{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.Field.Galois.Unity
  ( CyclicSubgroup(..)
  , RootsOfUnity
  , cardinality
  , cofactor
  , isPrimitiveRootOfUnity
  , isRootOfUnity
  , toU
  , toU'
  ) where

import Protolude hiding (natVal)

import Control.Monad.Random (Random(..))
import Data.Group (Group(..))
import GHC.Natural (Natural, naturalToInteger)
import GHC.TypeNats (natVal)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), choose)
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text (Pretty(..))

import Data.Field.Galois.Base (GaloisField(..))
import Data.Field.Galois.Prime (Prime)

-- Types

-- | Cyclic subgroups of finite groups.
class Group g => CyclicSubgroup g where
  {-# MINIMAL gen #-}
  -- | Generator of subgroup.
  gen :: g

-- | @n@-th roots of unity of Galois fields.
newtype RootsOfUnity (n :: Nat) k = U k
  deriving (Bits, Eq, Functor, Generic, NFData, Ord, Show)

-- Instances

-- Roots of unity cyclic subgroups are arbitrary.
instance (KnownNat n, GaloisField k, CyclicSubgroup (RootsOfUnity n k),
          Group (RootsOfUnity n k)) => Arbitrary (RootsOfUnity n k) where
  arbitrary = pow gen <$> choose (0, naturalToInteger $ order (witness :: Prime n) - 1)
  {-# INLINABLE arbitrary #-}

-- Roots of unity are groups.
instance (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => Group (RootsOfUnity n k) where
  invert (U x) = U $ recip x
  {-# INLINABLE invert #-}
  pow (U x) n  = U $ pow x n
  {-# INLINABLE pow #-}

-- Roots of unity are monoids.
instance (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => Monoid (RootsOfUnity n k) where
  mempty = U 1
  {-# INLINABLE mempty #-}

-- Roots of unity are pretty.
instance (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => Pretty (RootsOfUnity n k) where
  pretty (U x) = pretty x

-- Roots of unity cyclic subgroups are random.
instance (KnownNat n, GaloisField k, CyclicSubgroup (RootsOfUnity n k),
          Group (RootsOfUnity n k)) => Random (RootsOfUnity n k) where
  random  = first (pow gen) . randomR (0, naturalToInteger $ order (witness :: Prime n) - 1)
  {-# INLINABLE random #-}
  randomR = panic "Unity.randomR: not implemented."

-- Roots of unity are semigroups.
instance (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => Semigroup (RootsOfUnity n k) where
  U x <> U y = U $ x * y
  {-# INLINABLE (<>) #-}

-- Functions

-- | Cardinality of subgroup.
cardinality :: forall n k . (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => RootsOfUnity n k -> Natural
cardinality = const $ natVal (witness :: Prime n)
{-# INLINABLE cardinality #-}

-- | Cofactor of subgroup in group.
cofactor :: forall n k . (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => RootsOfUnity n k -> Natural
cofactor = quot (order (witness :: k)) . cardinality
{-# INLINABLE cofactor #-}

-- | Check if element is primitive root of unity.
isPrimitiveRootOfUnity :: (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => RootsOfUnity n k -> Bool
isPrimitiveRootOfUnity u@(U x) = isRootOfUnity u
  && not (any (isUnity x) ([1 .. cardinality u - 1] :: [Natural]))
{-# INLINABLE isPrimitiveRootOfUnity #-}

-- | Check if element is root of unity.
isRootOfUnity :: (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => RootsOfUnity n k -> Bool
isRootOfUnity u@(U x) = isUnity x $ cardinality u
{-# INLINABLE isRootOfUnity #-}

-- | Check if element is unity.
isUnity :: (Integral n, GaloisField k) => k -> n -> Bool
isUnity = ((==) 1 .) . pow
{-# INLINABLE isUnity #-}

-- | Safe convert from field to roots of unity.
toU :: forall n k . (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => k -> RootsOfUnity n k
toU x = let u = U x :: RootsOfUnity n k in
  if isRootOfUnity u then u else panic "Unity.toUnity: element is not a root of unity."
{-# INLINABLE toU #-}

-- | Unsafe convert from field to roots of unity.
toU' :: forall n k . (KnownNat n, GaloisField k) => k -> RootsOfUnity n k
toU' = U
{-# INLINABLE toU' #-}