futhark-0.21.10: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellNone




data SymbolTable rep Source #


Instances details
Semigroup (SymbolTable rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Analysis.SymbolTable


(<>) :: SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (SymbolTable rep) -> SymbolTable rep #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep #

Monoid (SymbolTable rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Analysis.SymbolTable


mempty :: SymbolTable rep #

mappend :: SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep #

mconcat :: [SymbolTable rep] -> SymbolTable rep #

fromScope :: ASTRep rep => Scope rep -> SymbolTable rep Source #


data Entry rep Source #


Instances details
ASTRep rep => Typed (Entry rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Analysis.SymbolTable


typeOf :: Entry rep -> Type Source #

entryAccInput :: Entry rep -> Maybe (WithAccInput rep) Source #

For names that are tokens of an accumulator, this is the corresponding combining function and neutral element.

entryIsSize :: Entry rep -> Bool Source #

True if this name has been used as an array size, implying that it is non-negative.

entryStm :: Entry rep -> Maybe (Stm rep) Source #


elem :: VName -> SymbolTable rep -> Bool Source #

You almost always want available instead of this one.

lookupLoopVar :: VName -> SymbolTable rep -> Maybe SubExp Source #

If the given variable name is the name of a ForLoop parameter, then return the bound of that loop.

lookupLoopParam :: VName -> SymbolTable rep -> Maybe (SubExp, SubExp) Source #

Look up the initial value and eventual result of a loop parameter. Note that the result almost certainly refers to something that is not part of the symbol table.

aliases :: VName -> VName -> SymbolTable rep -> Bool Source #

Do these two names alias each other? This is expected to be a commutative relationship, so the order of arguments does not matter.

available :: VName -> SymbolTable rep -> Bool Source #

In symbol table and not consumed.

data Indexed Source #

The result of indexing a delayed array.


Indexed Certs (PrimExp VName)

A PrimExp based on the indexes (that is, without accessing any actual array).

IndexedArray Certs VName [TPrimExp Int64 VName]

The indexing corresponds to another (perhaps more advantageous) array.


Instances details
FreeIn Indexed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Analysis.SymbolTable


freeIn' :: Indexed -> FV Source #

class IndexOp op where Source #

Minimal complete definition



indexOp :: (ASTRep rep, IndexOp (Op rep)) => SymbolTable rep -> Int -> op -> [TPrimExp Int64 VName] -> Maybe Indexed Source #


Instances details
IndexOp () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Analysis.SymbolTable


indexOp :: (ASTRep rep, IndexOp (Op rep)) => SymbolTable rep -> Int -> () -> [TPrimExp Int64 VName] -> Maybe Indexed Source #

RepTypes rep => IndexOp (SOAC rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.SOACS.SOAC


indexOp :: (ASTRep rep0, IndexOp (Op rep0)) => SymbolTable rep0 -> Int -> SOAC rep -> [TPrimExp Int64 VName] -> Maybe Indexed Source #

IndexOp inner => IndexOp (MemOp inner) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.Mem


indexOp :: (ASTRep rep, IndexOp (Op rep)) => SymbolTable rep -> Int -> MemOp inner -> [TPrimExp Int64 VName] -> Maybe Indexed Source #

ASTRep rep => IndexOp (SegOp lvl rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.SegOp


indexOp :: (ASTRep rep0, IndexOp (Op rep0)) => SymbolTable rep0 -> Int -> SegOp lvl rep -> [TPrimExp Int64 VName] -> Maybe Indexed Source #

(ASTRep rep, IndexOp op) => IndexOp (MCOp rep op) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.MC.Op


indexOp :: (ASTRep rep0, IndexOp (Op rep0)) => SymbolTable rep0 -> Int -> MCOp rep op -> [TPrimExp Int64 VName] -> Maybe Indexed Source #

(ASTRep rep, IndexOp op) => IndexOp (HostOp rep op) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.GPU.Op


indexOp :: (ASTRep rep0, IndexOp (Op rep0)) => SymbolTable rep0 -> Int -> HostOp rep op -> [TPrimExp Int64 VName] -> Maybe Indexed Source #


insertStm :: (ASTRep rep, IndexOp (Op rep), Aliased rep) => Stm rep -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep Source #

insertStms :: (ASTRep rep, IndexOp (Op rep), Aliased rep) => Stms rep -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep Source #

insertFParams :: ASTRep rep => [FParam rep] -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep Source #

insertLoopMerge :: ASTRep rep => [(FParam rep, SubExp, SubExpRes)] -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep Source #

Insert entries corresponding to the parameters of a loop (not distinguishing contect and value part). Apart from the parameter itself, we also insert the initial value and the subexpression providing the final value. Note that the latter is likely not in scope in the symbol at this point. This is OK, and can still be used to help some loop optimisations detect invariant loop parameters.


hideCertified :: Names -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep Source #

Hide these definitions, if they are protected by certificates in the set of names.

noteAccTokens :: [(VName, WithAccInput rep)] -> SymbolTable rep -> SymbolTable rep Source #

Note that these names are tokens for the corresponding accumulators. The names must already be present in the symbol table.