-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module GHC.Core.Unify (
        tcMatchTy, tcMatchTyKi,
        tcMatchTys, tcMatchTyKis,
        tcMatchTyX, tcMatchTysX, tcMatchTyKisX,
        tcMatchTyX_BM, ruleMatchTyKiX,

        -- * Rough matching
        RoughMatchTc(..), roughMatchTcs, instanceCantMatch,
        typesCantMatch, isRoughOtherTc,

        -- Side-effect free unification
        tcUnifyTy, tcUnifyTyKi, tcUnifyTys, tcUnifyTyKis,
        tcUnifyTysFG, tcUnifyTyWithTFs,
        BindFun, BindFlag(..), matchBindFun, alwaysBindFun,
        UnifyResult, UnifyResultM(..), MaybeApartReason(..),

        -- Matching a type against a lifted type (coercion)

        -- The core flattening algorithm
        flattenTys, flattenTysX
   ) where

#include "GhclibHsVersions.h"

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Types.Var
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Types.Name( Name, mkSysTvName, mkSystemVarName )
import GHC.Core.Type     hiding ( getTvSubstEnv )
import GHC.Core.Coercion hiding ( getCvSubstEnv )
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs   ( tyCoVarsOfCoList, tyCoFVsOfTypes )
import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst ( mkTvSubst )
import GHC.Core.Map.Type
import GHC.Utils.FV( FV, fvVarSet, fvVarList )
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Data.Pair
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Types.Unique
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
import GHC.Exts( oneShot )
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Data.FastString

import Data.Data ( Data )
import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S


Unification is much tricker than you might think.

1. The substitution we generate binds the *template type variables*
   which are given to us explicitly.

2. We want to match in the presence of foralls;
        e.g     (forall a. t1) ~ (forall b. t2)

   That is what the RnEnv2 is for; it does the alpha-renaming
   that makes it as if a and b were the same variable.
   Initialising the RnEnv2, so that it can generate a fresh
   binder when necessary, entails knowing the free variables of
   both types.

3. We must be careful not to bind a template type variable to a
   locally bound variable.  E.g.
        (forall a. x) ~ (forall b. b)
   where x is the template type variable.  Then we do not want to
   bind x to a/b!  This is a kind of occurs check.
   The necessary locals accumulate in the RnEnv2.

Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi]
This module offers two variants of matching: with kinds and without.
The TyKi variant takes two types, of potentially different kinds,
and matches them. Along the way, it necessarily also matches their
kinds. The Ty variant instead assumes that the kinds are already
eqType and so skips matching up the kinds.

How do you choose between them?

1. If you know that the kinds of the two types are eqType, use
   the Ty variant. It is more efficient, as it does less work.

2. If the kinds of variables in the template type might mention type families,
   use the Ty variant (and do other work to make sure the kinds
   work out). These pure unification functions do a straightforward
   syntactic unification and do no complex reasoning about type
   families. Note that the types of the variables in instances can indeed
   mention type families, so instance lookup must use the Ty variant.

   (Nothing goes terribly wrong -- no panics -- if there might be type
   families in kinds in the TyKi variant. You just might get match
   failure even though a reducing a type family would lead to success.)

3. Otherwise, if you're sure that the variable kinds do not mention
   type families and you're not already sure that the kind of the template
   equals the kind of the target, then use the TyKi version.

-- | Some unification functions are parameterised by a 'BindFun', which
-- says whether or not to allow a certain unification to take place.
-- A 'BindFun' takes the 'TyVar' involved along with the 'Type' it will
-- potentially be bound to.
-- It is possible for the variable to actually be a coercion variable
-- (Note [Matching coercion variables]), but only when one-way matching.
-- In this case, the 'Type' will be a 'CoercionTy'.
type BindFun = TyCoVar -> Type -> BindFlag

-- | @tcMatchTy t1 t2@ produces a substitution (over fvs(t1))
-- @s@ such that @s(t1)@ equals @t2@.
-- The returned substitution might bind coercion variables,
-- if the variable is an argument to a GADT constructor.
-- Precondition: typeKind ty1 `eqType` typeKind ty2
-- We don't pass in a set of "template variables" to be bound
-- by the match, because tcMatchTy (and similar functions) are
-- always used on top-level types, so we can bind any of the
-- free variables of the LHS.
-- See also Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi]
tcMatchTy :: Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTy :: Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTy Type
ty1 Type
ty2 = [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTys [Type
ty1] [Type

tcMatchTyX_BM :: BindFun -> TCvSubst
              -> Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTyX_BM :: BindFun -> TCvSubst -> Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTyX_BM BindFun
bind_me TCvSubst
subst Type
ty1 Type
  = BindFun -> Bool -> TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys_x BindFun
bind_me Bool
False TCvSubst
subst [Type
ty1] [Type

-- | Like 'tcMatchTy', but allows the kinds of the types to differ,
-- and thus matches them as well.
-- See also Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi]
tcMatchTyKi :: Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTyKi :: Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTyKi Type
ty1 Type
  = BindFun -> Bool -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys BindFun
alwaysBindFun Bool
True [Type
ty1] [Type

-- | This is similar to 'tcMatchTy', but extends a substitution
-- See also Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi]
tcMatchTyX :: TCvSubst            -- ^ Substitution to extend
           -> Type                -- ^ Template
           -> Type                -- ^ Target
           -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTyX :: TCvSubst -> Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTyX TCvSubst
subst Type
ty1 Type
  = BindFun -> Bool -> TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys_x BindFun
alwaysBindFun Bool
False TCvSubst
subst [Type
ty1] [Type

-- | Like 'tcMatchTy' but over a list of types.
-- See also Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi]
tcMatchTys :: [Type]         -- ^ Template
           -> [Type]         -- ^ Target
           -> Maybe TCvSubst -- ^ One-shot; in principle the template
                             -- variables could be free in the target
tcMatchTys :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTys [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = BindFun -> Bool -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys BindFun
alwaysBindFun Bool
False [Type]
tys1 [Type]

-- | Like 'tcMatchTyKi' but over a list of types.
-- See also Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi]
tcMatchTyKis :: [Type]         -- ^ Template
             -> [Type]         -- ^ Target
             -> Maybe TCvSubst -- ^ One-shot substitution
tcMatchTyKis :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTyKis [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = BindFun -> Bool -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys BindFun
alwaysBindFun Bool
True [Type]
tys1 [Type]

-- | Like 'tcMatchTys', but extending a substitution
-- See also Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi]
tcMatchTysX :: TCvSubst       -- ^ Substitution to extend
            -> [Type]         -- ^ Template
            -> [Type]         -- ^ Target
            -> Maybe TCvSubst -- ^ One-shot substitution
tcMatchTysX :: TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTysX TCvSubst
subst [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = BindFun -> Bool -> TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys_x BindFun
alwaysBindFun Bool
False TCvSubst
subst [Type]
tys1 [Type]

-- | Like 'tcMatchTyKis', but extending a substitution
-- See also Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi]
tcMatchTyKisX :: TCvSubst        -- ^ Substitution to extend
              -> [Type]          -- ^ Template
              -> [Type]          -- ^ Target
              -> Maybe TCvSubst  -- ^ One-shot substitution
tcMatchTyKisX :: TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcMatchTyKisX TCvSubst
subst [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = BindFun -> Bool -> TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys_x BindFun
alwaysBindFun Bool
True TCvSubst
subst [Type]
tys1 [Type]

-- | Same as tc_match_tys_x, but starts with an empty substitution
tc_match_tys :: BindFun
             -> Bool          -- ^ match kinds?
             -> [Type]
             -> [Type]
             -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys :: BindFun -> Bool -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys BindFun
bind_me Bool
match_kis [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = BindFun -> Bool -> TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys_x BindFun
bind_me Bool
match_kis (InScopeSet -> TCvSubst
mkEmptyTCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope) [Type]
tys1 [Type]
    in_scope :: InScopeSet
in_scope = VarSet -> InScopeSet
mkInScopeSet ([Type] -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfTypes [Type]
tys1 VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
`unionVarSet` [Type] -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfTypes [Type]

-- | Worker for 'tcMatchTysX' and 'tcMatchTyKisX'
tc_match_tys_x :: BindFun
               -> Bool          -- ^ match kinds?
               -> TCvSubst
               -> [Type]
               -> [Type]
               -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys_x :: BindFun -> Bool -> TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tc_match_tys_x BindFun
bind_me Bool
match_kis (TCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope TvSubstEnv
tv_env CvSubstEnv
cv_env) [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = case BindFun
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> RnEnv2
-> TvSubstEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Type]
-> UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
tc_unify_tys BindFun
False  -- Matching, not unifying
False  -- Not an injectivity check
                      (InScopeSet -> RnEnv2
mkRnEnv2 InScopeSet
in_scope) TvSubstEnv
tv_env CvSubstEnv
cv_env [Type]
tys1 [Type]
tys2 of
      Unifiable (TvSubstEnv
tv_env', CvSubstEnv
        -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
TCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope TvSubstEnv
tv_env' CvSubstEnv
      UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
_ -> forall a. Maybe a

-- | This one is called from the expression matcher,
-- which already has a MatchEnv in hand
  :: TyCoVarSet          -- ^ template variables
  -> RnEnv2
  -> TvSubstEnv          -- ^ type substitution to extend
  -> Type                -- ^ Template
  -> Type                -- ^ Target
  -> Maybe TvSubstEnv
ruleMatchTyKiX :: VarSet -> RnEnv2 -> TvSubstEnv -> Type -> Type -> Maybe TvSubstEnv
ruleMatchTyKiX VarSet
tmpl_tvs RnEnv2
rn_env TvSubstEnv
tenv Type
tmpl Type
-- See Note [Kind coercions in Unify]
  = case BindFun
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> RnEnv2
-> TvSubstEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Type]
-> UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
tc_unify_tys (VarSet -> BindFun
matchBindFun VarSet
tmpl_tvs) Bool
False Bool
True -- <-- this means to match the kinds
rn_env TvSubstEnv
tenv CvSubstEnv
emptyCvSubstEnv [Type
tmpl] [Type
target] of
      Unifiable (TvSubstEnv
tenv', CvSubstEnv
_) -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just TvSubstEnv
      UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
_                    -> forall a. Maybe a

-- | Allow binding only for any variable in the set. Variables may
-- be bound to any type.
-- Used when doing simple matching; e.g. can we find a substitution
-- @
-- S = [a :-> t1, b :-> t2] such that
--     S( Maybe (a, b->Int )  =   Maybe (Bool, Char -> Int)
-- @
matchBindFun :: TyCoVarSet -> BindFun
matchBindFun :: VarSet -> BindFun
matchBindFun VarSet
tvs OutTyVar
tv Type
  | OutTyVar
tv OutTyVar -> VarSet -> Bool
`elemVarSet` VarSet
tvs = BindFlag
  | Bool
otherwise           = BindFlag

-- | Allow the binding of any variable to any type
alwaysBindFun :: BindFun
alwaysBindFun :: BindFun
alwaysBindFun OutTyVar
_tv Type
_ty = BindFlag

{- *********************************************************************
*                                                                      *
                Rough matching
*                                                                      *
********************************************************************* -}

{- Note [Rough matching in class and family instances]
  instance C (Maybe [Tree a]) Bool
and suppose we are looking up
     C Bool Bool

We can very quickly rule the instance out, because the first
argument is headed by Maybe, whereas in the constraint we are looking
up has first argument headed by Bool.  These "headed by" TyCons are
called the "rough match TyCons" of the constraint or instance.
They are used for a quick filter, to check when an instance cannot
possibly match.

The main motivation is to avoid sucking in whole instance
declarations that are utterly useless.  See GHC.Core.InstEnv
Note [ClsInst laziness and the rough-match fields].

INVARIANT: a rough-match TyCons `tc` is always a real, generative tycon,
like Maybe or Either, including a newtype or a data family, both of
which are generative. It replies True to `isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal`.

But it is never
    - A type synonym
      E.g. Int and (S Bool) might match
           if (S Bool) is a synonym for Int

    - A type family (#19336)
      E.g.   (Just a) and (F a) might match if (F a) reduces to (Just a)
             albeit perhaps only after 'a' is instantiated.

data RoughMatchTc
  = KnownTc Name   -- INVARIANT: Name refers to a TyCon tc that responds
                   -- true to `isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal`. See
                   -- Note [Rough matching in class and family instances]
  | OtherTc        -- e.g. type variable at the head
  deriving( Typeable RoughMatchTc
RoughMatchTc -> DataType
RoughMatchTc -> Constr
(forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> RoughMatchTc -> RoughMatchTc
forall a.
Typeable a
-> (forall (c :: * -> *).
    (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b)
    -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> a -> c a)
-> (forall (c :: * -> *).
    (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r)
    -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c a)
-> (a -> Constr)
-> (a -> DataType)
-> (forall (t :: * -> *) (c :: * -> *).
    Typeable t =>
    (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c a))
-> (forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (c :: * -> *).
    Typeable t =>
    (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c a))
-> ((forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> a -> a)
-> (forall r r'.
    (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> a -> r)
-> (forall r r'.
    (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> a -> r)
-> (forall u. (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> a -> [u])
-> (forall u. Arity -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> a -> u)
-> (forall (m :: * -> *).
    Monad m =>
    (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> a -> m a)
-> (forall (m :: * -> *).
    MonadPlus m =>
    (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> a -> m a)
-> (forall (m :: * -> *).
    MonadPlus m =>
    (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> a -> m a)
-> Data a
forall u.
Arity -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> RoughMatchTc -> u
forall u. (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> RoughMatchTc -> [u]
forall r r'.
(r -> r' -> r)
-> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> RoughMatchTc -> r
forall r r'.
(r' -> r -> r)
-> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> RoughMatchTc -> r
forall (m :: * -> *).
Monad m =>
(forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> RoughMatchTc -> m RoughMatchTc
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadPlus m =>
(forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> RoughMatchTc -> m RoughMatchTc
forall (c :: * -> *).
(forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r)
-> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c RoughMatchTc
forall (c :: * -> *).
(forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b)
-> (forall g. g -> c g) -> RoughMatchTc -> c RoughMatchTc
forall (t :: * -> *) (c :: * -> *).
Typeable t =>
(forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c RoughMatchTc)
forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (c :: * -> *).
Typeable t =>
(forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e))
-> Maybe (c RoughMatchTc)
gmapMo :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadPlus m =>
(forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> RoughMatchTc -> m RoughMatchTc
$cgmapMo :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadPlus m =>
(forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> RoughMatchTc -> m RoughMatchTc
gmapMp :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadPlus m =>
(forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> RoughMatchTc -> m RoughMatchTc
$cgmapMp :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadPlus m =>
(forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> RoughMatchTc -> m RoughMatchTc
gmapM :: forall (m :: * -> *).
Monad m =>
(forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> RoughMatchTc -> m RoughMatchTc
$cgmapM :: forall (m :: * -> *).
Monad m =>
(forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> RoughMatchTc -> m RoughMatchTc
gmapQi :: forall u.
Arity -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> RoughMatchTc -> u
$cgmapQi :: forall u.
Arity -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> RoughMatchTc -> u
gmapQ :: forall u. (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> RoughMatchTc -> [u]
$cgmapQ :: forall u. (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> RoughMatchTc -> [u]
gmapQr :: forall r r'.
(r' -> r -> r)
-> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> RoughMatchTc -> r
$cgmapQr :: forall r r'.
(r' -> r -> r)
-> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> RoughMatchTc -> r
gmapQl :: forall r r'.
(r -> r' -> r)
-> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> RoughMatchTc -> r
$cgmapQl :: forall r r'.
(r -> r' -> r)
-> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> RoughMatchTc -> r
gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> RoughMatchTc -> RoughMatchTc
$cgmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> RoughMatchTc -> RoughMatchTc
dataCast2 :: forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (c :: * -> *).
Typeable t =>
(forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e))
-> Maybe (c RoughMatchTc)
$cdataCast2 :: forall (t :: * -> * -> *) (c :: * -> *).
Typeable t =>
(forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e))
-> Maybe (c RoughMatchTc)
dataCast1 :: forall (t :: * -> *) (c :: * -> *).
Typeable t =>
(forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c RoughMatchTc)
$cdataCast1 :: forall (t :: * -> *) (c :: * -> *).
Typeable t =>
(forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c RoughMatchTc)
dataTypeOf :: RoughMatchTc -> DataType
$cdataTypeOf :: RoughMatchTc -> DataType
toConstr :: RoughMatchTc -> Constr
$ctoConstr :: RoughMatchTc -> Constr
gunfold :: forall (c :: * -> *).
(forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r)
-> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c RoughMatchTc
$cgunfold :: forall (c :: * -> *).
(forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r)
-> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c RoughMatchTc
gfoldl :: forall (c :: * -> *).
(forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b)
-> (forall g. g -> c g) -> RoughMatchTc -> c RoughMatchTc
$cgfoldl :: forall (c :: * -> *).
(forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b)
-> (forall g. g -> c g) -> RoughMatchTc -> c RoughMatchTc
Data )

isRoughOtherTc :: RoughMatchTc -> Bool
isRoughOtherTc :: RoughMatchTc -> Bool
isRoughOtherTc RoughMatchTc
OtherTc      = Bool
isRoughOtherTc (KnownTc {}) = Bool

roughMatchTcs :: [Type] -> [RoughMatchTc]
roughMatchTcs :: [Type] -> [RoughMatchTc]
roughMatchTcs [Type]
tys = forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Type -> RoughMatchTc
rough [Type]
    rough :: Type -> RoughMatchTc
rough Type
      | Just (Type
ty', Coercion
_) <- Type -> Maybe (Type, Coercion)
splitCastTy_maybe Type
ty   = Type -> RoughMatchTc
rough Type
      | Just (TyCon
_)   <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
splitTyConApp_maybe Type
      , Bool -> Bool
not (TyCon -> Bool
isTypeFamilyTyCon TyCon
tc)              = ASSERT2( isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal, ppr tc )
                                                  Name -> RoughMatchTc
KnownTc (TyCon -> Name
tyConName TyCon
        -- See Note [Rough matching in class and family instances]
      | Bool
otherwise                               = RoughMatchTc

instanceCantMatch :: [RoughMatchTc] -> [RoughMatchTc] -> Bool
-- (instanceCantMatch tcs1 tcs2) returns True if tcs1 cannot
-- possibly be instantiated to actual, nor vice versa;
-- False is non-committal
instanceCantMatch :: [RoughMatchTc] -> [RoughMatchTc] -> Bool
instanceCantMatch (RoughMatchTc
mt : [RoughMatchTc]
ts) (RoughMatchTc
ma : [RoughMatchTc]
as) = RoughMatchTc -> RoughMatchTc -> Bool
itemCantMatch RoughMatchTc
mt RoughMatchTc
ma Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| [RoughMatchTc] -> [RoughMatchTc] -> Bool
instanceCantMatch [RoughMatchTc]
ts [RoughMatchTc]
instanceCantMatch [RoughMatchTc]
_         [RoughMatchTc]
_         =  Bool
False  -- Safe

itemCantMatch :: RoughMatchTc -> RoughMatchTc -> Bool
itemCantMatch :: RoughMatchTc -> RoughMatchTc -> Bool
itemCantMatch (KnownTc Name
t) (KnownTc Name
a) = Name
t forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Name
itemCantMatch RoughMatchTc
_           RoughMatchTc
_           = Bool

*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *

Note [Pruning dead case alternatives]
Consider        data T a where
                   T1 :: T Int
                   T2 :: T a

                newtype X = MkX Int
                newtype Y = MkY Char

                type family F a
                type instance F Bool = Int

Now consider    case x of { T1 -> e1; T2 -> e2 }

The question before the house is this: if I know something about the type
of x, can I prune away the T1 alternative?

Suppose x::T Char.  It's impossible to construct a (T Char) using T1,
        Answer = YES we can prune the T1 branch (clearly)

Suppose x::T (F a), where 'a' is in scope.  Then 'a' might be instantiated
to 'Bool', in which case x::T Int, so
        ANSWER = NO (clearly)

We see here that we want precisely the apartness check implemented within
tcUnifyTysFG. So that's what we do! Two types cannot match if they are surely
apart. Note that since we are simply dropping dead code, a conservative test

-- | Given a list of pairs of types, are any two members of a pair surely
-- apart, even after arbitrary type function evaluation and substitution?
typesCantMatch :: [(Type,Type)] -> Bool
-- See Note [Pruning dead case alternatives]
typesCantMatch :: [(Type, Type)] -> Bool
typesCantMatch [(Type, Type)]
prs = forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
any (forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry Type -> Type -> Bool
cant_match) [(Type, Type)]
    cant_match :: Type -> Type -> Bool
    cant_match :: Type -> Type -> Bool
cant_match Type
t1 Type
t2 = case BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UnifyResult
tcUnifyTysFG BindFun
alwaysBindFun [Type
t1] [Type
t2] of
SurelyApart -> Bool
_           -> Bool

*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *

Note [Fine-grained unification]
Do the types (x, x) and ([y], y) unify? The answer is seemingly "no" --
no substitution to finite types makes these match. But, a substitution to
*infinite* types can unify these two types: [x |-> [[[...]]], y |-> [[[...]]] ].
Why do we care? Consider these two type family instances:

type instance F x x   = Int
type instance F [y] y = Bool

If we also have

type instance Looper = [Looper]

then the instances potentially overlap. The solution is to use unification
over infinite terms. This is possible (see [1] for lots of gory details), but
a full algorithm is a little more power than we need. Instead, we make a
conservative approximation and just omit the occurs check.

[1]: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/simonpj/papers/ext-f/axioms-extended.pdf

tcUnifyTys considers an occurs-check problem as the same as general unification

tcUnifyTysFG ("fine-grained") returns one of three results: success, occurs-check
failure ("MaybeApart"), or general failure ("SurelyApart").

See also #8162.

It's worth noting that unification in the presence of infinite types is not
complete. This means that, sometimes, a closed type family does not reduce
when it should. See test case indexed-types/should_fail/Overlap15 for an

Note [Unificiation result]
When unifying t1 ~ t2, we return
* Unifiable s, if s is a substitution such that s(t1) is syntactically the
  same as s(t2), modulo type-synonym expansion.
* SurelyApart, if there is no substitution s such that s(t1) = s(t2),
  where "=" includes type-family reductions.
* MaybeApart mar s, when we aren't sure. `mar` is a MaybeApartReason.

* [a] ~ Maybe b: SurelyApart, because [] and Maybe can't unify
* [(a,Int)] ~ [(Bool,b)]:  Unifiable
* [F Int] ~ [Bool]: MaybeApart MARTypeFamily, because F Int might reduce to Bool (the unifier
                    does not try this)
* a ~ Maybe a: MaybeApart MARInfinite. Not Unifiable clearly, but not SurelyApart either; consider
       a := Loop
       where  type family Loop where Loop = Maybe Loop

There is the possibility that two types are MaybeApart for *both* reasons:

* (a, F Int) ~ (Maybe a, Bool)

What reason should we use? The *only* consumer of the reason is described
in Note [Infinitary substitution in lookup] in GHC.Core.InstEnv. The goal
there is identify which instances might match a target later (but don't
match now) -- except that we want to ignore the possibility of infinitary
substitutions. So let's examine a concrete scenario:

  class C a b c
  instance C a (Maybe a) Bool
  -- other instances, including one that will actually match
  [W] C b b (F Int)

Do we want the instance as a future possibility? No. The only way that
instance can match is in the presence of an infinite type (infinitely
nested Maybes). We thus say that MARInfinite takes precedence, so that
InstEnv treats this case as an infinitary substitution case; the fact
that a type family is involved is only incidental. We thus define
the Semigroup instance for MaybeApartReason to prefer MARInfinite.

Note [The substitution in MaybeApart]
The constructor MaybeApart carries data with it, typically a TvSubstEnv. Why?
Because consider unifying these:

(a, a, Int) ~ (b, [b], Bool)

If we go left-to-right, we start with [a |-> b]. Then, on the middle terms, we
apply the subst we have so far and discover that we need [b |-> [b]]. Because
this fails the occurs check, we say that the types are MaybeApart (see above
Note [Fine-grained unification]). But, we can't stop there! Because if we
continue, we discover that Int is SurelyApart from Bool, and therefore the
types are apart. This has practical consequences for the ability for closed
type family applications to reduce. See test case


-- | Simple unification of two types; all type variables are bindable
-- Precondition: the kinds are already equal
tcUnifyTy :: Type -> Type       -- All tyvars are bindable
          -> Maybe TCvSubst
                       -- A regular one-shot (idempotent) substitution
tcUnifyTy :: Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTy Type
t1 Type
t2 = BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTys BindFun
alwaysBindFun [Type
t1] [Type

-- | Like 'tcUnifyTy', but also unifies the kinds
tcUnifyTyKi :: Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTyKi :: Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTyKi Type
t1 Type
t2 = BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTyKis BindFun
alwaysBindFun [Type
t1] [Type

-- | Unify two types, treating type family applications as possibly unifying
-- with anything and looking through injective type family applications.
-- Precondition: kinds are the same
tcUnifyTyWithTFs :: Bool  -- ^ True <=> do two-way unification;
                          --   False <=> do one-way matching.
                          --   See end of sec 5.2 from the paper
                 -> Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
-- This algorithm is an implementation of the "Algorithm U" presented in
-- the paper "Injective type families for Haskell", Figures 2 and 3.
-- The code is incorporated with the standard unifier for convenience, but
-- its operation should match the specification in the paper.
tcUnifyTyWithTFs :: Bool -> Type -> Type -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTyWithTFs Bool
twoWay Type
t1 Type
  = case BindFun
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> RnEnv2
-> TvSubstEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Type]
-> UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
tc_unify_tys BindFun
alwaysBindFun Bool
twoWay Bool
True Bool
rn_env TvSubstEnv
emptyTvSubstEnv CvSubstEnv
t1] [Type
t2] of
      Unifiable          (TvSubstEnv
subst, CvSubstEnv
_) -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
maybe_fix TvSubstEnv
      MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
_reason (TvSubstEnv
subst, CvSubstEnv
_) -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
maybe_fix TvSubstEnv
      -- we want to *succeed* in questionable cases. This is a
      -- pre-unification algorithm.
      UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
SurelyApart      -> forall a. Maybe a
    in_scope :: InScopeSet
in_scope = VarSet -> InScopeSet
mkInScopeSet forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Type] -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfTypes [Type
t1, Type
    rn_env :: RnEnv2
rn_env   = InScopeSet -> RnEnv2
mkRnEnv2 InScopeSet

    maybe_fix :: TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
maybe_fix | Bool
twoWay    = TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
              | Bool
otherwise = InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
mkTvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope -- when matching, don't confuse
                                               -- domain with range

tcUnifyTys :: BindFun
           -> [Type] -> [Type]
           -> Maybe TCvSubst
                                -- ^ A regular one-shot (idempotent) substitution
                                -- that unifies the erased types. See comments
                                -- for 'tcUnifyTysFG'

-- The two types may have common type variables, and indeed do so in the
-- second call to tcUnifyTys in GHC.Tc.Instance.FunDeps.checkClsFD
tcUnifyTys :: BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTys BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = case BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UnifyResult
tcUnifyTysFG BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]
tys2 of
      Unifiable TCvSubst
result -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just TCvSubst
_                -> forall a. Maybe a

-- | Like 'tcUnifyTys' but also unifies the kinds
tcUnifyTyKis :: BindFun
             -> [Type] -> [Type]
             -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTyKis :: BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Maybe TCvSubst
tcUnifyTyKis BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = case BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UnifyResult
tcUnifyTyKisFG BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]
tys2 of
      Unifiable TCvSubst
result -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just TCvSubst
_                -> forall a. Maybe a

-- This type does double-duty. It is used in the UM (unifier monad) and to
-- return the final result. See Note [Fine-grained unification]
type UnifyResult = UnifyResultM TCvSubst

-- | See Note [Unificiation result]
data UnifyResultM a = Unifiable a        -- the subst that unifies the types
                    | MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
                                 a       -- the subst has as much as we know
                                         -- it must be part of a most general unifier
                                         -- See Note [The substitution in MaybeApart]
                    | SurelyApart
                    deriving forall a b. a -> UnifyResultM b -> UnifyResultM a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> UnifyResultM a -> UnifyResultM b
forall (f :: * -> *).
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> (forall a b. a -> f b -> f a) -> Functor f
<$ :: forall a b. a -> UnifyResultM b -> UnifyResultM a
$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> UnifyResultM b -> UnifyResultM a
fmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> UnifyResultM a -> UnifyResultM b
$cfmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> UnifyResultM a -> UnifyResultM b

-- | Why are two types 'MaybeApart'? 'MARTypeFamily' takes precedence:
-- This is used (only) in Note [Infinitary substitution in lookup] in GHC.Core.InstEnv
data MaybeApartReason = MARTypeFamily   -- ^ matching e.g. F Int ~? Bool
                      | MARInfinite     -- ^ matching e.g. a ~? Maybe a

instance Outputable MaybeApartReason where
  ppr :: MaybeApartReason -> SDoc
ppr MaybeApartReason
MARTypeFamily = String -> SDoc
text String
  ppr MaybeApartReason
MARInfinite   = String -> SDoc
text String

instance Semigroup MaybeApartReason where
  -- see end of Note [Unification result] for why
MARTypeFamily <> :: MaybeApartReason -> MaybeApartReason -> MaybeApartReason
<> MaybeApartReason
r = MaybeApartReason
MARInfinite   <> MaybeApartReason
_ = MaybeApartReason

instance Applicative UnifyResultM where
  pure :: forall a. a -> UnifyResultM a
pure  = forall a. a -> UnifyResultM a
  <*> :: forall a b.
UnifyResultM (a -> b) -> UnifyResultM a -> UnifyResultM b
(<*>) = forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

instance Monad UnifyResultM where
  UnifyResultM a
SurelyApart  >>= :: forall a b.
UnifyResultM a -> (a -> UnifyResultM b) -> UnifyResultM b
>>= a -> UnifyResultM b
_ = forall a. UnifyResultM a
  MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
r1 a
x >>= a -> UnifyResultM b
f = case a -> UnifyResultM b
f a
x of
                            Unifiable b
y     -> forall a. MaybeApartReason -> a -> UnifyResultM a
MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
r1 b
                            MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
r2 b
y -> forall a. MaybeApartReason -> a -> UnifyResultM a
MaybeApart (MaybeApartReason
r1 forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
S.<> MaybeApartReason
r2) b
                            UnifyResultM b
SurelyApart     -> forall a. UnifyResultM a
  Unifiable a
x  >>= a -> UnifyResultM b
f = a -> UnifyResultM b
f a

-- | @tcUnifyTysFG bind_tv tys1 tys2@ attempts to find a substitution @s@ (whose
-- domain elements all respond 'BindMe' to @bind_tv@) such that
-- @s(tys1)@ and that of @s(tys2)@ are equal, as witnessed by the returned
-- Coercions. This version requires that the kinds of the types are the same,
-- if you unify left-to-right.
tcUnifyTysFG :: BindFun
             -> [Type] -> [Type]
             -> UnifyResult
tcUnifyTysFG :: BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UnifyResult
tcUnifyTysFG BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = Bool -> BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UnifyResult
tc_unify_tys_fg Bool
False BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]

tcUnifyTyKisFG :: BindFun
               -> [Type] -> [Type]
               -> UnifyResult
tcUnifyTyKisFG :: BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UnifyResult
tcUnifyTyKisFG BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = Bool -> BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UnifyResult
tc_unify_tys_fg Bool
True BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]

tc_unify_tys_fg :: Bool
                -> BindFun
                -> [Type] -> [Type]
                -> UnifyResult
tc_unify_tys_fg :: Bool -> BindFun -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UnifyResult
tc_unify_tys_fg Bool
match_kis BindFun
bind_fn [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = do { (TvSubstEnv
env, CvSubstEnv
_) <- BindFun
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> RnEnv2
-> TvSubstEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Type]
-> UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
tc_unify_tys BindFun
bind_fn Bool
True Bool
False Bool
match_kis RnEnv2
emptyTvSubstEnv CvSubstEnv
tys1 [Type]
       ; forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
niFixTCvSubst TvSubstEnv
env }
    vars :: VarSet
vars = [Type] -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfTypes [Type]
tys1 VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
`unionVarSet` [Type] -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfTypes [Type]
    env :: RnEnv2
env  = InScopeSet -> RnEnv2
mkRnEnv2 forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ VarSet -> InScopeSet
mkInScopeSet VarSet

-- | This function is actually the one to call the unifier -- a little
-- too general for outside clients, though.
tc_unify_tys :: BindFun
             -> AmIUnifying -- ^ True <=> unify; False <=> match
             -> Bool        -- ^ True <=> doing an injectivity check
             -> Bool        -- ^ True <=> treat the kinds as well
             -> RnEnv2
             -> TvSubstEnv  -- ^ substitution to extend
             -> CvSubstEnv
             -> [Type] -> [Type]
             -> UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
-- NB: It's tempting to ASSERT here that, if we're not matching kinds, then
-- the kinds of the types should be the same. However, this doesn't work,
-- as the types may be a dependent telescope, where later types have kinds
-- that mention variables occurring earlier in the list of types. Here's an
-- example (from typecheck/should_fail/T12709):
--   template: [rep :: RuntimeRep,       a :: TYPE rep]
--   target:   [LiftedRep :: RuntimeRep, Int :: TYPE LiftedRep]
-- We can see that matching the first pair will make the kinds of the second
-- pair equal. Yet, we still don't need a separate pass to unify the kinds
-- of these types, so it's appropriate to use the Ty variant of unification.
-- See also Note [tcMatchTy vs tcMatchTyKi].
tc_unify_tys :: BindFun
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> RnEnv2
-> TvSubstEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Type]
-> UnifyResultM (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
tc_unify_tys BindFun
bind_fn Bool
unif Bool
inj_check Bool
match_kis RnEnv2
rn_env TvSubstEnv
tv_env CvSubstEnv
cv_env [Type]
tys1 [Type]
  = forall a. TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> UM a -> UnifyResultM a
initUM TvSubstEnv
tv_env CvSubstEnv
cv_env forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    do { forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when Bool
match_kis forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
         UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys UMEnv
env [Type]
kis1 [Type]
       ; UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys UMEnv
env [Type]
tys1 [Type]
       ; (,) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> UM TvSubstEnv
getTvSubstEnv forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> UM CvSubstEnv
getCvSubstEnv }
    env :: UMEnv
env = UMEnv { um_bind_fun :: BindFun
um_bind_fun = BindFun
                , um_skols :: VarSet
um_skols    = VarSet
                , um_unif :: Bool
um_unif     = Bool
                , um_inj_tf :: Bool
um_inj_tf   = Bool
                , um_rn_env :: RnEnv2
um_rn_env   = RnEnv2
rn_env }

    kis1 :: [Type]
kis1 = forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type
typeKind [Type]
    kis2 :: [Type]
kis2 = forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type
typeKind [Type]

instance Outputable a => Outputable (UnifyResultM a) where
  ppr :: UnifyResultM a -> SDoc
ppr UnifyResultM a
SurelyApart      = String -> SDoc
text String
  ppr (Unifiable a
x)    = String -> SDoc
text String
"Unifiable" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr a
  ppr (MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
r a
x) = String -> SDoc
text String
"MaybeApart" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr MaybeApartReason
r SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr a

*                                                                      *
                Non-idempotent substitution
*                                                                      *

Note [Non-idempotent substitution]
During unification we use a TvSubstEnv/CvSubstEnv pair that is
  (a) non-idempotent
  (b) loop-free; ie repeatedly applying it yields a fixed point

Note [Finding the substitution fixpoint]
Finding the fixpoint of a non-idempotent substitution arising from a
unification is much trickier than it looks, because of kinds.  Consider
   T k (H k (f:k)) ~ T * (g:*)
If we unify, we get the substitution
   [ k -> *
   , g -> H k (f:k) ]
To make it idempotent we don't want to get just
   [ k -> *
   , g -> H * (f:k) ]
We also want to substitute inside f's kind, to get
   [ k -> *
   , g -> H k (f:*) ]
If we don't do this, we may apply the substitution to something,
and get an ill-formed type, i.e. one where typeKind will fail.
This happened, for example, in #9106.

It gets worse.  In #14164 we wanted to take the fixpoint of
this substitution
   [ xs_asV :-> F a_aY6 (z_aY7 :: a_aY6)
                        (rest_aWF :: G a_aY6 (z_aY7 :: a_aY6))
   , a_aY6  :-> a_aXQ ]

We have to apply the substitution for a_aY6 two levels deep inside
the invocation of F!  We don't have a function that recursively
applies substitutions inside the kinds of variable occurrences (and
probably rightly so).

So, we work as follows:

 1. Start with the current substitution (which we are
    trying to fixpoint
       [ xs :-> F a (z :: a) (rest :: G a (z :: a))
       , a  :-> b ]

 2. Take all the free vars of the range of the substitution:
       {a, z, rest, b}
    NB: the free variable finder closes over
    the kinds of variable occurrences

 3. If none are in the domain of the substitution, stop.
    We have found a fixpoint.

 4. Remove the variables that are bound by the substitution, leaving
       {z, rest, b}

 5. Do a topo-sort to put them in dependency order:
       [ b :: *, z :: a, rest :: G a z ]

 6. Apply the substitution left-to-right to the kinds of these
    tyvars, extending it each time with a new binding, so we
    finish up with
       [ xs   :-> ..as before..
       , a    :-> b
       , b    :-> b    :: *
       , z    :-> z    :: b
       , rest :-> rest :: G b (z :: b) ]
    Note that rest now has the right kind

 7. Apply this extended substitution (once) to the range of
    the /original/ substitution.  (Note that we do the
    extended substitution would go on forever if you tried
    to find its fixpoint, because it maps z to z.)

 8. And go back to step 1

In Step 6 we use the free vars from Step 2 as the initial
in-scope set, because all of those variables appear in the
range of the substitution, so they must all be in the in-scope
set.  But NB that the type substitution engine does not look up
variables in the in-scope set; it is used only to ensure no

niFixTCvSubst :: TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
-- Find the idempotent fixed point of the non-idempotent substitution
-- This is surprisingly tricky:
--   see Note [Finding the substitution fixpoint]
-- ToDo: use laziness instead of iteration?
niFixTCvSubst :: TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
niFixTCvSubst TvSubstEnv
  | Bool
not_fixpoint = TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
niFixTCvSubst (forall a b. (a -> b) -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv b
mapVarEnv (HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Type -> Type
substTy TCvSubst
subst) TvSubstEnv
  | Bool
otherwise    = TCvSubst
    range_fvs :: FV
    range_fvs :: FV
range_fvs = [Type] -> FV
tyCoFVsOfTypes (forall key elt. UniqFM key elt -> [elt]
nonDetEltsUFM TvSubstEnv
          -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here because the
          -- order of range_fvs, range_tvs is immaterial

    range_tvs :: [TyVar]
    range_tvs :: [OutTyVar]
range_tvs = FV -> [OutTyVar]
fvVarList FV

    not_fixpoint :: Bool
not_fixpoint  = forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
any OutTyVar -> Bool
in_domain [OutTyVar]
    in_domain :: OutTyVar -> Bool
in_domain OutTyVar
tv  = OutTyVar
tv forall a. OutTyVar -> VarEnv a -> Bool
`elemVarEnv` TvSubstEnv

    free_tvs :: [OutTyVar]
free_tvs = [OutTyVar] -> [OutTyVar]
scopedSort (forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterOut OutTyVar -> Bool
in_domain [OutTyVar]

    -- See Note [Finding the substitution fixpoint], Step 6
    init_in_scope :: InScopeSet
init_in_scope = VarSet -> InScopeSet
mkInScopeSet (FV -> VarSet
fvVarSet FV
    subst :: TCvSubst
subst = forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' TCvSubst -> OutTyVar -> TCvSubst
                  (InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
mkTvSubst InScopeSet
init_in_scope TvSubstEnv

    add_free_tv :: TCvSubst -> TyVar -> TCvSubst
    add_free_tv :: TCvSubst -> OutTyVar -> TCvSubst
add_free_tv TCvSubst
subst OutTyVar
      = TCvSubst -> OutTyVar -> Type -> TCvSubst
extendTvSubst TCvSubst
subst OutTyVar
tv (OutTyVar -> Type
mkTyVarTy OutTyVar
        tv' :: OutTyVar
tv' = (Type -> Type) -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
updateTyVarKind (HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Type -> Type
substTy TCvSubst
subst) OutTyVar

niSubstTvSet :: TvSubstEnv -> TyCoVarSet -> TyCoVarSet
-- Apply the non-idempotent substitution to a set of type variables,
-- remembering that the substitution isn't necessarily idempotent
-- This is used in the occurs check, before extending the substitution
niSubstTvSet :: TvSubstEnv -> VarSet -> VarSet
niSubstTvSet TvSubstEnv
tsubst VarSet
  = forall elt a. (elt -> a -> a) -> a -> UniqSet elt -> a
nonDetStrictFoldUniqSet (VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
unionVarSet forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OutTyVar -> VarSet
get) VarSet
emptyVarSet VarSet
  -- It's OK to use a non-deterministic fold here because we immediately forget
  -- the ordering by creating a set.
    get :: OutTyVar -> VarSet
get OutTyVar
      | Just Type
ty <- forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnv TvSubstEnv
tsubst OutTyVar
      = TvSubstEnv -> VarSet -> VarSet
niSubstTvSet TvSubstEnv
tsubst (Type -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfType Type

      | Bool
      = OutTyVar -> VarSet
unitVarSet OutTyVar

*                                                                      *
                unify_ty: the main workhorse
*                                                                      *

Note [Specification of unification]
The pure unifier, unify_ty, defined in this module, tries to work out
a substitution to make two types say True to eqType. NB: eqType is
itself not purely syntactic; it accounts for CastTys;
see Note [Non-trivial definitional equality] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep

Unlike the "impure unifiers" in the typechecker (the eager unifier in
GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify, and the constraint solver itself in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical), the pure
unifier does /not/ work up to ~.

The algorithm implemented here is rather delicate, and we depend on it
to uphold certain properties. This is a summary of these required

 θ,φ  substitutions
 ξ    type-function-free types
 τ,σ  other types
 τ♭   type τ, flattened

 ≡    eqType

(U1) Soundness.
     If (unify τ₁ τ₂) = Unifiable θ, then θ(τ₁) ≡ θ(τ₂).
     θ is a most general unifier for τ₁ and τ₂.

(U2) Completeness.
     If (unify ξ₁ ξ₂) = SurelyApart,
     then there exists no substitution θ such that θ(ξ₁) ≡ θ(ξ₂).

These two properties are stated as Property 11 in the "Closed Type Families"
paper (POPL'14). Below, this paper is called [CTF].

(U3) Apartness under substitution.
     If (unify ξ τ♭) = SurelyApart, then (unify ξ θ(τ)♭) = SurelyApart,
     for any θ. (Property 12 from [CTF])

(U4) Apart types do not unify.
     If (unify ξ τ♭) = SurelyApart, then there exists no θ
     such that θ(ξ) = θ(τ). (Property 13 from [CTF])

THEOREM. Completeness w.r.t ~
    If (unify τ₁♭ τ₂♭) = SurelyApart,
    then there exists no proof that (τ₁ ~ τ₂).

PROOF. See appendix of [CTF].

The unification algorithm is used for type family injectivity, as described
in the "Injective Type Families" paper (Haskell'15), called [ITF]. When run
in this mode, it has the following properties.

(I1) If (unify σ τ) = SurelyApart, then σ and τ are not unifiable, even
     after arbitrary type family reductions. Note that σ and τ are
     not flattened here.

(I2) If (unify σ τ) = MaybeApart θ, and if some
     φ exists such that φ(σ) ~ φ(τ), then φ extends θ.

Furthermore, the RULES matching algorithm requires this property,
but only when using this algorithm for matching:

(M1) If (match σ τ) succeeds with θ, then all matchable tyvars
     in σ are bound in θ.

     Property M1 means that we must extend the substitution with,
     say (a ↦ a) when appropriate during matching.
     See also Note [Self-substitution when matching].

(M2) Completeness of matching.
     If θ(σ) = τ, then (match σ τ) = Unifiable φ,
     where θ is an extension of φ.

Sadly, property M2 and I2 conflict. Consider

type family F1 a b where
  F1 Int    Bool   = Char
  F1 Double String = Char

Consider now two matching problems:

P1. match (F1 a Bool) (F1 Int Bool)
P2. match (F1 a Bool) (F1 Double String)

In case P1, we must find (a ↦ Int) to satisfy M2.
In case P2, we must /not/ find (a ↦ Double), in order to satisfy I2. (Note
that the correct mapping for I2 is (a ↦ Int). There is no way to discover
this, but we mustn't map a to anything else!)

We thus must parameterize the algorithm over whether it's being used
for an injectivity check (refrain from looking at non-injective arguments
to type families) or not (do indeed look at those arguments).  This is
implemented  by the um_inj_tf field of UMEnv.

(It's all a question of whether or not to include equation (7) from Fig. 2
of [ITF].)

This extra parameter is a bit fiddly, perhaps, but seemingly less so than
having two separate, almost-identical algorithms.

Note [Self-substitution when matching]
What should happen when we're *matching* (not unifying) a1 with a1? We
should get a substitution [a1 |-> a1]. A successful match should map all
the template variables (except ones that disappear when expanding synonyms).
But when unifying, we don't want to do this, because we'll then fall into
a loop.

This arrangement affects the code in three places:
 - If we're matching a refined template variable, don't recur. Instead, just
   check for equality. That is, if we know [a |-> Maybe a] and are matching
   (a ~? Maybe Int), we want to just fail.

 - Skip the occurs check when matching. This comes up in two places, because
   matching against variables is handled separately from matching against
   full-on types.

Note that this arrangement was provoked by a real failure, where the same
unique ended up in the template as in the target. (It was a rule firing when
compiling Data.List.NonEmpty.)

Note [Matching coercion variables]
Consider this:

   type family F a

   data G a where
     MkG :: F a ~ Bool => G a

   type family Foo (x :: G a) :: F a
   type instance Foo MkG = False

We would like that to be accepted. For that to work, we need to introduce
a coercion variable on the left and then use it on the right. Accordingly,
at use sites of Foo, we need to be able to use matching to figure out the
value for the coercion. (See the desugared version:

   axFoo :: [a :: *, c :: F a ~ Bool]. Foo (MkG c) = False |> (sym c)

) We never want this action to happen during *unification* though, when
all bets are off.

Note [Kind coercions in Unify]
We wish to match/unify while ignoring casts. But, we can't just ignore
them completely, or we'll end up with ill-kinded substitutions. For example,
say we're matching `a` with `ty |> co`. If we just drop the cast, we'll
return [a |-> ty], but `a` and `ty` might have different kinds. We can't
just match/unify their kinds, either, because this might gratuitously
fail. After all, `co` is the witness that the kinds are the same -- they
may look nothing alike.

So, we pass a kind coercion to the match/unify worker. This coercion witnesses
the equality between the substed kind of the left-hand type and the substed
kind of the right-hand type. Note that we do not unify kinds at the leaves
(as we did previously). We thus have

INVARIANT: In the call
    unify_ty ty1 ty2 kco
it must be that subst(kco) :: subst(kind(ty1)) ~N subst(kind(ty2)), where
`subst` is the ambient substitution in the UM monad.

To get this coercion, we first have to match/unify
the kinds before looking at the types. Happily, we need look only one level
up, as all kinds are guaranteed to have kind *.

When we're working with type applications (either TyConApp or AppTy) we
need to worry about establishing INVARIANT, as the kinds of the function
& arguments aren't (necessarily) included in the kind of the result.
When unifying two TyConApps, this is easy, because the two TyCons are
the same. Their kinds are thus the same. As long as we unify left-to-right,
we'll be sure to unify types' kinds before the types themselves. (For example,
think about Proxy :: forall k. k -> *. Unifying the first args matches up
the kinds of the second args.)

For AppTy, we must unify the kinds of the functions, but once these are
unified, we can continue unifying arguments without worrying further about

The interface to this module includes both "...Ty" functions and
"...TyKi" functions. The former assume that INVARIANT is already
established, either because the kinds are the same or because the
list of types being passed in are the well-typed arguments to some
type constructor (see two paragraphs above). The latter take a separate
pre-pass over the kinds to establish INVARIANT. Sometimes, it's important
not to take the second pass, as it caused #12442.

We thought, at one point, that this was all unnecessary: why should
casts be in types in the first place? But they are sometimes. In
dependent/should_compile/KindEqualities2, we see, for example the
constraint Num (Int |> (blah ; sym blah)).  We naturally want to find
a dictionary for that constraint, which requires dealing with
coercions in this manner.

Note [Matching in the presence of casts (1)]
When matching, it is crucial that no variables from the template
end up in the range of the matching substitution (obviously!).
When unifying, that's not a constraint; instead we take the fixpoint
of the substitution at the end.

So what should we do with this, when matching?
   unify_ty (tmpl |> co) tgt kco

Previously, wrongly, we pushed 'co' in the (horrid) accumulating
'kco' argument like this:
   unify_ty (tmpl |> co) tgt kco
     = unify_ty tmpl tgt (kco ; co)

But that is obviously wrong because 'co' (from the template) ends
up in 'kco', which in turn ends up in the range of the substitution.

This all came up in #13910.  Because we match tycon arguments
left-to-right, the ambient substitution will already have a matching
substitution for any kinds; so there is an easy fix: just apply
the substitution-so-far to the coercion from the LHS.

Note that

* When matching, the first arg of unify_ty is always the template;
  we never swap round.

* The above argument is distressingly indirect. We seek a
  better way.

* One better way is to ensure that type patterns (the template
  in the matching process) have no casts.  See #14119.

Note [Matching in the presence of casts (2)]
There is another wrinkle (#17395).  Suppose (T :: forall k. k -> Type)
and we are matching
   tcMatchTy (T k (a::k))  (T j (b::j))

Then we'll match k :-> j, as expected. But then in unify_tys
we invoke
   unify_tys env (a::k) (b::j) (Refl j)

Although we have unified k and j, it's very important that we put
(Refl j), /not/ (Refl k) as the fourth argument to unify_tys.
If we put (Refl k) we'd end up with the substitution
  a :-> b |> Refl k
which is bogus because one of the template variables, k,
appears in the range of the substitution.  Eek.

Similar care is needed in unify_ty_app.

Note [Polykinded tycon applications]
Suppose  T :: forall k. Type -> K
and we are unifying
  ty1:  T @Type         Int       :: Type
  ty2:  T @(Type->Type) Int Int   :: Type

These two TyConApps have the same TyCon at the front but they
(legitimately) have different numbers of arguments.  They
are surelyApart, so we can report that without looking any
further (see #15704).

-------------- unify_ty: the main workhorse -----------

type AmIUnifying = Bool   -- True  <=> Unifying
                          -- False <=> Matching

unify_ty :: UMEnv
         -> Type -> Type  -- Types to be unified and a co
         -> CoercionN     -- A coercion between their kinds
                          -- See Note [Kind coercions in Unify]
         -> UM ()
-- See Note [Specification of unification]
-- Respects newtypes, PredTypes
-- See Note [Computing equality on types] in GHC.Core.Type
unify_ty :: UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1 Type
ty2 Coercion
  -- See Note [Comparing nullary type synonyms] in GHC.Core.Type.
  | TyConApp TyCon
tc1 [] <- Type
  , TyConApp TyCon
tc2 [] <- Type
  , TyCon
tc1 forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TyCon
tc2                = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

    -- TODO: More commentary needed here
  | Just Type
ty1' <- Type -> Maybe Type
tcView Type
ty1   = UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1' Type
ty2 Coercion
  | Just Type
ty2' <- Type -> Maybe Type
tcView Type
ty2   = UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1 Type
ty2' Coercion
  | CastTy Type
ty1' Coercion
co <- Type
ty1     = if UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
                                then UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1' Type
ty2 (Coercion
co Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion
                                else -- See Note [Matching in the presence of casts (1)]
                                     do { TCvSubst
subst <- UMEnv -> UM TCvSubst
getSubst UMEnv
                                        ; let co' :: Coercion
co' = HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Coercion -> Coercion
substCo TCvSubst
subst Coercion
                                        ; UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1' Type
ty2 (Coercion
co' Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion
kco) }
  | CastTy Type
ty2' Coercion
co <- Type
ty2     = UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1 Type
ty2' (Coercion
kco Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion

unify_ty UMEnv
env (TyVarTy OutTyVar
tv1) Type
ty2 Coercion
  = UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
uVar UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1 Type
ty2 Coercion
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1 (TyVarTy OutTyVar
tv2) Coercion
  | UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
env  -- If unifying, can swap args
  = UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
uVar (UMEnv -> UMEnv
umSwapRn UMEnv
env) OutTyVar
tv2 Type
ty1 (Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion

unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1 Type
ty2 Coercion
 -- NB: This keeps Constraint and Type distinct, as it should for use in the
 -- type-checker.
  | Just (TyCon
tc1, [Type]
tys1) <- Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
  , Just (TyCon
tc2, [Type]
tys2) <- Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
  , TyCon
tc1 forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TyCon
  = if TyCon -> Role -> Bool
isInjectiveTyCon TyCon
tc1 Role
    then UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys UMEnv
env [Type]
tys1 [Type]
    else do { let inj :: [Bool]
inj | TyCon -> Bool
isTypeFamilyTyCon TyCon
                      = case TyCon -> Injectivity
tyConInjectivityInfo TyCon
tc1 of
NotInjective -> forall a. a -> [a]
repeat Bool
                               Injective [Bool]
bs -> [Bool]
                      | Bool
                      = forall a. a -> [a]
repeat Bool

inj_tys1, [Type]
noninj_tys1) = forall a. [Bool] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
partitionByList [Bool]
inj [Type]
inj_tys2, [Type]
noninj_tys2) = forall a. [Bool] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
partitionByList [Bool]
inj [Type]

            ; UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys UMEnv
env [Type]
inj_tys1 [Type]
            ; forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (UMEnv -> Bool
um_inj_tf UMEnv
env) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ -- See (end of) Note [Specification of unification]
              MaybeApartReason -> UM () -> UM ()
don'tBeSoSure MaybeApartReason
MARTypeFamily forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys UMEnv
env [Type]
noninj_tys1 [Type]
noninj_tys2 }

  | Maybe (TyCon, [Type]) -> Bool
isTyFamApp Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
mb_tc_app1     -- A (not-over-saturated) type-family application
  = MaybeApartReason -> UM ()
maybeApart MaybeApartReason
MARTypeFamily  -- behaves like a type variable; might match

  | Maybe (TyCon, [Type]) -> Bool
isTyFamApp Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
mb_tc_app2     -- A (not-over-saturated) type-family application
  , UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
env               -- behaves like a type variable; might unify
  = MaybeApartReason -> UM ()
maybeApart MaybeApartReason

    mb_tc_app1 :: Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
mb_tc_app1 = HasCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
tcSplitTyConApp_maybe Type
    mb_tc_app2 :: Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
mb_tc_app2 = HasCallStack => Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
tcSplitTyConApp_maybe Type

        -- Applications need a bit of care!
        -- They can match FunTy and TyConApp, so use splitAppTy_maybe
        -- NB: we've already dealt with type variables,
        -- so if one type is an App the other one jolly well better be too
unify_ty UMEnv
env (AppTy Type
ty1a Type
ty1b) Type
ty2 Coercion
  | Just (Type
ty2a, Type
ty2b) <- Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe Type
  = UMEnv -> Type -> [Type] -> Type -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_ty_app UMEnv
env Type
ty1a [Type
ty1b] Type
ty2a [Type

unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty1 (AppTy Type
ty2a Type
ty2b) Coercion
  | Just (Type
ty1a, Type
ty1b) <- Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe Type
  = UMEnv -> Type -> [Type] -> Type -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_ty_app UMEnv
env Type
ty1a [Type
ty1b] Type
ty2a [Type

  -- tcSplitTyConApp won't split a (=>), so we handle this separately.
unify_ty UMEnv
env (FunTy AnonArgFlag
InvisArg Type
_w1 Type
arg1 Type
res1) (FunTy AnonArgFlag
InvisArg Type
_w2 Type
arg2 Type
res2) Coercion
   -- Look at result representations, but arg representations would be redundant
   -- as anything that can appear to the left of => is lifted.
   -- And anything that can appear to the left of => is unrestricted, so skip the
   -- multiplicities.
  | Just Type
res_rep1 <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe Type
getRuntimeRep_maybe Type
  , Just Type
res_rep2 <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe Type
getRuntimeRep_maybe Type
  = UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys UMEnv
env [Type
res_rep1, Type
arg1, Type
res1] [Type
res_rep2, Type
arg2, Type

unify_ty UMEnv
_ (LitTy TyLit
x) (LitTy TyLit
y) Coercion
_kco | TyLit
x forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TyLit
y = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

unify_ty UMEnv
env (ForAllTy (Bndr OutTyVar
tv1 ArgFlag
_) Type
ty1) (ForAllTy (Bndr OutTyVar
tv2 ArgFlag
_) Type
ty2) Coercion
  = do { UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env (OutTyVar -> Type
varType OutTyVar
tv1) (OutTyVar -> Type
varType OutTyVar
tv2) (Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type
       ; let env' :: UMEnv
env' = UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar -> UMEnv
umRnBndr2 UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1 OutTyVar
       ; UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env' Type
ty1 Type
ty2 Coercion
kco }

-- See Note [Matching coercion variables]
unify_ty UMEnv
env (CoercionTy Coercion
co1) (CoercionTy Coercion
co2) Coercion
  = do { CvSubstEnv
c_subst <- UM CvSubstEnv
       ; case Coercion
co1 of
           CoVarCo OutTyVar
             | Bool -> Bool
not (UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
             , Bool -> Bool
not (OutTyVar
cv forall a. OutTyVar -> VarEnv a -> Bool
`elemVarEnv` CvSubstEnv
             , let (Coercion
_, Coercion
co_l, Coercion
co_r) = HasDebugCallStack =>
Role -> Coercion -> (Coercion, Coercion, Coercion)
decomposeFunCo Role
Nominal Coercion
                     -- Because the coercion is used in a type, it should be safe to
                     -- ignore the multiplicity coercion.
                      -- cv :: t1 ~ t2
                      -- co2 :: s1 ~ s2
                      -- co_l :: t1 ~ s1
                      -- co_r :: t2 ~ s2
                   rhs_co :: Coercion
rhs_co = Coercion
co_l Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion
co2 Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion
             , BindFlag
BindMe <- UMEnv -> BindFun
tvBindFlag UMEnv
env OutTyVar
cv (Coercion -> Type
CoercionTy Coercion
             -> do { UMEnv -> VarSet -> UM ()
checkRnEnv UMEnv
env (Coercion -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfCo Coercion
                   ; OutTyVar -> Coercion -> UM ()
extendCvEnv OutTyVar
cv Coercion
rhs_co }
_ -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return () }

unify_ty UMEnv
_ Type
_ Type
_ Coercion
_ = forall a. UM a

unify_ty_app :: UMEnv -> Type -> [Type] -> Type -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_ty_app :: UMEnv -> Type -> [Type] -> Type -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_ty_app UMEnv
env Type
ty1 [Type]
ty1args Type
ty2 [Type]
  | Just (Type
ty1', Type
ty1a) <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
repSplitAppTy_maybe Type
  , Just (Type
ty2', Type
ty2a) <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
repSplitAppTy_maybe Type
  = UMEnv -> Type -> [Type] -> Type -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_ty_app UMEnv
env Type
ty1' (Type
ty1a forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Type]
ty1args) Type
ty2' (Type
ty2a forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Type]

  | Bool
  = do { let ki1 :: Type
ki1 = HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type
typeKind Type
             ki2 :: Type
ki2 = HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type
typeKind Type
           -- See Note [Kind coercions in Unify]
       ; UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty  UMEnv
env Type
ki1 Type
ki2 (Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type
       ; UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty  UMEnv
env Type
ty1 Type
ty2 (Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type
                 -- Very important: 'ki2' not 'ki1'
                 -- See Note [Matching in the presence of casts (2)]
       ; UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys UMEnv
env [Type]
ty1args [Type]
ty2args }

unify_tys :: UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys :: UMEnv -> [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
unify_tys UMEnv
env [Type]
orig_xs [Type]
  = [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
go [Type]
orig_xs [Type]
    go :: [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
go []     []     = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
    go (Type
xs) (Type
      -- See Note [Kind coercions in Unify]
      = do { UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
x Type
y (Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type
typeKind Type
                 -- Very important: 'y' not 'x'
                 -- See Note [Matching in the presence of casts (2)]
           ; [Type] -> [Type] -> UM ()
go [Type]
xs [Type]
ys }
    go [Type]
_ [Type]
_ = forall a. UM a
      -- Possibly different saturations of a polykinded tycon
      -- See Note [Polykinded tycon applications]

isTyFamApp :: Maybe (TyCon, [Type]) -> Bool
-- True if we have a saturated or under-saturated type family application
-- If it is /over/ saturated then we return False.  E.g.
--     unify_ty (F a b) (c d)    where F has arity 1
-- we definitely want to decompose that type application! (#22647)
isTyFamApp :: Maybe (TyCon, [Type]) -> Bool
isTyFamApp (Just (TyCon
tc, [Type]
  =  Bool -> Bool
not (TyCon -> Role -> Bool
isGenerativeTyCon TyCon
tc Role
Nominal)       -- Type family-ish
  Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Bool -> Bool
not ([Type]
tys forall a. [a] -> Arity -> Bool
`lengthExceeds` TyCon -> Arity
tyConArity TyCon
tc)  -- Not over-saturated
isTyFamApp Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
  = Bool

uVar :: UMEnv
     -> InTyVar         -- Variable to be unified
     -> Type            -- with this Type
     -> Coercion        -- :: kind tv ~N kind ty
     -> UM ()

uVar :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
uVar UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1 Type
ty Coercion
 = do { -- Apply the ambient renaming
        let tv1' :: OutTyVar
tv1' = UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
umRnOccL UMEnv
env OutTyVar

        -- Check to see whether tv1 is refined by the substitution
      ; TvSubstEnv
subst <- UM TvSubstEnv
      ; case (forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnv TvSubstEnv
subst OutTyVar
tv1') of
          Just Type
ty' | UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
env                -- Unifying, so call
                   -> UMEnv -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
unify_ty UMEnv
env Type
ty' Type
ty Coercion
kco   -- back into unify
                   | Bool
                   -> -- Matching, we don't want to just recur here.
                      -- this is because the range of the subst is the target
                      -- type, not the template type. So, just check for
                      -- normal type equality.
                      forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless ((Type
ty' Type -> Coercion -> Type
`mkCastTy` Coercion
kco) Type -> Type -> Bool
`eqType` Type
ty) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      forall a. UM a
          Maybe Type
Nothing  -> UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
uUnrefined UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
ty Type
ty Coercion
kco } -- No, continue

uUnrefined :: UMEnv
           -> OutTyVar          -- variable to be unified
           -> Type              -- with this Type
           -> Type              -- (version w/ expanded synonyms)
           -> Coercion          -- :: kind tv ~N kind ty
           -> UM ()

-- We know that tv1 isn't refined

uUnrefined :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
uUnrefined UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
ty2 Type
ty2' Coercion
    -- Use tcView, not coreView. See Note [coreView vs tcView] in GHC.Core.Type.
  | Just Type
ty2'' <- Type -> Maybe Type
tcView Type
  = UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
uUnrefined UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
ty2 Type
ty2'' Coercion
kco    -- Unwrap synonyms
                -- This is essential, in case we have
                --      type Foo a = a
                -- and then unify a ~ Foo a

  | TyVarTy OutTyVar
tv2 <- Type
  = do { let tv2' :: OutTyVar
tv2' = UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
umRnOccR UMEnv
env OutTyVar
       ; forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (OutTyVar
tv1' forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== OutTyVar
tv2' Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
env) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
           -- If we are unifying a ~ a, just return immediately
           -- Do not extend the substitution
           -- See Note [Self-substitution when matching]

          -- Check to see whether tv2 is refined
       { TvSubstEnv
subst <- UM TvSubstEnv
       ; case forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnv TvSubstEnv
subst OutTyVar
tv2 of
         {  Just Type
ty' | UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
env -> UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> Type -> Coercion -> UM ()
uUnrefined UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
ty' Type
ty' Coercion
         ;  Maybe Type
_ ->

    do {   -- So both are unrefined
           -- Bind one or the other, depending on which is bindable
       ; let rhs1 :: Type
rhs1 = Type
ty2 Type -> Coercion -> Type
`mkCastTy` Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion
             rhs2 :: Type
rhs2 = Type
ty1 Type -> Coercion -> Type
`mkCastTy` Coercion
             b1 :: BindFlag
b1  = UMEnv -> BindFun
tvBindFlag UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
             b2 :: BindFlag
b2  = UMEnv -> BindFun
tvBindFlag UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv2' Type
             ty1 :: Type
ty1 = OutTyVar -> Type
mkTyVarTy OutTyVar
       ; case (BindFlag
b1, BindFlag
b2) of
BindMe, BindFlag
_) -> UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> UM ()
bindTv UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
_, BindFlag
BindMe) | UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
                       -> UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> UM ()
bindTv (UMEnv -> UMEnv
umSwapRn UMEnv
env) OutTyVar
tv2 Type

           (BindFlag, BindFlag)
_ | OutTyVar
tv1' forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== OutTyVar
tv2' -> forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
             -- How could this happen? If we're only matching and if
             -- we're comparing forall-bound variables.

           (BindFlag, BindFlag)
_ -> forall a. UM a

uUnrefined UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
ty2 Type
_ Coercion
kco -- ty2 is not a type variable
  = case UMEnv -> BindFun
tvBindFlag UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
rhs of
Apart  -> forall a. UM a
BindMe -> UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> UM ()
bindTv UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1' Type
    rhs :: Type
rhs = Type
ty2 Type -> Coercion -> Type
`mkCastTy` Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion

bindTv :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> UM ()
-- OK, so we want to extend the substitution with tv := ty
-- But first, we must do a couple of checks
bindTv :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> UM ()
bindTv UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1 Type
  = do  { let free_tvs2 :: VarSet
free_tvs2 = Type -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfType Type

        -- Make sure tys mentions no local variables
        -- E.g.  (forall a. b) ~ (forall a. [a])
        -- We should not unify b := [a]!
        ; UMEnv -> VarSet -> UM ()
checkRnEnv UMEnv
env VarSet

        -- Occurs check, see Note [Fine-grained unification]
        -- Make sure you include 'kco' (which ty2 does) #14846
        ; Bool
occurs <- UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> VarSet -> UM Bool
occursCheck UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv1 VarSet

        ; if Bool
occurs then MaybeApartReason -> UM ()
maybeApart MaybeApartReason
                    else OutTyVar -> Type -> UM ()
extendTvEnv OutTyVar
tv1 Type
ty2 }

occursCheck :: UMEnv -> TyVar -> VarSet -> UM Bool
occursCheck :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> VarSet -> UM Bool
occursCheck UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv VarSet
  | UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif UMEnv
  = do { TvSubstEnv
tsubst <- UM TvSubstEnv
       ; forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (OutTyVar
tv OutTyVar -> VarSet -> Bool
`elemVarSet` TvSubstEnv -> VarSet -> VarSet
niSubstTvSet TvSubstEnv
tsubst VarSet
free_tvs) }

  | Bool
otherwise      -- Matching; no occurs check
  = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool
False   -- See Note [Self-substitution when matching]

%*                                                                      *
                Binding decisions
*                                                                      *

data BindFlag
  = BindMe      -- ^ A regular type variable

  | Apart       -- ^ Declare that this type variable is /apart/ from the
                -- type provided. That is, the type variable will never
                -- be instantiated to that type.
                -- See also Note [Binding when looking up instances]
                -- in GHC.Core.InstEnv.
  deriving BindFlag -> BindFlag -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: BindFlag -> BindFlag -> Bool
$c/= :: BindFlag -> BindFlag -> Bool
== :: BindFlag -> BindFlag -> Bool
$c== :: BindFlag -> BindFlag -> Bool
-- NB: It would be conceivable to have an analogue to MaybeApart here,
-- but there is not yet a need.

*                                                                      *
                Unification monad
*                                                                      *

data UMEnv
  = UMEnv { UMEnv -> Bool
um_unif :: AmIUnifying

          , UMEnv -> Bool
um_inj_tf :: Bool
            -- Checking for injectivity?
            -- See (end of) Note [Specification of unification]

          , UMEnv -> RnEnv2
um_rn_env :: RnEnv2
            -- Renaming InTyVars to OutTyVars; this eliminates
            -- shadowing, and lines up matching foralls on the left
            -- and right

          , UMEnv -> VarSet
um_skols :: TyVarSet
            -- OutTyVars bound by a forall in this unification;
            -- Do not bind these in the substitution!
            -- See the function tvBindFlag

          , UMEnv -> BindFun
um_bind_fun :: BindFun
            -- User-supplied BindFlag function,
            -- for variables not in um_skols

data UMState = UMState
                   { UMState -> TvSubstEnv
um_tv_env   :: TvSubstEnv
                   , UMState -> CvSubstEnv
um_cv_env   :: CvSubstEnv }

newtype UM a
  = UM' { forall a. UM a -> UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)
unUM :: UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a) }
    -- See Note [The one-shot state monad trick] in GHC.Utils.Monad
  deriving (forall a b. a -> UM b -> UM a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> UM a -> UM b
forall (f :: * -> *).
(forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b)
-> (forall a b. a -> f b -> f a) -> Functor f
<$ :: forall a b. a -> UM b -> UM a
$c<$ :: forall a b. a -> UM b -> UM a
fmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> UM a -> UM b
$cfmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> UM a -> UM b

pattern UM :: (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
-- See Note [The one-shot state monad trick] in GHC.Utils.Monad
pattern $bUM :: forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
$mUM :: forall {r} {a}.
UM a
-> ((UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> r)
-> ((# #) -> r)
-> r
UM m <- UM' m
    UM UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)
m = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM' (oneShot :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
oneShot UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)

instance Applicative UM where
      pure :: forall a. a -> UM a
pure a
a = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM (\UMState
s -> forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (UMState
s, a
      <*> :: forall a b. UM (a -> b) -> UM a -> UM b
(<*>)  = forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

instance Monad UM where
  UM a
m >>= :: forall a b. UM a -> (a -> UM b) -> UM b
>>= a -> UM b
k  = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM (\UMState
state ->
                  do { (UMState
state', a
v) <- forall a. UM a -> UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)
unUM UM a
m UMState
                     ; forall a. UM a -> UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)
unUM (a -> UM b
k a
v) UMState
state' })

instance MonadFail UM where
    fail :: forall a. String -> UM a
fail String
_   = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM (\UMState
_ -> forall a. UnifyResultM a
SurelyApart) -- failed pattern match

initUM :: TvSubstEnv  -- subst to extend
       -> CvSubstEnv
       -> UM a -> UnifyResultM a
initUM :: forall a. TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> UM a -> UnifyResultM a
initUM TvSubstEnv
subst_env CvSubstEnv
cv_subst_env UM a
  = case forall a. UM a -> UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)
unUM UM a
um UMState
state of
      Unifiable (UMState
_, a
subst)    -> forall a. a -> UnifyResultM a
Unifiable a
      MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
r (UMState
_, a
subst) -> forall a. MaybeApartReason -> a -> UnifyResultM a
MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
r a
      UnifyResultM (UMState, a)
SurelyApart             -> forall a. UnifyResultM a
    state :: UMState
state = UMState { um_tv_env :: TvSubstEnv
um_tv_env = TvSubstEnv
                    , um_cv_env :: CvSubstEnv
um_cv_env = CvSubstEnv
cv_subst_env }

tvBindFlag :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> Type -> BindFlag
tvBindFlag :: UMEnv -> BindFun
tvBindFlag UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv Type
  | OutTyVar
tv OutTyVar -> VarSet -> Bool
`elemVarSet` UMEnv -> VarSet
um_skols UMEnv
env = BindFlag
  | Bool
otherwise                    = UMEnv -> BindFun
um_bind_fun UMEnv
env OutTyVar
tv Type

getTvSubstEnv :: UM TvSubstEnv
getTvSubstEnv :: UM TvSubstEnv
getTvSubstEnv = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \UMState
state -> forall a. a -> UnifyResultM a
Unifiable (UMState
state, UMState -> TvSubstEnv
um_tv_env UMState

getCvSubstEnv :: UM CvSubstEnv
getCvSubstEnv :: UM CvSubstEnv
getCvSubstEnv = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \UMState
state -> forall a. a -> UnifyResultM a
Unifiable (UMState
state, UMState -> CvSubstEnv
um_cv_env UMState

getSubst :: UMEnv -> UM TCvSubst
getSubst :: UMEnv -> UM TCvSubst
getSubst UMEnv
env = do { TvSubstEnv
tv_env <- UM TvSubstEnv
                  ; CvSubstEnv
cv_env <- UM CvSubstEnv
                  ; let in_scope :: InScopeSet
in_scope = RnEnv2 -> InScopeSet
rnInScopeSet (UMEnv -> RnEnv2
um_rn_env UMEnv
                  ; forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (InScopeSet -> (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv) -> TCvSubst
mkTCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope (TvSubstEnv
tv_env, CvSubstEnv
cv_env)) }

extendTvEnv :: TyVar -> Type -> UM ()
extendTvEnv :: OutTyVar -> Type -> UM ()
extendTvEnv OutTyVar
tv Type
ty = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \UMState
state ->
  forall a. a -> UnifyResultM a
Unifiable (UMState
state { um_tv_env :: TvSubstEnv
um_tv_env = forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv (UMState -> TvSubstEnv
um_tv_env UMState
state) OutTyVar
tv Type
ty }, ())

extendCvEnv :: CoVar -> Coercion -> UM ()
extendCvEnv :: OutTyVar -> Coercion -> UM ()
extendCvEnv OutTyVar
cv Coercion
co = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \UMState
state ->
  forall a. a -> UnifyResultM a
Unifiable (UMState
state { um_cv_env :: CvSubstEnv
um_cv_env = forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv (UMState -> CvSubstEnv
um_cv_env UMState
state) OutTyVar
cv Coercion
co }, ())

umRnBndr2 :: UMEnv -> TyCoVar -> TyCoVar -> UMEnv
umRnBndr2 :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar -> UMEnv
umRnBndr2 UMEnv
env OutTyVar
v1 OutTyVar
  = UMEnv
env { um_rn_env :: RnEnv2
um_rn_env = RnEnv2
rn_env', um_skols :: VarSet
um_skols = UMEnv -> VarSet
um_skols UMEnv
env VarSet -> OutTyVar -> VarSet
`extendVarSet` OutTyVar
v' }
rn_env', OutTyVar
v') = RnEnv2 -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar -> (RnEnv2, OutTyVar)
rnBndr2_var (UMEnv -> RnEnv2
um_rn_env UMEnv
env) OutTyVar
v1 OutTyVar

checkRnEnv :: UMEnv -> VarSet -> UM ()
checkRnEnv :: UMEnv -> VarSet -> UM ()
checkRnEnv UMEnv
env VarSet
  | VarSet -> Bool
isEmptyVarSet VarSet
skol_vars           = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
  | VarSet
varset VarSet -> VarSet -> Bool
`disjointVarSet` VarSet
skol_vars = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
  | Bool
otherwise                         = forall a. UM a
    skol_vars :: VarSet
skol_vars = UMEnv -> VarSet
um_skols UMEnv
    -- NB: That isEmptyVarSet guard is a critical optimization;
    -- it means we don't have to calculate the free vars of
    -- the type, often saving quite a bit of allocation.

-- | Converts any SurelyApart to a MaybeApart
don'tBeSoSure :: MaybeApartReason -> UM () -> UM ()
don'tBeSoSure :: MaybeApartReason -> UM () -> UM ()
don'tBeSoSure MaybeApartReason
r UM ()
um = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ UMState
state ->
  case forall a. UM a -> UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)
unUM UM ()
um UMState
state of
    UnifyResultM (UMState, ())
SurelyApart -> forall a. MaybeApartReason -> a -> UnifyResultM a
MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
r (UMState
state, ())
    UnifyResultM (UMState, ())
other       -> UnifyResultM (UMState, ())

umRnOccL :: UMEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar
umRnOccL :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
umRnOccL UMEnv
env OutTyVar
v = RnEnv2 -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
rnOccL (UMEnv -> RnEnv2
um_rn_env UMEnv
env) OutTyVar

umRnOccR :: UMEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar
umRnOccR :: UMEnv -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
umRnOccR UMEnv
env OutTyVar
v = RnEnv2 -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
rnOccR (UMEnv -> RnEnv2
um_rn_env UMEnv
env) OutTyVar

umSwapRn :: UMEnv -> UMEnv
umSwapRn :: UMEnv -> UMEnv
umSwapRn UMEnv
env = UMEnv
env { um_rn_env :: RnEnv2
um_rn_env = RnEnv2 -> RnEnv2
rnSwap (UMEnv -> RnEnv2
um_rn_env UMEnv
env) }

maybeApart :: MaybeApartReason -> UM ()
maybeApart :: MaybeApartReason -> UM ()
maybeApart MaybeApartReason
r = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM (\UMState
state -> forall a. MaybeApartReason -> a -> UnifyResultM a
MaybeApart MaybeApartReason
r (UMState
state, ()))

surelyApart :: UM a
surelyApart :: forall a. UM a
surelyApart = forall a. (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
UM (\UMState
_ -> forall a. UnifyResultM a

%*                                                                      *
            Matching a (lifted) type against a coercion
%*                                                                      *

This section defines essentially an inverse to liftCoSubst. It is defined
here to avoid a dependency from Coercion on this module.


data MatchEnv = ME { MatchEnv -> VarSet
me_tmpls :: TyVarSet
                   , MatchEnv -> RnEnv2
me_env   :: RnEnv2 }

-- | 'liftCoMatch' is sort of inverse to 'liftCoSubst'.  In particular, if
--   @liftCoMatch vars ty co == Just s@, then @liftCoSubst s ty == co@,
--   where @==@ there means that the result of 'liftCoSubst' has the same
--   type as the original co; but may be different under the hood.
--   That is, it matches a type against a coercion of the same
--   "shape", and returns a lifting substitution which could have been
--   used to produce the given coercion from the given type.
--   Note that this function is incomplete -- it might return Nothing
--   when there does indeed exist a possible lifting context.
-- This function is incomplete in that it doesn't respect the equality
-- in `eqType`. That is, it's possible that this will succeed for t1 and
-- fail for t2, even when t1 `eqType` t2. That's because it depends on
-- there being a very similar structure between the type and the coercion.
-- This incompleteness shouldn't be all that surprising, especially because
-- it depends on the structure of the coercion, which is a silly thing to do.
-- The lifting context produced doesn't have to be exacting in the roles
-- of the mappings. This is because any use of the lifting context will
-- also require a desired role. Thus, this algorithm prefers mapping to
-- nominal coercions where it can do so.
liftCoMatch :: TyCoVarSet -> Type -> Coercion -> Maybe LiftingContext
liftCoMatch :: VarSet -> Type -> Coercion -> Maybe LiftingContext
liftCoMatch VarSet
tmpls Type
ty Coercion
  = do { CvSubstEnv
cenv1 <- MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv forall a. VarEnv a
emptyVarEnv Type
ki Coercion
ki_co Coercion
ki_ki_co Coercion
       ; CvSubstEnv
cenv2 <- MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
cenv1       Type
ty Coercion
                              (Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type
co_lkind) (Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type
       ; forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (TCvSubst -> CvSubstEnv -> LiftingContext
LC (InScopeSet -> TCvSubst
mkEmptyTCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope) CvSubstEnv
cenv2) }
    menv :: MatchEnv
menv     = ME { me_tmpls :: VarSet
me_tmpls = VarSet
tmpls, me_env :: RnEnv2
me_env = InScopeSet -> RnEnv2
mkRnEnv2 InScopeSet
in_scope }
    in_scope :: InScopeSet
in_scope = VarSet -> InScopeSet
mkInScopeSet (VarSet
tmpls VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
`unionVarSet` Coercion -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfCo Coercion
    -- Like tcMatchTy, assume all the interesting variables
    -- in ty are in tmpls

    ki :: Type
ki       = HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type
typeKind Type
    ki_co :: Coercion
ki_co    = Coercion -> Coercion
promoteCoercion Coercion
    ki_ki_co :: Coercion
ki_ki_co = Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type

    Pair Type
co_lkind Type
co_rkind = Coercion -> Pair Type
coercionKind Coercion

-- | 'ty_co_match' does all the actual work for 'liftCoMatch'.
ty_co_match :: MatchEnv   -- ^ ambient helpful info
            -> LiftCoEnv  -- ^ incoming subst
            -> Type       -- ^ ty, type to match
            -> Coercion   -- ^ co, coercion to match against
            -> Coercion   -- ^ :: kind of L type of substed ty ~N L kind of co
            -> Coercion   -- ^ :: kind of R type of substed ty ~N R kind of co
            -> Maybe LiftCoEnv
ty_co_match :: MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty Coercion
co Coercion
lkco Coercion
  | Just Type
ty' <- Type -> Maybe Type
coreView Type
ty = MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty' Coercion
co Coercion
lkco Coercion
     -- why coreView here, not tcView? Because we're firmly after type-checking.
     -- This function is used only during coercion optimisation.

  -- handle Refl case:
  | Type -> VarSet
tyCoVarsOfType Type
ty forall a. VarSet -> VarEnv a -> Bool
`isNotInDomainOf` CvSubstEnv
  , Just (Type
ty', Role
_) <- Coercion -> Maybe (Type, Role)
isReflCo_maybe Coercion
  , Type
ty Type -> Type -> Bool
`eqType` Type
  = forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just CvSubstEnv

    isNotInDomainOf :: VarSet -> VarEnv a -> Bool
    isNotInDomainOf :: forall a. VarSet -> VarEnv a -> Bool
isNotInDomainOf VarSet
set VarEnv a
      = (OutTyVar -> Bool) -> VarSet -> Bool
noneSet (\OutTyVar
v -> forall a. OutTyVar -> VarEnv a -> Bool
elemVarEnv OutTyVar
v VarEnv a
env) VarSet

    noneSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> VarSet -> Bool
    noneSet :: (OutTyVar -> Bool) -> VarSet -> Bool
noneSet OutTyVar -> Bool
f = (OutTyVar -> Bool) -> VarSet -> Bool
allVarSet (Bool -> Bool
not forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OutTyVar -> Bool

ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty Coercion
co Coercion
lkco Coercion
  | CastTy Type
ty' Coercion
co' <- Type
     -- See Note [Matching in the presence of casts (1)]
  = let empty_subst :: TCvSubst
empty_subst  = InScopeSet -> TCvSubst
mkEmptyTCvSubst (RnEnv2 -> InScopeSet
rnInScopeSet (MatchEnv -> RnEnv2
me_env MatchEnv
        substed_co_l :: Coercion
substed_co_l = HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Coercion -> Coercion
substCo (TCvSubst -> CvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
liftEnvSubstLeft TCvSubst
empty_subst CvSubstEnv
subst)  Coercion
        substed_co_r :: Coercion
substed_co_r = HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Coercion -> Coercion
substCo (TCvSubst -> CvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
liftEnvSubstRight TCvSubst
empty_subst CvSubstEnv
subst) Coercion
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty' Coercion
co (Coercion
substed_co_l Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion
substed_co_r Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion

  | SymCo Coercion
co' <- Coercion
  = CvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv
swapLiftCoEnv forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv (CvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv
swapLiftCoEnv CvSubstEnv
subst) Type
ty Coercion
co' Coercion
rkco Coercion

  -- Match a type variable against a non-refl coercion
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst (TyVarTy OutTyVar
tv1) Coercion
co Coercion
lkco Coercion
  | Just Coercion
co1' <- forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnv CvSubstEnv
subst OutTyVar
tv1' -- tv1' is already bound to co1
  = if RnEnv2 -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Bool
eqCoercionX (RnEnv2 -> RnEnv2
nukeRnEnvL RnEnv2
rn_env) Coercion
co1' Coercion
    then forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just CvSubstEnv
    else forall a. Maybe a
Nothing       -- no match since tv1 matches two different coercions

  | OutTyVar
tv1' OutTyVar -> VarSet -> Bool
`elemVarSet` MatchEnv -> VarSet
me_tmpls MatchEnv
menv           -- tv1' is a template var
  = if forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
any (RnEnv2 -> OutTyVar -> Bool
inRnEnvR RnEnv2
rn_env) (Coercion -> [OutTyVar]
tyCoVarsOfCoList Coercion
    then forall a. Maybe a
Nothing      -- occurs check failed
    else forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv CvSubstEnv
subst OutTyVar
tv1' forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
castCoercionKind Coercion
co (Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion
lkco) (Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion

  | Bool
  = forall a. Maybe a

    rn_env :: RnEnv2
rn_env = MatchEnv -> RnEnv2
me_env MatchEnv
    tv1' :: OutTyVar
tv1' = RnEnv2 -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
rnOccL RnEnv2
rn_env OutTyVar

  -- just look through SubCo's. We don't really care about roles here.
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty (SubCo Coercion
co) Coercion
lkco Coercion
  = MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty Coercion
co Coercion
lkco Coercion

ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst (AppTy Type
ty1a Type
ty1b) Coercion
co Coercion
_lkco Coercion
  | Just (Coercion
co2, Coercion
arg2) <- Coercion -> Maybe (Coercion, Coercion)
splitAppCo_maybe Coercion
co     -- c.f. Unify.match on AppTy
  = MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> [Type]
-> Coercion
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_app MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty1a [Type
ty1b] Coercion
co2 [Coercion
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty1 (AppCo Coercion
co2 Coercion
arg2) Coercion
_lkco Coercion
  | Just (Type
ty1a, Type
ty1b) <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
repSplitAppTy_maybe Type
       -- yes, the one from Type, not TcType; this is for coercion optimization
  = MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> [Type]
-> Coercion
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_app MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty1a [Type
ty1b] Coercion
co2 [Coercion

ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst (TyConApp TyCon
tc1 [Type]
tys) (TyConAppCo Role
_ TyCon
tc2 [Coercion]
cos) Coercion
_lkco Coercion
  = MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> TyCon
-> [Type]
-> TyCon
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_tc MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst TyCon
tc1 [Type]
tys TyCon
tc2 [Coercion]
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst (FunTy AnonArgFlag
_ Type
w Type
ty1 Type
ty2) Coercion
co Coercion
_lkco Coercion
    -- Despite the fact that (->) is polymorphic in five type variables (two
    -- runtime rep, a multiplicity and two types), we shouldn't need to
    -- explicitly unify the runtime reps here; unifying the types themselves
    -- should be sufficient.  See Note [Representation of function types].
  | Just (TyCon
tc, [Coercion
co_mult, Coercion
co2]) <- Coercion -> Maybe (TyCon, [Coercion])
splitTyConAppCo_maybe Coercion
  , TyCon
tc forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TyCon
  = let Pair [Coercion]
lkcos [Coercion]
rkcos = forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Coercion -> Pair Type
coercionKind) [Coercion
    in MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_args MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst [Type
w, Type
ty1, Type
ty2] [Coercion
co_mult, Coercion
co1, Coercion
co2] [Coercion]
lkcos [Coercion]

ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst (ForAllTy (Bndr OutTyVar
tv1 ArgFlag
_) Type
                       (ForAllCo OutTyVar
tv2 Coercion
kind_co2 Coercion
lkco Coercion
  | OutTyVar -> Bool
isTyVar OutTyVar
tv1 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& OutTyVar -> Bool
isTyVar OutTyVar
  = do { CvSubstEnv
subst1 <- MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst (OutTyVar -> Type
tyVarKind OutTyVar
tv1) Coercion
ki_ki_co Coercion
       ; let rn_env0 :: RnEnv2
rn_env0 = MatchEnv -> RnEnv2
me_env MatchEnv
             rn_env1 :: RnEnv2
rn_env1 = RnEnv2 -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar -> RnEnv2
rnBndr2 RnEnv2
rn_env0 OutTyVar
tv1 OutTyVar
             menv' :: MatchEnv
menv'   = MatchEnv
menv { me_env :: RnEnv2
me_env = RnEnv2
rn_env1 }
       ; MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv' CvSubstEnv
subst1 Type
ty1 Coercion
co2 Coercion
lkco Coercion
rkco }
    ki_ki_co :: Coercion
ki_ki_co = Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type

-- ty_co_match menv subst (ForAllTy (Bndr cv1 _) ty1)
--                        (ForAllCo cv2 kind_co2 co2)
--                        lkco rkco
--   | isCoVar cv1 && isCoVar cv2
--   We seems not to have enough information for this case
--   1. Given:
--        cv1      :: (s1 :: k1) ~r (s2 :: k2)
--        kind_co2 :: (s1' ~ s2') ~N (t1 ~ t2)
--        eta1      = mkNthCo role 2 (downgradeRole r Nominal kind_co2)
--                 :: s1' ~ t1
--        eta2      = mkNthCo role 3 (downgradeRole r Nominal kind_co2)
--                 :: s2' ~ t2
--      Wanted:
--        subst1 <- ty_co_match menv subst  s1 eta1 kco1 kco2
--        subst2 <- ty_co_match menv subst1 s2 eta2 kco3 kco4
--      Question: How do we get kcoi?
--   2. Given:
--        lkco :: <*>    -- See Note [Weird typing rule for ForAllTy] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
--        rkco :: <*>
--      Wanted:
--        ty_co_match menv' subst2 ty1 co2 lkco' rkco'
--      Question: How do we get lkco' and rkco'?

ty_co_match MatchEnv
_ CvSubstEnv
subst (CoercionTy {}) Coercion
_ Coercion
_ Coercion
  = forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just CvSubstEnv
subst -- don't inspect coercions

ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty (GRefl Role
r Type
t (MCo Coercion
co)) Coercion
lkco Coercion
  =  MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty (Role -> Type -> MCoercion -> Coercion
GRefl Role
r Type
t MCoercion
MRefl) Coercion
lkco (Coercion
rkco Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion

ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty Coercion
co1 Coercion
lkco Coercion
  | Just (CastTy Type
t Coercion
co, Role
r) <- Coercion -> Maybe (Type, Role)
isReflCo_maybe Coercion
  -- In @pushRefl@, pushing reflexive coercion inside CastTy will give us
  -- t |> co ~ t ; <t> ; t ~ t |> co
  -- But transitive coercions are not helpful. Therefore we deal
  -- with it here: we do recursion on the smaller reflexive coercion,
  -- while propagating the correct kind coercions.
  = let kco' :: Coercion
kco' = Coercion -> Coercion
mkSymCo Coercion
    in MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty (Role -> Type -> Coercion
mkReflCo Role
r Type
t) (Coercion
lkco Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion
rkco Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
`mkTransCo` Coercion

ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty Coercion
co Coercion
lkco Coercion
  | Just Coercion
co' <- Coercion -> Maybe Coercion
pushRefl Coercion
co = MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty Coercion
co' Coercion
lkco Coercion
  | Bool
otherwise               = forall a. Maybe a

ty_co_match_tc :: MatchEnv -> LiftCoEnv
               -> TyCon -> [Type]
               -> TyCon -> [Coercion]
               -> Maybe LiftCoEnv
ty_co_match_tc :: MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> TyCon
-> [Type]
-> TyCon
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_tc MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst TyCon
tc1 [Type]
tys1 TyCon
tc2 [Coercion]
  = do { forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (TyCon
tc1 forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TyCon
       ; MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_args MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst [Type]
tys1 [Coercion]
cos2 [Coercion]
lkcos [Coercion]
rkcos }
    Pair [Coercion]
lkcos [Coercion]
      = forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Coercion -> Pair Type
coercionKind) [Coercion]

ty_co_match_app :: MatchEnv -> LiftCoEnv
                -> Type -> [Type] -> Coercion -> [Coercion]
                -> Maybe LiftCoEnv
ty_co_match_app :: MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> [Type]
-> Coercion
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_app MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty1 [Type]
ty1args Coercion
co2 [Coercion]
  | Just (Type
ty1', Type
ty1a) <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
repSplitAppTy_maybe Type
  , Just (Coercion
co2', Coercion
co2a) <- Coercion -> Maybe (Coercion, Coercion)
splitAppCo_maybe Coercion
  = MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> [Type]
-> Coercion
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_app MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty1' (Type
ty1a forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Type]
ty1args) Coercion
co2' (Coercion
co2a forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Coercion]

  | Bool
  = do { CvSubstEnv
subst1 <- MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ki1 Coercion
ki2 Coercion
ki_ki_co Coercion
       ; let Pair Coercion
lkco Coercion
rkco = Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Coercion -> Pair Type
coercionKind Coercion
       ; CvSubstEnv
subst2 <- MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst1 Type
ty1 Coercion
co2 Coercion
lkco Coercion
       ; let Pair [Coercion]
lkcos [Coercion]
rkcos = forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse (forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Coercion -> Pair Type
coercionKind) [Coercion]
       ; MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_args MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst2 [Type]
ty1args [Coercion]
co2args [Coercion]
lkcos [Coercion]
rkcos }
    ki1 :: Type
ki1 = HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type
typeKind Type
    ki2 :: Coercion
ki2 = Coercion -> Coercion
promoteCoercion Coercion
    ki_ki_co :: Coercion
ki_ki_co = Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type

ty_co_match_args :: MatchEnv -> LiftCoEnv -> [Type]
                 -> [Coercion] -> [Coercion] -> [Coercion]
                 -> Maybe LiftCoEnv
ty_co_match_args :: MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_args MatchEnv
_    CvSubstEnv
subst []       []         [Coercion]
_ [Coercion]
_ = forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_args MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst (Type
tys) (Coercion
args) (Coercion
lkcos) (Coercion
  = do { CvSubstEnv
subst' <- MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> Type
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Coercion
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst Type
ty Coercion
arg Coercion
lkco Coercion
       ; MatchEnv
-> CvSubstEnv
-> [Type]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> [Coercion]
-> Maybe CvSubstEnv
ty_co_match_args MatchEnv
menv CvSubstEnv
subst' [Type]
tys [Coercion]
args [Coercion]
lkcos [Coercion]
rkcos }
ty_co_match_args MatchEnv
_    CvSubstEnv
_     [Type]
_        [Coercion]
_          [Coercion]
_ [Coercion]
_ = forall a. Maybe a

pushRefl :: Coercion -> Maybe Coercion
pushRefl :: Coercion -> Maybe Coercion
pushRefl Coercion
co =
  case (Coercion -> Maybe (Type, Role)
isReflCo_maybe Coercion
co) of
    Just (AppTy Type
ty1 Type
ty2, Role
      -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
AppCo (Role -> Type -> Coercion
mkReflCo Role
Nominal Type
ty1) (Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo Type
    Just (FunTy AnonArgFlag
_ Type
w Type
ty1 Type
ty2, Role
      | Just Type
rep1 <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe Type
getRuntimeRep_maybe Type
      , Just Type
rep2 <- HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Maybe Type
getRuntimeRep_maybe Type
      ->  forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Role -> TyCon -> [Coercion] -> Coercion
TyConAppCo Role
r TyCon
funTyCon [ Type -> Coercion
multToCo Type
w, Role -> Type -> Coercion
mkReflCo Role
r Type
rep1, Role -> Type -> Coercion
mkReflCo Role
r Type
                                       , Role -> Type -> Coercion
mkReflCo Role
r Type
ty1,  Role -> Type -> Coercion
mkReflCo Role
r Type
ty2 ])
    Just (TyConApp TyCon
tc [Type]
tys, Role
      -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Role -> TyCon -> [Coercion] -> Coercion
TyConAppCo Role
r TyCon
tc (forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith Role -> Type -> Coercion
mkReflCo (Role -> TyCon -> [Role]
tyConRolesX Role
r TyCon
tc) [Type]
    Just (ForAllTy (Bndr OutTyVar
tv ArgFlag
_) Type
ty, Role
      -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (OutTyVar -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
ForAllCo OutTyVar
tv (Type -> Coercion
mkNomReflCo (OutTyVar -> Type
varType OutTyVar
tv)) (Role -> Type -> Coercion
mkReflCo Role
r Type
    -- NB: NoRefl variant. Otherwise, we get a loop!
    Maybe (Type, Role)
_ -> forall a. Maybe a

*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *

Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
As described in "Closed type families with overlapping equations"
we need to flatten core types before unifying them, when checking for "surely-apart"
against earlier equations of a closed type family.
Flattening means replacing all top-level uses of type functions with
fresh variables, *taking care to preserve sharing*. That is, the type
(Either (F a b) (F a b)) should flatten to (Either c c), never (Either
c d).

Here is a nice example of why it's all necessary:

  type family F a b where
    F Int Bool = Char
    F a   b    = Double
  type family G a         -- open, no instances

How do we reduce (F (G Float) (G Float))? The first equation clearly doesn't match,
while the second equation does. But, before reducing, we must make sure that the
target can never become (F Int Bool). Well, no matter what G Float becomes, it
certainly won't become *both* Int and Bool, so indeed we're safe reducing
(F (G Float) (G Float)) to Double.

This is necessary not only to get more reductions (which we might be
willing to give up on), but for substitutivity. If we have (F x x), we
can see that (F x x) can reduce to Double. So, it had better be the
case that (F blah blah) can reduce to Double, no matter what (blah)
is!  Flattening as done below ensures this.

We also use this flattening operation to check for class instances.
If we have
  instance C (Maybe b)
  instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} C (Maybe Bool)
  [W] C (Maybe (F a))
we want to know that the second instance might match later. So we
flatten the (F a) in the target before trying to unify with instances.
(This is done in GHC.Core.InstEnv.lookupInstEnv'.)

The algorithm works by building up a TypeMap TyVar, mapping
type family applications to fresh variables. This mapping must
be threaded through all the function calls, as any entry in
the mapping must be propagated to all future nodes in the tree.

The algorithm also must track the set of in-scope variables, in
order to make fresh variables as it flattens. (We are far from a
source of fresh Uniques.) See Wrinkle 2, below.

There are wrinkles, of course:

1. The flattening algorithm must account for the possibility
   of inner `forall`s. (A `forall` seen here can happen only
   because of impredicativity. However, the flattening operation
   is an algorithm in Core, which is impredicative.)
   Suppose we have (forall b. F b) -> (forall b. F b). Of course,
   those two bs are entirely unrelated, and so we should certainly
   not flatten the two calls F b to the same variable. Instead, they
   must be treated separately. We thus carry a substitution that
   freshens variables; we must apply this substitution (in
   `coreFlattenTyFamApp`) before looking up an application in the environment.
   Note that the range of the substitution contains only TyVars, never anything

   For the sake of efficiency, we only apply this substitution when absolutely
   necessary. Namely:

   * We do not perform the substitution at all if it is empty.
   * We only need to worry about the arguments of a type family that are within
     the arity of said type family, so we can get away with not applying the
     substitution to any oversaturated type family arguments.
   * Importantly, we do /not/ achieve this substitution by recursively
     flattening the arguments, as this would be wrong. Consider `F (G a)`,
     where F and G are type families. We might decide that `F (G a)` flattens
     to `beta`. Later, the substitution is non-empty (but does not map `a`) and
     so we flatten `G a` to `gamma` and try to flatten `F gamma`. Of course,
     `F gamma` is unknown, and so we flatten it to `delta`, but it really
     should have been `beta`! Argh!

     Moral of the story: instead of flattening the arguments, just substitute
     them directly.

2. There are two different reasons we might add a variable
   to the in-scope set as we work:

     A. We have just invented a new flattening variable.
     B. We have entered a `forall`.

   Annoying here is that in-scope variable source (A) must be
   threaded through the calls. For example, consider (F b -> forall c. F c).
   Suppose that, when flattening F b, we invent a fresh variable c.
   Now, when we encounter (forall c. F c), we need to know c is already in
   scope so that we locally rename c to c'. However, if we don't thread through
   the in-scope set from one argument of (->) to the other, we won't know this
   and might get very confused.

   In contrast, source (B) increases only as we go deeper, as in-scope sets
   normally do. However, even here we must be careful. The TypeMap TyVar that
   contains mappings from type family applications to freshened variables will
   be threaded through both sides of (forall b. F b) -> (forall b. F b). We
   thus must make sure that the two `b`s don't get renamed to the same b1. (If
   they did, then looking up `F b1` would yield the same flatten var for
   each.) So, even though `forall`-bound variables should really be in the
   in-scope set only when they are in scope, we retain these variables even
   outside of their scope. This ensures that, if we encounter a fresh
   `forall`-bound b, we will rename it to b2, not b1. Note that keeping a
   larger in-scope set than strictly necessary is always OK, as in-scope sets
   are only ever used to avoid collisions.

   Sadly, the freshening substitution described in (1) really mustn't bind
   variables outside of their scope: note that its domain is the *unrenamed*
   variables. This means that the substitution gets "pushed down" (like a
   reader monad) while the in-scope set gets threaded (like a state monad).
   Because a TCvSubst contains its own in-scope set, we don't carry a TCvSubst;
   instead, we just carry a TvSubstEnv down, tying it to the InScopeSet
   traveling separately as necessary.

3. Consider `F ty_1 ... ty_n`, where F is a type family with arity k:

     type family F ty_1 ... ty_k :: res_k

   It's tempting to just flatten `F ty_1 ... ty_n` to `alpha`, where alpha is a
   flattening skolem. But we must instead flatten it to
   `alpha ty_(k+1) ... ty_n`—that is, by only flattening up to the arity of the
   type family.

   Why is this better? Consider the following concrete example from #16995:

     type family Param :: Type -> Type

     type family LookupParam (a :: Type) :: Type where
       LookupParam (f Char) = Bool
       LookupParam x        = Int

     foo :: LookupParam (Param ())
     foo = 42

   In order for `foo` to typecheck, `LookupParam (Param ())` must reduce to
   `Int`. But if we flatten `Param ()` to `alpha`, then GHC can't be sure if
   `alpha` is apart from `f Char`, so it won't fall through to the second
   equation. But since the `Param` type family has arity 0, we can instead
   flatten `Param ()` to `alpha ()`, about which GHC knows with confidence is
   apart from `f Char`, permitting the second equation to be reached.

   Not only does this allow more programs to be accepted, it's also important
   for correctness. Not doing this was the root cause of the Core Lint error
   in #16995.

flattenTys is defined here because of module dependencies.

data FlattenEnv
  = FlattenEnv { FlattenEnv -> TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
fe_type_map :: TypeMap (TyVar, TyCon, [Type])
                 -- domain: exactly-saturated type family applications
                 -- range: (fresh variable, type family tycon, args)
               , FlattenEnv -> InScopeSet
fe_in_scope :: InScopeSet }
                 -- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]

emptyFlattenEnv :: InScopeSet -> FlattenEnv
emptyFlattenEnv :: InScopeSet -> FlattenEnv
emptyFlattenEnv InScopeSet
  = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map :: TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
fe_type_map = forall a. TypeMap a
               , fe_in_scope :: InScopeSet
fe_in_scope = InScopeSet
in_scope }

updateInScopeSet :: FlattenEnv -> (InScopeSet -> InScopeSet) -> FlattenEnv
updateInScopeSet :: FlattenEnv -> (InScopeSet -> InScopeSet) -> FlattenEnv
updateInScopeSet FlattenEnv
env InScopeSet -> InScopeSet
upd = FlattenEnv
env { fe_in_scope :: InScopeSet
fe_in_scope = InScopeSet -> InScopeSet
upd (FlattenEnv -> InScopeSet
fe_in_scope FlattenEnv
env) }

flattenTys :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> [Type]
-- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
flattenTys :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> [Type]
flattenTys InScopeSet
in_scope [Type]
tys = forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst (InScopeSet -> [Type] -> ([Type], TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type]))
flattenTysX InScopeSet
in_scope [Type]

flattenTysX :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> ([Type], TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type]))
-- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
-- NB: the returned types mention the fresh type variables
--     in the domain of the returned env, whose range includes
--     the original type family applications. Building a substitution
--     from this information and applying it would yield the original
--     types -- almost. The problem is that the original type might
--     have something like (forall b. F a b); the returned environment
--     can't really sensibly refer to that b. So it may include a locally-
--     bound tyvar in its range. Currently, the only usage of this env't
--     checks whether there are any meta-variables in it
--     (in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.mightEqualLater), so this is all OK.
flattenTysX :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> ([Type], TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type]))
flattenTysX InScopeSet
in_scope [Type]
  = let (FlattenEnv
env, [Type]
result) = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
coreFlattenTys TvSubstEnv
emptyTvSubstEnv (InScopeSet -> FlattenEnv
emptyFlattenEnv InScopeSet
in_scope) [Type]
tys in
result, TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type]) -> TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type])
build_env (FlattenEnv -> TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
fe_type_map FlattenEnv
    build_env :: TypeMap (TyVar, TyCon, [Type]) -> TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type])
    build_env :: TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type]) -> TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type])
build_env TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
      = forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
TrieMap m =>
(a -> b -> b) -> m a -> b -> b
foldTM (\(OutTyVar
tv, TyCon
tc, [Type]
tys) TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type])
env_out -> forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv TyVarEnv (TyCon, [Type])
env_out OutTyVar
tv (TyCon
tc, [Type]
               TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
env_in forall a. VarEnv a

coreFlattenTys :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
               -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
coreFlattenTys :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
coreFlattenTys TvSubstEnv
subst = forall (t :: * -> *) s a b.
Traversable t =>
(s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> t a -> (s, t b)
mapAccumL (TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTy TvSubstEnv

coreFlattenTy :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
              -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTy :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTy TvSubstEnv
subst = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
    go :: FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env Type
ty | Just Type
ty' <- Type -> Maybe Type
coreView Type
ty = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env Type

    go FlattenEnv
env (TyVarTy OutTyVar
      | Just Type
ty <- forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnv TvSubstEnv
subst OutTyVar
tv = (FlattenEnv
env, Type
      | Bool
otherwise                        = let (FlattenEnv
env', Type
ki) = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env (OutTyVar -> Type
tyVarKind OutTyVar
tv) in
env', OutTyVar -> Type
mkTyVarTy forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ OutTyVar -> Type -> OutTyVar
setTyVarKind OutTyVar
tv Type
    go FlattenEnv
env (AppTy Type
ty1 Type
ty2) = let (FlattenEnv
env1, Type
ty1') = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env  Type
env2, Type
ty2') = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env1 Type
ty2 in
env2, Type -> Type -> Type
AppTy Type
ty1' Type
    go FlattenEnv
env (TyConApp TyCon
tc [Type]
         -- NB: Don't just check if isFamilyTyCon: this catches *data* families,
         -- which are generative and thus can be preserved during flattening
      | Bool -> Bool
not (TyCon -> Role -> Bool
isGenerativeTyCon TyCon
tc Role
      = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> TyCon -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTyFamApp TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env TyCon
tc [Type]

      | Bool
      = let (FlattenEnv
env', [Type]
tys') = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
coreFlattenTys TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env [Type]
tys in
env', TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
mkTyConApp TyCon
tc [Type]

    go FlattenEnv
env ty :: Type
ty@(FunTy { ft_mult :: Type -> Type
ft_mult = Type
mult, ft_arg :: Type -> Type
ft_arg = Type
ty1, ft_res :: Type -> Type
ft_res = Type
ty2 })
      = let (FlattenEnv
env1, Type
ty1') = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env  Type
env2, Type
ty2') = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env1 Type
env3, Type
mult') = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env2 Type
mult in
env3, Type
ty { ft_mult :: Type
ft_mult = Type
mult', ft_arg :: Type
ft_arg = Type
ty1', ft_res :: Type
ft_res = Type
ty2' })

    go FlattenEnv
env (ForAllTy (Bndr OutTyVar
tv ArgFlag
vis) Type
      = let (FlattenEnv
env1, TvSubstEnv
subst', OutTyVar
tv') = TvSubstEnv
-> FlattenEnv -> OutTyVar -> (FlattenEnv, TvSubstEnv, OutTyVar)
coreFlattenVarBndr TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env OutTyVar
env2, Type
ty') = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTy TvSubstEnv
subst' FlattenEnv
env1 Type
ty in
env2, VarBndr OutTyVar ArgFlag -> Type -> Type
ForAllTy (forall var argf. var -> argf -> VarBndr var argf
Bndr OutTyVar
tv' ArgFlag
vis) Type

    go FlattenEnv
env ty :: Type
ty@(LitTy {}) = (FlattenEnv
env, Type

    go FlattenEnv
env (CastTy Type
ty Coercion
      = let (FlattenEnv
env1, Type
ty') = FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
go FlattenEnv
env Type
env2, Coercion
co') = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> Coercion -> (FlattenEnv, Coercion)
coreFlattenCo TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env1 Coercion
co in
env2, Type -> Coercion -> Type
CastTy Type
ty' Coercion

    go FlattenEnv
env (CoercionTy Coercion
      = let (FlattenEnv
env', Coercion
co') = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> Coercion -> (FlattenEnv, Coercion)
coreFlattenCo TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env Coercion
co in
env', Coercion -> Type
CoercionTy Coercion

-- when flattening, we don't care about the contents of coercions.
-- so, just return a fresh variable of the right (flattened) type
coreFlattenCo :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
              -> Coercion -> (FlattenEnv, Coercion)
coreFlattenCo :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> Coercion -> (FlattenEnv, Coercion)
coreFlattenCo TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env Coercion
  = (FlattenEnv
env2, OutTyVar -> Coercion
mkCoVarCo OutTyVar
env1, Type
kind') = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTy TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env (Coercion -> Type
coercionType Coercion
    covar :: OutTyVar
covar         = InScopeSet -> Type -> OutTyVar
mkFlattenFreshCoVar (FlattenEnv -> InScopeSet
fe_in_scope FlattenEnv
env1) Type
    -- Add the covar to the FlattenEnv's in-scope set.
    -- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances], wrinkle 2A.
    env2 :: FlattenEnv
env2          = FlattenEnv -> (InScopeSet -> InScopeSet) -> FlattenEnv
updateInScopeSet FlattenEnv
env1 (forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip InScopeSet -> OutTyVar -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSet OutTyVar

coreFlattenVarBndr :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
                   -> TyCoVar -> (FlattenEnv, TvSubstEnv, TyVar)
coreFlattenVarBndr :: TvSubstEnv
-> FlattenEnv -> OutTyVar -> (FlattenEnv, TvSubstEnv, OutTyVar)
coreFlattenVarBndr TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env OutTyVar
  = (FlattenEnv
env2, TvSubstEnv
subst', OutTyVar
    -- See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances], wrinkle 2B.
    kind :: Type
kind          = OutTyVar -> Type
varType OutTyVar
env1, Type
kind') = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTy TvSubstEnv
subst FlattenEnv
env Type
    tv' :: OutTyVar
tv'           = InScopeSet -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
uniqAway (FlattenEnv -> InScopeSet
fe_in_scope FlattenEnv
env1) (OutTyVar -> Type -> OutTyVar
setVarType OutTyVar
tv Type
    subst' :: TvSubstEnv
subst'        = forall a. VarEnv a -> OutTyVar -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv TvSubstEnv
subst OutTyVar
tv (OutTyVar -> Type
mkTyVarTy OutTyVar
    env2 :: FlattenEnv
env2          = FlattenEnv -> (InScopeSet -> InScopeSet) -> FlattenEnv
updateInScopeSet FlattenEnv
env1 (forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip InScopeSet -> OutTyVar -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSet OutTyVar

coreFlattenTyFamApp :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
                    -> TyCon         -- type family tycon
                    -> [Type]        -- args, already flattened
                    -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTyFamApp :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> TyCon -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
coreFlattenTyFamApp TvSubstEnv
tv_subst FlattenEnv
env TyCon
fam_tc [Type]
  = case forall a. TypeMap a -> Type -> Maybe a
lookupTypeMap TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
type_map Type
fam_ty of
      Just (OutTyVar
tv, TyCon
_, [Type]
_) -> (FlattenEnv
env', Type -> [Type] -> Type
mkAppTys (OutTyVar -> Type
mkTyVarTy OutTyVar
tv) [Type]
      Maybe (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
Nothing ->
        let tyvar_name :: Name
tyvar_name = forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Name
mkFlattenFreshTyName TyCon
            tv :: OutTyVar
tv         = InScopeSet -> OutTyVar -> OutTyVar
uniqAway InScopeSet
in_scope forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                         Name -> Type -> OutTyVar
mkTyVar Name
tyvar_name (HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type
typeKind Type

            ty' :: Type
ty'   = Type -> [Type] -> Type
mkAppTys (OutTyVar -> Type
mkTyVarTy OutTyVar
tv) [Type]
            env'' :: FlattenEnv
env'' = FlattenEnv
env' { fe_type_map :: TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
fe_type_map = forall a. TypeMap a -> Type -> a -> TypeMap a
extendTypeMap TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
type_map Type
tv, TyCon
fam_tc, [Type]
                         , fe_in_scope :: InScopeSet
fe_in_scope = InScopeSet -> OutTyVar -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSet InScopeSet
in_scope OutTyVar
tv }
        in (FlattenEnv
env'', Type
    arity :: Arity
arity = TyCon -> Arity
tyConArity TyCon
    tcv_subst :: TCvSubst
tcv_subst = InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
TCvSubst (FlattenEnv -> InScopeSet
fe_in_scope FlattenEnv
env) TvSubstEnv
tv_subst forall a. VarEnv a
sat_fam_args, [Type]
leftover_args) = ASSERT( arity <= length fam_args )
                                    forall a. Arity -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt Arity
arity [Type]
    -- Apply the substitution before looking up an application in the
    -- environment. See Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances],
    -- wrinkle 1.
    -- NB: substTys short-cuts the common case when the substitution is empty.
    sat_fam_args' :: [Type]
sat_fam_args' = HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type]
substTys TCvSubst
tcv_subst [Type]
env', [Type]
leftover_args') = TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
coreFlattenTys TvSubstEnv
tv_subst FlattenEnv
env [Type]
    -- `fam_tc` may be over-applied to `fam_args` (see
    -- Note [Flattening type-family applications when matching instances]
    -- wrinkle 3), so we split it into the arguments needed to saturate it
    -- (sat_fam_args') and the rest (leftover_args')
    fam_ty :: Type
fam_ty = TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
mkTyConApp TyCon
fam_tc [Type]
    FlattenEnv { fe_type_map :: FlattenEnv -> TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
fe_type_map = TypeMap (OutTyVar, TyCon, [Type])
               , fe_in_scope :: FlattenEnv -> InScopeSet
fe_in_scope = InScopeSet
in_scope } = FlattenEnv

mkFlattenFreshTyName :: Uniquable a => a -> Name
mkFlattenFreshTyName :: forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Name
mkFlattenFreshTyName a
  = Unique -> FastString -> Name
mkSysTvName (forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Unique
getUnique a
unq) (String -> FastString
fsLit String

mkFlattenFreshCoVar :: InScopeSet -> Kind -> CoVar
mkFlattenFreshCoVar :: InScopeSet -> Type -> OutTyVar
mkFlattenFreshCoVar InScopeSet
in_scope Type
  = let uniq :: Unique
uniq = InScopeSet -> Unique
unsafeGetFreshLocalUnique InScopeSet
        name :: Name
name = Unique -> FastString -> Name
mkSystemVarName Unique
uniq (String -> FastString
fsLit String
    in Name -> Type -> OutTyVar
mkCoVar Name
name Type