ghc-lib-parser-0.20221201: The GHC API, decoupled from GHC versions
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data Messages e Source #

A collection of messages emitted by GHC during error reporting. A diagnostic message is typically a warning or an error. See Note [Messages].

INVARIANT: All the messages in this collection must be relevant, i.e. their Severity should not be SevIgnore. The smart constructor mkMessages will filter out any message which Severity is SevIgnore.


Instances details
Foldable Messages Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


fold :: Monoid m => Messages m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Messages a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Messages a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Messages a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Messages a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Messages a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Messages a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Messages a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Messages a -> a #

toList :: Messages a -> [a] #

null :: Messages a -> Bool #

length :: Messages a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Messages a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Messages a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Messages a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Messages a -> a #

product :: Num a => Messages a -> a #

Traversable Messages Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Messages a -> f (Messages b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => Messages (f a) -> f (Messages a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Messages a -> m (Messages b) #

sequence :: Monad m => Messages (m a) -> m (Messages a) #

Functor Messages Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Messages a -> Messages b #

(<$) :: a -> Messages b -> Messages a #

Monoid (Messages e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


mempty :: Messages e #

mappend :: Messages e -> Messages e -> Messages e #

mconcat :: [Messages e] -> Messages e #

Semigroup (Messages e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


(<>) :: Messages e -> Messages e -> Messages e #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Messages e) -> Messages e #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Messages e -> Messages e #

Diagnostic e => Outputable (Messages e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


ppr :: Messages e -> SDoc Source #

addMessage :: MsgEnvelope e -> Messages e -> Messages e Source #

Adds a Message to the input collection of messages. See Note [Discarding Messages].

unionMessages :: Messages e -> Messages e -> Messages e Source #

Joins two collections of messages together. See Note [Discarding Messages].

unionManyMessages :: Foldable f => f (Messages e) -> Messages e Source #

Joins many Messagess together

data MsgEnvelope e Source #

An envelope for GHC's facts about a running program, parameterised over the domain-specific (i.e. parsing, typecheck-renaming, etc) diagnostics.

To say things differently, GHC emits diagnostics about the running program, each of which is wrapped into a MsgEnvelope that carries specific information like where the error happened, etc. Finally, multiple MsgEnvelopes are aggregated into Messages that are returned to the user.





Instances details
Foldable MsgEnvelope Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


fold :: Monoid m => MsgEnvelope m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> MsgEnvelope a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> MsgEnvelope a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> MsgEnvelope a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> MsgEnvelope a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> MsgEnvelope a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> MsgEnvelope a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> MsgEnvelope a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> MsgEnvelope a -> a #

toList :: MsgEnvelope a -> [a] #

null :: MsgEnvelope a -> Bool #

length :: MsgEnvelope a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> MsgEnvelope a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => MsgEnvelope a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => MsgEnvelope a -> a #

sum :: Num a => MsgEnvelope a -> a #

product :: Num a => MsgEnvelope a -> a #

Traversable MsgEnvelope Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> MsgEnvelope a -> f (MsgEnvelope b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => MsgEnvelope (f a) -> f (MsgEnvelope a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> MsgEnvelope a -> m (MsgEnvelope b) #

sequence :: Monad m => MsgEnvelope (m a) -> m (MsgEnvelope a) #

Functor MsgEnvelope Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MsgEnvelope a -> MsgEnvelope b #

(<$) :: a -> MsgEnvelope b -> MsgEnvelope a #

Show (MsgEnvelope DiagnosticMessage) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

Classifying Messages

data MessageClass Source #

The class for a diagnostic message. The main purpose is to classify a message within GHC, to distinguish it from a debug/dump message vs a proper diagnostic, for which we include a DiagnosticReason.



Log message intended for compiler developers No file/line/column stuff


Log messages intended for end users. No file/line/column stuff.

MCDiagnostic Severity DiagnosticReason (Maybe DiagnosticCode)

Diagnostics from the compiler. This constructor is very powerful as it allows the construction of a MessageClass with a completely arbitrary permutation of Severity and DiagnosticReason. As such, users are encouraged to use the mkMCDiagnostic smart constructor instead. Use this constructor directly only if you need to construct and manipulate diagnostic messages directly, for example inside Error. In all the other circumstances, especially when emitting compiler diagnostics, use the smart constructor.

The Maybe DiagnosticCode field carries a code (if available) for this diagnostic. If you are creating a message not tied to any error-message type, then use Nothing. In the long run, this really should always have a DiagnosticCode. See Note [Diagnostic codes].


Instances details
ToJson MessageClass Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

data Severity Source #

Used to describe warnings and errors o The message has a file/line/column heading, plus "warning:" or "error:", added by mkLocMessage o With SevIgnore the message is suppressed o Output is intended for end users



Ignore this message, for example in case of suppression of warnings users don't want to see. See Note [Suppressing Messages]



Instances details
Show Severity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

ToJson Severity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

Outputable Severity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error


ppr :: Severity -> SDoc Source #

Eq Severity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

class Diagnostic a where Source #

A class identifying a diagnostic. defines a diagnostic as:

"a message output by a computer diagnosing an error in a computer program, computer system, or component device".

A Diagnostic carries the actual description of the message (which, in GHC's case, it can be an error or a warning) and the reason why such message was generated in the first place.

Associated Types

type DiagnosticOpts a Source #

Type of configuration options for the diagnostic.


defaultDiagnosticOpts :: DiagnosticOpts a Source #

diagnosticMessage :: DiagnosticOpts a -> a -> DecoratedSDoc Source #

Extract the error message text from a Diagnostic.

diagnosticReason :: a -> DiagnosticReason Source #

Extract the reason for this diagnostic. For warnings, a DiagnosticReason includes the warning flag.

diagnosticHints :: a -> [GhcHint] Source #

Extract any hints a user might use to repair their code to avoid this diagnostic.

diagnosticCode :: a -> Maybe DiagnosticCode Source #

Get the DiagnosticCode associated with this Diagnostic. This can return Nothing for at least two reasons:

  1. The message might be from a plugin that does not supply codes.
  2. The message might not yet have been assigned a code. See the Diagnostic instance for DiagnosticMessage.

Ideally, case (2) would not happen, but because some errors in GHC still use the old system of just writing the error message in-place (instead of using a dedicated error type and constructor), we do not have error codes for all errors. #18516 tracks our progress toward this goal.


Instances details
Diagnostic DriverMessage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Errors.Ppr

Associated Types

type DiagnosticOpts DriverMessage Source #

Diagnostic GhcMessage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Driver.Errors.Ppr

Associated Types

type DiagnosticOpts GhcMessage Source #

Diagnostic DsMessage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.HsToCore.Errors.Ppr

Associated Types

type DiagnosticOpts DsMessage Source #

Diagnostic PsMessage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr

Associated Types

type DiagnosticOpts PsMessage Source #

Diagnostic TcRnMessage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr

Associated Types

type DiagnosticOpts TcRnMessage Source #

Diagnostic DiagnosticMessage Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

Diagnostic UnknownDiagnostic Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

data DiagnosticMessage Source #

A generic Diagnostic message, without any further classification or provenance: By looking at a DiagnosticMessage we don't know neither where it was generated nor how to intepret its payload (as it's just a structured document). All we can do is to print it out and look at its DiagnosticReason.

data DiagnosticReason Source #

The reason why a Diagnostic was emitted in the first place. Diagnostic messages are born within GHC with a very precise reason, which can be completely statically-computed (i.e. this is an error or a warning no matter what), or influenced by the specific state of the DynFlags at the moment of the creation of a new Diagnostic. For example, a parsing error is always going to be an error, whereas a 'WarningWithoutFlag Opt_WarnUnusedImports' might turn into an error due to '-Werror' or '-Werror=warn-unused-imports'. Interpreting a DiagnosticReason together with its associated Severity gives us the full picture.



Born as a warning.

WarningWithFlag !WarningFlag

Warning was enabled with the flag.


Born as an error.

data DiagnosticHint Source #

A generic Hint message, to be used with DiagnosticMessage.


DiagnosticHint !SDoc 


Instances details
Outputable DiagnosticHint Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error

mkPlainError :: [GhcHint] -> SDoc -> DiagnosticMessage Source #

Create an error DiagnosticMessage holding just a single SDoc

mkDecoratedError :: [GhcHint] -> [SDoc] -> DiagnosticMessage Source #

Create an error DiagnosticMessage from a list of bulleted SDocs

Hints and refactoring actions

data GhcHint Source #

A type for hints emitted by GHC. A hint suggests a possible way to deal with a particular warning or error.


forall a.(Outputable a, Typeable a) => UnknownHint a

An "unknown" hint. This type constructor allows arbitrary -- hints to be embedded. The typical use case would be GHC plugins -- willing to emit hints alongside their custom diagnostics.

SuggestExtension !LanguageExtensionHint

Suggests adding a particular language extension. GHC will do its best trying to guess when the user is using the syntax of a particular language extension without having the relevant extension enabled.

Example: If the user uses the keyword "mdo" (and we are in a monadic block), but the relevant extension is not enabled, GHC will emit a 'SuggestExtension RecursiveDo'.

Test case(s): parsershould_failT12429, parsershould_failT8501c, parsershould_failT18251e, ... (and many more)

SuggestCorrectPragmaName ![String]

Suggests possible corrections of a misspelled pragma. Its argument represents all applicable suggestions.


Test case(s): parsershould_compileT21589


Suggests that a monadic code block is probably missing a "do" keyword.

Example: main = putStrLn "hello" putStrLn "world"

Test case(s): parsershould_failT8501a, parsershould_failreadFail007, parsershould_failInfixAppPatErr, parsershould_failT984


Suggests that a "let" expression is needed in a "do" block.

Test cases: None (that explicitly test this particular hint is emitted).

SuggestAddSignatureCabalFile !ModuleName

Suggests to add an ".hsig" signature file to the Cabal manifest.

Triggered by: DriverUnexpectedSignature, if Cabal is being used.

Example: See comment of DriverUnexpectedSignature.

Test case(s): driver/T12955

SuggestSignatureInstantiations !ModuleName [InstantiationSuggestion]

Suggests to explicitly list the instantiations for the signatures in the GHC invocation command.

Triggered by: DriverUnexpectedSignature, if Cabal is not being used.

Example: See comment of DriverUnexpectedSignature.

Test case(s): driver/T12955


Suggests to use spaces instead of tabs.

Triggered by: PsWarnTab.

Examples: None Test Case(s): None

SuggestUseWhitespaceAfter !OperatorWhitespaceSymbol

Suggests adding a whitespace after the given symbol.

Examples: None Test Case(s): parsershould_compileT18834a.hs

SuggestUseWhitespaceAround !String !OperatorWhitespaceOccurrence

Suggests adding a whitespace around the given operator symbol, as it might be repurposed as special syntax by a future language extension. The second parameter is how such operator occurred, if in a prefix, suffix or tight infix position.

Triggered by: PsWarnOperatorWhitespace.

Example: h a b = a+b -- not OK, no spaces around +.

Test Case(s): parsershould_compileT18834b.hs


Suggests wrapping an expression in parentheses

Examples: None Test Case(s): None


Suggests to increase the -fmax-pmcheck-models limit for the pattern match checker.

Triggered by: DsMaxPmCheckModelsReached

Test case(s): pmcheckshould_compileTooManyDeltas pmcheckshould_compileTooManyDeltas pmcheckshould_compileT11822

SuggestAddTypeSignatures AvailableBindings

Suggests adding a type signature, typically to resolve ambiguity or help GHC inferring types.

SuggestBindToWildcard !(LHsExpr GhcTc)

Suggests to explicitly discard the result of a monadic action by binding the result to the '_' wilcard.

Example: main = do _ <- getCurrentTime

SuggestAddInlineOrNoInlinePragma !Var !Activation 
SuggestAddPhaseToCompetingRule !RuleName 
SuggestAddToHSigExportList !Name !(Maybe Module)

Suggests adding an identifier to the export list of a signature.


Suggests increasing the limit for the number of iterations in the simplifier.

SuggestUseTypeFromDataKind (Maybe RdrName)

Suggests to explicitly import Type from the Kind module, because using "*" to mean Type relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future.

Triggered by: PsWarnStarIsType Example: None Test case(s): wcompat-warnings/WCompatWarningsOn.hs


Suggests placing the qualified keyword after the module name.

Triggered by: PsWarnImportPreQualified Example: None Test case(s): module/mod184.hs


Suggests using TemplateHaskell quotation syntax.

Triggered by: PsErrEmptyDoubleQuotes only if TemplateHaskell is enabled. Example: None Test case(s): parsershould_failT13450TH.hs

SuggestRoles [Role]

Suggests alternative roles in case we found an illegal one.

Triggered by: PsErrIllegalRoleName Example: None Test case(s): rolesshould_failRoles7.hs


Suggests qualifying the * operator in modules where StarIsType is enabled.

Triggered by: PsWarnStarBinder Test case(s): warningsshould_compileStarBinder.hs


Suggests that a type signature should have form variable :: type in order to be accepted by GHC.

Triggered by: PsErrInvalidTypeSignature Test case(s): parsershould_failT3811


Suggests to move an orphan instance or to newtype-wrap it.

Triggered by: TcRnOrphanInstance Test cases(s): warningsshould_compileT9178 typecheckshould_compileT4912


Suggests to use a standalone deriving declaration when GHC can't derive a typeclass instance in a trivial way.

Triggered by: DerivBadErrConstructor Test cases(s): typecheckshould_failtcfail086


Suggests the user to fill in the wildcard constraint to disambiguate which constraint that is.

Example: deriving instance _ => Eq (Foo f a)

Triggered by: DerivBadErrConstructor Test cases(s): partial-sigsshould_failT13324_fail2


Suggests to use an identifier other than forall Triggered by: TcRnForallIdentifier

SuggestAppropriateTHTick NameSpace

Suggests to use the appropriate Template Haskell tick: a single tick for a term-level NameSpace, or a double tick for a type-level NameSpace.

Triggered by: TcRnIncorrectNameSpace.


Suggests enabling -ddump-splices to help debug an issue when a Name is not in scope or is used in multiple different namespaces (e.g. both as a data constructor and a type constructor).

Concomitant with NoExactName or SameName errors, see e.g. "GHC.Rename.Env.lookupExactOcc_either". Test cases: T5971, T7241, T13937.

SuggestAddTick UntickedPromotedThing

Suggests adding a tick to refer to something which has been promoted to the type level, e.g. a data constructor.

Test cases: T9778, T19984.


Something is split off from its corresponding declaration. For example, a datatype is given a role declaration in a different module.

Test cases: T495, T8485, T2713, T5533.


  • SDoc

    fixity declaration, role annotation, type signature, ...

  • RdrName

    the RdrName for the declaration site

SuggestSimilarNames RdrName (NonEmpty SimilarName)

Suggest a similar name that the user might have meant, e.g. suggest traverse when the user has written travrese.

Test case: mod73.


Remind the user that the field selector has been suppressed because of -XNoFieldSelectors.

Test cases: NFSSuppressed, records-nofieldselectors.

ImportSuggestion ImportSuggestion

Suggest importing from a module, removing a hiding clause, or explain to the user that we couldn't find a module with the given ModuleName.

Test cases: mod28, mod36, mod87, mod114, ...


Suggest importing a data constructor to bring it into scope Triggered by: TcRnTypeCannotBeMarshaled

Test cases: ccfail004


Suggest using pattern matching syntax for a non-bidirectional pattern synonym

Test cases: patsynshould_failrecord-exquant typecheckshould_failT3176

SuggestSpecialiseVisibilityHints Name

Suggest tips for making a definition visible for the purpose of writing a SPECIALISE pragma for it in a different module.

Test cases: none


Instances details
Outputable GhcHint Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Hint.Ppr


ppr :: GhcHint -> SDoc Source #

data AvailableBindings Source #

The bindings we have available in scope when suggesting an explicit type signature.


NamedBindings (NonEmpty Name) 

An unknown binding (i.e. too complicated to turn into a Name)

data LanguageExtensionHint Source #


SuggestSingleExtension !SDoc !Extension

Suggest to enable the input extension. This is the hint that GHC emits if this is not a "known" fix, i.e. this is GHC giving its best guess on what extension might be necessary to make a certain program compile. For example, GHC might suggests to enable BlockArguments when the user simply formatted incorrectly the input program, so GHC here is trying to be as helpful as possible. If the input SDoc is not empty, it will contain some extra information about the why the extension is required, but it's totally irrelevant/redundant for IDEs and other tools.

SuggestAnyExtension !SDoc [Extension]

Suggest to enable the input extensions. The list is to be intended as disjunctive i.e. the user is suggested to enable any of the extensions listed. If the input SDoc is not empty, it will contain some extra information about the why the extensions are required, but it's totally irrelevant/redundant for IDEs and other tools.

SuggestExtensions !SDoc [Extension]

Suggest to enable the input extensions. The list is to be intended as conjunctive i.e. the user is suggested to enable all the extensions listed. If the input SDoc is not empty, it will contain some extra information about the why the extensions are required, but it's totally irrelevant/redundant for IDEs and other tools.

SuggestExtensionInOrderTo !SDoc !Extension

Suggest to enable the input extension in order to fix a certain problem. This is the suggestion that GHC emits when is more-or-less clear "what's going on". For example, if both DeriveAnyClass and GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving are turned on, the right thing to do is to enabled DerivingStrategies, so in contrast to SuggestSingleExtension GHC will be a bit more "imperative" (i.e. "Use X Y Z in order to ... "). If the input SDoc is not empty, it will contain some extra information about the why the extensions are required, but it's totally irrelevant/redundant for IDEs and other tools.

suggestExtension :: Extension -> GhcHint Source #

Suggests a single extension without extra user info.

suggestExtensionWithInfo :: SDoc -> Extension -> GhcHint Source #

Like suggestExtension but allows supplying extra info for the user.

suggestExtensions :: [Extension] -> GhcHint Source #

Suggests to enable every extension in the list.

suggestExtensionsWithInfo :: SDoc -> [Extension] -> GhcHint Source #

Like suggestExtensions but allows supplying extra info for the user.

suggestAnyExtension :: [Extension] -> GhcHint Source #

Suggests to enable any extension in the list.

suggestAnyExtensionWithInfo :: SDoc -> [Extension] -> GhcHint Source #

Like suggestAnyExtension but allows supplying extra info for the user.

noHints :: [GhcHint] Source #

Helper function to use when no hints can be provided. Currently this function can be used to construct plain DiagnosticMessage and add hints to them, but once #18516 will be fully executed, the main usage of this function would be in the implementation of the diagnosticHints typeclass method, to report the fact that a particular Diagnostic has no hints.

Rendering Messages

data SDoc Source #

Represents a pretty-printable document.

To display an SDoc, use printSDoc, printSDocLn, bufLeftRenderSDoc, or renderWithContext. Avoid calling runSDoc directly as it breaks the abstraction layer.


Instances details
IsString SDoc Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


fromString :: String -> SDoc #

IsDoc SDoc Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable

Associated Types

type Line SDoc = (r :: Type) Source #

IsLine SDoc Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable

IsOutput SDoc Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable

Outputable SDoc Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


ppr :: SDoc -> SDoc Source #

OutputableP env SDoc Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable


pdoc :: env -> SDoc -> SDoc Source #

type Line SDoc Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.Outputable

type Line SDoc = SDoc

data DecoratedSDoc Source #

A DecoratedSDoc is isomorphic to a '[SDoc]' but it carries the invariant that the input '[SDoc]' needs to be rendered decorated into its final form, where the typical case would be adding bullets between each elements of the list. The type of decoration depends on the formatting function used, but in practice GHC uses the formatBulleted.

mkDecorated :: [SDoc] -> DecoratedSDoc Source #

Creates a new DecoratedSDoc out of a list of SDoc.

mkSimpleDecorated :: SDoc -> DecoratedSDoc Source #

Creates a new DecoratedSDoc out of a single SDoc

unionDecoratedSDoc :: DecoratedSDoc -> DecoratedSDoc -> DecoratedSDoc Source #

Joins two DecoratedSDoc together. The resulting DecoratedSDoc will have a number of entries which is the sum of the lengths of the input.

mapDecoratedSDoc :: (SDoc -> SDoc) -> DecoratedSDoc -> DecoratedSDoc Source #

Apply a transformation function to all elements of a DecoratedSDoc.

mkLocMessage Source #


:: MessageClass

What kind of message?

-> SrcSpan


-> SDoc


-> SDoc 

mkLocMessageWarningGroups Source #


:: Bool

Print warning groups (if applicable)?

-> MessageClass

What kind of message?

-> SrcSpan


-> SDoc


-> SDoc 

Make an error message with location info, specifying whether to show warning groups (if applicable).


isIntrinsicErrorMessage :: Diagnostic e => MsgEnvelope e -> Bool Source #

Returns True if this is, intrinsically, a failure. See Note [Intrinsic And Extrinsic Failures].

isExtrinsicErrorMessage :: MsgEnvelope e -> Bool Source #

Returns True if the envelope contains a message that will stop compilation: either an intrinsic error or a fatal (-Werror) warning

partitionMessages :: Diagnostic e => Messages e -> (Messages e, Messages e) Source #

Partitions the Messages and returns a tuple which first element are the warnings, and the second the errors.

errorsFound :: Diagnostic e => Messages e -> Bool Source #

Are there any hard errors here? -Werror warnings are not detected. If you want to check for -Werror warnings, use errorsOrFatalWarningsFound.

errorsOrFatalWarningsFound :: Messages e -> Bool Source #

Are there any errors or -Werror warnings here?

Diagnostic codes

data DiagnosticCode Source #

A diagnostic code is a namespaced numeric identifier unique to the given diagnostic (error or warning).

All diagnostic codes defined within GHC are given the GHC namespace.

See Note [Diagnostic codes] in GHC.Types.Error.Codes.





Instances details
Outputable DiagnosticCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Types.Error