{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Futhark.IR.Syntax
( module Language.Futhark.Core,
module Futhark.IR.Decorations,
module Futhark.IR.Syntax.Core,
Uniqueness (..),
NoUniqueness (..),
Rank (..),
ArrayShape (..),
Space (..),
TypeBase (..),
Diet (..),
Attr (..),
Attrs (..),
Ident (..),
SubExp (..),
PatElemT (..),
PatternT (..),
StmAux (..),
Stm (..),
BodyT (..),
BasicOp (..),
UnOp (..),
BinOp (..),
CmpOp (..),
ConvOp (..),
DimChange (..),
ExpT (..),
LoopForm (..),
IfDec (..),
IfSort (..),
Safety (..),
LambdaT (..),
Param (..),
FunDef (..),
EntryPointType (..),
Prog (..),
import Control.Category
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Traversable (fmapDefault, foldMapDefault)
import Futhark.IR.Decorations
import Futhark.IR.Syntax.Core
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.Futhark.Core
import Language.SexpGrammar as Sexp
import Language.SexpGrammar.Generic
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
data Attr
= AttrAtom Name
| AttrComp Name [Attr]
deriving (Eq Attr
Eq Attr
-> (Attr -> Attr -> Ordering)
-> (Attr -> Attr -> Bool)
-> (Attr -> Attr -> Bool)
-> (Attr -> Attr -> Bool)
-> (Attr -> Attr -> Bool)
-> (Attr -> Attr -> Attr)
-> (Attr -> Attr -> Attr)
-> Ord Attr
Attr -> Attr -> Bool
Attr -> Attr -> Ordering
Attr -> Attr -> Attr
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr
$cmin :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr
max :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr
$cmax :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr
>= :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
$c>= :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
> :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
$c> :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
<= :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
$c<= :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
< :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
$c< :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
compare :: Attr -> Attr -> Ordering
$ccompare :: Attr -> Attr -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq Attr
Ord, Int -> Attr -> ShowS
[Attr] -> ShowS
Attr -> String
(Int -> Attr -> ShowS)
-> (Attr -> String) -> ([Attr] -> ShowS) -> Show Attr
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [Attr] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [Attr] -> ShowS
show :: Attr -> String
$cshow :: Attr -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> Attr -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Attr -> ShowS
Show, Attr -> Attr -> Bool
(Attr -> Attr -> Bool) -> (Attr -> Attr -> Bool) -> Eq Attr
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
$c/= :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
== :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
$c== :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. Attr -> Rep Attr x)
-> (forall x. Rep Attr x -> Attr) -> Generic Attr
forall x. Rep Attr x -> Attr
forall x. Attr -> Rep Attr x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep Attr x -> Attr
$cfrom :: forall x. Attr -> Rep Attr x
instance SexpIso Attr where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attr :- t)
sexpIso =
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Name :- t, [Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attr :- t)
forall a (bs :: [*]) t p s.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), Match (Rep a) bs t,
bs ~ Coll (Rep a) t) =>
Coproduct p s bs a t -> Grammar p s (a :- t)
match (Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Name :- t, [Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attr :- t))
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Name :- t, [Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attr :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (Name :- t) (Attr :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attr :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[[Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Name :- t, [Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (Name :- t) (Attr :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Name :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attr :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Name :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Name :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"atom") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Name :- t))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Name :- t))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Name :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Name :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Name :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[[Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Name :- t, [Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t)
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[[Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Name :- t, [Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position ([Attr] :- (Name :- t)) (Attr :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attr :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] Attr t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[[Attr] :- (Name :- t)] Attr t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
(Grammar Position ([Attr] :- (Name :- t)) (Attr :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Attr] :- (Name :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attr :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Attr] :- (Name :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Attr] :- (Name :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"comp") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Attr] :- (Name :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Attr] :- (Name :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Name :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Name :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Name :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Name :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (Name :- t)) (List :- ([Attr] :- (Name :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Attr] :- (Name :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (Name :- t)) ([Attr] :- (Name :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (Name :- t)) (List :- ([Attr] :- (Name :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (Name :- t)) ([Attr] :- (Name :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] Attr t
forall p s a t. Coproduct p s '[] a t
instance IsString Attr where
fromString :: String -> Attr
fromString = Name -> Attr
AttrAtom (Name -> Attr) -> (String -> Name) -> String -> Attr
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. String -> Name
forall a. IsString a => String -> a
newtype Attrs = Attrs {Attrs -> Set Attr
unAttrs :: S.Set Attr}
deriving (Eq Attrs
Eq Attrs
-> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Ordering)
-> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool)
-> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool)
-> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool)
-> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool)
-> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs)
-> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs)
-> Ord Attrs
Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
Attrs -> Attrs -> Ordering
Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
$cmin :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
max :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
$cmax :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
>= :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
$c>= :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
> :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
$c> :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
<= :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
$c<= :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
< :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
$c< :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
compare :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Ordering
$ccompare :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq Attrs
Ord, Int -> Attrs -> ShowS
[Attrs] -> ShowS
Attrs -> String
(Int -> Attrs -> ShowS)
-> (Attrs -> String) -> ([Attrs] -> ShowS) -> Show Attrs
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [Attrs] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [Attrs] -> ShowS
show :: Attrs -> String
$cshow :: Attrs -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> Attrs -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> Attrs -> ShowS
Show, Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
(Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool) -> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool) -> Eq Attrs
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
$c/= :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
== :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
$c== :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Bool
Eq, Semigroup Attrs
Semigroup Attrs
-> Attrs
-> (Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs)
-> ([Attrs] -> Attrs)
-> Monoid Attrs
[Attrs] -> Attrs
Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
forall a.
Semigroup a -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> ([a] -> a) -> Monoid a
mconcat :: [Attrs] -> Attrs
$cmconcat :: [Attrs] -> Attrs
mappend :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
$cmappend :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
mempty :: Attrs
$cmempty :: Attrs
$cp1Monoid :: Semigroup Attrs
Monoid, b -> Attrs -> Attrs
NonEmpty Attrs -> Attrs
Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
(Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs)
-> (NonEmpty Attrs -> Attrs)
-> (forall b. Integral b => b -> Attrs -> Attrs)
-> Semigroup Attrs
forall b. Integral b => b -> Attrs -> Attrs
forall a.
(a -> a -> a)
-> (NonEmpty a -> a)
-> (forall b. Integral b => b -> a -> a)
-> Semigroup a
stimes :: b -> Attrs -> Attrs
$cstimes :: forall b. Integral b => b -> Attrs -> Attrs
sconcat :: NonEmpty Attrs -> Attrs
$csconcat :: NonEmpty Attrs -> Attrs
<> :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
$c<> :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
Semigroup, (forall x. Attrs -> Rep Attrs x)
-> (forall x. Rep Attrs x -> Attrs) -> Generic Attrs
forall x. Rep Attrs x -> Attrs
forall x. Attrs -> Rep Attrs x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep Attrs x -> Attrs
$cfrom :: forall x. Attrs -> Rep Attrs x
instance SexpIso Attrs where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attrs :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar Position (Set Attr :- t) (Attrs :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attrs :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attrs :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar Position (Set Attr :- t) (Attrs :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attrs :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attrs :- t))
-> (Grammar Position (Set Attr :- t) (Attrs :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attrs :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attrs :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar Position (Set Attr :- t) (Attrs :- t)
attrs -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Set Attr :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Set Attr :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Set Attr :- t) (Attrs :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Attrs :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Set Attr :- t) (Attrs :- t)
oneAttr :: Attr -> Attrs
oneAttr :: Attr -> Attrs
oneAttr = Set Attr -> Attrs
Attrs (Set Attr -> Attrs) -> (Attr -> Set Attr) -> Attr -> Attrs
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Attr -> Set Attr
forall a. a -> Set a
inAttrs :: Attr -> Attrs -> Bool
inAttrs :: Attr -> Attrs -> Bool
inAttrs Attr
attr (Attrs Set Attr
attrs) = Attr
attr Attr -> Set Attr -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool
`S.member` Set Attr
withoutAttrs :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
withoutAttrs :: Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
withoutAttrs (Attrs Set Attr
x) (Attrs Set Attr
y) = Set Attr -> Attrs
Attrs (Set Attr -> Attrs) -> Set Attr -> Attrs
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Set Attr
x Set Attr -> Set Attr -> Set Attr
forall a. Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
`S.difference` Set Attr
type PatElem lore = PatElemT (LetDec lore)
data PatternT dec = Pattern
PatternT dec -> [PatElemT dec]
patternContextElements :: [PatElemT dec],
PatternT dec -> [PatElemT dec]
patternValueElements :: [PatElemT dec]
deriving (Eq (PatternT dec)
Eq (PatternT dec)
-> (PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Ordering)
-> (PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool)
-> (PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool)
-> (PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool)
-> (PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool)
-> (PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec)
-> (PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec)
-> Ord (PatternT dec)
PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Ordering
PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall dec. Ord dec => Eq (PatternT dec)
forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Ordering
forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec
min :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec
$cmin :: forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec
max :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec
$cmax :: forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec
>= :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
$c>= :: forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
> :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
$c> :: forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
<= :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
$c<= :: forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
< :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
$c< :: forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
compare :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall dec. Ord dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall dec. Ord dec => Eq (PatternT dec)
Ord, Int -> PatternT dec -> ShowS
[PatternT dec] -> ShowS
PatternT dec -> String
(Int -> PatternT dec -> ShowS)
-> (PatternT dec -> String)
-> ([PatternT dec] -> ShowS)
-> Show (PatternT dec)
forall dec. Show dec => Int -> PatternT dec -> ShowS
forall dec. Show dec => [PatternT dec] -> ShowS
forall dec. Show dec => PatternT dec -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [PatternT dec] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall dec. Show dec => [PatternT dec] -> ShowS
show :: PatternT dec -> String
$cshow :: forall dec. Show dec => PatternT dec -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> PatternT dec -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall dec. Show dec => Int -> PatternT dec -> ShowS
Show, PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
(PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool)
-> (PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool) -> Eq (PatternT dec)
forall dec. Eq dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
$c/= :: forall dec. Eq dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
== :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
$c== :: forall dec. Eq dec => PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. PatternT dec -> Rep (PatternT dec) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (PatternT dec) x -> PatternT dec)
-> Generic (PatternT dec)
forall x. Rep (PatternT dec) x -> PatternT dec
forall x. PatternT dec -> Rep (PatternT dec) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall dec x. Rep (PatternT dec) x -> PatternT dec
forall dec x. PatternT dec -> Rep (PatternT dec) x
$cto :: forall dec x. Rep (PatternT dec) x -> PatternT dec
$cfrom :: forall dec x. PatternT dec -> Rep (PatternT dec) x
instance SexpIso dec => SexpIso (PatternT dec) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT dec :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar
([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
(PatternT dec :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT dec :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT dec :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
(PatternT dec :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT dec :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT dec :- t))
-> (Grammar
([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
(PatternT dec :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT dec :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT dec :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
(PatternT dec :- t)
vname ->
(List :- t)
(List :- ([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) ([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([PatElemT dec] :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([PatElemT dec] :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
(List :- ([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- ([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
(List :- ([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Position (Sexp :- t) ([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
-> Grammar
([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
(PatternT dec :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT dec :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
([PatElemT dec] :- ([PatElemT dec] :- t))
(PatternT dec :- t)
instance Semigroup (PatternT dec) where
Pattern [PatElemT dec]
cs1 [PatElemT dec]
vs1 <> :: PatternT dec -> PatternT dec -> PatternT dec
<> Pattern [PatElemT dec]
cs2 [PatElemT dec]
vs2 = [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec] -> PatternT dec
forall dec. [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec] -> PatternT dec
Pattern ([PatElemT dec]
cs1 [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [PatElemT dec]
cs2) ([PatElemT dec]
vs1 [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [PatElemT dec]
instance Monoid (PatternT dec) where
mempty :: PatternT dec
mempty = [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec] -> PatternT dec
forall dec. [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec] -> PatternT dec
Pattern [] []
instance Functor PatternT where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> PatternT a -> PatternT b
fmap = (a -> b) -> PatternT a -> PatternT b
forall (t :: * -> *) a b. Traversable t => (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
instance Foldable PatternT where
foldMap :: (a -> m) -> PatternT a -> m
foldMap = (a -> m) -> PatternT a -> m
forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Traversable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
instance Traversable PatternT where
traverse :: (a -> f b) -> PatternT a -> f (PatternT b)
traverse a -> f b
f (Pattern [PatElemT a]
ctx [PatElemT a]
vals) =
[PatElemT b] -> [PatElemT b] -> PatternT b
forall dec. [PatElemT dec] -> [PatElemT dec] -> PatternT dec
Pattern ([PatElemT b] -> [PatElemT b] -> PatternT b)
-> f [PatElemT b] -> f ([PatElemT b] -> PatternT b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (PatElemT a -> f (PatElemT b)) -> [PatElemT a] -> f [PatElemT b]
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse ((a -> f b) -> PatElemT a -> f (PatElemT b)
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse a -> f b
f) [PatElemT a]
ctx f ([PatElemT b] -> PatternT b) -> f [PatElemT b] -> f (PatternT b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> (PatElemT a -> f (PatElemT b)) -> [PatElemT a] -> f [PatElemT b]
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse ((a -> f b) -> PatElemT a -> f (PatElemT b)
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse a -> f b
f) [PatElemT a]
type Pattern lore = PatternT (LetDec lore)
data StmAux dec = StmAux
{ StmAux dec -> Certificates
stmAuxCerts :: !Certificates,
StmAux dec -> Attrs
stmAuxAttrs :: Attrs,
StmAux dec -> dec
stmAuxDec :: dec
deriving (Eq (StmAux dec)
Eq (StmAux dec)
-> (StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Ordering)
-> (StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool)
-> (StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool)
-> (StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool)
-> (StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool)
-> (StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec)
-> (StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec)
-> Ord (StmAux dec)
StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Ordering
StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall dec. Ord dec => Eq (StmAux dec)
forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Ordering
forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec
min :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec
$cmin :: forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec
max :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec
$cmax :: forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec
>= :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
$c>= :: forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
> :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
$c> :: forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
<= :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
$c<= :: forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
< :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
$c< :: forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
compare :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall dec. Ord dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall dec. Ord dec => Eq (StmAux dec)
Ord, Int -> StmAux dec -> ShowS
[StmAux dec] -> ShowS
StmAux dec -> String
(Int -> StmAux dec -> ShowS)
-> (StmAux dec -> String)
-> ([StmAux dec] -> ShowS)
-> Show (StmAux dec)
forall dec. Show dec => Int -> StmAux dec -> ShowS
forall dec. Show dec => [StmAux dec] -> ShowS
forall dec. Show dec => StmAux dec -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [StmAux dec] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall dec. Show dec => [StmAux dec] -> ShowS
show :: StmAux dec -> String
$cshow :: forall dec. Show dec => StmAux dec -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> StmAux dec -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall dec. Show dec => Int -> StmAux dec -> ShowS
Show, StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
(StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool)
-> (StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool) -> Eq (StmAux dec)
forall dec. Eq dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
$c/= :: forall dec. Eq dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
== :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
$c== :: forall dec. Eq dec => StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. StmAux dec -> Rep (StmAux dec) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (StmAux dec) x -> StmAux dec)
-> Generic (StmAux dec)
forall x. Rep (StmAux dec) x -> StmAux dec
forall x. StmAux dec -> Rep (StmAux dec) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall dec x. Rep (StmAux dec) x -> StmAux dec
forall dec x. StmAux dec -> Rep (StmAux dec) x
$cto :: forall dec x. Rep (StmAux dec) x -> StmAux dec
$cfrom :: forall dec x. StmAux dec -> Rep (StmAux dec) x
instance SexpIso dec => SexpIso (StmAux dec) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (StmAux dec :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar
Position (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))) (StmAux dec :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (StmAux dec :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (StmAux dec :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
Position (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))) (StmAux dec :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (StmAux dec :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (StmAux dec :- t))
-> (Grammar
Position (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))) (StmAux dec :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (StmAux dec :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (StmAux dec :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
Position (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))) (StmAux dec :- t)
vname ->
(List :- t)
(List :- (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))))
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Certificates :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Certificates :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Certificates :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Certificates :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Certificates :- t))
(List :- (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (Certificates :- t))
(Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Certificates :- t))
(List :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (Certificates :- t))
(Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(List :- (Certificates :- t))
(List :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
(List :- (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Certificates :- t))
(List :- (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
(dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
(List :- (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
(dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Position (Sexp :- t) (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))) (StmAux dec :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (StmAux dec :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position (dec :- (Attrs :- (Certificates :- t))) (StmAux dec :- t)
instance Semigroup dec => Semigroup (StmAux dec) where
StmAux Certificates
cs1 Attrs
attrs1 dec
dec1 <> :: StmAux dec -> StmAux dec -> StmAux dec
<> StmAux Certificates
cs2 Attrs
attrs2 dec
dec2 =
Certificates -> Attrs -> dec -> StmAux dec
forall dec. Certificates -> Attrs -> dec -> StmAux dec
StmAux (Certificates
cs1 Certificates -> Certificates -> Certificates
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Certificates
cs2) (Attrs
attrs1 Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Attrs
attrs2) (dec
dec1 dec -> dec -> dec
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> dec
data Stm lore = Let
Stm lore -> Pattern lore
stmPattern :: Pattern lore,
Stm lore -> StmAux (ExpDec lore)
stmAux :: StmAux (ExpDec lore),
Stm lore -> Exp lore
stmExp :: Exp lore
deriving ((forall x. Stm lore -> Rep (Stm lore) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (Stm lore) x -> Stm lore) -> Generic (Stm lore)
forall x. Rep (Stm lore) x -> Stm lore
forall x. Stm lore -> Rep (Stm lore) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall lore x. Rep (Stm lore) x -> Stm lore
forall lore x. Stm lore -> Rep (Stm lore) x
$cto :: forall lore x. Rep (Stm lore) x -> Stm lore
$cfrom :: forall lore x. Stm lore -> Rep (Stm lore) x
instance Decorations lore => SexpIso (Stm lore) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stm lore :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
(Stm lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stm lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stm lore :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
(Stm lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stm lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stm lore :- t))
-> (Grammar
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
(Stm lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stm lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stm lore :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
(Stm lore :- t)
stm ->
(List :- t)
:- (ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Position (List :- t) (List :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
:- (ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
(StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
(List :- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
(StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(List :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
(List :- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
:- (ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))
:- (ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
:- (ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(Sexp :- t)
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
-> Grammar
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
(Stm lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stm lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(ExpT lore
:- (StmAux (ExpDec lore) :- (PatternT (LetDec lore) :- t)))
(Stm lore :- t)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Ord (Stm lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Show (Stm lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Eq (Stm lore)
type Stms lore = Seq.Seq (Stm lore)
instance Decorations lore => SexpIso (Stms lore) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stms lore :- t)
sexpIso = ([Stm lore] -> Stms lore)
-> (Stms lore -> [Stm lore])
-> Grammar Position ([Stm lore] :- t) (Stms lore :- t)
forall a b p t. (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar p (a :- t) (b :- t)
iso [Stm lore] -> Stms lore
forall lore. [Stm lore] -> Stms lore
stmsFromList Stms lore -> [Stm lore]
forall lore. Stms lore -> [Stm lore]
stmsToList Grammar Position ([Stm lore] :- t) (Stms lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Stm lore] :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Stms lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Stm lore] :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
oneStm :: Stm lore -> Stms lore
oneStm :: Stm lore -> Stms lore
oneStm = Stm lore -> Stms lore
forall a. a -> Seq a
stmsFromList :: [Stm lore] -> Stms lore
stmsFromList :: [Stm lore] -> Stms lore
stmsFromList = [Stm lore] -> Stms lore
forall a. [a] -> Seq a
stmsToList :: Stms lore -> [Stm lore]
stmsToList :: Stms lore -> [Stm lore]
stmsToList = Stms lore -> [Stm lore]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
stmsHead :: Stms lore -> Maybe (Stm lore, Stms lore)
stmsHead :: Stms lore -> Maybe (Stm lore, Stms lore)
stmsHead Stms lore
stms = case Stms lore -> ViewL (Stm lore)
forall a. Seq a -> ViewL a
Seq.viewl Stms lore
stms of
Stm lore
stm Seq.:< Stms lore
stms' -> (Stm lore, Stms lore) -> Maybe (Stm lore, Stms lore)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Stm lore
stm, Stms lore
ViewL (Stm lore)
Seq.EmptyL -> Maybe (Stm lore, Stms lore)
forall a. Maybe a
type Result = [SubExp]
data BodyT lore = Body
{ BodyT lore -> BodyDec lore
bodyDec :: BodyDec lore,
BodyT lore -> Stms lore
bodyStms :: Stms lore,
BodyT lore -> Result
bodyResult :: Result
deriving ((forall x. BodyT lore -> Rep (BodyT lore) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (BodyT lore) x -> BodyT lore)
-> Generic (BodyT lore)
forall x. Rep (BodyT lore) x -> BodyT lore
forall x. BodyT lore -> Rep (BodyT lore) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall lore x. Rep (BodyT lore) x -> BodyT lore
forall lore x. BodyT lore -> Rep (BodyT lore) x
$cto :: forall lore x. Rep (BodyT lore) x -> BodyT lore
$cfrom :: forall lore x. BodyT lore -> Rep (BodyT lore) x
instance Decorations lore => SexpIso (BodyT lore) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyT lore :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(BodyT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyT lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyT lore :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(BodyT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyT lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyT lore :- t))
-> (Grammar
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(BodyT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyT lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyT lore :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(BodyT lore :- t)
stm ->
(List :- t)
(List :- (Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyDec lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyDec lore :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
(List :- (Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
(Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
(List :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
(Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(List :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
(List :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(List :- (Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyDec lore :- t))
(List :- (Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(List :- (Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(Sexp :- t)
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
-> Grammar
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(BodyT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BodyT lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Result :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- (BodyDec lore :- t)))
(BodyT lore :- t)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Ord (BodyT lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Show (BodyT lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Eq (BodyT lore)
type Body = BodyT
data DimChange d
DimCoercion d
DimNew d
deriving (Eq (DimChange d)
Eq (DimChange d)
-> (DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Ordering)
-> (DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool)
-> (DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool)
-> (DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool)
-> (DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool)
-> (DimChange d -> DimChange d -> DimChange d)
-> (DimChange d -> DimChange d -> DimChange d)
-> Ord (DimChange d)
DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Ordering
DimChange d -> DimChange d -> DimChange d
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall d. Ord d => Eq (DimChange d)
forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Ordering
forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> DimChange d
min :: DimChange d -> DimChange d -> DimChange d
$cmin :: forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> DimChange d
max :: DimChange d -> DimChange d -> DimChange d
$cmax :: forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> DimChange d
>= :: DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
$c>= :: forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
> :: DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
$c> :: forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
<= :: DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
$c<= :: forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
< :: DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
$c< :: forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
compare :: DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall d. Ord d => DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall d. Ord d => Eq (DimChange d)
Ord, Int -> DimChange d -> ShowS
[DimChange d] -> ShowS
DimChange d -> String
(Int -> DimChange d -> ShowS)
-> (DimChange d -> String)
-> ([DimChange d] -> ShowS)
-> Show (DimChange d)
forall d. Show d => Int -> DimChange d -> ShowS
forall d. Show d => [DimChange d] -> ShowS
forall d. Show d => DimChange d -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [DimChange d] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall d. Show d => [DimChange d] -> ShowS
show :: DimChange d -> String
$cshow :: forall d. Show d => DimChange d -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> DimChange d -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall d. Show d => Int -> DimChange d -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. DimChange d -> Rep (DimChange d) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (DimChange d) x -> DimChange d)
-> Generic (DimChange d)
forall x. Rep (DimChange d) x -> DimChange d
forall x. DimChange d -> Rep (DimChange d) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall d x. Rep (DimChange d) x -> DimChange d
forall d x. DimChange d -> Rep (DimChange d) x
$cto :: forall d x. Rep (DimChange d) x -> DimChange d
$cfrom :: forall d x. DimChange d -> Rep (DimChange d) x
instance SexpIso d => SexpIso (DimChange d) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
sexpIso =
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t, d :- t] (DimChange d) t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
forall a (bs :: [*]) t p s.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), Match (Rep a) bs t,
bs ~ Coll (Rep a) t) =>
Coproduct p s bs a t -> Grammar p s (a :- t)
match (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t, d :- t] (DimChange d) t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (DimChange d :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t, d :- t] (DimChange d) t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (d :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (DimChange d :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t] (DimChange d) t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t, d :- t] (DimChange d) t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (d :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (d :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (d :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (d :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"coercion") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (d :- t))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (d :- t))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (d :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (d :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (d :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t] (DimChange d) t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t, d :- t] (DimChange d) t)
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t] (DimChange d) t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t, d :- t] (DimChange d) t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (d :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (DimChange d :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] (DimChange d) t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[d :- t] (DimChange d) t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
(Grammar Position (d :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (d :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (DimChange d :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (d :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (d :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"new") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (d :- t))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (d :- t))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (d :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (d :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (d :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] (DimChange d) t
forall p s a t. Coproduct p s '[] a t
instance Eq d => Eq (DimChange d) where
DimCoercion d
x == :: DimChange d -> DimChange d -> Bool
== DimNew d
y = d
x d -> d -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== d
DimCoercion d
x == DimCoercion d
y = d
x d -> d -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== d
DimNew d
x == DimCoercion d
y = d
x d -> d -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== d
DimNew d
x == DimNew d
y = d
x d -> d -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== d
instance Functor DimChange where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> DimChange a -> DimChange b
fmap a -> b
f (DimCoercion a
d) = b -> DimChange b
forall d. d -> DimChange d
DimCoercion (b -> DimChange b) -> b -> DimChange b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ a -> b
f a
fmap a -> b
f (DimNew a
d) = b -> DimChange b
forall d. d -> DimChange d
DimNew (b -> DimChange b) -> b -> DimChange b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ a -> b
f a
instance Foldable DimChange where
foldMap :: (a -> m) -> DimChange a -> m
foldMap a -> m
f (DimCoercion a
d) = a -> m
f a
foldMap a -> m
f (DimNew a
d) = a -> m
f a
instance Traversable DimChange where
traverse :: (a -> f b) -> DimChange a -> f (DimChange b)
traverse a -> f b
f (DimCoercion a
d) = b -> DimChange b
forall d. d -> DimChange d
DimCoercion (b -> DimChange b) -> f b -> f (DimChange b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> a -> f b
f a
traverse a -> f b
f (DimNew a
d) = b -> DimChange b
forall d. d -> DimChange d
DimNew (b -> DimChange b) -> f b -> f (DimChange b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> a -> f b
f a
type ShapeChange d = [DimChange d]
data BasicOp
SubExp SubExp
Opaque SubExp
ArrayLit [SubExp] Type
UnOp UnOp SubExp
BinOp BinOp SubExp SubExp
CmpOp CmpOp SubExp SubExp
ConvOp ConvOp SubExp
Assert SubExp (ErrorMsg SubExp) (SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
Index VName (Slice SubExp)
Update VName (Slice SubExp) SubExp
Concat Int VName [VName] SubExp
Copy VName
Manifest [Int] VName
Iota SubExp SubExp SubExp IntType
Replicate Shape SubExp
Scratch PrimType [SubExp]
Reshape (ShapeChange SubExp) VName
Rearrange [Int] VName
Rotate [SubExp] VName
deriving (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
(BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool)
-> (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool) -> Eq BasicOp
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
$c/= :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
== :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
$c== :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
Eq, Eq BasicOp
Eq BasicOp
-> (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Ordering)
-> (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool)
-> (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool)
-> (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool)
-> (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool)
-> (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> BasicOp)
-> (BasicOp -> BasicOp -> BasicOp)
-> Ord BasicOp
BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Ordering
BasicOp -> BasicOp -> BasicOp
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> BasicOp
$cmin :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> BasicOp
max :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> BasicOp
$cmax :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> BasicOp
>= :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
$c>= :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
> :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
$c> :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
<= :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
$c<= :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
< :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
$c< :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Bool
compare :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Ordering
$ccompare :: BasicOp -> BasicOp -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq BasicOp
Ord, Int -> BasicOp -> ShowS
[BasicOp] -> ShowS
BasicOp -> String
(Int -> BasicOp -> ShowS)
-> (BasicOp -> String) -> ([BasicOp] -> ShowS) -> Show BasicOp
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [BasicOp] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [BasicOp] -> ShowS
show :: BasicOp -> String
$cshow :: BasicOp -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> BasicOp -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> BasicOp -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. BasicOp -> Rep BasicOp x)
-> (forall x. Rep BasicOp x -> BasicOp) -> Generic BasicOp
forall x. Rep BasicOp x -> BasicOp
forall x. BasicOp -> Rep BasicOp x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep BasicOp x -> BasicOp
$cfrom :: forall x. BasicOp -> Rep BasicOp x
instance SexpIso BasicOp where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
sexpIso =
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, SubExp :- t,
TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall a (bs :: [*]) t p s.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), Match (Rep a) bs t,
bs ~ Coll (Rep a) t) =>
Coproduct p s bs a t -> Grammar p s (a :- t)
match (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, SubExp :- t,
TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, SubExp :- t,
TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (SubExp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, SubExp :- t,
TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (SubExp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, SubExp :- t,
TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, SubExp :- t,
TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (SubExp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (SubExp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"opaque") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- t, TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
(TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"array") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Result :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Result :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Result :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Result :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Result :- t))
(List :- (TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (Result :- t))
(TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Result :- t))
(List :- (TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (Result :- t))
(TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness :- (Result :- t),
SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (UnOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (UnOp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (UnOp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (UnOp :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (UnOp :- t)) (List :- (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (UnOp :- t)) (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (UnOp :- t)) (List :- (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (UnOp :- t)) (SubExp :- (UnOp :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (UnOp :- t), SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Position (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
Position (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))))
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BinOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (BinOp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BinOp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (BinOp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BinOp :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (BinOp :- t)) (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (BinOp :- t)) (List :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (BinOp :- t)) (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
Position (List :- (BinOp :- t)) (List :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BinOp :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
(SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
(SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (BinOp :- t)),
SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Position (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
Position (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))))
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (CmpOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (CmpOp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (CmpOp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (CmpOp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (CmpOp :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (CmpOp :- t)) (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (CmpOp :- t)) (List :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (CmpOp :- t)) (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
Position (List :- (CmpOp :- t)) (List :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (CmpOp :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
(SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
(SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (SubExp :- (CmpOp :- t)), SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ConvOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (ConvOp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ConvOp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (ConvOp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (ConvOp :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (ConvOp :- t)) (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (ConvOp :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (ConvOp :- t)) (SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (ConvOp :- t),
(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"assert") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
:- ((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (SubExp :- t)) (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
(List :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (SubExp :- t)) (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
(List :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
:- ((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
:- ((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
:- ((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
assertHelper)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)),
[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Position ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"index") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- t))
(List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (VName :- t)) ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- t))
(List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (VName :- t)) ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t),
SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
(SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"update") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (VName :- t)) ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- t))
(List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (VName :- t)) ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (VName :- t))
(List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
(SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
(SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([DimIndex SubExp] :- (VName :- t)),
SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- t, VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
(SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"concat") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Int :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Int :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Int :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Int :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Int :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (Int :- t)) (VName :- (Int :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (Int :- t)) (List :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (Int :- t)) (VName :- (Int :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
Position (List :- (Int :- t)) (List :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Int :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
(List :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
(List :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
(SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
(List :- (SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t)))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
(SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- t, VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- t, VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- ([VName] :- (VName :- (Int :- t))), VName :- t,
VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (VName :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- t, VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (VName :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"copy") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- t, VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- t, VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (VName :- ([Int] :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (VName :- ([Int] :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- ([Int] :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- ([Int] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"manifest") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Int] :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Int] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Int] :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Int] :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- ([Int] :- t)) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- ([Int] :- t)) (VName :- ([Int] :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- ([Int] :- t)) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- ([Int] :- t)) (VName :- ([Int] :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t),
IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
(IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
(BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"iota") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (SubExp :- t)) (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (SubExp :- t)) (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
(IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
(List :- (IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
(IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IntType :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))),
SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (SubExp :- (Shape :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[Result :- (PrimType :- t), VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t),
VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (SubExp :- (Shape :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (Shape :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (Shape :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- (Shape :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"replicate") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (Shape :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (Shape :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Shape :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Shape :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Shape :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Shape :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (Shape :- t)) (List :- (SubExp :- (Shape :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- (Shape :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (Shape :- t)) (SubExp :- (Shape :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (Shape :- t)) (List :- (SubExp :- (Shape :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (Shape :- t)) (SubExp :- (Shape :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[Result :- (PrimType :- t), VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t),
VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[Result :- (PrimType :- t), VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t),
VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[SubExp :- (Shape :- t), Result :- (PrimType :- t),
VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (Result :- (PrimType :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[Result :- (PrimType :- t), VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t),
VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (Result :- (PrimType :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Result :- (PrimType :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Result :- (PrimType :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Result :- (PrimType :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"scratch") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (Result :- (PrimType :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (Result :- (PrimType :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PrimType :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (PrimType :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (PrimType :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (PrimType :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (PrimType :- t))
(List :- (Result :- (PrimType :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (Result :- (PrimType :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (PrimType :- t)) (Result :- (PrimType :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (PrimType :- t))
(List :- (Result :- (PrimType :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (PrimType :- t)) (Result :- (PrimType :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[Result :- (PrimType :- t), VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t),
VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[Result :- (PrimType :- t), VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t),
VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Position (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
Position (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"reshape") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
(List :- (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
(VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
(List :- (VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
(VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([DimChange SubExp] :- t), VName :- ([Int] :- t),
VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (VName :- ([Int] :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[VName :- (Result :- t)] BasicOp t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (VName :- ([Int] :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- ([Int] :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- ([Int] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"rearrange") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Int] :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Int] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Int] :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Int] :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- ([Int] :- t)) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- ([Int] :- t)) (VName :- ([Int] :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- ([Int] :- t)) (List :- (VName :- ([Int] :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- ([Int] :- t)) (VName :- ([Int] :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[VName :- (Result :- t)] BasicOp t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[VName :- (Result :- t)] BasicOp t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[VName :- ([Int] :- t), VName :- (Result :- t)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (VName :- (Result :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] BasicOp t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[VName :- (Result :- t)] BasicOp t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
(Grammar Position (VName :- (Result :- t)) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- (Result :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- (Result :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- (Result :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"rotate") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- (Result :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- (Result :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Result :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Result :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Result :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Result :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (Result :- t)) (List :- (VName :- (Result :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- (Result :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (Result :- t)) (VName :- (Result :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (Result :- t)) (List :- (VName :- (Result :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (Result :- t)) (VName :- (Result :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] BasicOp t
forall p s a t. Coproduct p s '[] a t
assertHelper :: Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
assertHelper =
([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> (Grammar
([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
tuple ->
(List :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
:- ([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(List :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el ((Text -> SrcLoc)
-> (SrcLoc -> Text)
-> Grammar
(Text :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall a b p t. (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar p (a :- t) (b :- t)
iso (SrcLoc -> Text -> SrcLoc
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const SrcLoc
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty) (String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text) -> (SrcLoc -> String) -> SrcLoc -> Text
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. SrcLoc -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show) Grammar
(Text :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(Text :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(Text :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall t. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Text :- t)
(List :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
(List :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
:- ([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
:- ([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> (forall t1. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (SrcLoc :- t1))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
:- ([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall a t.
(forall t1. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (a :- t1))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([a] :- t))
Sexp.rest ((Text -> SrcLoc)
-> (SrcLoc -> Text) -> Grammar Position (Text :- t1) (SrcLoc :- t1)
forall a b p t. (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar p (a :- t) (b :- t)
iso (SrcLoc -> Text -> SrcLoc
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const SrcLoc
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty) (String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text) -> (SrcLoc -> String) -> SrcLoc -> Text
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. SrcLoc -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show) Grammar Position (Text :- t1) (SrcLoc :- t1)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (Text :- t1)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (SrcLoc :- t1)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (Text :- t1)
forall t. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Text :- t)
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
([SrcLoc] :- (SrcLoc :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t))))
((SrcLoc, [SrcLoc]) :- (ErrorMsg SubExp :- (SubExp :- t)))
data ExpT lore
BasicOp BasicOp
| Apply Name [(SubExp, Diet)] [RetType lore] (Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
| If SubExp (BodyT lore) (BodyT lore) (IfDec (BranchType lore))
DoLoop [(FParam lore, SubExp)] [(FParam lore, SubExp)] (LoopForm lore) (BodyT lore)
| Op (Op lore)
deriving ((forall x. ExpT lore -> Rep (ExpT lore) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (ExpT lore) x -> ExpT lore)
-> Generic (ExpT lore)
forall x. Rep (ExpT lore) x -> ExpT lore
forall x. ExpT lore -> Rep (ExpT lore) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall lore x. Rep (ExpT lore) x -> ExpT lore
forall lore x. ExpT lore -> Rep (ExpT lore) x
$cto :: forall lore x. Rep (ExpT lore) x -> ExpT lore
$cfrom :: forall lore x. ExpT lore -> Rep (ExpT lore) x
instance Decorations lore => SexpIso (ExpT lore) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
sexpIso =
(Sexp :- t)
'[BasicOp :- t,
(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
forall a (bs :: [*]) t p s.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), Match (Rep a) bs t,
bs ~ Coll (Rep a) t) =>
Coproduct p s bs a t -> Grammar p s (a :- t)
match (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BasicOp :- t,
(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BasicOp :- t,
(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (BasicOp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BasicOp :- t,
(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (BasicOp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (BasicOp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BasicOp :- t,
(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BasicOp :- t,
(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
(ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
(ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"apply") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Name :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Name :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Name :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Name :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Name :- t))
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (Name :- t)) ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Name :- t))
(List :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (Name :- t)) ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (Name :- t))
(List :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Name :- t))
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
(List :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
(List :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
:- ((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
applyHelper)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[(Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))),
IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
(ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
(IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
(ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"if") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (SubExp :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (SubExp :- t)) (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
Position (Sexp :- (SubExp :- t)) (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- t))
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
(BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
(BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
(IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
:- (IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t)))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
(IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[IfDec (BranchType lore)
:- (BodyT lore :- (BodyT lore :- (SubExp :- t))),
BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
(ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[Op lore :- t] (ExpT lore) t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
(BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
(ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"loop") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
-> Grammar
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
(LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
-> Grammar
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
(LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
-> Grammar
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
-> Grammar
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
(BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
-> Grammar
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
:- (BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t)))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
(BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[Op lore :- t] (ExpT lore) t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[Op lore :- t] (ExpT lore) t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[BodyT lore
:- (LoopForm lore
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)]
:- ([(Param (FParamInfo lore), SubExp)] :- t))),
Op lore :- t]
(ExpT lore)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (Op lore :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] (ExpT lore) t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[Op lore :- t] (ExpT lore) t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
(Grammar Position (Op lore :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Op lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (ExpT lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Op lore :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] (ExpT lore) t
forall p s a t. Coproduct p s '[] a t
applyHelper :: Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
applyHelper =
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> (Grammar
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
triple ->
(List :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
:- ([SrcLoc]
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
(Safety :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
(Safety :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(List :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- ([SrcLoc]
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
:- ([SrcLoc]
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el ((Text -> SrcLoc)
-> (SrcLoc -> Text)
-> Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall a b p t. (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar p (a :- t) (b :- t)
iso (SrcLoc -> Text -> SrcLoc
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const SrcLoc
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty) (String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text) -> (SrcLoc -> String) -> SrcLoc -> Text
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. SrcLoc -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show) Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
-> Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
forall t. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Text :- t)
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
-> Grammar
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
:- ([SrcLoc]
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))
:- ([SrcLoc]
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> (forall t1. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (SrcLoc :- t1))
-> Grammar
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
:- ([SrcLoc]
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t)))))))
forall a t.
(forall t1. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (a :- t1))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([a] :- t))
Sexp.rest ((Text -> SrcLoc)
-> (SrcLoc -> Text) -> Grammar Position (Text :- t1) (SrcLoc :- t1)
forall a b p t. (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar p (a :- t) (b :- t)
iso (SrcLoc -> Text -> SrcLoc
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const SrcLoc
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty) (String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text) -> (SrcLoc -> String) -> SrcLoc -> Text
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. SrcLoc -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show) Grammar Position (Text :- t1) (SrcLoc :- t1)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (Text :- t1)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (SrcLoc :- t1)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (Text :- t1)
forall t. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Text :- t)
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
-> Grammar
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
:- (SrcLoc
:- (Safety
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))))
((Safety, SrcLoc, [SrcLoc])
:- ([RetType lore] :- ([(SubExp, Diet)] :- (Name :- t))))
deriving instance Decorations lore => Eq (ExpT lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Show (ExpT lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Ord (ExpT lore)
data LoopForm lore
= ForLoop VName IntType SubExp [(LParam lore, VName)]
| WhileLoop VName
deriving ((forall x. LoopForm lore -> Rep (LoopForm lore) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (LoopForm lore) x -> LoopForm lore)
-> Generic (LoopForm lore)
forall x. Rep (LoopForm lore) x -> LoopForm lore
forall x. LoopForm lore -> Rep (LoopForm lore) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall lore x. Rep (LoopForm lore) x -> LoopForm lore
forall lore x. LoopForm lore -> Rep (LoopForm lore) x
$cto :: forall lore x. Rep (LoopForm lore) x -> LoopForm lore
$cfrom :: forall lore x. LoopForm lore -> Rep (LoopForm lore) x
instance Decorations lore => SexpIso (LoopForm lore) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t)
sexpIso =
(Sexp :- t)
'[[(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))),
VName :- t]
(LoopForm lore)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t)
forall a (bs :: [*]) t p s.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), Match (Rep a) bs t,
bs ~ Coll (Rep a) t) =>
Coproduct p s bs a t -> Grammar p s (a :- t)
match (Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))),
VName :- t]
(LoopForm lore)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t))
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))),
VName :- t]
(LoopForm lore)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
(LoopForm lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[VName :- t] (LoopForm lore) t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))),
VName :- t]
(LoopForm lore)
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar
([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
(LoopForm lore :- t)
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"for") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- t))
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (VName :- t)) (IntType :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (VName :- t)) (List :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (VName :- t)) (IntType :- (VName :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
Position (List :- (VName :- t)) (List :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (VName :- t))
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
(SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
(SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso Grammar
(List :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
(List :- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
:- ([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t)))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
([(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[VName :- t] (LoopForm lore) t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))),
VName :- t]
(LoopForm lore)
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[VName :- t] (LoopForm lore) t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[[(Param (LParamInfo lore), VName)]
:- (SubExp :- (IntType :- (VName :- t))),
VName :- t]
(LoopForm lore)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (VName :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] (LoopForm lore) t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[VName :- t] (LoopForm lore) t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
(Grammar Position (VName :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LoopForm lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"while") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (VName :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (VName :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] (LoopForm lore) t
forall p s a t. Coproduct p s '[] a t
deriving instance Decorations lore => Eq (LoopForm lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Show (LoopForm lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Ord (LoopForm lore)
data IfDec rt = IfDec
{ IfDec rt -> [rt]
ifReturns :: [rt],
IfDec rt -> IfSort
ifSort :: IfSort
deriving (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
(IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool)
-> (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool) -> Eq (IfDec rt)
forall rt. Eq rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
$c/= :: forall rt. Eq rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
== :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
$c== :: forall rt. Eq rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
Eq, Int -> IfDec rt -> ShowS
[IfDec rt] -> ShowS
IfDec rt -> String
(Int -> IfDec rt -> ShowS)
-> (IfDec rt -> String) -> ([IfDec rt] -> ShowS) -> Show (IfDec rt)
forall rt. Show rt => Int -> IfDec rt -> ShowS
forall rt. Show rt => [IfDec rt] -> ShowS
forall rt. Show rt => IfDec rt -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [IfDec rt] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall rt. Show rt => [IfDec rt] -> ShowS
show :: IfDec rt -> String
$cshow :: forall rt. Show rt => IfDec rt -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> IfDec rt -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall rt. Show rt => Int -> IfDec rt -> ShowS
Show, Eq (IfDec rt)
Eq (IfDec rt)
-> (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Ordering)
-> (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool)
-> (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool)
-> (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool)
-> (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool)
-> (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> IfDec rt)
-> (IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> IfDec rt)
-> Ord (IfDec rt)
IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Ordering
IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> IfDec rt
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall rt. Ord rt => Eq (IfDec rt)
forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Ordering
forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> IfDec rt
min :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> IfDec rt
$cmin :: forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> IfDec rt
max :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> IfDec rt
$cmax :: forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> IfDec rt
>= :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
$c>= :: forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
> :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
$c> :: forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
<= :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
$c<= :: forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
< :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
$c< :: forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Bool
compare :: IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall rt. Ord rt => IfDec rt -> IfDec rt -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall rt. Ord rt => Eq (IfDec rt)
Ord, (forall x. IfDec rt -> Rep (IfDec rt) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (IfDec rt) x -> IfDec rt) -> Generic (IfDec rt)
forall x. Rep (IfDec rt) x -> IfDec rt
forall x. IfDec rt -> Rep (IfDec rt) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall rt x. Rep (IfDec rt) x -> IfDec rt
forall rt x. IfDec rt -> Rep (IfDec rt) x
$cto :: forall rt x. Rep (IfDec rt) x -> IfDec rt
$cfrom :: forall rt x. IfDec rt -> Rep (IfDec rt) x
instance SexpIso rt => SexpIso (IfDec rt) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfDec rt :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar Position (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)) (IfDec rt :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfDec rt :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfDec rt :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar Position (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)) (IfDec rt :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfDec rt :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfDec rt :- t))
-> (Grammar Position (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)) (IfDec rt :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfDec rt :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfDec rt :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar Position (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)) (IfDec rt :- t)
stm ->
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([rt] :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([rt] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([rt] :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([rt] :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- ([rt] :- t)) (List :- (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- ([rt] :- t)) (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- ([rt] :- t)) (List :- (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- ([rt] :- t)) (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t))
-> Grammar Position (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)) (IfDec rt :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfDec rt :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (IfSort :- ([rt] :- t)) (IfDec rt :- t)
data IfSort
deriving (IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
(IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool)
-> (IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool) -> Eq IfSort
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
$c/= :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
== :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
$c== :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
Eq, Int -> IfSort -> ShowS
[IfSort] -> ShowS
IfSort -> String
(Int -> IfSort -> ShowS)
-> (IfSort -> String) -> ([IfSort] -> ShowS) -> Show IfSort
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [IfSort] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [IfSort] -> ShowS
show :: IfSort -> String
$cshow :: IfSort -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> IfSort -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> IfSort -> ShowS
Show, Eq IfSort
Eq IfSort
-> (IfSort -> IfSort -> Ordering)
-> (IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool)
-> (IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool)
-> (IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool)
-> (IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool)
-> (IfSort -> IfSort -> IfSort)
-> (IfSort -> IfSort -> IfSort)
-> Ord IfSort
IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
IfSort -> IfSort -> Ordering
IfSort -> IfSort -> IfSort
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: IfSort -> IfSort -> IfSort
$cmin :: IfSort -> IfSort -> IfSort
max :: IfSort -> IfSort -> IfSort
$cmax :: IfSort -> IfSort -> IfSort
>= :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
$c>= :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
> :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
$c> :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
<= :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
$c<= :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
< :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
$c< :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Bool
compare :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Ordering
$ccompare :: IfSort -> IfSort -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq IfSort
Ord, (forall x. IfSort -> Rep IfSort x)
-> (forall x. Rep IfSort x -> IfSort) -> Generic IfSort
forall x. Rep IfSort x -> IfSort
forall x. IfSort -> Rep IfSort x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep IfSort x -> IfSort
$cfrom :: forall x. IfSort -> Rep IfSort x
instance SexpIso IfSort where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t)
sexpIso =
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t, t] IfSort t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t)
forall a (bs :: [*]) t p s.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), Match (Rep a) bs t,
bs ~ Coll (Rep a) t) =>
Coproduct p s bs a t -> Grammar p s (a :- t)
match (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t, t] IfSort t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t, t] IfSort t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position t (IfSort :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t] IfSort t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t, t] IfSort t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
sym Text
"normal" Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position t (IfSort :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>>) (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t] IfSort t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t, t] IfSort t)
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t] IfSort t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t, t] IfSort t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position t (IfSort :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t] IfSort t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t] IfSort t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
sym Text
"fallback" Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position t (IfSort :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>>) (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t] IfSort t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t] IfSort t)
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t] IfSort t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, t] IfSort t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position t (IfSort :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] IfSort t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t] IfSort t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
(Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
sym Text
"equiv" Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position t (IfSort :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (IfSort :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] IfSort t
forall p s a t. Coproduct p s '[] a t
type Exp = ExpT
data LambdaT lore = Lambda
{ LambdaT lore -> [LParam lore]
lambdaParams :: [LParam lore],
LambdaT lore -> BodyT lore
lambdaBody :: BodyT lore,
LambdaT lore -> [TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
lambdaReturnType :: [Type]
deriving ((forall x. LambdaT lore -> Rep (LambdaT lore) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (LambdaT lore) x -> LambdaT lore)
-> Generic (LambdaT lore)
forall x. Rep (LambdaT lore) x -> LambdaT lore
forall x. LambdaT lore -> Rep (LambdaT lore) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall lore x. Rep (LambdaT lore) x -> LambdaT lore
forall lore x. LambdaT lore -> Rep (LambdaT lore) x
$cto :: forall lore x. Rep (LambdaT lore) x -> LambdaT lore
$cfrom :: forall lore x. LambdaT lore -> Rep (LambdaT lore) x
instance Decorations lore => SexpIso (LambdaT lore) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LambdaT lore :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
(LambdaT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LambdaT lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LambdaT lore :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
(LambdaT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LambdaT lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LambdaT lore :- t))
-> (Grammar
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
(LambdaT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LambdaT lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LambdaT lore :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
(LambdaT lore :- t)
lambdat ->
(List :- t)
:- ([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)
-> Grammar
Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Position (List :- t) (List :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
:- ([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- ([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
(BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
(List :- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
(BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(List :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
(List :- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
:- ([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))
:- ([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
:- ([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(Sexp :- t)
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
-> Grammar
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
(LambdaT lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (LambdaT lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
([TypeBase Shape NoUniqueness]
:- (BodyT lore :- ([Param (LParamInfo lore)] :- t)))
(LambdaT lore :- t)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Eq (LambdaT lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Show (LambdaT lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Ord (LambdaT lore)
type Lambda = LambdaT
type FParam lore = Param (FParamInfo lore)
type LParam lore = Param (LParamInfo lore)
data FunDef lore = FunDef
FunDef lore -> Maybe EntryPoint
funDefEntryPoint :: Maybe EntryPoint,
FunDef lore -> Attrs
funDefAttrs :: Attrs,
FunDef lore -> Name
funDefName :: Name,
FunDef lore -> [RetType lore]
funDefRetType :: [RetType lore],
FunDef lore -> [FParam lore]
funDefParams :: [FParam lore],
FunDef lore -> BodyT lore
funDefBody :: BodyT lore
deriving ((forall x. FunDef lore -> Rep (FunDef lore) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (FunDef lore) x -> FunDef lore)
-> Generic (FunDef lore)
forall x. Rep (FunDef lore) x -> FunDef lore
forall x. FunDef lore -> Rep (FunDef lore) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall lore x. Rep (FunDef lore) x -> FunDef lore
forall lore x. FunDef lore -> Rep (FunDef lore) x
$cto :: forall lore x. Rep (FunDef lore) x -> FunDef lore
$cfrom :: forall lore x. FunDef lore -> Rep (FunDef lore) x
instance Decorations lore => SexpIso (FunDef lore) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (FunDef lore :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
(FunDef lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (FunDef lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (FunDef lore :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
(FunDef lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (FunDef lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (FunDef lore :- t))
-> (Grammar
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
(FunDef lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (FunDef lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (FunDef lore :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
(FunDef lore :- t)
fundef ->
(List :- t)
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
(Sexp :- t)
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
(Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
(List :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
(Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(List :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
(List :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
(Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
(List :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
(Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(List :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
(List :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(Sexp :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
([RetType lore] :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
(Sexp :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
([RetType lore] :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(List :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
-> Grammar
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
-> Grammar
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
-> Grammar
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
-> Grammar
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
-> Grammar
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
:- (BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t)))))))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
(Sexp :- t)
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
-> Grammar
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
(FunDef lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (FunDef lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
(BodyT lore
:- ([Param (FParamInfo lore)]
:- ([RetType lore]
:- (Name :- (Attrs :- (Maybe EntryPoint :- t))))))
(FunDef lore :- t)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Eq (FunDef lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Show (FunDef lore)
deriving instance Decorations lore => Ord (FunDef lore)
type EntryPoint = ([EntryPointType], [EntryPointType])
data EntryPointType
TypeOpaque String Int
deriving (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
(EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool)
-> (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool) -> Eq EntryPointType
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
$c/= :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
== :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
$c== :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
Eq, Int -> EntryPointType -> ShowS
[EntryPointType] -> ShowS
EntryPointType -> String
(Int -> EntryPointType -> ShowS)
-> (EntryPointType -> String)
-> ([EntryPointType] -> ShowS)
-> Show EntryPointType
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [EntryPointType] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [EntryPointType] -> ShowS
show :: EntryPointType -> String
$cshow :: EntryPointType -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> EntryPointType -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> EntryPointType -> ShowS
Show, Eq EntryPointType
Eq EntryPointType
-> (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Ordering)
-> (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool)
-> (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool)
-> (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool)
-> (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool)
-> (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> EntryPointType)
-> (EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> EntryPointType)
-> Ord EntryPointType
EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Ordering
EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> EntryPointType
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> EntryPointType
$cmin :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> EntryPointType
max :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> EntryPointType
$cmax :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> EntryPointType
>= :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
$c>= :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
> :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
$c> :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
<= :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
$c<= :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
< :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
$c< :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Bool
compare :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Ordering
$ccompare :: EntryPointType -> EntryPointType -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq EntryPointType
Ord, (forall x. EntryPointType -> Rep EntryPointType x)
-> (forall x. Rep EntryPointType x -> EntryPointType)
-> Generic EntryPointType
forall x. Rep EntryPointType x -> EntryPointType
forall x. EntryPointType -> Rep EntryPointType x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep EntryPointType x -> EntryPointType
$cfrom :: forall x. EntryPointType -> Rep EntryPointType x
instance SexpIso EntryPointType where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t)
sexpIso =
Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t)
forall a (bs :: [*]) t p s.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), Match (Rep a) bs t,
bs ~ Coll (Rep a) t) =>
Coproduct p s bs a t -> Grammar p s (a :- t)
match (Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t))
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position t (EntryPointType :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t))
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position t (EntryPointType :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"unsigned") (Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
-> Coproduct
(Sexp :- t)
'[t, Int :- (String :- t), t]
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[t, Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position (Int :- (String :- t)) (EntryPointType :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t] EntryPointType t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
With (Grammar Position (Int :- (String :- t)) (EntryPointType :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Int :- (String :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Int :- (String :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Int :- (String :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
Sexp.list (Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
"opaque") Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Int :- (String :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Int :- (String :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (String :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (String :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el ((Text -> String)
-> (String -> Text) -> Grammar Position (Text :- t) (String :- t)
forall a b p t. (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Grammar p (a :- t) (b :- t)
iso Text -> String
T.unpack String -> Text
T.pack Grammar Position (Text :- t) (String :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Text :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (String :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Text :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso) Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (String :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (String :- t)) (List :- (Int :- (String :- t)))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Int :- (String :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- (String :- t)) (Int :- (String :- t))
-> Grammar
Position (List :- (String :- t)) (List :- (Int :- (String :- t)))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- (String :- t)) (Int :- (String :- t))
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
sexpIso)) (Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t] EntryPointType t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t)
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t] EntryPointType t
-> Coproduct
Position (Sexp :- t) '[Int :- (String :- t), t] EntryPointType t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(Grammar Position t (EntryPointType :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t))
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] EntryPointType t
-> Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[t] EntryPointType t
forall p b a t s (bs1 :: [*]).
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Coproduct p s bs1 a t -> Coproduct p s (b : bs1) a t
(Grammar Position t (EntryPointType :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (EntryPointType :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (b :: k) (c :: k) (a :: k).
Category cat =>
cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
Coproduct Position (Sexp :- t) '[] EntryPointType t
forall p s a t. Coproduct p s '[] a t
data Prog lore = Prog
Prog lore -> Stms lore
progConsts :: Stms lore,
Prog lore -> [FunDef lore]
progFuns :: [FunDef lore]
deriving (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
(Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool)
-> (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool) -> Eq (Prog lore)
forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
$c/= :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
== :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
$c== :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
Eq, Eq (Prog lore)
Eq (Prog lore)
-> (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Ordering)
-> (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool)
-> (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool)
-> (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool)
-> (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool)
-> (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Prog lore)
-> (Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Prog lore)
-> Ord (Prog lore)
Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Ordering
Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Prog lore
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall lore. Decorations lore => Eq (Prog lore)
forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Ordering
forall lore.
Decorations lore =>
Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Prog lore
min :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Prog lore
$cmin :: forall lore.
Decorations lore =>
Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Prog lore
max :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Prog lore
$cmax :: forall lore.
Decorations lore =>
Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Prog lore
>= :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
$c>= :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
> :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
$c> :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
<= :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
$c<= :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
< :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
$c< :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Bool
compare :: Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> Prog lore -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Eq (Prog lore)
Ord, Int -> Prog lore -> ShowS
[Prog lore] -> ShowS
Prog lore -> String
(Int -> Prog lore -> ShowS)
-> (Prog lore -> String)
-> ([Prog lore] -> ShowS)
-> Show (Prog lore)
forall lore. Decorations lore => Int -> Prog lore -> ShowS
forall lore. Decorations lore => [Prog lore] -> ShowS
forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [Prog lore] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall lore. Decorations lore => [Prog lore] -> ShowS
show :: Prog lore -> String
$cshow :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Prog lore -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> Prog lore -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall lore. Decorations lore => Int -> Prog lore -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. Prog lore -> Rep (Prog lore) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (Prog lore) x -> Prog lore)
-> Generic (Prog lore)
forall x. Rep (Prog lore) x -> Prog lore
forall x. Prog lore -> Rep (Prog lore) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall lore x. Rep (Prog lore) x -> Prog lore
forall lore x. Prog lore -> Rep (Prog lore) x
$cto :: forall lore x. Rep (Prog lore) x -> Prog lore
$cfrom :: forall lore x. Prog lore -> Rep (Prog lore) x
instance Decorations lore => SexpIso (Prog lore) where
sexpIso :: Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Prog lore :- t)
sexpIso = (Grammar
Position ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)) (Prog lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Prog lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Prog lore :- t)
forall a b s t (c :: Meta) (d :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
(Generic a, MkPrismList (Rep a), MkStackPrism f,
Rep a ~ M1 D d (M1 C c f), StackPrismLhs f t ~ b, Constructor c) =>
(Grammar p b (a :- t) -> Grammar p s (a :- t))
-> Grammar p s (a :- t)
with ((Grammar
Position ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)) (Prog lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Prog lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Prog lore :- t))
-> (Grammar
Position ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)) (Prog lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Prog lore :- t))
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Prog lore :- t)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Grammar
Position ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)) (Prog lore :- t)
prog ->
(List :- t)
(List :- ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)))
-> Grammar
Position (Sexp :- t) ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
( Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el (Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
forall t. Text -> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t
Sexp.sym Text
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t)
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t))
forall t t'.
Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) t'
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- t')
Sexp.el Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t))
(List :- ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)))
-> Grammar
(List :- t)
(List :- ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)))
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> (forall t1. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (FunDef lore :- t1))
-> Grammar
(List :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t))
(List :- ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)))
forall a t.
(forall t1. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (a :- t1))
-> Grammar Position (List :- t) (List :- ([a] :- t))
Sexp.rest forall t1. Grammar Position (Sexp :- t1) (FunDef lore :- t1)
forall a. SexpIso a => SexpGrammar a
Position (Sexp :- t) ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t))
-> Grammar
Position ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)) (Prog lore :- t)
-> Grammar Position (Sexp :- t) (Prog lore :- t)
forall k (cat :: k -> k -> *) (a :: k) (b :: k) (c :: k).
Category cat =>
cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
>>> Grammar
Position ([FunDef lore] :- (Seq (Stm lore) :- t)) (Prog lore :- t)