futhark-0.25.19: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Common code for parsing command line options based on getopt.



type FunOptDescr cfg = OptDescr (Either (IO ()) (cfg -> cfg)) Source #

A command line option that either purely updates a configuration, or performs an IO action (and stops).

mainWithOptions :: cfg -> [FunOptDescr cfg] -> String -> ([String] -> cfg -> Maybe (IO ())) -> String -> [String] -> IO () Source #

Generate a main action that parses the given command line options (while always adding commonOptions).

commonOptions :: String -> String -> [FunOptDescr cfg] -> [FunOptDescr cfg] Source #

Common definitions for -v and -h, given the list of all other options.

optionsError :: String -> IO () Source #

Terminate the program with this error message (but don't report it as an ICE, as happens with error).