{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module GHC.Check
  ( GhcVersionChecker,
    PackageMismatch (..),

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (unless, filterM)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (intersectBy)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid (First (First), getFirst)
import Data.Version (Version)
import GHC (Ghc, getSessionDynFlags, runGhc, setSessionDynFlags)
import GHC.Check.Executable (getGhcVersion, guessExecutablePathFromLibdir)
import GHC.Check.PackageDb (PackageVersion (..), getPackageVersion, version)
import GHC.Check.Util (liftTyped)
import Language.Haskell.TH (TExpQ, runIO)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift (lift))
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)

-- | Given a run-time libdir, checks the ghc installation and returns
--   a 'Ghc' action to check the package database
type GhcVersionChecker = String -> IO InstallationCheck

data InstallationCheck
  = InstallationChecked
  { compileTime :: !Version
    -- ^ The compile time version of ghc
  , packageCheck :: Ghc PackageCheck
    -- ^ The second stage of the ghc version check
  -- ^ The ghc installation looks fine. Further checks are needed for the package libraries.
  | InstallationMismatch { libdir :: !String, compileTime, runTime :: !Version}
  -- ^ The libdir points to a different ghc version
  | InstallationNotFound { libdir :: !String }
  -- ^ The libdir does not exist

type PackageCheck = Maybe (String, PackageMismatch)

data PackageMismatch
  = VersionMismatch { compileTime, runTime :: !Version }
  | AbiMismatch { compileTimeAbi, runTimeAbi :: !String }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

comparePackageVersions :: PackageVersion -> PackageVersion -> Maybe PackageMismatch
comparePackageVersions compile run
  | compile == run = Nothing
  | version compile ==  version run =
    Just $ AbiMismatch (abi compile) (abi run)
  | otherwise =
    Just $ VersionMismatch (version compile) (version run)

collectPackageVersions :: [String] -> Ghc [(String, PackageVersion)]
collectPackageVersions =
  fmap catMaybes . mapM (\p -> fmap (p,) <$> getPackageVersion p)

-- | Checks if the run-time version of the @ghc@ package matches the given version.
checkGhcVersion ::
  [String] ->
  [(String, PackageVersion)] ->
checkGhcVersion trackedPackages compileTimeVersions runTimeLibdir = do
  let compileTimeVersionsMap = Map.fromList compileTimeVersions
      compileTime = version $ compileTimeVersionsMap Map.! "ghc"

  exists <- doesDirectoryExist runTimeLibdir

  if not exists
    then return $ InstallationNotFound runTimeLibdir
    else do
      runTime <- ghcRunTimeVersion runTimeLibdir

      return $ if runTime /= compileTime
        then InstallationMismatch{libdir = runTimeLibdir, ..}
        else InstallationChecked compileTime $ do
          runTimeVersions <- collectPackageVersions trackedPackages
          let compares =
                  (Map.fromList runTimeVersions)
              mismatches = Map.mapMaybe id compares

            $ getFirst
            $ foldMap
              (\p -> First $ (p,) <$> Map.lookup p mismatches)

-- | @makeGhcVersionChecker libdir@ returns a function to check the run-time
--   version of ghc against the compile-time version. It performs two checks:
--     1. It checks the version of the ghc installation given the run-time libdir
--        In some platforms, like Nix, the libdir is not fixed at compile-time
--     2. It compares the version of the 'ghc' package, if found at run-time.
--        If not, it compares the 'abi' of the 'base' package.
--    > ghcChecker :: IO(Ghc (String -> PackageCheck))
--    > ghcChecker = $$(makeGhcVersionChecker (pure $ Just GHC.Paths.libdir))
--    >
--    > checkGhcVersion :: IO ()
--    > checkGhcVersion = do
--    >     InstallationChecked ghcLibVersionChecker <- ghcChecker runTimeLibdir
--    >     res <- runGhc (Just runTimeLibdir) $ do
--    >              setupGhcApi
--    >              Right Nothing <- gtry ghcLibVersionChecker
--    >              doSomethingInteresting

makeGhcVersionChecker :: IO FilePath -> TExpQ GhcVersionChecker
makeGhcVersionChecker getLibdir = do
  libdir <- runIO getLibdir
  libdirExists <- runIO $ doesDirectoryExist libdir
  unless libdirExists $
    error $ "I could not find a ghc installation at " <> libdir <>
            ". Please do a clean rebuild and/or reinstall ghc."
  compileTimeVersions <-
      $ runGhcPkg libdir
      $ collectPackageVersions trackedPackages
  [||checkGhcVersion trackedPackages $$(liftTyped compileTimeVersions)||]
    trackedPackages = ["ghc", "base"]

runGhcPkg :: FilePath -> Ghc a -> IO a
runGhcPkg libdir action = runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
  -- initialize the Ghc session
  -- there's probably a better way to do this.
  dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
  _ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags

-- | A GHC version retrieved from the ghc installation in the given libdir
ghcRunTimeVersion :: String -> IO Version
ghcRunTimeVersion libdir = do
    let guesses = guessExecutablePathFromLibdir libdir
    validGuesses <- filterM doesFileExist $ NonEmpty.toList guesses
    case validGuesses of
        firstGuess:_ -> getGhcVersion firstGuess
        [] -> fail $ "Unable to find the GHC executable for libdir: " <> libdir