-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- | Based on https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Compiler/API.
--   Given a list of paths to find libraries, and a file to compile, produce a list of 'CoreModule' values.
module Development.IDE.Core.Compile
  ( TcModuleResult(..)
  , compileModule
  , parseModule
  , typecheckModule
  , computePackageDeps
  , addRelativeImport
  ) where

import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.GHC.CPP
import Development.IDE.GHC.Error
import Development.IDE.GHC.Warnings
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans()
import Development.IDE.GHC.Util
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type as GHC
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import Development.IDE.Types.Location

import           GHC hiding (parseModule, typecheckModule)
import qualified Parser
import           Lexer
import ErrUtils

import qualified GHC
import           Panic
import           GhcMonad
import           GhcPlugins                     as GHC hiding (fst3, (<>))
import qualified HeaderInfo                     as Hdr
import           MkIface
import           StringBuffer                   as SB
import           TidyPgm
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt

import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import           Data.Function
import           Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.List.Extra
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Tuple.Extra
import qualified Data.Map.Strict                          as Map
import           System.FilePath
import System.IO.Extra
import Data.Char

import SysTools (Option (..), runUnlit)

-- | Given a string buffer, return a pre-processed @ParsedModule@.
    :: IdeOptions
    -> HscEnv
    -> FilePath
    -> Maybe SB.StringBuffer
    -> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe ParsedModule)
parseModule IdeOptions{..} env file =
    fmap (either (, Nothing) (second Just)) .
    -- We need packages since imports fail to resolve otherwise.
    runGhcEnv env . runExceptT . parseFileContents optPreprocessor file

-- | Given a package identifier, what packages does it depend on
    :: HscEnv
    -> InstalledUnitId
    -> IO (Either [FileDiagnostic] [InstalledUnitId])
computePackageDeps env pkg = do
    let dflags = hsc_dflags env
    case lookupInstalledPackage dflags pkg of
        Nothing -> return $ Left [ideErrorText (toNormalizedFilePath noFilePath) $
            T.pack $ "unknown package: " ++ show pkg]
        Just pkgInfo -> return $ Right $ depends pkgInfo

-- | Typecheck a single module using the supplied dependencies and packages.
    :: HscEnv
    -> [TcModuleResult]
    -> ParsedModule
    -> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe TcModuleResult)
typecheckModule packageState deps pm =
    fmap (either (, Nothing) (second Just)) $
    runGhcEnv packageState $
        catchSrcErrors "typecheck" $ do
            setupEnv deps
            (warnings, tcm) <- withWarnings "typecheck" $ \tweak ->
                GHC.typecheckModule pm{pm_mod_summary = tweak $ pm_mod_summary pm}
            tcm2 <- mkTcModuleResult tcm
            return (warnings, tcm2)

-- | Compile a single type-checked module to a 'CoreModule' value, or
-- provide errors.
    :: HscEnv
    -> [TcModuleResult]
    -> TcModuleResult
    -> IO ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe CoreModule)
compileModule packageState deps tmr =
    fmap (either (, Nothing) (second Just)) $
    runGhcEnv packageState $
        catchSrcErrors "compile" $ do
            setupEnv (deps ++ [tmr])

            let tm = tmrModule tmr
            session <- getSession
            (warnings,desugar) <- withWarnings "compile" $ \tweak -> do
                let pm = tm_parsed_module tm
                let pm' = pm{pm_mod_summary = tweak $ pm_mod_summary pm}
                let tm' = tm{tm_parsed_module  = pm'}
                GHC.dm_core_module <$> GHC.desugarModule tm'

            -- give variables unique OccNames
            (tidy, details) <- liftIO $ tidyProgram session desugar

            let core = CoreModule
                         (cg_module tidy)
                         (md_types details)
                         (cg_binds tidy)
                         (mg_safe_haskell desugar)

            return (warnings, core)

addRelativeImport :: ParsedModule -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
addRelativeImport modu dflags = dflags
    {importPaths = nubOrd $ maybeToList (moduleImportPaths modu) ++ importPaths dflags}

    :: GhcMonad m
    => TypecheckedModule
    -> m TcModuleResult
mkTcModuleResult tcm = do
    session <- getSession
    (iface, _) <- liftIO $ mkIfaceTc session Nothing Sf_None details tcGblEnv
    let mod_info = HomeModInfo iface details Nothing
    return $ TcModuleResult tcm mod_info
    (tcGblEnv, details) = tm_internals_ tcm

-- | Setup the environment that GHC needs according to our
-- best understanding (!)
setupEnv :: GhcMonad m => [TcModuleResult] -> m ()
setupEnv tmsIn = do
    -- if both a .hs-boot file and a .hs file appear here, we want to make sure that the .hs file
    -- takes precedence, so put the .hs-boot file earlier in the list
    let isSourceFile = (==HsBootFile) . ms_hsc_src . pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module . tmrModule
        tms = sortBy (compare `on` Down . isSourceFile) tmsIn

    session <- getSession

    let mss = map (pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module . tmrModule) tms

    -- set the target and module graph in the session
    let graph = mkModuleGraph mss
    setSession session { hsc_mod_graph = graph }

    -- Make modules available for others that import them,
    -- by putting them in the finder cache.
    let ims  = map (InstalledModule (thisInstalledUnitId $ hsc_dflags session) . moduleName . ms_mod) mss
        ifrs = zipWith (\ms -> InstalledFound (ms_location ms)) mss ims
    liftIO $ modifyIORef (hsc_FC session) $ \fc ->
        foldl' (\fc (im, ifr) -> GHC.extendInstalledModuleEnv fc im ifr) fc
            $ zip ims ifrs

    -- load dependent modules, which must be in topological order.
    mapM_ loadModuleHome tms

-- | Load a module, quickly. Input doesn't need to be desugared.
-- A module must be loaded before dependent modules can be typechecked.
-- This variant of loadModuleHome will *never* cause recompilation, it just
-- modifies the session.
    :: (GhcMonad m)
    => TcModuleResult
    -> m ()
loadModuleHome tmr = modifySession $ \e ->
    e { hsc_HPT = addToHpt (hsc_HPT e) mod mod_info }
    ms       = pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module . tmrModule $ tmr
    mod_info = tmrModInfo tmr
    mod      = ms_mod_name ms

-- | GhcMonad function to chase imports of a module given as a StringBuffer. Returns given module's
-- name and its imports.
getImportsParsed ::  DynFlags ->
               GHC.ParsedSource ->
               Either [FileDiagnostic] (GHC.ModuleName, [(Bool, (Maybe FastString, Located GHC.ModuleName))])
getImportsParsed dflags (L loc parsed) = do
  let modName = maybe (GHC.mkModuleName "Main") GHC.unLoc $ GHC.hsmodName parsed

  -- most of these corner cases are also present in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-8.6.1/docs/src/HeaderInfo.html#getImports
  -- but we want to avoid parsing the module twice
  let implicit_prelude = xopt GHC.ImplicitPrelude dflags
      implicit_imports = Hdr.mkPrelImports modName loc implicit_prelude $ GHC.hsmodImports parsed

  -- filter out imports that come from packages
  return (modName, [(ideclSource i, (fmap sl_fs $ ideclPkgQual i, ideclName i))
    | i <- map GHC.unLoc $ implicit_imports ++ GHC.hsmodImports parsed
    , GHC.moduleNameString (GHC.unLoc $ ideclName i) /= "GHC.Prim"

-- | Produce a module summary from a StringBuffer.
    :: GhcMonad m
    => FilePath
    -> SB.StringBuffer
    -> DynFlags
    -> GHC.ParsedSource
    -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] m ModSummary
getModSummaryFromBuffer fp contents dflags parsed = do
  (modName, imports) <- liftEither $ getImportsParsed dflags parsed

  let modLoc = ModLocation
          { ml_hs_file  = Just fp
          , ml_hi_file  = derivedFile "hi"
          , ml_obj_file = derivedFile "o"
#ifndef GHC_STABLE
          , ml_hie_file = derivedFile "hie"
          -- This does not consider the dflags configuration
          -- (-osuf and -hisuf, object and hi dir.s).
          -- However, we anyway don't want to generate them.
      InstalledUnitId unitId = thisInstalledUnitId dflags
  return $ ModSummary
    { ms_mod          = mkModule (fsToUnitId unitId) modName
    , ms_location     = modLoc
    , ms_hs_date      = error "Rules should not depend on ms_hs_date"
        -- When we are working with a virtual file we do not have a file date.
        -- To avoid silent issues where something is not processed because the date
        -- has not changed, we make sure that things blow up if they depend on the
        -- date.
    , ms_textual_imps = [imp | (False, imp) <- imports]
    , ms_hspp_file    = fp
    , ms_hspp_opts    = dflags
    , ms_hspp_buf     = Just contents

    -- defaults:
    , ms_hsc_src      = sourceType
    , ms_obj_date     = Nothing
    , ms_iface_date   = Nothing
#ifndef GHC_STABLE
    , ms_hie_date     = Nothing
    , ms_srcimps      = [imp | (True, imp) <- imports]
    , ms_parsed_mod   = Nothing
      (sourceType, derivedFile) =
          let (stem, ext) = splitExtension fp in
          if "-boot" `isSuffixOf` ext
          then (HsBootFile, \newExt -> stem <.> newExt ++ "-boot")
          else (HsSrcFile , \newExt -> stem <.> newExt)

-- | Run (unlit) literate haskell preprocessor on a file, or buffer if set
runLhs :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> Maybe SB.StringBuffer -> IO SB.StringBuffer
runLhs dflags filename contents = withTempDir $ \dir -> do
    let fout = dir </> takeFileName filename <.> "unlit"
    filesrc <- case contents of
        Nothing   -> return filename
        Just cnts -> do
            let fsrc = dir </> takeFileName filename <.> "literate"
            withBinaryFile fsrc WriteMode $ \h ->
                hPutStringBuffer h cnts
            return fsrc
    unlit filesrc fout
    SB.hGetStringBuffer fout
    unlit filein fileout = SysTools.runUnlit dflags (args filein fileout)
    args filein fileout = [
                      SysTools.Option     "-h"
                    , SysTools.Option     (escape filename) -- name this file
                    , SysTools.FileOption "" filein       -- input file
                    , SysTools.FileOption "" fileout ]    -- output file
    -- taken from ghc's DriverPipeline.hs
    escape ('\\':cs) = '\\':'\\': escape cs
    escape ('\"':cs) = '\\':'\"': escape cs
    escape ('\'':cs) = '\\':'\'': escape cs
    escape (c:cs)    = c : escape cs
    escape []        = []

-- | Run CPP on a file
runCpp :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> Maybe SB.StringBuffer -> IO SB.StringBuffer
runCpp dflags filename contents = withTempDir $ \dir -> do
    let out = dir </> takeFileName filename <.> "out"
    case contents of
        Nothing -> do
            -- Happy case, file is not modified, so run CPP on it in-place
            -- which also makes things like relative #include files work
            -- and means location information is correct
            doCpp dflags True filename out
            liftIO $ SB.hGetStringBuffer out

        Just contents -> do
            -- Sad path, we have to create a version of the path in a temp dir
            -- __FILE__ macro is wrong, ignoring that for now (likely not a real issue)

            -- Relative includes aren't going to work, so we fix that by adding to the include path.
            dflags <- return $ addIncludePathsQuote (takeDirectory filename) dflags

            -- Location information is wrong, so we fix that by patching it afterwards.
            let inp = dir </> "___GHCIDE_MAGIC___"
            withBinaryFile inp WriteMode $ \h ->
                hPutStringBuffer h contents
            doCpp dflags True inp out

            -- Fix up the filename in lines like:
            -- # 1 "C:/Temp/extra-dir-914611385186/___GHCIDE_MAGIC___"
            let tweak x
                    | Just x <- stripPrefix "# " x
                    , "___GHCIDE_MAGIC___" `isInfixOf` x
                    , let num = takeWhile (not . isSpace) x
                    -- important to use /, and never \ for paths, even on Windows, since then C escapes them
                    -- and GHC gets all confused
                        = "# " <> num <> " \"" <> map (\x -> if isPathSeparator x then '/' else x) filename <> "\""
                    | otherwise = x
            stringToStringBuffer . unlines . map tweak . lines <$> readFileUTF8' out

-- | Given a buffer, flags, file path and module summary, produce a
-- parsed module (or errors) and any parse warnings.
       :: GhcMonad m
       => (GHC.ParsedSource -> ([(GHC.SrcSpan, String)], GHC.ParsedSource))
       -> FilePath  -- ^ the filename (for source locations)
       -> Maybe SB.StringBuffer -- ^ Haskell module source text (full Unicode is supported)
       -> ExceptT [FileDiagnostic] m ([FileDiagnostic], ParsedModule)
parseFileContents preprocessor filename mbContents = do
   let loc  = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 1
   contents <- liftIO $ maybe (hGetStringBuffer filename) return mbContents
   let isOnDisk = isNothing mbContents

   -- unlit content if literate Haskell ending
   (isOnDisk, contents) <- if ".lhs" `isSuffixOf` filename
      then do
        dflags <- getDynFlags
        newcontent <- liftIO $ runLhs dflags filename mbContents
        return (False, newcontent)
      else return (isOnDisk, contents)

   dflags  <- ExceptT $ parsePragmasIntoDynFlags filename contents
   (contents, dflags) <-
      if not $ xopt LangExt.Cpp dflags then
          return (contents, dflags)
      else do
          contents <- liftIO $ runCpp dflags filename $ if isOnDisk then Nothing else Just contents
          dflags <- ExceptT $ parsePragmasIntoDynFlags filename contents
          return (contents, dflags)

   case unP Parser.parseModule (mkPState dflags contents loc) of
     PFailed _ locErr msgErr ->
      throwE $ diagFromErrMsg "parser" dflags $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags locErr msgErr
     POk pst rdr_module ->
         let hpm_annotations =
               (Map.fromListWith (++) $ annotations pst,
                 Map.fromList ((noSrcSpan,comment_q pst)
                                  :annotations_comments pst))
             (warns, errs) = getMessages pst dflags
               -- Just because we got a `POk`, it doesn't mean there
               -- weren't errors! To clarify, the GHC parser
               -- distinguishes between fatal and non-fatal
               -- errors. Non-fatal errors are the sort that don't
               -- prevent parsing from continuing (that is, a parse
               -- tree can still be produced despite the error so that
               -- further errors/warnings can be collected). Fatal
               -- errors are those from which a parse tree just can't
               -- be produced.
               unless (null errs) $
                 throwE $ diagFromErrMsgs "parser" dflags $ snd $ getMessages pst dflags

               -- Ok, we got here. It's safe to continue.
               let (errs, parsed) = preprocessor rdr_module
               unless (null errs) $ throwE $ diagFromStrings "parser" errs
               ms <- getModSummaryFromBuffer filename contents dflags parsed
               let pm =
                     ParsedModule {
                         pm_mod_summary = ms
                       , pm_parsed_source = parsed
                       , pm_extra_src_files=[] -- src imports not allowed
                       , pm_annotations = hpm_annotations
                   warnings = diagFromErrMsgs "parser" dflags warns
               pure (warnings, pm)

-- | This reads the pragma information directly from the provided buffer.
    :: GhcMonad m
    => FilePath
    -> SB.StringBuffer
    -> m (Either [FileDiagnostic] DynFlags)
parsePragmasIntoDynFlags fp contents = catchSrcErrors "pragmas" $ do
    dflags0  <- getSessionDynFlags
    let opts = Hdr.getOptions dflags0 contents fp
    (dflags, _, _) <- parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 opts
    return dflags

-- | Run something in a Ghc monad and catch the errors (SourceErrors and
-- compiler-internal exceptions like Panic or InstallationError).
catchSrcErrors :: GhcMonad m => T.Text -> m a -> m (Either [FileDiagnostic] a)
catchSrcErrors fromWhere ghcM = do
      dflags <- getDynFlags
      handleGhcException (ghcExceptionToDiagnostics dflags) $
        handleSourceError (sourceErrorToDiagnostics dflags) $
        Right <$> ghcM
        ghcExceptionToDiagnostics dflags = return . Left . diagFromGhcException fromWhere dflags
        sourceErrorToDiagnostics dflags = return . Left . diagFromErrMsgs fromWhere dflags . srcErrorMessages