilePrimToNp :: Imp.PrimType -> String
compilePrimToNp bt =
case bt of
IntType Int8 -> "np.int8"
IntType Int16 -> "np.int16"
IntType Int32 -> "np.int32"
IntType Int64 -> "np.int64"
FloatType Float32 -> "np.float32"
FloatType Float64 -> "np.float64"
Imp.Bool -> "np.byte"
Cert -> "np.byte"
compilePrimToExtNp :: Imp.PrimType -> Imp.Signedness -> String
compilePrimToExtNp bt ept =
case (bt,ept) of
(IntType Int8, Imp.TypeUnsigned) -> "np.uint8"
(IntType Int16, Imp.TypeUnsigned) -> "np.uint16"
(IntType Int32, Imp.TypeUnsigned) -> "np.uint32"
(IntType Int64, Imp.TypeUnsigned) -> "np.uint64"
(IntType Int8, _) -> "np.int8"
(IntType Int16, _) -> "np.int16"
(IntType Int32, _) -> "np.int32"
(IntType Int64, _) -> "np.int64"
(FloatType Float32, _) -> "np.float32"
(FloatType Float64, _) -> "np.float64"
(Imp.Bool, _) -> "np.bool_"
(Cert, _) -> "np.byte"
compilePrimValue :: Imp.PrimValue -> PyExp
compilePrimValue (IntValue (Int8Value v)) =
simpleCall "np.int8" [Integer $ toInteger v]
compilePrimValue (IntValue (Int16Value v)) =
simpleCall "np.int16" [Integer $ toInteger v]
compilePrimValue (IntValue (Int32Value v)) =
simpleCall "np.int32" [Integer $ toInteger v]
compilePrimValue (IntValue (Int64Value v)) =
simpleCall "np.int64" [Integer $ toInteger v]
compilePrimValue (FloatValue (Float32Value v))
| isInfinite v =
if v > 0 then Var "np.inf" else Var "-np.inf"
| isNaN v =
Var "np.nan"
| otherwise = simpleCall "np.float32" [Float $ fromRational $ toRational v]
compilePrimValue (FloatValue (Float64Value v))
| isInfinite v =
if v > 0 then Var "np.inf" else Var "-np.inf"
| isNaN v =
Var "np.nan"
| otherwise = simpleCall "np.float64" [Float $ fromRational $ toRational v]
compilePrimValue (BoolValue v) = Bool v
compilePrimValue Checked = Var "True"
compileExp :: Imp.Exp -> CompilerM op s PyExp
compileExp (Imp.ValueExp v) = return $ compilePrimValue v
compileExp (Imp.LeafExp (Imp.ScalarVar vname) _) =
return $ Var $ compileName vname
compileExp (Imp.LeafExp (Imp.SizeOf t) _) =
return $ simpleCall (compilePrimToNp $ IntType Int32) [Integer $ primByteSize t]
compileExp (Imp.LeafExp (Imp.Index src (Imp.Count iexp) bt DefaultSpace _) _) = do
iexp' <- compileExp iexp
let bt' = compilePrimType bt
let nptype = compilePrimToNp bt
return $ simpleCall "indexArray" [Var $ compileName src, iexp', Var bt', Var nptype]
compileExp (Imp.LeafExp (Imp.Index src (Imp.Count iexp) restype (Imp.Space space) _) _) =
join $ asks envReadScalar
<*> pure src <*> compileExp iexp
<*> pure restype <*> pure space
compileExp (Imp.BinOpExp op x y) = do
(x', y', simple) <- compileBinOpLike x y
case op of
Add{} -> simple "+"
Sub{} -> simple "-"
Mul{} -> simple "*"
FAdd{} -> simple "+"
FSub{} -> simple "-"
FMul{} -> simple "*"
FDiv{} -> simple "/"
Xor{} -> simple "^"
And{} -> simple "&"
Or{} -> simple "|"
Shl{} -> simple "<<"
LogAnd{} -> simple "and"
LogOr{} -> simple "or"
_ -> return $ simpleCall (pretty op) [x', y']
compileExp (Imp.ConvOpExp conv x) = do
x' <- compileExp x
return $ simpleCall (pretty conv) [x']
compileExp (Imp.CmpOpExp cmp x y) = do
(x', y', simple) <- compileBinOpLike x y
case cmp of
CmpEq{} -> simple "=="
FCmpLt{} -> simple "<"
FCmpLe{} -> simple "<="
CmpLlt -> simple "<"
CmpLle -> simple "<="
_ -> return $ simpleCall (pretty cmp) [x', y']
compileExp (Imp.UnOpExp op exp1) =
UnOp (compileUnOp op) <$> compileExp exp1
compileExp (Imp.FunExp h args _) =
simpleCall (futharkFun (pretty h)) <$> mapM compileExp args
compileCode :: Imp.Code op -> CompilerM op s ()
compileCode Imp.DebugPrint{} =
return ()
compileCode (Imp.Op op) =
join $ asks envOpCompiler <*> pure op
compileCode (Imp.If cond tb fb) = do
cond' <- compileExp cond
tb' <- collect $ compileCode tb
fb' <- collect $ compileCode fb
stm $ If cond' tb' fb'
compileCode (c1 Imp.:>>: c2) = do
compileCode c1
compileCode c2
compileCode (Imp.While cond body) = do
cond' <- compileExp cond
body' <- collect $ compileCode body
stm $ While cond' body'
compileCode (Imp.For i it bound body) = do
bound' <- compileExp bound
let i' = compileName i
body' <- collect $ compileCode body
counter <- pretty <$> newVName "counter"
one <- pretty <$> newVName "one"
stm $ Assign (Var i') $ simpleCall (compilePrimToNp (IntType it)) [Integer 0]
stm $ Assign (Var one) $ simpleCall (compilePrimToNp (IntType it)) [Integer 1]
stm $ For counter (simpleCall "range" [bound']) $
body' ++ [AssignOp "+" (Var i') (Var one)]
compileCode (Imp.SetScalar vname exp1) = do
let name' = Var $ compileName vname
exp1' <- compileExp exp1
stm $ Assign name' exp1'
compileCode Imp.DeclareMem{} = return ()
compileCode (Imp.DeclareScalar v Cert) =
stm $ Assign (Var $ compileName v) $ Var "True"
compileCode Imp.DeclareScalar{} = return ()
compileCode (Imp.DeclareArray name DefaultSpace t vs) = do
atInit $ Assign (Field (Var "self") arr_name) $ case vs of
Imp.ArrayValues vs' ->
Call (Var "np.array")
[Arg $ List $ map compilePrimValue vs',
ArgKeyword "dtype" $ Var $ compilePrimToNp t]
Imp.ArrayZeros n ->
Call (Var "np.zeros")
[Arg $ Integer $ fromIntegral n,
ArgKeyword "dtype" $ Var $ compilePrimToNp t]
atInit $
Assign (Field (Var "self") name') $
simpleCall "unwrapArray" [Field (Var "self") arr_name]
stm $ Assign (Var name') $ Field (Var "self") name'
where name' = compileName name
arr_name = name' <> "_arr"
compileCode (Imp.DeclareArray name (Space space) t vs) =
join $ asks envStaticArray <*>
pure name <*> pure space <*> pure t <*> pure vs
compileCode (Imp.Comment s code) = do
code' <- collect $ compileCode code
stm $ Comment s code'
compileCode (Imp.Assert e (Imp.ErrorMsg parts) (loc,locs)) = do
e' <- compileExp e
let onPart (Imp.ErrorString s) = return ("%s", String s)
onPart (Imp.ErrorInt32 x) = ("%d",) <$> compileExp x
(formatstrs, formatargs) <- unzip <$> mapM onPart parts
stm $ Assert e' (BinOp "%"
(String $ "Error at " ++ stacktrace ++ ": " ++ concat formatstrs)
(Tuple formatargs))
where stacktrace = intercalate " -> " (reverse $ map locStr $ loc:locs)
compileCode (Imp.Call dests fname args) = do
args' <- mapM compileArg args
let dests' = tupleOrSingle $ fmap Var (map compileName dests)
| isBuiltInFunction fname = futharkFun (pretty fname)
| otherwise = "self." ++ futharkFun (pretty fname)
call' = simpleCall fname' args'
stm $ if null dests
then Exp call'
else Assign dests' call'
where compileArg (Imp.MemArg m) = return $ Var $ compileName m
compileArg (Imp.ExpArg e) = compileExp e
compileCode (Imp.SetMem dest src _) = do
let src' = Var (compileName src)
let dest' = Var (compileName dest)
stm $ Assign dest' src'
compileCode (Imp.Allocate name (Imp.Count e) DefaultSpace) = do
e' <- compileExp e
let allocate' = simpleCall "allocateMem" [e']
let name' = Var (compileName name)
stm $ Assign name' allocate'
compileCode (Imp.Free name _) =
stm $ Assign (Var (compileName name)) None
compileCode (Imp.Allocate name (Imp.Count e) (Imp.Space space)) =
join $ asks envAllocate
<*> pure name
<*> compileExp e
<*> pure space
compileCode (Imp.Copy dest (Imp.Count destoffset) DefaultSpace src (Imp.Count srcoffset) DefaultSpace (Imp.Count size)) = do
destoffset' <- compileExp destoffset
srcoffset' <- compileExp srcoffset
let dest' = Var (compileName dest)
let src' = Var (compileName src)
size' <- compileExp size
let offset_call1 = simpleCall "addressOffset" [dest', destoffset', Var "ct.c_byte"]
let offset_call2 = simpleCall "addressOffset" [src', srcoffset', Var "ct.c_byte"]
stm $ Exp $ simpleCall "ct.memmove" [offset_call1, offset_call2, size']
compileCode (Imp.Copy dest (Imp.Count destoffset) destspace src (Imp.Count srcoffset) srcspace (Imp.Count size)) = do
copy <- asks envCopy
join $ copy
<$> pure dest <*> compileExp destoffset <*> pure destspace
<*> pure src <*> compileExp srcoffset <*> pure srcspace
<*> compileExp size <*> pure (IntType Int32)
compileCode (Imp.Write dest (Imp.Count idx) elemtype DefaultSpace _ elemexp) = do
idx' <- compileExp idx
elemexp' <- compileExp elemexp
let dest' = Var $ compileName dest
let elemtype' = compilePrimType elemtype
let ctype = simpleCall elemtype' [elemexp']
stm $ Exp $ simpleCall "writeScalarArray" [dest', idx', ctype]
compileCode (Imp.Write dest (Imp.Count idx) elemtype (Imp.Space space) _ elemexp) =
join $ asks envWriteScalar
<*> pure dest
<*> compileExp idx
<*> pure elemtype
<*> pure space
<*> compileExp elemexp
compileCode Imp.Skip = return ()