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ghc-lib-parser-0.20190603: The GHC API, decoupled from GHC versions

Safe HaskellNone




Main data type

type Kind = Type Source #

The key type representing kinds in the compiler.

Predicates on Kinds

isLiftedTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool Source #

This version considers Constraint to be the same as *. Returns True if the argument is equivalent to Type/Constraint and False otherwise. See Note [Kind Constraint and kind Type]

isUnliftedTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool Source #

Returns True if the kind classifies unlifted types and False otherwise. Note that this returns False for levity-polymorphic kinds, which may be specialized to a kind that classifies unlifted types.

classifiesTypeWithValues :: Kind -> Bool Source #

Does this classify a type allowed to have values? Responds True to things like *, #, TYPE Lifted, TYPE v, Constraint.

True of any sub-kind of OpenTypeKind

isKindLevPoly :: Kind -> Bool Source #

Tests whether the given kind (which should look like TYPE x) is something other than a constructor tree (that is, constructors at every node). E.g. True of TYPE k, TYPE (F Int) False of TYPE 'LiftedRep