{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- |
-- Module       : Data.LineString
-- Copyright    : (C) 2014-2018 HS-GeoJSON Project
-- License      : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE.md)
-- Maintainer   : Andrew Newman
-- Refer to the GeoJSON Spec <http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html#linestring>
-- A LinearString is a List with at least 2 elements
module Data.LineString (
    -- * Type
    ,   ListToLineStringError(..)
    ,   VectorToLineStringError(..)
    -- * Functions
    ,   toVector
    ,   combineToVector
    ,   fromVector
    ,   fromLineString
    ,   fromList
    ,   Data.LineString.map
    ,   Data.LineString.foldr
    ,   Data.LineString.foldMap
    ,   makeLineString
    ,   lineStringHead
    ,   lineStringLast
    ,   lineStringLength
    ) where

import           Prelude              hiding (foldr)

import           Control.Applicative  (Applicative (..))
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Lens         (( # ), (^?))
import           Control.Monad        (mzero)
import           Data.Aeson           (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), Value)
import           Data.Aeson.Types     (Parser, typeMismatch)
import           Data.Maybe           (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Validation      as Validation
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VectorStorable
import           GHC.Generics         (Generic)

-- |
-- a LineString has at least 2 elements
data LineString a = LineString a a (VectorStorable.Vector a) deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- |
-- When converting a List to a LineString, here is a list of things that can go wrong:
--     * The list was empty
--     * The list only had one element
data ListToLineStringError =
    |   SingletonList
    deriving (Eq)

-- |
-- When converting a Vector to a LineString, here is a list of things that can go wrong:
--     * The vector was empty
--     * The vector only had one element
data VectorToLineStringError =
   |   SingletonVector
   deriving (Eq)

-- functions

-- |
-- returns the element at the head of the string
lineStringHead :: LineString a -> a
lineStringHead (LineString x _ _) = x

-- |
-- returns the last element in the string
lineStringLast :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) => LineString a -> a
lineStringLast (LineString _ x xs) = fromMaybe x (safeLast xs)

-- |
-- returns the number of elements in the list, including the replicated element at the end of the list.
lineStringLength :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) => LineString a -> Int
lineStringLength (LineString _ _ xs) = 2 + VectorStorable.length xs

-- |
-- This function converts it into a list and appends the given element to the end.
fromLineString :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) => LineString a -> [a]
fromLineString (LineString x y zs) = x : y : VectorStorable.toList zs

-- |
-- creates a LineString out of a list of elements,
-- if there are enough elements (needs at least 2) elements
fromList :: (Validation.Validate v, VectorStorable.Storable a) => [a] -> v ListToLineStringError (LineString a)
fromList []       = Validation._Failure # ListEmpty
fromList [_]      = Validation._Failure # SingletonList
fromList (x:y:zs) = Validation._Success # LineString x y (VectorStorable.fromList zs)
{-# INLINE fromList #-}

-- |
-- create a vector from a LineString by combining values.
-- LineString 1 2 [3,4] (,) --> Vector [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)]
combineToVector :: (VectorStorable.Storable a, VectorStorable.Storable b) => (a -> a -> b) -> LineString a -> VectorStorable.Vector b
combineToVector combine (LineString a b rest) = VectorStorable.cons (combine a b) combineRest
        combineRest =
          if VectorStorable.null rest
              (VectorStorable.zipWith combine <*> VectorStorable.tail) (VectorStorable.cons b rest)
{-# INLINE combineToVector #-}

-- |
-- create a vector from a LineString.
-- LineString 1 2 [3,4] --> Vector [1,2,3,4]
toVector :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) => LineString a -> VectorStorable.Vector a
toVector (LineString a b rest) = VectorStorable.cons a (VectorStorable.cons b rest)
{-# INLINE toVector #-}

-- |
-- creates a LineString out of a vector of elements,
-- if there are enough elements (needs at least 2) elements
fromVector :: (Validation.Validate v, VectorStorable.Storable a) => VectorStorable.Vector a -> v VectorToLineStringError (LineString a)
fromVector v =
  if VectorStorable.null v then
    Validation._Failure # VectorEmpty
    fromVector' (VectorStorable.head v) (VectorStorable.tail v)
{-# INLINE fromVector #-}

fromVector' :: (Validation.Validate v, VectorStorable.Storable a) => a -> VectorStorable.Vector a -> v VectorToLineStringError (LineString a)
fromVector' first v =
  if VectorStorable.null v then
    Validation._Failure # SingletonVector
    Validation._Success # LineString first (VectorStorable.head v) (VectorStorable.tail v)
{-# INLINE fromVector' #-}

-- |
-- Creates a LineString
-- @makeLineString x y zs@ creates a `LineString` homomorphic to the list @[x, y] ++ zs@
makeLineString :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) =>
       a                        -- ^ The first element
    -> a                        -- ^ The second element
    -> VectorStorable.Vector a  -- ^ The rest of the optional elements
    -> LineString a
makeLineString = LineString

-- instances

instance Show ListToLineStringError where
    show ListEmpty     = "List Empty"
    show SingletonList = "Singleton List"

instance Show VectorToLineStringError where
  show VectorEmpty     = "Vector Empty"
  show SingletonVector = "Singleton Vector"

instance (Show a, VectorStorable.Storable a) => Show (LineString a) where
    show  = show . fromLineString

map :: (VectorStorable.Storable a, VectorStorable.Storable b) => (a -> b) -> LineString a -> LineString b
map f (LineString x y zs) = LineString (f x) (f y) (VectorStorable.map f zs)
{-# INLINE map #-}

-- | This will run through the entire ring, closing the
-- loop by also passing the initial element in again at the end.
foldr :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> LineString a -> b
foldr f u (LineString x y zs) = f x (f y (VectorStorable.foldr f u zs))
{-# INLINE foldr #-}

foldMap :: (Monoid m, VectorStorable.Storable a) => (a -> m) -> LineString a -> m
foldMap f = foldr (mappend . f) mempty
{-# INLINE foldMap #-}

instance (ToJSON a, VectorStorable.Storable a) => ToJSON (LineString a) where
--  toJSON :: a -> Value
    toJSON = toJSON . fromLineString

instance (FromJSON a, Show a, VectorStorable.Storable a) => FromJSON (LineString a) where
--  parseJSON :: Value -> Parser a
    parseJSON v = do
        xs <- parseJSON v
        let vxs = fromListValidated xs
        maybe (parseError v (vxs ^? Validation._Failure)) return (vxs ^? Validation._Success)

-- helpers

fromListValidated :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) => [a] -> Validation.Validation ListToLineStringError (LineString a)
fromListValidated = fromList

parseError :: Value -> Maybe ListToLineStringError -> Parser b
parseError v = maybe mzero (\e -> typeMismatch (show e) v)

safeLast :: (VectorStorable.Storable a) => VectorStorable.Vector a -> Maybe a
safeLast x = if VectorStorable.null x then Nothing else Just $ VectorStorable.last x
{-# INLINE safeLast #-}