futhark-0.16.3: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellNone




newtype HostEnv Source #



sReplicate :: VName -> SubExp -> CallKernelGen () Source #

Perform a Replicate with a kernel.

sIota :: VName -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> IntType -> CallKernelGen () Source #

Perform an Iota with a kernel.

virtualiseGroups :: SegVirt -> Exp -> (VName -> InKernelGen ()) -> InKernelGen () Source #

For many kernels, we may not have enough physical groups to cover the logical iteration space. Some groups thus have to perform double duty; we put an outer loop to accomplish this. The advantage over just launching a bazillion threads is that the cost of memory expansion should be proportional to the number of *physical* threads (hardware parallelism), not the amount of application parallelism.

groupLoop :: Exp -> (Exp -> InKernelGen ()) -> InKernelGen () Source #

Assign iterations of a for-loop to threads in the workgroup. The passed-in function is invoked with the (symbolic) iteration. For multidimensional loops, use groupCoverSpace.

kernelLoop :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> (Exp -> InKernelGen ()) -> InKernelGen () Source #

Assign iterations of a for-loop to all threads in the kernel. The passed-in function is invoked with the (symbolic) iteration. threadOperations will be in effect in the body. For multidimensional loops, use groupCoverSpace.

groupCoverSpace :: [Exp] -> ([Exp] -> InKernelGen ()) -> InKernelGen () Source #

Iterate collectively though a multidimensional space, such that all threads in the group participate. The passed-in function is invoked with a (symbolic) point in the index space.

atomicUpdateLocking :: AtomicBinOp -> Lambda KernelsMem -> AtomicUpdate KernelsMem KernelEnv Source #

Do an atomic update corresponding to a binary operator lambda.

type AtomicBinOp = BinOp -> Maybe (VName -> VName -> Count Elements Exp -> Exp -> AtomicOp) Source #

Is there an atomic BinOp corresponding to this BinOp?

data Locking Source #

Locking strategy used for an atomic update.




data AtomicUpdate lore r Source #

The mechanism that will be used for performing the atomic update. Approximates how efficient it will be. Ordered from most to least efficient.


AtomicPrim (DoAtomicUpdate lore r)

Supported directly by primitive.

AtomicCAS (DoAtomicUpdate lore r)

Can be done by efficient swaps.

AtomicLocking (Locking -> DoAtomicUpdate lore r)

Requires explicit locking.

type DoAtomicUpdate lore r = Space -> [VName] -> [Exp] -> ImpM lore r KernelOp () Source #

A function for generating code for an atomic update. Assumes that the bucket is in-bounds.