Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
This module contains a representation of linear-memory accessor descriptors (LMAD); see work by Zhu, Hoeflinger and David.
This module is designed to be used as a qualified import, as the exported names are quite generic.
- type Shape num = [num]
- type Indices num = [num]
- data LMAD num = LMAD {}
- data LMADDim num = LMADDim {}
- type Permutation = [Int]
- index :: (IntegralExp num, Eq num) => LMAD num -> Indices num -> num
- slice :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => LMAD num -> Slice num -> LMAD num
- flatSlice :: IntegralExp num => LMAD num -> FlatSlice num -> LMAD num
- reshape :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => LMAD num -> Shape num -> Maybe (LMAD num)
- coerce :: LMAD num -> Shape num -> LMAD num
- permute :: LMAD num -> Permutation -> LMAD num
- shape :: LMAD num -> Shape num
- substitute :: Ord a => Map a (TPrimExp t a) -> LMAD (TPrimExp t a) -> LMAD (TPrimExp t a)
- iota :: IntegralExp num => num -> [num] -> LMAD num
- equivalent :: Eq num => LMAD num -> LMAD num -> Bool
- range :: Pretty num => LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 num) -> TPrimExp Int64 num
- expand :: IntegralExp num => num -> num -> LMAD num -> LMAD num
- isDirect :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => LMAD num -> Bool
- disjoint :: [(VName, PrimExp VName)] -> Names -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> Bool
- disjoint2 :: scope -> asserts -> [(VName, PrimExp VName)] -> Names -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> Bool
- disjoint3 :: Map VName Type -> [PrimExp VName] -> [(VName, PrimExp VName)] -> [PrimExp VName] -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> Bool
- dynamicEqualsLMAD :: Eq num => LMAD (TPrimExp t num) -> LMAD (TPrimExp t num) -> TPrimExp Bool num
- mkExistential :: Shape (Ext a) -> Int -> LMAD (Ext a)
- closeEnough :: LMAD num -> LMAD num -> Bool
- existentialize :: Int -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 a) -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 (Ext a))
- existentialized :: LMAD a -> [a]
LMAD's representation consists of a general offset and for each dimension a stride, number of elements (or shape), and permutation. Note that the permutation is not strictly necessary in that the permutation can be performed directly on LMAD dimensions, but then it is difficult to extract the permutation back from an LMAD.
LMAD algebra is closed under composition w.r.t. operators such as permute, index and slice. However, other operations, such as reshape, cannot always be represented inside the LMAD algebra.
It follows that the general representation of an index function is a list of LMADS, in which each following LMAD in the list implicitly corresponds to an irregular reshaping operation.
However, we expect that the common case is when the index function is one LMAD -- we call this the "nice" representation.
Finally, the list of LMADs is kept in an LMAD
together with the shape of
the original array, and a bit to indicate whether the index function is
contiguous, i.e., if we instantiate all the points of the current index
function, do we get a contiguous memory interval?
By definition, the LMAD σ+{(n1,s1),…,(nk,sk)}, where n and s denote the shape and stride of each dimension, denotes the set of points:
{ σ+i1∗s1+…+im∗sm | 0≤i1<n1,…,0≤im<nm }
Foldable LMAD Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.IR.Mem.LMAD Methods fold :: Monoid m => LMAD m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> LMAD a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> LMAD a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> LMAD a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> LMAD a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> LMAD a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> LMAD a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> LMAD a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> LMAD a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> LMAD a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => LMAD a -> a # | |
Traversable LMAD Source # | |
Functor LMAD Source # | |
Show num => Show (LMAD num) Source # | |
FreeIn num => FreeIn (LMAD num) Source # | |
Substitute num => Rename (LMAD num) Source # | |
Substitute num => Substitute (LMAD num) Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.IR.Mem.LMAD | |
Eq num => Eq (LMAD num) Source # | |
Ord num => Ord (LMAD num) Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.IR.Mem.LMAD | |
Pretty num => Pretty (LMAD num) Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.IR.Mem.LMAD |
A single dimension in an LMAD
Show num => Show (LMADDim num) Source # | |
FreeIn num => FreeIn (LMADDim num) Source # | |
Eq num => Eq (LMADDim num) Source # | |
Ord num => Ord (LMADDim num) Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.IR.Mem.LMAD |
type Permutation = [Int] Source #
A complete permutation.
slice :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => LMAD num -> Slice num -> LMAD num Source #
Handle the case where a slice can stay within a single LMAD.
reshape :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => LMAD num -> Shape num -> Maybe (LMAD num) Source #
Reshape an LMAD.
There are four conditions that all must hold for the result of a reshape operation to remain in the one-LMAD domain:
- the permutation of the underlying LMAD must leave unchanged the LMAD dimensions that were *not* reshape coercions.
- the repetition of dimensions of the underlying LMAD must refer only to the coerced-dimensions of the reshape operation.
If any of these conditions do not hold, then the reshape operation will conservatively add a new LMAD to the list, leading to a representation that provides less opportunities for further analysis
coerce :: LMAD num -> Shape num -> LMAD num Source #
Coerce an index function to look like it has a new shape. Dynamically the shape must be the same.
substitute :: Ord a => Map a (TPrimExp t a) -> LMAD (TPrimExp t a) -> LMAD (TPrimExp t a) Source #
Substitute a name with a PrimExp in an LMAD.
:: IntegralExp num | |
=> num | Offset |
-> [num] | Shape |
-> LMAD num |
Generalised iota with user-specified offset.
equivalent :: Eq num => LMAD num -> LMAD num -> Bool Source #
Returns true if two LMAD
s are equivalent.
Equivalence in this case is matching in offsets and strides.
range :: Pretty num => LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 num) -> TPrimExp Int64 num Source #
The largest possible linear address reachable by this LMAD, not counting the offset. If you add one to this number (and multiply it with the element size), you get the amount of bytes you need to allocate for an array with this LMAD (assuming zero offset).
expand :: IntegralExp num => num -> num -> LMAD num -> LMAD num Source #
Conceptually expand LMAD to be a particular slice of another by adjusting the offset and strides. Used for memory expansion.
isDirect :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => LMAD num -> Bool Source #
Is this is a row-major array with zero offset?
disjoint :: [(VName, PrimExp VName)] -> Names -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> Bool Source #
Returns True
if the two LMAD
s could be proven disjoint.
Uses some best-approximation heuristics to determine disjointness. For two
1-dimensional arrays, we can guarantee whether or not they are disjoint, but
as soon as more than one dimension is involved, things get more
tricky. Currently, we try to conservativelyFlatten
any LMAD with more than
one dimension.
disjoint2 :: scope -> asserts -> [(VName, PrimExp VName)] -> Names -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> Bool Source #
disjoint3 :: Map VName Type -> [PrimExp VName] -> [(VName, PrimExp VName)] -> [PrimExp VName] -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> LMAD (TPrimExp Int64 VName) -> Bool Source #
dynamicEqualsLMAD :: Eq num => LMAD (TPrimExp t num) -> LMAD (TPrimExp t num) -> TPrimExp Bool num Source #
mkExistential :: Shape (Ext a) -> Int -> LMAD (Ext a) Source #
Create an LMAD that is existential in everything except shape.
closeEnough :: LMAD num -> LMAD num -> Bool Source #
When comparing LMADs as part of the type check in GPUMem, we may run into problems caused by the simplifier. As index functions can be generalized over if-then-else expressions, the simplifier might hoist some of the code from inside the if-then-else (computing the offset of an array, for instance), but now the type checker cannot verify that the generalized index function is valid, because some of the existentials are computed somewhere else. To Work around this, we've had to relax the KernelsMem type-checker a bit, specifically, we've introduced this function to verify whether two index functions are "close enough" that we can assume that they match. We use this instead of `lmad1 == lmad2` and hope that it's good enough.
existentialized :: LMAD a -> [a] Source #
Retrieve those elements that existentialize
changes. That is,
everything except the shape (and in the same order as
existentialises them).