generic-random- Generic random generators for QuickCheck
Safe HaskellNone



Base case discovery.


This is an internal module: it is not subject to any versioning policy, breaking changes can happen at any time.

If something here seems useful, please report it or create a pull request to export it from an external module.



genericArbitrary' Source #


:: (GArbitrary SizedOptsDef a, BaseCase a) 
=> Weights a

List of weights for every constructor

-> Gen a 

Decrease size to ensure termination for recursive types, looking for base cases once the size reaches 0.

genericArbitrary' (17 % 19 % 23 % ()) :: Gen a

N.B.: This replaces the generator for fields of type [t] with listOf' arbitrary instead of listOf arbitrary (i.e., arbitrary for lists).

genericArbitraryU' :: (GArbitrary SizedOptsDef a, BaseCase a, GUniformWeight a) => Gen a Source #

Equivalent to genericArbitrary' uniform.

genericArbitraryU' :: Gen a

N.B.: This replaces the generator for fields of type [t] with listOf' arbitrary instead of listOf arbitrary (i.e., arbitrary for lists).

withBaseCase :: Gen a -> Gen a -> Gen a Source #

Run the first generator if the size is positive. Run the second if the size is zero.

defaultGen `withBaseCase` baseCaseGen

class BaseCaseSearch (a :: Type) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) (e :: Type) where Source #

Find a base case of type a with maximum depth z, recursively using BaseCaseSearch instances to search deeper levels.

y is the depth of a base case, if found.

e is the original type the search started with, that a appears in. It is used for error reporting.


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a Source #


Instances details
y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch Bool z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Bool Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch Char z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Char Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch Double z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Double Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch Float z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Float Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch Int z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Int Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch Integer z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Integer Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch Ordering z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Ordering Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch Word z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy Word Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch () z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy () Source #

GBaseCaseSearch a z y e => BaseCaseSearch a z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => BaseCaseSearch [a] z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy [a] Source #

class BaseCaseSearching_ a z y where Source #


baseCaseSearching_ :: proxy y -> proxy2 '(z, a) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a -> Gen a Source #


Instances details
BaseCaseSearching a (z + 1) => BaseCaseSearching_ a (z :: Nat) ('Nothing :: Maybe t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearching_ :: proxy 'Nothing -> proxy2 '(z, a) -> IfM 'Nothing Gen Proxy a -> Gen a Source #

BaseCaseSearching_ a (z :: k) ('Just m :: Maybe t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearching_ :: proxy ('Just m) -> proxy2 '(z, a) -> IfM ('Just m) Gen Proxy a -> Gen a Source #

class BaseCaseSearching a z where Source #

Progressively increase the depth bound for BaseCaseSearch.


baseCaseSearching :: proxy '(z, a) -> Gen a Source #


Instances details
(BaseCaseSearch a z y a, BaseCaseSearching_ a z y) => BaseCaseSearching a (z :: Nat) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCaseSearching :: proxy '(z, a) -> Gen a Source #

class BaseCase a where Source #

Custom instances can override the default behavior.


baseCase :: Gen a Source #

Generator of base cases.


Instances details
BaseCaseSearching a 0 => BaseCase a Source #


Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


baseCase :: Gen a Source #

type family IfM (b :: Maybe t) (c :: k) (d :: k) :: k Source #


Instances details
type IfM ('Nothing :: Maybe t) (c :: k) (d :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type IfM ('Nothing :: Maybe t) (c :: k) (d :: k) = d
type IfM ('Just t2 :: Maybe t1) (c :: k) (d :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type IfM ('Just t2 :: Maybe t1) (c :: k) (d :: k) = c

type (==) m n = IsEQ (CmpNat m n) Source #

type family IsEQ (e :: Ordering) :: Bool Source #


Instances details
type IsEQ 'LT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type IsEQ 'LT = 'False
type IsEQ 'EQ Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type IsEQ 'EQ = 'True
type IsEQ 'GT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type IsEQ 'GT = 'False

type family (b :: Maybe Nat) ||? (c :: Maybe Nat) :: Maybe Nat Source #


Instances details
type m ||? ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type m ||? ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) = m
type ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) ||? n Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) ||? n = n
type ('Just m) ||? ('Just n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type ('Just m) ||? ('Just n) = 'Just (Min m n)

type family (b :: Maybe Nat) &&? (c :: Maybe Nat) :: Maybe Nat Source #


Instances details
type m &&? ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type m &&? ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) = 'Nothing :: Maybe Nat
type ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) &&? n Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) &&? n = 'Nothing :: Maybe Nat
type ('Just m) &&? ('Just n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type ('Just m) &&? ('Just n) = 'Just (Max m n)

type Max m n = MaxOf (CmpNat m n) m n Source #

type family MaxOf (e :: Ordering) (m :: k) (n :: k) :: k Source #


Instances details
type MaxOf 'LT (m :: k) (n :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type MaxOf 'LT (m :: k) (n :: k) = n
type MaxOf 'EQ (m :: k) (n :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type MaxOf 'EQ (m :: k) (n :: k) = m
type MaxOf 'GT (m :: k) (n :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type MaxOf 'GT (m :: k) (n :: k) = m

type Min m n = MinOf (CmpNat m n) m n Source #

type family MinOf (e :: Ordering) (m :: k) (n :: k) :: k Source #


Instances details
type MinOf 'LT (m :: k) (n :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type MinOf 'LT (m :: k) (n :: k) = m
type MinOf 'EQ (m :: k) (n :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type MinOf 'EQ (m :: k) (n :: k) = n
type MinOf 'GT (m :: k) (n :: k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase

type MinOf 'GT (m :: k) (n :: k) = n

class Alternative (IfM y Weighted Proxy) => GBCS (f :: k -> Type) (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) (e :: Type) where Source #


gbcs :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p) Source #


Instances details
(TypeError (((('Text "Unrecognized Rep: " :<>: 'ShowType f) :$$: 'Text "Possible causes:") :$$: (('Text " Missing (" :<>: 'ShowType (BaseCase e)) :<>: 'Text ") constraint")) :$$: 'Text " Missing Generic instance") :: Constraint, Alternative (IfM y Weighted (Proxy :: Type -> Type))) => GBCS (f :: k -> Type) z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcs :: forall prox proxy (p :: k0). prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (f p) Source #

y ~ 'Just 0 => GBCS (U1 :: k -> Type) z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcs :: forall prox proxy (p :: k0). prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (U1 p) Source #

y ~ ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) => GBCS (K1 i c :: k -> Type) 0 y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcs :: forall prox proxy (p :: k0). prox y -> proxy '(0, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (K1 i c p) Source #

(Alternative (IfM y Weighted (Proxy :: Type -> Type)), GBCSSum f g z e yf yg, GBCS f z yf e, GBCS g z yg e, y ~ (yf ||? yg)) => GBCS (f :+: g :: k -> Type) z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcs :: forall prox proxy (p :: k0). prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy ((f :+: g) p) Source #

(Alternative (IfM y Weighted (Proxy :: Type -> Type)), GBCSProduct f g z e yf yg, GBCS f z yf e, GBCS g z yg e, y ~ (yf &&? yg)) => GBCS (f :*: g :: k -> Type) z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcs :: forall prox proxy (p :: k0). prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy ((f :*: g) p) Source #

(BaseCaseSearch c (z - 1) y e, (z == 0) ~ 'False, Alternative (IfM y Weighted (Proxy :: Type -> Type)), IsMaybe y) => GBCS (K1 i c :: k -> Type) z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcs :: forall prox proxy (p :: k0). prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (K1 i c p) Source #

GBCS f z y e => GBCS (M1 i c f :: k -> Type) z y e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcs :: forall prox proxy (p :: k0). prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Weighted Proxy (M1 i c f p) Source #

class Alternative (IfM (yf ||? yg) Weighted Proxy) => GBCSSum f g z e yf yg where Source #


gbcsSum :: prox '(yf, yg) -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p) -> IfM (yf ||? yg) Weighted Proxy ((f :+: g) p) Source #


Instances details
GBCSSum (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsSum :: forall prox proxy (p :: k). prox '('Nothing, 'Nothing) -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (g p) -> IfM ('Nothing ||? 'Nothing) Weighted Proxy ((f :+: g) p) Source #

GBCSSum (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) ('Just n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsSum :: forall prox proxy (p :: k). prox '('Nothing, 'Just n) -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p) -> IfM ('Nothing ||? 'Just n) Weighted Proxy ((f :+: g) p) Source #

GBCSSum (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) ('Just m) ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsSum :: forall prox proxy (p :: k). prox '('Just m, 'Nothing) -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM 'Nothing Weighted Proxy (g p) -> IfM ('Just m ||? 'Nothing) Weighted Proxy ((f :+: g) p) Source #

GBCSSumCompare f g z e (CmpNat m n) => GBCSSum (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) ('Just m) ('Just n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsSum :: forall prox proxy (p :: k). prox '('Just m, 'Just n) -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p) -> IfM ('Just m ||? 'Just n) Weighted Proxy ((f :+: g) p) Source #

class GBCSSumCompare f g z e o where Source #


gbcsSumCompare :: proxy0 o -> proxy '(z, e) -> Weighted (f p) -> Weighted (g p) -> Weighted ((f :+: g) p) Source #


Instances details
GBCSSumCompare (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) 'GT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsSumCompare :: forall proxy0 proxy (p :: k). proxy0 'GT -> proxy '(z, e) -> Weighted (f p) -> Weighted (g p) -> Weighted ((f :+: g) p) Source #

GBCSSumCompare (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) 'LT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsSumCompare :: forall proxy0 proxy (p :: k). proxy0 'LT -> proxy '(z, e) -> Weighted (f p) -> Weighted (g p) -> Weighted ((f :+: g) p) Source #

GBCSSumCompare (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) 'EQ Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsSumCompare :: forall proxy0 proxy (p :: k). proxy0 'EQ -> proxy '(z, e) -> Weighted (f p) -> Weighted (g p) -> Weighted ((f :+: g) p) Source #

class Alternative (IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy) => GBCSProduct f g z e yf yg where Source #


gbcsProduct :: prox '(yf, yg) -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p) -> IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy ((f :*: g) p) Source #


Instances details
(yf &&? yg) ~ ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) => GBCSProduct (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) yf yg Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsProduct :: forall prox proxy (p :: k). prox '(yf, yg) -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM yf Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM yg Weighted Proxy (g p) -> IfM (yf &&? yg) Weighted Proxy ((f :*: g) p) Source #

GBCSProduct (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (z :: k2) (e :: k3) ('Just m) ('Just n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gbcsProduct :: forall prox proxy (p :: k). prox '('Just m, 'Just n) -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM ('Just m) Weighted Proxy (f p) -> IfM ('Just n) Weighted Proxy (g p) -> IfM ('Just m &&? 'Just n) Weighted Proxy ((f :*: g) p) Source #

class IsMaybe b where Source #


ifMmap :: proxy b -> (c a -> c' a') -> (d a -> d' a') -> IfM b c d a -> IfM b c' d' a' Source #

ifM :: proxy b -> c a -> d a -> IfM b c d a Source #


Instances details
IsMaybe ('Nothing :: Maybe t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


ifMmap :: forall k k proxy c (a :: k) c' (a' :: k) d d'. proxy 'Nothing -> (c a -> c' a') -> (d a -> d' a') -> IfM 'Nothing c d a -> IfM 'Nothing c' d' a' Source #

ifM :: forall k proxy c (a :: k) d. proxy 'Nothing -> c a -> d a -> IfM 'Nothing c d a Source #

IsMaybe ('Just t2 :: Maybe t1) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


ifMmap :: forall k k proxy c (a :: k) c' (a' :: k) d d'. proxy ('Just t2) -> (c a -> c' a') -> (d a -> d' a') -> IfM ('Just t2) c d a -> IfM ('Just t2) c' d' a' Source #

ifM :: forall k proxy c (a :: k) d. proxy ('Just t2) -> c a -> d a -> IfM ('Just t2) c d a Source #

class GBaseCaseSearch a z y e where Source #


gBaseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a Source #


Instances details
(Generic a, GBCS (Rep a) z y e, IsMaybe y) => GBaseCaseSearch a (z :: Nat) (y :: Maybe Nat) (e :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Random.Internal.BaseCase


gBaseCaseSearch :: prox y -> proxy '(z, e) -> IfM y Gen Proxy a Source #