{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | Perform a restricted form of loop tiling within kernel streams.
-- We only tile primitive types, to avoid excessive local memory use.
module Futhark.Optimise.TileLoops
       ( tileLoops )

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Futhark.Representation.Kernels

import Futhark.Pass
import Futhark.Tools
import Futhark.Util (mapAccumLM)
import Futhark.Optimise.TileLoops.RegTiling3D

tileLoops :: Pass Kernels Kernels
tileLoops = Pass "tile loops" "Tile stream loops inside kernels" $
            fmap Prog . mapM optimiseFunDef . progFunctions

optimiseFunDef :: MonadFreshNames m => FunDef Kernels -> m (FunDef Kernels)
optimiseFunDef fundec = do
  body' <- modifyNameSource $ runState $
           runReaderT m (scopeOfFParams (funDefParams fundec))
  return fundec { funDefBody = body' }
  where m = optimiseBody $ funDefBody fundec

type TileM = ReaderT (Scope Kernels) (State VNameSource)

optimiseBody :: Body Kernels -> TileM (Body Kernels)
optimiseBody (Body () bnds res) = localScope (scopeOf bnds) $
  Body () <$> (mconcat <$> mapM optimiseStm (stmsToList bnds)) <*> pure res

optimiseStm :: Stm Kernels -> TileM (Stms Kernels)
optimiseStm stmt@(Let pat aux (Op (HostOp old_kernel@(Kernel desc space ts body)))) = do
  res3dtiling <- doRegTiling3D stmt
  case res3dtiling of
    Just (extra_bnds, stmt') -> return $ extra_bnds <> oneStm stmt'
    Nothing -> do
          (extra_bnds, space', body') <- tileInKernelBody mempty initial_variance space body
          let new_kernel = Kernel desc space' ts body'
          -- XXX: we should not change the type of the kernel (such as by
          -- changing the number of groups being used for a kernel that
          -- returns a result-per-group).
          if kernelType old_kernel == kernelType new_kernel
            then return $ extra_bnds <> oneStm (Let pat aux $ Op $ HostOp new_kernel)
            else return $ oneStm $ Let pat aux $ Op $ HostOp old_kernel
  where initial_variance = M.map mempty $ scopeOfKernelSpace space
optimiseStm (Let pat aux e) =
  pure <$> (Let pat aux <$> mapExpM optimise e)
  where optimise = identityMapper { mapOnBody = const optimiseBody }

tileInKernelBody :: Names -> VarianceTable
                 -> KernelSpace -> KernelBody InKernel
                 -> TileM (Stms Kernels, KernelSpace, KernelBody InKernel)
tileInKernelBody branch_variant initial_variance initial_kspace (KernelBody () kstms kres) = do
  (extra_bnds, kspace', kstms') <-
    tileInStms branch_variant initial_variance initial_kspace kstms
  return (extra_bnds, kspace', KernelBody () kstms' kres)

tileInBody :: Names -> VarianceTable
           -> KernelSpace -> Body InKernel
           -> TileM (Stms Kernels, KernelSpace, Body InKernel)
tileInBody branch_variant initial_variance initial_kspace (Body () stms res) = do
  (extra_bnds, kspace', stms') <-
    tileInStms branch_variant initial_variance initial_kspace stms
  return (extra_bnds, kspace', Body () stms' res)

tileInStms :: Names -> VarianceTable
           -> KernelSpace -> Stms InKernel
           -> TileM (Stms Kernels, KernelSpace, Stms InKernel)
tileInStms branch_variant initial_variance initial_kspace kstms = do
  ((kspace, extra_bndss), kstms') <-
    mapAccumLM tileInKernelStatement (initial_kspace,mempty) $ stmsToList kstms
  return (extra_bndss, kspace, stmsFromList kstms')
  where variance = varianceInStms initial_variance kstms

        tileInKernelStatement (kspace, extra_bnds)
          (Let pat attr (Op (GroupStream w max_chunk lam accs arrs)))
          | max_chunk == w,
            not $ null arrs,
            chunk_size <- Var $ groupStreamChunkSize lam,
            arr_chunk_params <- groupStreamArrParams lam,
            maybe_1d_tiles <-
              zipWith (is1dTileable branch_variant kspace variance chunk_size) arrs arr_chunk_params,
            maybe_1_5d_tiles <-
              zipWith (is1_5dTileable branch_variant kspace variance chunk_size) arrs arr_chunk_params,
            Just mk_tilings <-
              zipWithM (<|>) maybe_1d_tiles maybe_1_5d_tiles = do

          (kspaces, arr_chunk_params', tile_kstms) <- unzip3 <$> sequence mk_tilings

          let (kspace', kspace_bnds) =
                case kspaces of
                  [] -> (kspace, mempty)
                  new_kspace : _ -> new_kspace
          Body () lam_kstms lam_res <- syncAtEnd $ groupStreamLambdaBody lam
          let lam_kstms' = mconcat tile_kstms <> lam_kstms
              group_size = spaceGroupSize kspace
              lam' = lam { groupStreamLambdaBody = Body () lam_kstms' lam_res
                         , groupStreamArrParams = arr_chunk_params'

          return ((kspace', extra_bnds <> kspace_bnds),
                  Let pat attr $ Op $ GroupStream w group_size lam' accs arrs)

        tileInKernelStatement (kspace, extra_bnds)
          (Let pat attr (Op (GroupStream w max_chunk lam accs arrs)))
          | w == max_chunk,
            not $ null arrs,
            FlatThreadSpace gspace <- spaceStructure kspace,
            chunk_size <- Var $ groupStreamChunkSize lam,
            arr_chunk_params <- groupStreamArrParams lam,

            Just mk_tilings <-
              zipWithM (is2dTileable branch_variant kspace variance chunk_size)
              arrs arr_chunk_params = do

          ((tile_size, tiled_group_size), tile_size_bnds) <- runBinder $ do
            tile_size_key <- nameFromString . pretty <$> newVName "tile_size"
            tile_size <- letSubExp "tile_size" $ Op $ GetSize tile_size_key SizeTile
            tiled_group_size <- letSubExp "tiled_group_size" $
                                BasicOp $ BinOp (Mul Int32) tile_size tile_size
            return (tile_size, tiled_group_size)

          let (tiled_gspace,untiled_gspace) = splitAt 2 $ reverse gspace
          -- Play with reversion to ensure we get increasing IDs for
          -- ltids.  This affects readability of generated code.
          untiled_gspace' <- fmap reverse $ forM (reverse untiled_gspace) $ \(gtid,gdim) -> do
            ltid <- newVName "ltid"
            return (gtid,gdim,
                    ltid, constant (1::Int32))
          tiled_gspace' <- fmap reverse $ forM (reverse tiled_gspace) $ \(gtid,gdim) -> do
            ltid <- newVName "ltid"
            return (gtid,gdim,
                    ltid, tile_size)
          let gspace' = reverse $ tiled_gspace' ++ untiled_gspace'

          -- We have to recalculate number of workgroups and
          -- number of threads to fit the new workgroup size.
          ((num_threads, num_groups), num_bnds) <-
            runBinder $ sufficientGroups gspace' tiled_group_size

          let kspace' = kspace { spaceStructure = NestedThreadSpace gspace'
                               , spaceGroupSize = tiled_group_size
                               , spaceNumVirtGroups = num_groups
                               , spaceNumThreads = num_threads
                               , spaceNumGroups = num_groups
              local_ids = map (\(_, _, ltid, _) -> ltid) gspace'

          (arr_chunk_params', tile_kstms) <-
            fmap unzip $ forM mk_tilings $ \mk_tiling ->
              mk_tiling tile_size local_ids

          Body () lam_kstms lam_res <- syncAtEnd $ groupStreamLambdaBody lam
          let lam_kstms' = mconcat tile_kstms <> lam_kstms
              lam' = lam { groupStreamLambdaBody = Body () lam_kstms' lam_res
                         , groupStreamArrParams = arr_chunk_params'

          return ((kspace', extra_bnds <> tile_size_bnds <> num_bnds),
                  Let pat attr $ Op $ GroupStream w tile_size lam' accs arrs)

        tileInKernelStatement (kspace, extra_bnds)
          (Let pat attr (Op (GroupStream w maxchunk lam accs arrs))) = do
          let branch_variant' = branch_variant <>
                                fromMaybe mempty (flip M.lookup variance =<< subExpVar w)
          (bnds, kspace', lam') <- tileInStreamLambda branch_variant' variance kspace lam
          return ((kspace', extra_bnds <> bnds),
                  Let pat attr $ Op $ GroupStream w maxchunk lam' accs arrs)

        tileInKernelStatement acc stm =
          return (acc, stm)

tileInStreamLambda :: Names -> VarianceTable -> KernelSpace -> GroupStreamLambda InKernel
                   -> TileM (Stms Kernels, KernelSpace, GroupStreamLambda InKernel)
tileInStreamLambda branch_variant variance kspace lam = do
  (bnds, kspace', kbody') <-
    tileInBody branch_variant variance' kspace $ groupStreamLambdaBody lam
  return (bnds, kspace', lam { groupStreamLambdaBody = kbody' })
  where variance' = varianceInStms variance $
                    bodyStms $ groupStreamLambdaBody lam

is1dTileable :: MonadFreshNames m =>
                Names -> KernelSpace -> VarianceTable -> SubExp -> VName -> LParam InKernel
             -> Maybe (m ((KernelSpace, Stms Kernels),
                           LParam InKernel,
                           Stms InKernel))
is1dTileable branch_variant kspace variance block_size arr block_param = do
  guard $ S.null $ M.findWithDefault mempty arr variance
  guard $ S.null branch_variant
  guard $ primType $ rowType $ paramType block_param

  return $ do
    (outer_block_param, kstms) <- tile1d kspace block_size block_param
    return ((kspace, mempty), outer_block_param, kstms)

is1_5dTileable :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope Kernels m) =>
                  Names -> KernelSpace -> VarianceTable
               -> SubExp -> VName -> LParam InKernel
               -> Maybe (m ((KernelSpace, Stms Kernels),
                            LParam InKernel,
                            Stms InKernel))
is1_5dTileable branch_variant kspace variance block_size arr block_param = do
  guard $ primType $ rowType $ paramType block_param

  (inner_gtid, inner_gdim) <- invariantToInnermostDimension
  mk_structure <-
    case spaceStructure kspace of
      NestedThreadSpace{} -> Nothing
      FlatThreadSpace gtids_and_gdims ->
        return $ do
          -- Force a functioning group size. XXX: not pretty.
          let n_dims = length gtids_and_gdims
          outer <- forM (take (n_dims-1) gtids_and_gdims) $ \(gtid, gdim) -> do
            ltid <- newVName "ltid"
            return (gtid, gdim, ltid, gdim)

          inner_ltid <- newVName "inner_ltid"
          inner_ldim <- newVName "inner_ldim"
          let compute_tiled_group_size =
                mkLet [] [Ident inner_ldim $ Prim int32] $
                BasicOp $ BinOp (SMin Int32) (spaceGroupSize kspace) inner_gdim
              structure = NestedThreadSpace $ outer ++ [(inner_gtid, inner_gdim,
                                                         inner_ltid, Var inner_ldim)]
          ((num_threads, num_groups), num_bnds) <- runBinder $ do
            threads_necessary <-
              letSubExp "threads_necessary" =<<
              foldBinOp (Mul Int32)
              (constant (1::Int32)) (map snd gtids_and_gdims)
            groups_necessary <-
              letSubExp "groups_necessary" =<<
              eDivRoundingUp Int32 (eSubExp threads_necessary) (eSubExp $ Var inner_ldim)
            num_threads <-
              letSubExp "num_threads" $
              BasicOp $ BinOp (Mul Int32) groups_necessary (Var inner_ldim)
            return (num_threads, groups_necessary)

          let kspace' = kspace { spaceGroupSize = Var inner_ldim
                               , spaceNumGroups = num_groups
                               , spaceNumVirtGroups = num_groups
                               , spaceNumThreads = num_threads
                               , spaceStructure = structure
          return (oneStm compute_tiled_group_size <> num_bnds,
  return $ do
    (outer_block_param, kstms) <- tile1d kspace block_size block_param
    (structure_bnds, kspace') <- mk_structure
    return ((kspace', structure_bnds), outer_block_param, kstms)
  where invariantToInnermostDimension :: Maybe (VName, SubExp)
        invariantToInnermostDimension =
          case reverse $ spaceDimensions kspace of
            (i,d) : _
              | not $ i `S.member` M.findWithDefault mempty arr variance,
                not $ i `S.member` branch_variant -> Just (i,d)
            _ -> Nothing

tile1d :: MonadFreshNames m =>
       -> SubExp
       -> LParam InKernel
       -> m (LParam InKernel, Stms InKernel)
tile1d kspace block_size block_param = do
  outer_block_param <- do
    name <- newVName $ baseString (paramName block_param) ++ "_outer"
    return block_param { paramName = name }

  let ltid = spaceLocalId kspace
  read_elem_bnd <- do
    name <- newVName $ baseString (paramName outer_block_param) ++ "_elem"
    return $
      mkLet [] [Ident name $ rowType $ paramType outer_block_param] $
      BasicOp $ Index (paramName outer_block_param) [DimFix $ Var ltid]

  cid <- newVName "cid"
  let block_cspace = combineSpace [(cid, block_size)]
      block_pe =
        PatElem (paramName block_param) $ paramType outer_block_param
      write_block_stms =
        [ Let (Pattern [] [block_pe]) (defAux ()) $ Op $
          Combine block_cspace [patElemType pe] [] $
          Body () (oneStm read_elem_bnd) [Var $ patElemName pe]
        | pe <- patternElements $ stmPattern read_elem_bnd ]

  return (outer_block_param, stmsFromList write_block_stms)

is2dTileable :: MonadFreshNames m =>
                Names -> KernelSpace -> VarianceTable -> SubExp -> VName -> LParam InKernel
             -> Maybe (SubExp -> [VName] -> m (LParam InKernel, Stms InKernel))
is2dTileable branch_variant kspace variance block_size arr block_param = do
  guard $ primType $ rowType $ paramType block_param

  pt <- case rowType $ paramType block_param of
          Prim pt -> return pt
          _       -> Nothing
  inner_perm <- invariantToOneOfTwoInnerDims
  Just $ \tile_size local_is -> do
    let num_outer = length local_is - 2
        perm = [0..num_outer-1] ++ map (+num_outer) inner_perm
        invariant_i : variant_i : _ = reverse $ rearrangeShape perm local_is
        (global_i,global_d):_ = rearrangeShape inner_perm $ drop num_outer $ spaceDimensions kspace
    outer_block_param <- do
      name <- newVName $ baseString (paramName block_param) ++ "_outer"
      return block_param { paramName = name }

    elem_name <- newVName $ baseString (paramName outer_block_param) ++ "_elem"
    let read_elem_bnd = mkLet [] [Ident elem_name $ Prim pt] $
                        BasicOp $ Index (paramName outer_block_param) $
                        fullSlice (paramType outer_block_param) [DimFix $ Var invariant_i]

    cids <- replicateM (length local_is - num_outer) $ newVName "cid"
    let block_size_2d = Shape $ rearrangeShape inner_perm [tile_size, block_size]
        block_cspace = combineSpace $ zip cids $
                       rearrangeShape inner_perm [tile_size,block_size]

    block_name_2d <- newVName $ baseString (paramName block_param) ++ "_2d"
    let block_pe =
          PatElem block_name_2d $
          rowType (paramType outer_block_param) `arrayOfShape` block_size_2d
        write_block_stm =
         Let (Pattern [] [block_pe]) (defAux ()) $
          Op $ Combine block_cspace [Prim pt] [(global_i, global_d)] $
          Body () (oneStm read_elem_bnd) [Var elem_name]

    let index_block_kstms =
          [mkLet [] [paramIdent block_param] $
            BasicOp $ Index block_name_2d $
            rearrangeShape inner_perm $
            fullSlice (rearrangeType inner_perm $ patElemType block_pe)
            [DimFix $ Var variant_i]]

    return (outer_block_param,
            oneStm write_block_stm <> stmsFromList index_block_kstms)

  where invariantToOneOfTwoInnerDims :: Maybe [Int]
        invariantToOneOfTwoInnerDims = do
          (j,_) : (i,_) : _ <- Just $ reverse $ spaceDimensions kspace
          let variant_to = M.findWithDefault mempty arr variance
              branch_invariant = not $ S.member j branch_variant || S.member i branch_variant
          if branch_invariant && i `S.member` variant_to && not (j `S.member` variant_to) then
            Just [0,1]
          else if branch_invariant && j `S.member` variant_to && not (i `S.member` variant_to) then
            Just [1,0]

syncAtEnd :: MonadFreshNames m => Body InKernel -> m (Body InKernel)
syncAtEnd (Body () stms res) = do
  (res', stms') <- (`runBinderT` mempty) $ do
    mapM_ addStm stms
    map Var <$> letTupExp "sync" (Op $ Barrier res)
  return $ Body () stms' res'

-- | The variance table keeps a mapping from a variable name
-- (something produced by a 'Stm') to the kernel thread indices
-- that name depends on.  If a variable is not present in this table,
-- that means it is bound outside the kernel (and so can be considered
-- invariant to all dimensions).
type VarianceTable = M.Map VName Names

varianceInStms :: VarianceTable -> Stms InKernel -> VarianceTable
varianceInStms = foldl varianceInStm

varianceInStm :: VarianceTable -> Stm InKernel -> VarianceTable
varianceInStm variance bnd =
  foldl' add variance $ patternNames $ stmPattern bnd
  where add variance' v = M.insert v binding_variance variance'
        look variance' v = S.insert v $ M.findWithDefault mempty v variance'
        binding_variance = mconcat $ map (look variance) $ S.toList (freeIn bnd)

sufficientGroups :: MonadBinder m =>
                    [(VName, SubExp, VName, SubExp)] -> SubExp
                 -> m (SubExp, SubExp)
sufficientGroups gspace group_size = do
  groups_in_dims <- forM gspace $ \(_, gd, _, ld) ->
    letSubExp "groups_in_dim" =<< eDivRoundingUp Int32 (eSubExp gd) (eSubExp ld)
  num_groups <- letSubExp "num_groups" =<<
                foldBinOp (Mul Int32) (constant (1::Int32)) groups_in_dims
  num_threads <- letSubExp "num_threads" $
                 BasicOp $ BinOp (Mul Int32) num_groups group_size
  return (num_threads, num_groups)