futhark-0.25.23: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Facilities for inspecting the data dependencies of a program.



type Dependencies = Map VName Names Source #

A mapping from a variable name v, to those variables on which the value of v is dependent. The intuition is that we could remove all other variables, and v would still be computable. This also includes names bound in loops or by lambdas.

dataDependencies :: ASTRep rep => Body rep -> Dependencies Source #

Compute the data dependencies for an entire body.

lambdaDependencies :: ASTRep rep => Dependencies -> Lambda rep -> [Names] -> [Names] Source #

Determine the variables on which the results of applying anonymous function lam to inputs depend.

reductionDependencies :: ASTRep rep => Dependencies -> Lambda rep -> [SubExp] -> [Names] -> [Names] Source #

Like lambdaDependencies, but lam is a binary operation with a neutral element.

findNecessaryForReturned :: (Param dec -> Bool) -> [(Param dec, SubExp)] -> Map VName Names -> Names Source #

findNecessaryForReturned p merge deps computes which of the loop parameters (merge) are necessary for the result of the loop, where p given a loop parameter indicates whether the final value of that parameter is live after the loop. deps is the data dependencies of the loop body. This is computed by straightforward fixpoint iteration.