futhark-0.18.5: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellNone



Definition of a polymorphic (generic) pass that can work with programs of any lore.



data PassM a Source #

The monad in which passes execute.


Instances details
Monad PassM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass


(>>=) :: PassM a -> (a -> PassM b) -> PassM b #

(>>) :: PassM a -> PassM b -> PassM b #

return :: a -> PassM a #

Functor PassM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass


fmap :: (a -> b) -> PassM a -> PassM b #

(<$) :: a -> PassM b -> PassM a #

Applicative PassM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass


pure :: a -> PassM a #

(<*>) :: PassM (a -> b) -> PassM a -> PassM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> PassM a -> PassM b -> PassM c #

(*>) :: PassM a -> PassM b -> PassM b #

(<*) :: PassM a -> PassM b -> PassM a #

MonadLogger PassM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass


logMsg :: ToLog a => a -> PassM () Source #

addLog :: Log -> PassM () Source #

MonadFreshNames PassM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass

runPassM :: MonadFreshNames m => PassM a -> m (a, Log) Source #

Execute a PassM action, yielding logging information and either an error text or a result.

liftEither :: Show err => Either err a -> PassM a Source #

Turn an Either computation into a PassM. If the Either is Left, the result is a CompilerBug.

liftEitherM :: Show err => PassM (Either err a) -> PassM a Source #

Turn an Either monadic computation into a PassM. If the Either is Left, the result is an exception.

data Pass fromlore tolore Source #

A compiler pass transforming a Prog of a given lore to a Prog of another lore.




passLongOption :: Pass fromlore tolore -> String Source #

Take the name of the pass, turn spaces into dashes, and make all characters lowercase.

parPass :: (a -> PassM b) -> [a] -> PassM [b] Source #

Apply a PassM operation in parallel to multiple elements, joining together the name sources and logs, and propagating any error properly.

intraproceduralTransformation :: (Scope lore -> Stms lore -> PassM (Stms lore)) -> Prog lore -> PassM (Prog lore) Source #

Like intraproceduralTransformationWithConsts, but do not change the top-level constants, and simply pass along their Scope.

intraproceduralTransformationWithConsts :: (Stms fromlore -> PassM (Stms tolore)) -> (Stms tolore -> FunDef fromlore -> PassM (FunDef tolore)) -> Prog fromlore -> PassM (Prog tolore) Source #

Apply some operation to the top-level constants. Then applies an operation to all the function function definitions, which are also given the transformed constants so they can be brought into scope. The function definition transformations are run in parallel (with parPass), since they cannot affect each other.