futhark-0.9.1: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.

Safe HaskellNone




This module defines an efficient value representation as well as parsing and comparison functions. This is because the standard Futhark parser is not able to cope with large values (like arrays that are tens of megabytes in size). The representation defined here does not support tuples, so don't use those as input/output for your test programs.



data Value Source #

An efficiently represented Futhark value. Use pretty to get a human-readable representation, and the instances of Get and Put to obtain binary representations


Int8Value (Vector Int) (Vector Int8) 
Int16Value (Vector Int) (Vector Int16) 
Int32Value (Vector Int) (Vector Int32) 
Int64Value (Vector Int) (Vector Int64) 
Word8Value (Vector Int) (Vector Word8) 
Word16Value (Vector Int) (Vector Word16) 
Word32Value (Vector Int) (Vector Word32) 
Word64Value (Vector Int) (Vector Word64) 
Float32Value (Vector Int) (Vector Float) 
Float64Value (Vector Int) (Vector Double) 
BoolValue (Vector Int) (Vector Bool) 
Show Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values


showsPrec :: Int -> Value -> ShowS #

show :: Value -> String #

showList :: [Value] -> ShowS #

Binary Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values


put :: Value -> Put #

get :: Get Value #

putList :: [Value] -> Put #

Pretty Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values


ppr :: Value -> Doc #

pprPrec :: Int -> Value -> Doc #

pprList :: [Value] -> Doc #

Reading Values

readValues :: ByteString -> Maybe [Value] Source #

Parse Futhark values from the given bytestring.

Types of values

data ValueType Source #

A representation of the simple values we represent in this module.


ValueType [Int] PrimType 
Show ValueType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values

Pretty ValueType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values


ppr :: ValueType -> Doc #

pprPrec :: Int -> ValueType -> Doc #

pprList :: [ValueType] -> Doc #

valueType :: Value -> ValueType Source #

A textual description of the type of a value. Follows Futhark type notation, and contains the exact dimension sizes if an array.

Comparing Values

compareValues :: [Value] -> [Value] -> [Mismatch] Source #

Compare two sets of Futhark values for equality. Shapes and types must also match.

compareValues1 :: [Value] -> [Value] -> Maybe Mismatch Source #

As compareValues, but only reports one mismatch.

data Mismatch Source #

Two values differ in some way. The Show instance produces a human-readable explanation.

Show Mismatch Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values