module PprC (
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GhcPrelude
import BlockId
import CLabel
import ForeignCall
import Cmm hiding (pprBBlock)
import PprCmm ()
import Hoopl.Block
import Hoopl.Collections
import Hoopl.Graph
import CmmUtils
import CmmSwitch
import CPrim
import DynFlags
import FastString
import Outputable
import Platform
import UniqSet
import UniqFM
import Unique
import Util
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Word
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
import qualified Data.Array.Unsafe as U ( castSTUArray )
import Data.Array.ST
pprCs :: [RawCmmGroup] -> SDoc
pprCs cmms
= pprCode CStyle (vcat $ map pprC cmms)
writeCs :: DynFlags -> Handle -> [RawCmmGroup] -> IO ()
writeCs dflags handle cmms
= printForC dflags handle (pprCs cmms)
pprC :: RawCmmGroup -> SDoc
pprC tops = vcat $ intersperse blankLine $ map pprTop tops
pprTop :: RawCmmDecl -> SDoc
pprTop (CmmProc infos clbl _in_live_regs graph) =
(case mapLookup (g_entry graph) infos of
Nothing -> empty
Just (Statics info_clbl info_dat) ->
pprDataExterns info_dat $$
pprWordArray info_is_in_rodata info_clbl info_dat) $$
(vcat [
(if (externallyVisibleCLabel clbl)
then mkFN_ else mkIF_) (ppr clbl) <+> lbrace,
nest 8 temp_decls,
vcat (map pprBBlock blocks),
rbrace ]
info_is_in_rodata = True
blocks = toBlockListEntryFirst graph
(temp_decls, extern_decls) = pprTempAndExternDecls blocks
pprTop (CmmData section (Statics lbl [CmmString str])) =
pprExternDecl lbl $$
hcat [
pprLocalness lbl, pprConstness (isSecConstant section), text "char ", ppr lbl,
text "[] = ", pprStringInCStyle str, semi
pprTop (CmmData section (Statics lbl [CmmUninitialised size])) =
pprExternDecl lbl $$
hcat [
pprLocalness lbl, pprConstness (isSecConstant section), text "char ", ppr lbl,
brackets (int size), semi
pprTop (CmmData section (Statics lbl lits)) =
pprDataExterns lits $$
pprWordArray (isSecConstant section) lbl lits
pprBBlock :: CmmBlock -> SDoc
pprBBlock block =
nest 4 (pprBlockId (entryLabel block) <> colon) $$
nest 8 (vcat (map pprStmt (blockToList nodes)) $$ pprStmt last)
(_, nodes, last) = blockSplit block
pprWordArray :: Bool -> CLabel -> [CmmStatic] -> SDoc
pprWordArray is_ro lbl ds
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
pprExternDecl lbl $$
hcat [ pprLocalness lbl, pprConstness is_ro, text "StgWord"
, space, ppr lbl, text "[]"
, pprAlignment (wordWidth dflags)
, text "= {" ]
$$ nest 8 (commafy (pprStatics dflags ds))
$$ text "};"
pprAlignment :: Width -> SDoc
pprAlignment words =
text "__attribute__((aligned(" <> int (widthInBytes words) <> text ")))"
pprLocalness :: CLabel -> SDoc
pprLocalness lbl | not $ externallyVisibleCLabel lbl = text "static "
| otherwise = empty
pprConstness :: Bool -> SDoc
pprConstness is_ro | is_ro = text "const "
| otherwise = empty
pprStmt :: CmmNode e x -> SDoc
pprStmt stmt =
sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
case stmt of
CmmEntry{} -> empty
CmmComment _ -> empty
CmmTick _ -> empty
CmmUnwind{} -> empty
CmmAssign dest src -> pprAssign dflags dest src
CmmStore dest src
| typeWidth rep == W64 && wordWidth dflags /= W64
-> (if isFloatType rep then text "ASSIGN_DBL"
else ptext (sLit ("ASSIGN_Word64"))) <>
parens (mkP_ <> pprExpr1 dest <> comma <> pprExpr src) <> semi
| otherwise
-> hsep [ pprExpr (CmmLoad dest rep), equals, pprExpr src <> semi ]
rep = cmmExprType dflags src
CmmUnsafeForeignCall target@(ForeignTarget fn conv) results args ->
(res_hints, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints target
hresults = zip results res_hints
hargs = zip args arg_hints
ForeignConvention cconv _ _ ret = conv
cast_fn = parens (cCast (pprCFunType (char '*') cconv hresults hargs) fn)
fnCall =
case fn of
CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
| StdCallConv <- cconv ->
pprCall (ppr lbl) cconv hresults hargs
| CmmNeverReturns <- ret ->
pprCall cast_fn cconv hresults hargs <> semi
| not (isMathFun lbl) ->
pprForeignCall (ppr lbl) cconv hresults hargs
_ ->
pprCall cast_fn cconv hresults hargs <> semi
CmmUnsafeForeignCall (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _results _args -> empty
CmmUnsafeForeignCall (PrimTarget (MO_Prefetch_Data _)) _results _args -> empty
CmmUnsafeForeignCall target@(PrimTarget op) results args ->
cconv = CCallConv
fn = pprCallishMachOp_for_C op
(res_hints, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints target
hresults = zip results res_hints
hargs = zip args arg_hints
| Just _align <- machOpMemcpyishAlign op
= (text ";EFF_(" <> fn <> char ')' <> semi) $$
pprForeignCall fn cconv hresults hargs
| otherwise
= pprCall fn cconv hresults hargs
CmmBranch ident -> pprBranch ident
CmmCondBranch expr yes no _ -> pprCondBranch expr yes no
CmmCall { cml_target = expr } -> mkJMP_ (pprExpr expr) <> semi
CmmSwitch arg ids -> sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
pprSwitch dflags arg ids
_other -> pprPanic "PprC.pprStmt" (ppr stmt)
type Hinted a = (a, ForeignHint)
pprForeignCall :: SDoc -> CCallConv -> [Hinted CmmFormal] -> [Hinted CmmActual]
-> SDoc
pprForeignCall fn cconv results args = fn_call
fn_call = braces (
pprCFunType (char '*' <> text "ghcFunPtr") cconv results args <> semi
$$ text "ghcFunPtr" <+> equals <+> cast_fn <> semi
$$ pprCall (text "ghcFunPtr") cconv results args <> semi
cast_fn = parens (parens (pprCFunType (char '*') cconv results args) <> fn)
pprCFunType :: SDoc -> CCallConv -> [Hinted CmmFormal] -> [Hinted CmmActual] -> SDoc
pprCFunType ppr_fn cconv ress args
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
let res_type [] = text "void"
res_type [(one, hint)] = machRepHintCType (localRegType one) hint
res_type _ = panic "pprCFunType: only void or 1 return value supported"
arg_type (expr, hint) = machRepHintCType (cmmExprType dflags expr) hint
in res_type ress <+>
parens (ccallConvAttribute cconv <> ppr_fn) <>
parens (commafy (map arg_type args))
pprBranch :: BlockId -> SDoc
pprBranch ident = text "goto" <+> pprBlockId ident <> semi
pprCondBranch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId -> BlockId -> SDoc
pprCondBranch expr yes no
= hsep [ text "if" , parens(pprExpr expr) ,
text "goto", pprBlockId yes <> semi,
text "else goto", pprBlockId no <> semi ]
pprSwitch :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> SwitchTargets -> SDoc
pprSwitch dflags e ids
= (hang (text "switch" <+> parens ( pprExpr e ) <+> lbrace)
4 (vcat ( map caseify pairs ) $$ def)) $$ rbrace
(pairs, mbdef) = switchTargetsFallThrough ids
caseify (ix:ixs, ident) = vcat (map do_fallthrough ixs) $$ final_branch ix
do_fallthrough ix =
hsep [ text "case" , pprHexVal ix (wordWidth dflags) <> colon ,
text "/* fall through */" ]
final_branch ix =
hsep [ text "case" , pprHexVal ix (wordWidth dflags) <> colon ,
text "goto" , (pprBlockId ident) <> semi ]
caseify (_ , _ ) = panic "pprSwitch: switch with no cases!"
def | Just l <- mbdef = text "default: goto" <+> pprBlockId l <> semi
| otherwise = empty
pprExpr :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
pprExpr e = case e of
CmmLit lit -> pprLit lit
CmmLoad e ty -> sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> pprLoad dflags e ty
CmmReg reg -> pprCastReg reg
CmmRegOff reg 0 -> pprCastReg reg
CmmRegOff reg i -> sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
pprCastReg reg <> char '+' <>
pprHexVal (fromIntegral i) (wordWidth dflags)
CmmMachOp mop args -> pprMachOpApp mop args
CmmStackSlot _ _ -> panic "pprExpr: CmmStackSlot not supported!"
pprLoad :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmType -> SDoc
pprLoad dflags e ty
| width == W64, wordWidth dflags /= W64
= (if isFloatType ty then text "PK_DBL"
else text "PK_Word64")
<> parens (mkP_ <> pprExpr1 e)
| otherwise
= case e of
CmmReg r | isPtrReg r && width == wordWidth dflags && not (isFloatType ty)
-> char '*' <> pprAsPtrReg r
CmmRegOff r 0 | isPtrReg r && width == wordWidth dflags && not (isFloatType ty)
-> char '*' <> pprAsPtrReg r
CmmRegOff r off | isPtrReg r && width == wordWidth dflags
, off `rem` wORD_SIZE dflags == 0 && not (isFloatType ty)
-> pprAsPtrReg r <> brackets (ppr (off `shiftR` wordShift dflags))
_other -> cLoad e ty
width = typeWidth ty
pprExpr1 :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
pprExpr1 (CmmLit lit) = pprLit1 lit
pprExpr1 e@(CmmReg _reg) = pprExpr e
pprExpr1 other = parens (pprExpr other)
pprMachOpApp :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> SDoc
pprMachOpApp op args
| isMulMayOfloOp op
= text "mulIntMayOflo" <> parens (commafy (map pprExpr args))
where isMulMayOfloOp (MO_U_MulMayOflo _) = True
isMulMayOfloOp (MO_S_MulMayOflo _) = True
isMulMayOfloOp _ = False
pprMachOpApp mop args
| Just ty <- machOpNeedsCast mop
= ty <> parens (pprMachOpApp' mop args)
| otherwise
= pprMachOpApp' mop args
machOpNeedsCast :: MachOp -> Maybe SDoc
machOpNeedsCast mop
| isComparisonMachOp mop = Just mkW_
| otherwise = Nothing
pprMachOpApp' :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> SDoc
pprMachOpApp' mop args
= case args of
[x,y] -> pprArg x <+> pprMachOp_for_C mop <+> pprArg y
[x] -> pprMachOp_for_C mop <> parens (pprArg x)
_ -> panic "PprC.pprMachOp : machop with wrong number of args"
pprArg e | signedOp mop = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
cCast (machRep_S_CType (typeWidth (cmmExprType dflags e))) e
| needsFCasts mop = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
cCast (machRep_F_CType (typeWidth (cmmExprType dflags e))) e
| otherwise = pprExpr1 e
needsFCasts (MO_F_Eq _) = False
needsFCasts (MO_F_Ne _) = False
needsFCasts (MO_F_Neg _) = True
needsFCasts (MO_F_Quot _) = True
needsFCasts mop = floatComparison mop
pprLit :: CmmLit -> SDoc
pprLit lit = case lit of
CmmInt i rep -> pprHexVal i rep
CmmFloat f w -> parens (machRep_F_CType w) <> str
where d = fromRational f :: Double
str | isInfinite d && d < 0 = text "-INFINITY"
| isInfinite d = text "INFINITY"
| isNaN d = text "NAN"
| otherwise = text (show d)
CmmVec {} -> panic "PprC printing vector literal"
CmmBlock bid -> mkW_ <> pprCLabelAddr (infoTblLbl bid)
CmmHighStackMark -> panic "PprC printing high stack mark"
CmmLabel clbl -> mkW_ <> pprCLabelAddr clbl
CmmLabelOff clbl i -> mkW_ <> pprCLabelAddr clbl <> char '+' <> int i
CmmLabelDiffOff clbl1 _ i _
-> mkW_ <> pprCLabelAddr clbl1 <> char '+' <> int i
pprCLabelAddr lbl = char '&' <> ppr lbl
pprLit1 :: CmmLit -> SDoc
pprLit1 lit@(CmmLabelOff _ _) = parens (pprLit lit)
pprLit1 lit@(CmmLabelDiffOff _ _ _ _) = parens (pprLit lit)
pprLit1 lit@(CmmFloat _ _) = parens (pprLit lit)
pprLit1 other = pprLit other
pprStatics :: DynFlags -> [CmmStatic] -> [SDoc]
pprStatics _ [] = []
pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W32) : rest)
| wORD_SIZE dflags == 8, CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 W32) : rest' <- rest
= pprLit1 (floatToWord dflags f) : pprStatics dflags rest'
| wORD_SIZE dflags == 8, CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat g W32) : rest' <- rest
= pprLit1 (floatPairToWord dflags f g) : pprStatics dflags rest'
| wORD_SIZE dflags == 4
= pprLit1 (floatToWord dflags f) : pprStatics dflags rest
| otherwise
= pprPanic "pprStatics: float" (vcat (map ppr' rest))
where ppr' (CmmStaticLit l) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
ppr (cmmLitType dflags l)
ppr' _other = text "bad static!"
pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W64) : rest)
= map pprLit1 (doubleToWords dflags f) ++ pprStatics dflags rest
pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt i W64) : rest)
| wordWidth dflags == W32
= if wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags
then pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt q W32) :
CmmStaticLit (CmmInt r W32) : rest)
else pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt r W32) :
CmmStaticLit (CmmInt q W32) : rest)
where r = i .&. 0xffffffff
q = i `shiftR` 32
pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt a W32) :
CmmStaticLit (CmmInt b W32) : rest)
| wordWidth dflags == W64
= if wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags
then pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL a 32) .|. b) W64) :
else pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL b 32) .|. a) W64) :
pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt a W16) :
CmmStaticLit (CmmInt b W16) : rest)
| wordWidth dflags == W32
= if wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags
then pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL a 16) .|. b) W32) :
else pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL b 16) .|. a) W32) :
pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt _ w) : _)
| w /= wordWidth dflags
= pprPanic "pprStatics: cannot emit a non-word-sized static literal" (ppr w)
pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit lit : rest)
= pprLit1 lit : pprStatics dflags rest
pprStatics _ (other : _)
= pprPanic "pprStatics: other" (pprStatic other)
pprStatic :: CmmStatic -> SDoc
pprStatic s = case s of
CmmStaticLit lit -> nest 4 (pprLit lit)
CmmUninitialised i -> nest 4 (mkC_ <> brackets (int i))
CmmString s' -> nest 4 (mkW_ <> parens(pprStringInCStyle s'))
pprBlockId :: BlockId -> SDoc
pprBlockId b = char '_' <> ppr (getUnique b)
pprMachOp_for_C :: MachOp -> SDoc
pprMachOp_for_C mop = case mop of
MO_Add _ -> char '+'
MO_Sub _ -> char '-'
MO_Eq _ -> text "=="
MO_Ne _ -> text "!="
MO_Mul _ -> char '*'
MO_S_Quot _ -> char '/'
MO_S_Rem _ -> char '%'
MO_S_Neg _ -> char '-'
MO_U_Quot _ -> char '/'
MO_U_Rem _ -> char '%'
MO_F_Add _ -> char '+'
MO_F_Sub _ -> char '-'
MO_F_Neg _ -> char '-'
MO_F_Mul _ -> char '*'
MO_F_Quot _ -> char '/'
MO_S_Ge _ -> text ">="
MO_S_Le _ -> text "<="
MO_S_Gt _ -> char '>'
MO_S_Lt _ -> char '<'
MO_U_Ge _ -> text ">="
MO_U_Le _ -> text "<="
MO_U_Gt _ -> char '>'
MO_U_Lt _ -> char '<'
MO_F_Eq _ -> text "=="
MO_F_Ne _ -> text "!="
MO_F_Ge _ -> text ">="
MO_F_Le _ -> text "<="
MO_F_Gt _ -> char '>'
MO_F_Lt _ -> char '<'
MO_And _ -> char '&'
MO_Or _ -> char '|'
MO_Xor _ -> char '^'
MO_Not _ -> char '~'
MO_Shl _ -> text "<<"
MO_U_Shr _ -> text ">>"
MO_S_Shr _ -> text ">>"
MO_UU_Conv from to | from == to -> empty
MO_UU_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_U_CType to)
MO_SS_Conv from to | from == to -> empty
MO_SS_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_S_CType to)
MO_XX_Conv from to | from == to -> empty
MO_XX_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_U_CType to)
MO_FF_Conv from to | from == to -> empty
MO_FF_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_F_CType to)
MO_SF_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_F_CType to)
MO_FS_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_S_CType to)
MO_S_MulMayOflo _ -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_S_MulMayOflo")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_S_MulMayOflo"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_U_MulMayOflo _ -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_U_MulMayOflo")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_U_MulMayOflo"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_V_Insert {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_V_Insert")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Insert"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_V_Extract {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_V_Extract")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Extract"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_V_Add {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_V_Add")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Add"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_V_Sub {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_V_Sub")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Sub"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_V_Mul {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_V_Mul")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Mul"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VS_Quot {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VS_Quot")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VS_Quot"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VS_Rem {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VS_Rem")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VS_Rem"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VS_Neg {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VS_Neg")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VS_Neg"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VU_Quot {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VU_Quot")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VU_Quot"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VU_Rem {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VU_Rem")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VU_Rem"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VF_Insert {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VF_Insert")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Insert"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VF_Extract {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VF_Extract")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Extract"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VF_Add {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VF_Add")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Add"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VF_Sub {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VF_Sub")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Sub"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VF_Neg {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VF_Neg")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Neg"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VF_Mul {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VF_Mul")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Mul"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_VF_Quot {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:"
(text "MO_VF_Quot")
(panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Quot"
++ " should have been handled earlier!")
MO_AlignmentCheck {} -> panic "-falignment-santisation not supported by unregisterised backend"
signedOp :: MachOp -> Bool
signedOp (MO_S_Quot _) = True
signedOp (MO_S_Rem _) = True
signedOp (MO_S_Neg _) = True
signedOp (MO_S_Ge _) = True
signedOp (MO_S_Le _) = True
signedOp (MO_S_Gt _) = True
signedOp (MO_S_Lt _) = True
signedOp (MO_S_Shr _) = True
signedOp (MO_SS_Conv _ _) = True
signedOp (MO_SF_Conv _ _) = True
signedOp _ = False
floatComparison :: MachOp -> Bool
floatComparison (MO_F_Eq _) = True
floatComparison (MO_F_Ne _) = True
floatComparison (MO_F_Ge _) = True
floatComparison (MO_F_Le _) = True
floatComparison (MO_F_Gt _) = True
floatComparison (MO_F_Lt _) = True
floatComparison _ = False
pprCallishMachOp_for_C :: CallishMachOp -> SDoc
pprCallishMachOp_for_C mop
= case mop of
MO_F64_Pwr -> text "pow"
MO_F64_Sin -> text "sin"
MO_F64_Cos -> text "cos"
MO_F64_Tan -> text "tan"
MO_F64_Sinh -> text "sinh"
MO_F64_Cosh -> text "cosh"
MO_F64_Tanh -> text "tanh"
MO_F64_Asin -> text "asin"
MO_F64_Acos -> text "acos"
MO_F64_Atanh -> text "atanh"
MO_F64_Asinh -> text "asinh"
MO_F64_Acosh -> text "acosh"
MO_F64_Atan -> text "atan"
MO_F64_Log -> text "log"
MO_F64_Exp -> text "exp"
MO_F64_Sqrt -> text "sqrt"
MO_F64_Fabs -> text "fabs"
MO_F32_Pwr -> text "powf"
MO_F32_Sin -> text "sinf"
MO_F32_Cos -> text "cosf"
MO_F32_Tan -> text "tanf"
MO_F32_Sinh -> text "sinhf"
MO_F32_Cosh -> text "coshf"
MO_F32_Tanh -> text "tanhf"
MO_F32_Asin -> text "asinf"
MO_F32_Acos -> text "acosf"
MO_F32_Atan -> text "atanf"
MO_F32_Asinh -> text "asinhf"
MO_F32_Acosh -> text "acoshf"
MO_F32_Atanh -> text "atanhf"
MO_F32_Log -> text "logf"
MO_F32_Exp -> text "expf"
MO_F32_Sqrt -> text "sqrtf"
MO_F32_Fabs -> text "fabsf"
MO_WriteBarrier -> text "write_barrier"
MO_Memcpy _ -> text "memcpy"
MO_Memset _ -> text "memset"
MO_Memmove _ -> text "memmove"
MO_Memcmp _ -> text "memcmp"
(MO_BSwap w) -> ptext (sLit $ bSwapLabel w)
(MO_BRev w) -> ptext (sLit $ bRevLabel w)
(MO_PopCnt w) -> ptext (sLit $ popCntLabel w)
(MO_Pext w) -> ptext (sLit $ pextLabel w)
(MO_Pdep w) -> ptext (sLit $ pdepLabel w)
(MO_Clz w) -> ptext (sLit $ clzLabel w)
(MO_Ctz w) -> ptext (sLit $ ctzLabel w)
(MO_AtomicRMW w amop) -> ptext (sLit $ atomicRMWLabel w amop)
(MO_Cmpxchg w) -> ptext (sLit $ cmpxchgLabel w)
(MO_AtomicRead w) -> ptext (sLit $ atomicReadLabel w)
(MO_AtomicWrite w) -> ptext (sLit $ atomicWriteLabel w)
(MO_UF_Conv w) -> ptext (sLit $ word2FloatLabel w)
MO_S_QuotRem {} -> unsupported
MO_U_QuotRem {} -> unsupported
MO_U_QuotRem2 {} -> unsupported
MO_Add2 {} -> unsupported
MO_AddWordC {} -> unsupported
MO_SubWordC {} -> unsupported
MO_AddIntC {} -> unsupported
MO_SubIntC {} -> unsupported
MO_U_Mul2 {} -> unsupported
MO_Touch -> unsupported
(MO_Prefetch_Data _ ) -> unsupported
where unsupported = panic ("pprCallishMachOp_for_C: " ++ show mop
++ " not supported!")
mkJMP_, mkFN_, mkIF_ :: SDoc -> SDoc
mkJMP_ i = text "JMP_" <> parens i
mkFN_ i = text "FN_" <> parens i
mkIF_ i = text "IF_" <> parens i
mkC_,mkW_,mkP_ :: SDoc
mkC_ = text "(C_)"
mkW_ = text "(W_)"
mkP_ = text "(P_)"
pprAssign :: DynFlags -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> SDoc
pprAssign _ r1 (CmmReg r2)
| isPtrReg r1 && isPtrReg r2
= hcat [ pprAsPtrReg r1, equals, pprAsPtrReg r2, semi ]
pprAssign dflags r1 (CmmRegOff r2 off)
| isPtrReg r1 && isPtrReg r2 && (off `rem` wORD_SIZE dflags == 0)
= hcat [ pprAsPtrReg r1, equals, pprAsPtrReg r2, op, int off', semi ]
off1 = off `shiftR` wordShift dflags
(op,off') | off >= 0 = (char '+', off1)
| otherwise = (char '-', -off1)
pprAssign _ r1 r2
| isFixedPtrReg r1 = mkAssign (mkP_ <> pprExpr1 r2)
| Just ty <- strangeRegType r1 = mkAssign (parens ty <> pprExpr1 r2)
| otherwise = mkAssign (pprExpr r2)
where mkAssign x = if r1 == CmmGlobal BaseReg
then text "ASSIGN_BaseReg" <> parens x <> semi
else pprReg r1 <> text " = " <> x <> semi
pprCastReg :: CmmReg -> SDoc
pprCastReg reg
| isStrangeTypeReg reg = mkW_ <> pprReg reg
| otherwise = pprReg reg
isFixedPtrReg :: CmmReg -> Bool
isFixedPtrReg (CmmLocal _) = False
isFixedPtrReg (CmmGlobal r) = isFixedPtrGlobalReg r
isPtrReg :: CmmReg -> Bool
isPtrReg (CmmLocal _) = False
isPtrReg (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg _ VGcPtr)) = True
isPtrReg (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg _ VNonGcPtr)) = False
isPtrReg (CmmGlobal reg) = isFixedPtrGlobalReg reg
isFixedPtrGlobalReg :: GlobalReg -> Bool
isFixedPtrGlobalReg Sp = True
isFixedPtrGlobalReg Hp = True
isFixedPtrGlobalReg HpLim = True
isFixedPtrGlobalReg SpLim = True
isFixedPtrGlobalReg _ = False
isStrangeTypeReg :: CmmReg -> Bool
isStrangeTypeReg (CmmLocal _) = False
isStrangeTypeReg (CmmGlobal g) = isStrangeTypeGlobal g
isStrangeTypeGlobal :: GlobalReg -> Bool
isStrangeTypeGlobal CCCS = True
isStrangeTypeGlobal CurrentTSO = True
isStrangeTypeGlobal CurrentNursery = True
isStrangeTypeGlobal BaseReg = True
isStrangeTypeGlobal r = isFixedPtrGlobalReg r
strangeRegType :: CmmReg -> Maybe SDoc
strangeRegType (CmmGlobal CCCS) = Just (text "struct CostCentreStack_ *")
strangeRegType (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO) = Just (text "struct StgTSO_ *")
strangeRegType (CmmGlobal CurrentNursery) = Just (text "struct bdescr_ *")
strangeRegType (CmmGlobal BaseReg) = Just (text "struct StgRegTable_ *")
strangeRegType _ = Nothing
pprReg :: CmmReg -> SDoc
pprReg r = case r of
CmmLocal local -> pprLocalReg local
CmmGlobal global -> pprGlobalReg global
pprAsPtrReg :: CmmReg -> SDoc
pprAsPtrReg (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg n gcp))
= WARN( gcp /= VGcPtr, ppr n ) char 'R' <> int n <> text ".p"
pprAsPtrReg other_reg = pprReg other_reg
pprGlobalReg :: GlobalReg -> SDoc
pprGlobalReg gr = case gr of
VanillaReg n _ -> char 'R' <> int n <> text ".w"
FloatReg n -> char 'F' <> int n
DoubleReg n -> char 'D' <> int n
LongReg n -> char 'L' <> int n
Sp -> text "Sp"
SpLim -> text "SpLim"
Hp -> text "Hp"
HpLim -> text "HpLim"
CCCS -> text "CCCS"
CurrentTSO -> text "CurrentTSO"
CurrentNursery -> text "CurrentNursery"
HpAlloc -> text "HpAlloc"
BaseReg -> text "BaseReg"
EagerBlackholeInfo -> text "stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info"
GCEnter1 -> text "stg_gc_enter_1"
GCFun -> text "stg_gc_fun"
other -> panic $ "pprGlobalReg: Unsupported register: " ++ show other
pprLocalReg :: LocalReg -> SDoc
pprLocalReg (LocalReg uniq _) = char '_' <> ppr uniq
pprCall :: SDoc -> CCallConv -> [Hinted CmmFormal] -> [Hinted CmmActual] -> SDoc
pprCall ppr_fn cconv results args
| not (is_cishCC cconv)
= panic $ "pprCall: unknown calling convention"
| otherwise
ppr_assign results (ppr_fn <> parens (commafy (map pprArg args))) <> semi
ppr_assign [] rhs = rhs
ppr_assign [(one,hint)] rhs
= pprLocalReg one <> text " = "
<> pprUnHint hint (localRegType one) <> rhs
ppr_assign _other _rhs = panic "pprCall: multiple results"
pprArg (expr, AddrHint)
= cCast (text "void *") expr
pprArg (expr, SignedHint)
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
cCast (machRep_S_CType $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType dflags expr) expr
pprArg (expr, _other)
= pprExpr expr
pprUnHint AddrHint rep = parens (machRepCType rep)
pprUnHint SignedHint rep = parens (machRepCType rep)
pprUnHint _ _ = empty
is_cishCC :: CCallConv -> Bool
is_cishCC CCallConv = True
is_cishCC CApiConv = True
is_cishCC StdCallConv = True
is_cishCC PrimCallConv = False
is_cishCC JavaScriptCallConv = False
pprTempAndExternDecls :: [CmmBlock] -> (SDoc, SDoc)
pprTempAndExternDecls stmts
= (pprUFM (getUniqSet temps) (vcat . map pprTempDecl),
vcat (map pprExternDecl (Map.keys lbls)))
where (temps, lbls) = runTE (mapM_ te_BB stmts)
pprDataExterns :: [CmmStatic] -> SDoc
pprDataExterns statics
= vcat (map pprExternDecl (Map.keys lbls))
where (_, lbls) = runTE (mapM_ te_Static statics)
pprTempDecl :: LocalReg -> SDoc
pprTempDecl l@(LocalReg _ rep)
= hcat [ machRepCType rep, space, pprLocalReg l, semi ]
pprExternDecl :: CLabel -> SDoc
pprExternDecl lbl
| not (needsCDecl lbl) = empty
| Just sz <- foreignLabelStdcallInfo lbl = stdcall_decl sz
| otherwise =
hcat [ visibility, label_type lbl , lparen, ppr lbl, text ");"
label_type lbl | isBytesLabel lbl = text "B_"
| isForeignLabel lbl && isCFunctionLabel lbl
= text "FF_"
| isCFunctionLabel lbl = text "F_"
| isStaticClosureLabel lbl = text "C_"
| isSomeRODataLabel lbl = text "RO_"
| otherwise = text "RW_"
| externallyVisibleCLabel lbl = char 'E'
| otherwise = char 'I'
stdcall_decl sz = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
text "extern __attribute__((stdcall)) void " <> ppr lbl
<> parens (commafy (replicate (sz `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags) (machRep_U_CType (wordWidth dflags))))
<> semi
type TEState = (UniqSet LocalReg, Map CLabel ())
newtype TE a = TE { unTE :: TEState -> (a, TEState) }
instance Functor TE where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative TE where
pure a = TE $ \s -> (a, s)
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad TE where
TE m >>= k = TE $ \s -> case m s of (a, s') -> unTE (k a) s'
te_lbl :: CLabel -> TE ()
te_lbl lbl = TE $ \(temps,lbls) -> ((), (temps, Map.insert lbl () lbls))
te_temp :: LocalReg -> TE ()
te_temp r = TE $ \(temps,lbls) -> ((), (addOneToUniqSet temps r, lbls))
runTE :: TE () -> TEState
runTE (TE m) = snd (m (emptyUniqSet, Map.empty))
te_Static :: CmmStatic -> TE ()
te_Static (CmmStaticLit lit) = te_Lit lit
te_Static _ = return ()
te_BB :: CmmBlock -> TE ()
te_BB block = mapM_ te_Stmt (blockToList mid) >> te_Stmt last
where (_, mid, last) = blockSplit block
te_Lit :: CmmLit -> TE ()
te_Lit (CmmLabel l) = te_lbl l
te_Lit (CmmLabelOff l _) = te_lbl l
te_Lit (CmmLabelDiffOff l1 _ _ _) = te_lbl l1
te_Lit _ = return ()
te_Stmt :: CmmNode e x -> TE ()
te_Stmt (CmmAssign r e) = te_Reg r >> te_Expr e
te_Stmt (CmmStore l r) = te_Expr l >> te_Expr r
te_Stmt (CmmUnsafeForeignCall target rs es)
= do te_Target target
mapM_ te_temp rs
mapM_ te_Expr es
te_Stmt (CmmCondBranch e _ _ _) = te_Expr e
te_Stmt (CmmSwitch e _) = te_Expr e
te_Stmt (CmmCall { cml_target = e }) = te_Expr e
te_Stmt _ = return ()
te_Target :: ForeignTarget -> TE ()
te_Target (ForeignTarget e _) = te_Expr e
te_Target (PrimTarget{}) = return ()
te_Expr :: CmmExpr -> TE ()
te_Expr (CmmLit lit) = te_Lit lit
te_Expr (CmmLoad e _) = te_Expr e
te_Expr (CmmReg r) = te_Reg r
te_Expr (CmmMachOp _ es) = mapM_ te_Expr es
te_Expr (CmmRegOff r _) = te_Reg r
te_Expr (CmmStackSlot _ _) = panic "te_Expr: CmmStackSlot not supported!"
te_Reg :: CmmReg -> TE ()
te_Reg (CmmLocal l) = te_temp l
te_Reg _ = return ()
cCast :: SDoc -> CmmExpr -> SDoc
cCast ty expr = parens ty <> pprExpr1 expr
cLoad :: CmmExpr -> CmmType -> SDoc
cLoad expr rep
= sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
if bewareLoadStoreAlignment (platformArch platform)
then let decl = machRepCType rep <+> text "x" <> semi
struct = text "struct" <+> braces (decl)
packed_attr = text "__attribute__((packed))"
cast = parens (struct <+> packed_attr <> char '*')
in parens (cast <+> pprExpr1 expr) <> text "->x"
else char '*' <> parens (cCast (machRepPtrCType rep) expr)
bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchAlpha = True
bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchMipseb = True
bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchMipsel = True
bewareLoadStoreAlignment (ArchARM {}) = True
bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchARM64 = True
bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchSPARC = True
bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchSPARC64 = True
bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchUnknown = True
bewareLoadStoreAlignment _ = False
isCmmWordType :: DynFlags -> CmmType -> Bool
isCmmWordType dflags ty = not (isFloatType ty)
&& typeWidth ty == wordWidth dflags
machRepHintCType :: CmmType -> ForeignHint -> SDoc
machRepHintCType _ AddrHint = text "void *"
machRepHintCType rep SignedHint = machRep_S_CType (typeWidth rep)
machRepHintCType rep _other = machRepCType rep
machRepPtrCType :: CmmType -> SDoc
machRepPtrCType r
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
if isCmmWordType dflags r then text "P_"
else machRepCType r <> char '*'
machRepCType :: CmmType -> SDoc
machRepCType ty | isFloatType ty = machRep_F_CType w
| otherwise = machRep_U_CType w
w = typeWidth ty
machRep_F_CType :: Width -> SDoc
machRep_F_CType W32 = text "StgFloat"
machRep_F_CType W64 = text "StgDouble"
machRep_F_CType _ = panic "machRep_F_CType"
machRep_U_CType :: Width -> SDoc
machRep_U_CType w
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
case w of
_ | w == wordWidth dflags -> text "W_"
W8 -> text "StgWord8"
W16 -> text "StgWord16"
W32 -> text "StgWord32"
W64 -> text "StgWord64"
_ -> panic "machRep_U_CType"
machRep_S_CType :: Width -> SDoc
machRep_S_CType w
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
case w of
_ | w == wordWidth dflags -> text "I_"
W8 -> text "StgInt8"
W16 -> text "StgInt16"
W32 -> text "StgInt32"
W64 -> text "StgInt64"
_ -> panic "machRep_S_CType"
pprStringInCStyle :: ByteString -> SDoc
pprStringInCStyle s = doubleQuotes (text (concatMap charToC (BS.unpack s)))
castFloatToWord32Array :: STUArray s Int Float -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word32)
castFloatToWord32Array = U.castSTUArray
castDoubleToWord64Array :: STUArray s Int Double -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word64)
castDoubleToWord64Array = U.castSTUArray
floatToWord :: DynFlags -> Rational -> CmmLit
floatToWord dflags r
= runST (do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),0)
writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r)
arr' <- castFloatToWord32Array arr
w32 <- readArray arr' 0
return (CmmInt (toInteger w32 `shiftL` wo) (wordWidth dflags))
where wo | wordWidth dflags == W64
, wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags = 32
| otherwise = 0
floatPairToWord :: DynFlags -> Rational -> Rational -> CmmLit
floatPairToWord dflags r1 r2
= runST (do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r1)
writeArray arr 1 (fromRational r2)
arr' <- castFloatToWord32Array arr
w32_1 <- readArray arr' 0
w32_2 <- readArray arr' 1
return (pprWord32Pair w32_1 w32_2)
where pprWord32Pair w32_1 w32_2
| wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags =
CmmInt ((shiftL i1 32) .|. i2) W64
| otherwise =
CmmInt ((shiftL i2 32) .|. i1) W64
where i1 = toInteger w32_1
i2 = toInteger w32_2
doubleToWords :: DynFlags -> Rational -> [CmmLit]
doubleToWords dflags r
= runST (do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r)
arr' <- castDoubleToWord64Array arr
w64 <- readArray arr' 0
return (pprWord64 w64)
where targetWidth = wordWidth dflags
targetBE = wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags
pprWord64 w64
| targetWidth == W64 =
[ CmmInt (toInteger w64) targetWidth ]
| targetWidth == W32 =
[ CmmInt (toInteger targetW1) targetWidth
, CmmInt (toInteger targetW2) targetWidth
| otherwise = panic "doubleToWords.pprWord64"
where (targetW1, targetW2)
| targetBE = (wHi, wLo)
| otherwise = (wLo, wHi)
wHi = w64 `shiftR` 32
wLo = w64 .&. 0xFFFFffff
wordShift :: DynFlags -> Int
wordShift dflags = widthInLog (wordWidth dflags)
commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
commafy xs = hsep $ punctuate comma xs
pprHexVal :: Integer -> Width -> SDoc
pprHexVal w rep
| w < 0 = parens (char '-' <>
text "0x" <> intToDoc (-w) <> repsuffix rep)
| otherwise = text "0x" <> intToDoc w <> repsuffix rep
repsuffix W64 = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
if cINT_SIZE dflags == 8 then char 'U'
else if cLONG_SIZE dflags == 8 then text "UL"
else if cLONG_LONG_SIZE dflags == 8 then text "ULL"
else panic "pprHexVal: Can't find a 64-bit type"
repsuffix _ = char 'U'
intToDoc :: Integer -> SDoc
intToDoc i = case truncInt i of
0 -> char '0'
v -> go v
truncInt :: Integer -> Integer
truncInt i =
case rep of
W8 -> i `rem` (2^(8 :: Int))
W16 -> i `rem` (2^(16 :: Int))
W32 -> i `rem` (2^(32 :: Int))
W64 -> i `rem` (2^(64 :: Int))
_ -> panic ("pprHexVal/truncInt: C backend can't encode "
++ show rep ++ " literals")
go 0 = empty
go w' = go q <> dig
(q,r) = w' `quotRem` 16
dig | r < 10 = char (chr (fromInteger r + ord '0'))
| otherwise = char (chr (fromInteger r - 10 + ord 'a'))