ghc-tcplugin-api- An API for type-checker plugins.
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides an optional framework that facilitates name lookup in type-checking plugins, using constrained traversals (similar to the barbies library).

See the ResolveNames typeclass.


data PluginDefs =
    { myTyCon           :: TyCon
    , myClass           :: Class
    , myPromotedDataCon :: TyCon

findMyModule :: MonadTcPlugin m => m Module
findMyModule = do
  findResult <- findImportedModule ( mkModuleName "MyModule" ) Nothing
  case findResult of
    Found _ res -> pure res
    _           -> error $ "MyPlugin: could not find any module named MyModule."

pluginInit :: TcPluginM Init PluginDefs
pluginInit = do
  myModule <- findMyModule
  myTyCon           <-                       tcLookupTyCon   =<< lookupOrig myModule ( mkTcOcc   "MyTyCon"   )
  myClass           <-                       tcLookupClass   =<< lookupOrig myModule ( mkClsOcc  "MyClass"   )
  myPromotedDataCon <- fmap promoteDataCon . tcLookupDataCon =<< lookupOrig myModule ( mkDataOcc "MyDataCon" )
  pure ( PluginDefs { .. } )


data PluginDefsHKD n =
    { myTyCon            :: Wear n TyCon
    , myClass            :: Wear n Class
    , myPromotedDataCon  :: Wear n ( Promoted DataCon )
  deriving stock Generic
  deriving ResolveNames
    via Generically1 PluginDefsHKD

type PluginDefs = PluginDefsHKD Resolved

pluginInit :: TcPluginM Init PluginDefs
pluginInit = resolveNames pluginNames
    pluginNames :: PluginDefsHKD Named
    pluginNames =
        { myTyCon           = mkQualified "MyTyCon"
        , myClass           = mkQualified "MyClass"
        , myPromotedDataCon = mkQualified "MyDataCon"
    mkQualified :: String -> QualifiedName thing
    mkQualified str =
        { name    = str
        , module' = mkModuleName "MyModule"
        , package = Nothing


class ResolveNames f Source #

This class exposes the method resolveNames which will perform name resolution for all the fields in a datatype.

Example usage: we define a record that will hold the things we want to look up, using the Wear type family.

For example:

data MyData n
  = MyData
  { myClass       :: !( Wear n Class )
  , myTyCon       :: !( Wear n TyCon )
  , myDataCon     :: !( Wear n DataCon )
  , myPromDataCon :: !( Wear n (Promoted DataCon) )
  deriving stock Generic
  deriving ResolveNames
    via Generically1 MyData

Now we can specify the names of the things which we want to look up, together with the modules and packages in which they belong:

myNames :: MyData Named
myNames = MyData
 { myClass = QualifiedName "MyClass" "My.Module" ( Just "my-pkg-name" )
 , ...

Then we can call resolveNames:

resolvedNames :: MonadTcPlugin m => m (MyData Resolved)
resolvedNames = resolveNames myNames

This returns a record containing the looked up things we want, e.g. myClass :: Class, myPromDataCon :: TyCon, etc.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
(Generic (f 'Named), Generic (f 'Resolved), GTraversableC ResolveName (Rep (f 'Named)) (Rep (f 'Resolved))) => ResolveNames (Generically1 f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.TcPlugin.API.Names

resolveNames :: (MonadTcPlugin m, ResolveNames f) => f Named -> m (f Resolved) Source #

Resolve a collection of names.

See ResolveNames for further details.

type family Wear n thing where ... Source #

Type-family used for higher-kinded data pattern.

This allows the same record to be re-used, as explained in the worked example for ResolveNames.

For instance, if one defines:

data MyData n
  = MyData
  { myClass :: !( Wear n Class )
  , myTyCon :: !( Wear n TyCon )

then a record of type MyData Named is simply a record of textual names (a typeclass name and a type-constructor name, with associated module & packages), whereas a record of type MyData Resolved contains a typeclass's Class as well as a type-constructor's TyCon.


Wear Named thing = QualifiedName thing 
Wear Resolved (Promoted DataCon) = TyCon 
Wear Resolved (Promoted a) = TypeError (((Text "Cannot promote " :<>: ShowType a) :<>: Text ".") :$$: Text "Can only promote 'DataCon's.") 
Wear Resolved thing = thing 

data QualifiedName thing Source #

A QualifiedName is the name of something, together with the names of the module and package it comes from.




data NameResolution Source #

Type-level parameter to Wear type family, for higher-kinded data.

Wear Named thing is the identifier data passed in as an argument. Wear Resolved thing is the result of name resolving the thing.

This allows users to pass a record of names, of type MyData Named, and obtain a record of looked-up things, of type MyData Resolved.

Refer to ResolveNames for a worked example.




Instances details
(Generic (f 'Named), Generic (f 'Resolved), GTraversableC ResolveName (Rep (f 'Named)) (Rep (f 'Resolved))) => ResolveNames (Generically1 f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.TcPlugin.API.Names

data Promoted thing Source #

Use this to refer to a Promoted DataCon.


Instances details
Lookupable (Promoted DataCon) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.TcPlugin.API.Names

class Lookupable a where Source #

Type-class overloading things that can be looked up by name:

  • classes,
  • data constructors (as well as their promotion),
  • type-constructors.

Re-export Generically1 for compatibility.

newtype Generically1 f a Source #

A type whose instances are defined generically, using the Generic1 representation. Generically1 is a higher-kinded version of Generically that uses Generic.

Generic instances can be derived for type constructors via Generically1 F using -XDerivingVia.


Generically1 (f a) 


Instances details
(Generic (f 'Named), Generic (f 'Resolved), GTraversableC ResolveName (Rep (f 'Named)) (Rep (f 'Resolved))) => ResolveNames (Generically1 f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.TcPlugin.API.Names

Generic (f a) => Generic (Generically1 f a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.TcPlugin.API.Names

Associated Types

type Rep (Generically1 f a) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Generically1 f a -> Rep (Generically1 f a) x #

to :: Rep (Generically1 f a) x -> Generically1 f a #

type Rep (Generically1 f a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.TcPlugin.API.Names

type Rep (Generically1 f a) = Rep (f a)