gi-atk-2.0.12: Atk bindings

CopyrightWill Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria (
Safe HaskellNone




This class is the primary class for accessibility support via the Accessibility ToolKit (ATK). Objects which are instances of Object (or instances of AtkObject-derived types) are queried for properties which relate basic (and generic) properties of a UI component such as name and description. Instances of Object may also be queried as to whether they implement other ATK interfaces (e.g. Action, Component, etc.), as appropriate to the role which a given UI component plays in a user interface.

All UI components in an application which provide useful information or services to the user must provide corresponding Object instances on request (in GTK+, for instance, usually on a call to gtk_widget_get_accessible ()), either via ATK support built into the toolkit for the widget class or ancestor class, or in the case of custom widgets, if the inherited Object implementation is insufficient, via instances of a new Object subclass.

See also: ObjectFactory, Registry. (GTK+ users see also GtkAccessible).


Exported types

newtype Object Source #


Object (ManagedPtr Object) 


GObject Object Source # 


gobjectType :: Object -> IO GType #

IsObject Object Source # 
IsObject Object Source # 
((~) * info (ResolveObjectMethod t Object), MethodInfo * info Object p) => IsLabel t (Object -> p) Source # 


fromLabel :: Proxy# Symbol t -> Object -> p #

((~) * info (ResolveObjectMethod t Object), MethodInfo * info Object p) => IsLabelProxy t (Object -> p) Source # 


fromLabelProxy :: Proxy Symbol t -> Object -> p #

HasAttributeList * Object Source # 
type AttributeList Object Source # 
type SignalList Object Source # 



objectAddRelationship Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a, IsObject b) 
=> a

object: The Object to which an AtkRelation is to be added.

-> RelationType

relationship: The RelationType of the relation

-> b

target: The Object which is to be the target of the relation.

-> m Bool

Returns: TRUE if the relationship is added.

Adds a relationship of the specified type with the specified target.


data ObjectGetAttributesMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (m [Ptr ()]), MonadIO m, IsObject a) => MethodInfo * ObjectGetAttributesMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectGetAttributes Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: An Object.

-> m [Ptr ()]

Returns: an AtkAttributeSet consisting of all explicit properties/annotations applied to the object, or an empty set if the object has no name-value pair attributes assigned to it. This atkattributeset should be freed by a call to attributeSetFree.

Get a list of properties applied to this object as a whole, as an AtkAttributeSet consisting of name-value pairs. As such these attributes may be considered weakly-typed properties or annotations, as distinct from strongly-typed object data available via other get/set methods. Not all objects have explicit "name-value pair" AtkAttributeSet properties.

Since: 1.12


objectGetDescription Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Text

Returns: a character string representing the accessible description of the accessible.

Gets the accessible description of the accessible.


objectGetIndexInParent Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Int32

Returns: an integer which is the index of the accessible in its parent

Gets the 0-based index of this accessible in its parent; returns -1 if the accessible does not have an accessible parent.


data ObjectGetLayerMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (m Layer), MonadIO m, IsObject a) => MethodInfo * ObjectGetLayerMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectGetLayer Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Layer

Returns: an Layer which is the layer of the accessible

Deprecated: Use atk_component_get_layer instead.

Gets the layer of the accessible.


objectGetMdiZorder Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Int32

Returns: a gint which is the zorder of the accessible, i.e. the depth at which the component is shown in relation to other components in the same container.

Deprecated: Use atk_component_get_mdi_zorder instead.

Gets the zorder of the accessible. The value G_MININT will be returned if the layer of the accessible is not ATK_LAYER_MDI.


objectGetNAccessibleChildren Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Int32

Returns: an integer representing the number of accessible children of the accessible.

Gets the number of accessible children of the accessible.


data ObjectGetNameMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (m Text), MonadIO m, IsObject a) => MethodInfo * ObjectGetNameMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectGetName Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Text

Returns: a character string representing the accessible name of the object.

Gets the accessible name of the accessible.


objectGetObjectLocale Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Text

Returns: a UTF-8 string indicating the POSIX-style LC_MESSAGES locale of accessible.

Gets a UTF-8 string indicating the POSIX-style LC_MESSAGES locale of accessible.

Since: 2.8


data ObjectGetParentMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (m Object), MonadIO m, IsObject a) => MethodInfo * ObjectGetParentMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectGetParent Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Object

Returns: an Object representing the accessible parent of the accessible

Gets the accessible parent of the accessible. By default this is the one assigned with objectSetParent, but it is assumed that ATK implementors have ways to get the parent of the object without the need of assigning it manually with objectSetParent, and will return it with this method.

If you are only interested on the parent assigned with objectSetParent, use objectPeekParent.


data ObjectGetRoleMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (m Role), MonadIO m, IsObject a) => MethodInfo * ObjectGetRoleMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectGetRole Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Role

Returns: an Role which is the role of the accessible

Gets the role of the accessible.


data ObjectInitializeMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (Ptr () -> m ()), MonadIO m, IsObject a) => MethodInfo * ObjectInitializeMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectInitialize Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: a Object

-> Ptr ()

data: a gpointer which identifies the object for which the AtkObject was created.

-> m () 

This function is called when implementing subclasses of Object. It does initialization required for the new object. It is intended that this function should called only in the ..._new() functions used to create an instance of a subclass of Object


objectNotifyStateChange Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> Word64

state: an AtkState whose state is changed

-> Bool

value: a gboolean which indicates whether the state is being set on or off

-> m () 

Emits a state-change signal for the specified state.

Note that as a general rule when the state of an existing object changes, emitting a notification is expected.


objectPeekParent Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m Object

Returns: an Object representing the accessible parent of the accessible if assigned

Gets the accessible parent of the accessible, if it has been manually assigned with atk_object_set_parent. Otherwise, this function returns Nothing.

This method is intended as an utility for ATK implementors, and not to be exposed to accessible tools. See objectGetParent for further reference.


objectRefAccessibleChild Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> Int32

i: a gint representing the position of the child, starting from 0

-> m Object

Returns: an Object representing the specified accessible child of the accessible.

Gets a reference to the specified accessible child of the object. The accessible children are 0-based so the first accessible child is at index 0, the second at index 1 and so on.


objectRefRelationSet Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m RelationSet

Returns: an RelationSet representing the relation set of the object.

Gets the RelationSet associated with the object.


objectRefStateSet Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> m StateSet

Returns: a reference to an StateSet which is the state set of the accessible

Gets a reference to the state set of the accessible; the caller must unreference it when it is no longer needed.


objectRemovePropertyChangeHandler Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> Word32

handlerId: a guint which identifies the handler to be removed.

-> m () 

Deprecated: Since 2.12.Removes a property change handler.

No description available in the introspection data.


objectRemoveRelationship Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a, IsObject b) 
=> a

object: The Object from which an AtkRelation is to be removed.

-> RelationType

relationship: The RelationType of the relation

-> b

target: The Object which is the target of the relation to be removed.

-> m Bool

Returns: TRUE if the relationship is removed.

Removes a relationship of the specified type with the specified target.


objectSetDescription Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> Text

description: a character string to be set as the accessible description

-> m () 

Sets the accessible description of the accessible. You can't set the description to NULL. This is reserved for the initial value. In this aspect NULL is similar to ATK_ROLE_UNKNOWN. If you want to set the name to a empty value you can use "".


data ObjectSetNameMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (Text -> m ()), MonadIO m, IsObject a) => MethodInfo * ObjectSetNameMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectSetName Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> Text

name: a character string to be set as the accessible name

-> m () 

Sets the accessible name of the accessible. You can't set the name to NULL. This is reserved for the initial value. In this aspect NULL is similar to ATK_ROLE_UNKNOWN. If you want to set the name to a empty value you can use "".


data ObjectSetParentMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (b -> m ()), MonadIO m, IsObject a, IsObject b) => MethodInfo * ObjectSetParentMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectSetParent Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a, IsObject b) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> b

parent: an Object to be set as the accessible parent

-> m () 

Sets the accessible parent of the accessible. parent can be NULL.


data ObjectSetRoleMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (Role -> m ()), MonadIO m, IsObject a) => MethodInfo * ObjectSetRoleMethodInfo a signature Source # 

objectSetRole Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) 
=> a

accessible: an Object

-> Role

role: an Role to be set as the role

-> m () 

Sets the role of the accessible.



data ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo = "accessible-component-layer"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleComponentLayerPropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo = "accessible-component-mdi-zorder"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleComponentMdiZorderPropertyInfo Source # 

objectAccessibleComponentMdiZorder :: AttrLabelProxy "accessibleComponentMdiZorder" Source #


data ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo = "accessible-description"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo = "accessible-hypertext-nlinks"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleHypertextNlinksPropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleNamePropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleNamePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleNamePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleNamePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleNamePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleNamePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleNamePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleNamePropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleParentPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleParentPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleParentPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleParentPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleParentPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleParentPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleParentPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleParentPropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleRolePropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleRolePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleRolePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleRolePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleRolePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleRolePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleRolePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleRolePropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo = "accessible-table-caption"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionPropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo = "accessible-table-caption-object"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleTableCaptionObjectPropertyInfo Source # 

objectAccessibleTableCaptionObject :: AttrLabelProxy "accessibleTableCaptionObject" Source #


data ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo = "accessible-table-column-description"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleTableColumnDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 

objectAccessibleTableColumnDescription :: AttrLabelProxy "accessibleTableColumnDescription" Source #


data ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo = "accessible-table-column-header"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleTableColumnHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 

objectAccessibleTableColumnHeader :: AttrLabelProxy "accessibleTableColumnHeader" Source #


data ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo = "accessible-table-row-description"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleTableRowDescriptionPropertyInfo Source # 

objectAccessibleTableRowDescription :: AttrLabelProxy "accessibleTableRowDescription" Source #


data ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo = "accessible-table-row-header"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleTableRowHeaderPropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo = "accessible-table-summary"
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleTableSummaryPropertyInfo Source # 


data ObjectAccessibleValuePropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo ObjectAccessibleValuePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin ObjectAccessibleValuePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel ObjectAccessibleValuePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrGetType ObjectAccessibleValuePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleValuePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint ObjectAccessibleValuePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps ObjectAccessibleValuePropertyInfo Source # 




type C_ObjectChildrenChangedCallback = Ptr () -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #


type C_ObjectFocusEventCallback = Ptr () -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #

type ObjectFocusEventCallback = Bool -> IO () Source #

Deprecated: (Since version 2.9.4)Use the Object::state-change signal instead.


type C_ObjectPropertyChangeCallback = Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #

