Copyright | Will Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type C_CounterForeachFunc = Ptr Counter -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- type CounterForeachFunc = Counter -> IO ()
- type CounterForeachFunc_WithClosures = Counter -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- drop_closures_CounterForeachFunc :: CounterForeachFunc -> CounterForeachFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_CounterForeachFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => FunPtr C_CounterForeachFunc -> Counter -> Ptr () -> m ()
- genClosure_CounterForeachFunc :: MonadIO m => CounterForeachFunc -> m (GClosure C_CounterForeachFunc)
- mk_CounterForeachFunc :: C_CounterForeachFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_CounterForeachFunc)
- noCounterForeachFunc :: Maybe CounterForeachFunc
- noCounterForeachFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe CounterForeachFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_CounterForeachFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_CounterForeachFunc)) -> CounterForeachFunc_WithClosures -> C_CounterForeachFunc
- type C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc = Ptr DirectoryModel -> Ptr File -> Ptr FileInfo -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- type DirectoryModelVisibleFunc = DirectoryModel -> File -> FileInfo -> IO Bool
- type DirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures = DirectoryModel -> File -> FileInfo -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
- drop_closures_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: DirectoryModelVisibleFunc -> DirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDirectoryModel a, IsFile b, IsFileInfo c) => FunPtr C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc -> a -> b -> c -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- genClosure_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: MonadIO m => DirectoryModelVisibleFunc -> m (GClosure C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc)
- mk_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc)
- noDirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: Maybe DirectoryModelVisibleFunc
- noDirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe DirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc)) -> DirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures -> C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc
- type C_ListModelFilterFunc = Ptr Object -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- type ListModelFilterFunc = Object -> IO Bool
- type ListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures = Object -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
- drop_closures_ListModelFilterFunc :: ListModelFilterFunc -> ListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_ListModelFilterFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) => FunPtr C_ListModelFilterFunc -> a -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- genClosure_ListModelFilterFunc :: MonadIO m => ListModelFilterFunc -> m (GClosure C_ListModelFilterFunc)
- mk_ListModelFilterFunc :: C_ListModelFilterFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_ListModelFilterFunc)
- noListModelFilterFunc :: Maybe ListModelFilterFunc
- noListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe ListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_ListModelFilterFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_ListModelFilterFunc)) -> ListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures -> C_ListModelFilterFunc
- type C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc = Ptr File -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- type RecursiveIgnoreFunc = File -> IO Bool
- type RecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures = File -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
- drop_closures_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: RecursiveIgnoreFunc -> RecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsFile a) => FunPtr C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc -> a -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- genClosure_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: MonadIO m => RecursiveIgnoreFunc -> m (GClosure C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc)
- mk_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc)
- noRecursiveIgnoreFunc :: Maybe RecursiveIgnoreFunc
- noRecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe RecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc)) -> RecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures -> C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc
- type C_ShortcutChordTableForeach = Ptr ShortcutChord -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- type ShortcutChordTableForeach = ShortcutChord -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- type ShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures = ShortcutChord -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- drop_closures_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: ShortcutChordTableForeach -> ShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures
- dynamic_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => FunPtr C_ShortcutChordTableForeach -> ShortcutChord -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m ()
- genClosure_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: MonadIO m => ShortcutChordTableForeach -> m (GClosure C_ShortcutChordTableForeach)
- mk_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: C_ShortcutChordTableForeach -> IO (FunPtr C_ShortcutChordTableForeach)
- noShortcutChordTableForeach :: Maybe ShortcutChordTableForeach
- noShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures :: Maybe ShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures
- wrap_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_ShortcutChordTableForeach)) -> ShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures -> C_ShortcutChordTableForeach
- type C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc = Ptr Object -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr Widget)
- type StackListCreateWidgetFunc = Object -> IO Widget
- type StackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures = Object -> Ptr () -> IO Widget
- drop_closures_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: StackListCreateWidgetFunc -> StackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) => FunPtr C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc -> a -> Ptr () -> m Widget
- genClosure_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: MonadIO m => StackListCreateWidgetFunc -> m (GClosure C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc)
- mk_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc)
- noStackListCreateWidgetFunc :: Maybe StackListCreateWidgetFunc
- noStackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe StackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc)) -> StackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures -> C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc
- type C_SuggestionPositionFunc = Ptr SuggestionEntry -> Ptr Rectangle -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- type SuggestionPositionFunc = SuggestionEntry -> Rectangle -> Bool -> IO Bool
- type SuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures = SuggestionEntry -> Rectangle -> Bool -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
- drop_closures_SuggestionPositionFunc :: SuggestionPositionFunc -> SuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_SuggestionPositionFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsSuggestionEntry a) => FunPtr C_SuggestionPositionFunc -> a -> Rectangle -> Bool -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- genClosure_SuggestionPositionFunc :: MonadIO m => SuggestionPositionFunc -> m (GClosure C_SuggestionPositionFunc)
- mk_SuggestionPositionFunc :: C_SuggestionPositionFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_SuggestionPositionFunc)
- noSuggestionPositionFunc :: Maybe SuggestionPositionFunc
- noSuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe SuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_SuggestionPositionFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_SuggestionPositionFunc)) -> SuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures -> C_SuggestionPositionFunc
- type C_TaskCacheCallback = Ptr TaskCache -> Ptr () -> Ptr Task -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- type TaskCacheCallback = TaskCache -> Ptr () -> Task -> IO ()
- type TaskCacheCallback_WithClosures = TaskCache -> Ptr () -> Task -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- drop_closures_TaskCacheCallback :: TaskCacheCallback -> TaskCacheCallback_WithClosures
- dynamic_TaskCacheCallback :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTaskCache a, IsTask b) => FunPtr C_TaskCacheCallback -> a -> Ptr () -> b -> Ptr () -> m ()
- genClosure_TaskCacheCallback :: MonadIO m => TaskCacheCallback -> m (GClosure C_TaskCacheCallback)
- mk_TaskCacheCallback :: C_TaskCacheCallback -> IO (FunPtr C_TaskCacheCallback)
- noTaskCacheCallback :: Maybe TaskCacheCallback
- noTaskCacheCallback_WithClosures :: Maybe TaskCacheCallback_WithClosures
- wrap_TaskCacheCallback :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TaskCacheCallback)) -> TaskCacheCallback_WithClosures -> C_TaskCacheCallback
- type C_TreeFilterFunc = Ptr Tree -> Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- type TreeFilterFunc = Tree -> TreeNode -> IO Bool
- type TreeFilterFunc_WithClosures = Tree -> TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
- drop_closures_TreeFilterFunc :: TreeFilterFunc -> TreeFilterFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_TreeFilterFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTree a, IsTreeNode b) => FunPtr C_TreeFilterFunc -> a -> b -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- genClosure_TreeFilterFunc :: MonadIO m => TreeFilterFunc -> m (GClosure C_TreeFilterFunc)
- mk_TreeFilterFunc :: C_TreeFilterFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_TreeFilterFunc)
- noTreeFilterFunc :: Maybe TreeFilterFunc
- noTreeFilterFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe TreeFilterFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_TreeFilterFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TreeFilterFunc)) -> TreeFilterFunc_WithClosures -> C_TreeFilterFunc
- type C_TreeFindFunc = Ptr Tree -> Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- type TreeFindFunc = Tree -> TreeNode -> TreeNode -> IO Bool
- type TreeFindFunc_WithClosures = Tree -> TreeNode -> TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
- drop_closures_TreeFindFunc :: TreeFindFunc -> TreeFindFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_TreeFindFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTree a, IsTreeNode b, IsTreeNode c) => FunPtr C_TreeFindFunc -> a -> b -> c -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- genClosure_TreeFindFunc :: MonadIO m => TreeFindFunc -> m (GClosure C_TreeFindFunc)
- mk_TreeFindFunc :: C_TreeFindFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_TreeFindFunc)
- noTreeFindFunc :: Maybe TreeFindFunc
- noTreeFindFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe TreeFindFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_TreeFindFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TreeFindFunc)) -> TreeFindFunc_WithClosures -> C_TreeFindFunc
- type C_TreeNodeCompareFunc = Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO Int32
- type TreeNodeCompareFunc = TreeNode -> TreeNode -> IO Int32
- type TreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures = TreeNode -> TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO Int32
- drop_closures_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: TreeNodeCompareFunc -> TreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTreeNode a, IsTreeNode b) => FunPtr C_TreeNodeCompareFunc -> a -> b -> Ptr () -> m Int32
- genClosure_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: MonadIO m => TreeNodeCompareFunc -> m (GClosure C_TreeNodeCompareFunc)
- mk_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: C_TreeNodeCompareFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_TreeNodeCompareFunc)
- noTreeNodeCompareFunc :: Maybe TreeNodeCompareFunc
- noTreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe TreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TreeNodeCompareFunc)) -> TreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures -> C_TreeNodeCompareFunc
- type C_TrieTraverseFunc = Ptr Trie -> CString -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- type TrieTraverseFunc = Trie -> Text -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
- type TrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures = Trie -> Text -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
- drop_closures_TrieTraverseFunc :: TrieTraverseFunc -> TrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures
- dynamic_TrieTraverseFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => FunPtr C_TrieTraverseFunc -> Trie -> Text -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m Bool
- genClosure_TrieTraverseFunc :: MonadIO m => TrieTraverseFunc -> m (GClosure C_TrieTraverseFunc)
- mk_TrieTraverseFunc :: C_TrieTraverseFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_TrieTraverseFunc)
- noTrieTraverseFunc :: Maybe TrieTraverseFunc
- noTrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe TrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures
- wrap_TrieTraverseFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TrieTraverseFunc)) -> TrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures -> C_TrieTraverseFunc
type C_CounterForeachFunc = Ptr Counter -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type CounterForeachFunc Source #
Function prototype for callbacks provided to counterArenaForeach
type CounterForeachFunc_WithClosures Source #
= Counter |
-> Ptr () |
-> IO () |
Function prototype for callbacks provided to counterArenaForeach
drop_closures_CounterForeachFunc :: CounterForeachFunc -> CounterForeachFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_CounterForeachFunc Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) | |
=> FunPtr C_CounterForeachFunc | |
-> Counter |
-> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_CounterForeachFunc :: MonadIO m => CounterForeachFunc -> m (GClosure C_CounterForeachFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_CounterForeachFunc :: C_CounterForeachFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_CounterForeachFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_CounterForeachFunc
noCounterForeachFunc :: Maybe CounterForeachFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noCounterForeachFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe CounterForeachFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_CounterForeachFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_CounterForeachFunc)) -> CounterForeachFunc_WithClosures -> C_CounterForeachFunc Source #
Wrap a CounterForeachFunc
into a C_CounterForeachFunc
type C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc = Ptr DirectoryModel -> Ptr File -> Ptr FileInfo -> Ptr () -> IO CInt Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type DirectoryModelVisibleFunc = DirectoryModel -> File -> FileInfo -> IO Bool Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
type DirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures = DirectoryModel -> File -> FileInfo -> Ptr () -> IO Bool Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
drop_closures_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: DirectoryModelVisibleFunc -> DirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDirectoryModel a, IsFile b, IsFileInfo c) => FunPtr C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc -> a -> b -> c -> Ptr () -> m Bool Source #
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: MonadIO m => DirectoryModelVisibleFunc -> m (GClosure C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc
noDirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: Maybe DirectoryModelVisibleFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noDirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe DirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc)) -> DirectoryModelVisibleFunc_WithClosures -> C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc Source #
Wrap a DirectoryModelVisibleFunc
into a C_DirectoryModelVisibleFunc
type C_ListModelFilterFunc = Ptr Object -> Ptr () -> IO CInt Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type ListModelFilterFunc = Object -> IO Bool Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
type ListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures = Object -> Ptr () -> IO Bool Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
drop_closures_ListModelFilterFunc :: ListModelFilterFunc -> ListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_ListModelFilterFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) => FunPtr C_ListModelFilterFunc -> a -> Ptr () -> m Bool Source #
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_ListModelFilterFunc :: MonadIO m => ListModelFilterFunc -> m (GClosure C_ListModelFilterFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_ListModelFilterFunc :: C_ListModelFilterFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_ListModelFilterFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_ListModelFilterFunc
noListModelFilterFunc :: Maybe ListModelFilterFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe ListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_ListModelFilterFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_ListModelFilterFunc)) -> ListModelFilterFunc_WithClosures -> C_ListModelFilterFunc Source #
Wrap a ListModelFilterFunc
into a C_ListModelFilterFunc
type C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc = Ptr File -> Ptr () -> IO CInt Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type RecursiveIgnoreFunc = File -> IO Bool Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
type RecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures = File -> Ptr () -> IO Bool Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
drop_closures_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: RecursiveIgnoreFunc -> RecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsFile a) => FunPtr C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc -> a -> Ptr () -> m Bool Source #
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: MonadIO m => RecursiveIgnoreFunc -> m (GClosure C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc
noRecursiveIgnoreFunc :: Maybe RecursiveIgnoreFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noRecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe RecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_RecursiveIgnoreFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc)) -> RecursiveIgnoreFunc_WithClosures -> C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc Source #
Wrap a RecursiveIgnoreFunc
into a C_RecursiveIgnoreFunc
type C_ShortcutChordTableForeach = Ptr ShortcutChord -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type ShortcutChordTableForeach = ShortcutChord -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
type ShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures = ShortcutChord -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
drop_closures_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: ShortcutChordTableForeach -> ShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => FunPtr C_ShortcutChordTableForeach -> ShortcutChord -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m () Source #
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: MonadIO m => ShortcutChordTableForeach -> m (GClosure C_ShortcutChordTableForeach) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: C_ShortcutChordTableForeach -> IO (FunPtr C_ShortcutChordTableForeach) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_ShortcutChordTableForeach
noShortcutChordTableForeach :: Maybe ShortcutChordTableForeach Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures :: Maybe ShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_ShortcutChordTableForeach :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_ShortcutChordTableForeach)) -> ShortcutChordTableForeach_WithClosures -> C_ShortcutChordTableForeach Source #
Wrap a ShortcutChordTableForeach
into a C_ShortcutChordTableForeach
type C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc = Ptr Object -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr Widget) Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type StackListCreateWidgetFunc Source #
= Object |
-> IO Widget | Returns: a |
Called for stack lists that are bound to a ListModel
for each item that gets added to the model.
type StackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures Source #
= Object |
-> Ptr () |
-> IO Widget | Returns: a |
Called for stack lists that are bound to a ListModel
for each item that gets added to the model.
drop_closures_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: StackListCreateWidgetFunc -> StackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_StackListCreateWidgetFunc Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsObject a) | |
=> FunPtr C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc | |
-> a |
-> Ptr () |
-> m Widget | Returns: a |
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: MonadIO m => StackListCreateWidgetFunc -> m (GClosure C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc
noStackListCreateWidgetFunc :: Maybe StackListCreateWidgetFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noStackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe StackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_StackListCreateWidgetFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc)) -> StackListCreateWidgetFunc_WithClosures -> C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc Source #
Wrap a StackListCreateWidgetFunc
into a C_StackListCreateWidgetFunc
type C_SuggestionPositionFunc = Ptr SuggestionEntry -> Ptr Rectangle -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type SuggestionPositionFunc Source #
= SuggestionEntry |
-> Rectangle |
-> Bool |
-> IO Bool |
Positions the popover in the coordinates defined by area
If isAbsolute
is set to True
, then absolute coordinates are used.
Otherwise, the position is expected to be relative to entry
Since: 3.26
type SuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures Source #
= SuggestionEntry |
-> Rectangle |
-> Bool |
-> Ptr () |
-> IO Bool |
Positions the popover in the coordinates defined by area
If isAbsolute
is set to True
, then absolute coordinates are used.
Otherwise, the position is expected to be relative to entry
Since: 3.26
drop_closures_SuggestionPositionFunc :: SuggestionPositionFunc -> SuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_SuggestionPositionFunc Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsSuggestionEntry a) | |
=> FunPtr C_SuggestionPositionFunc | |
-> a |
-> Rectangle |
-> Bool |
-> Ptr () |
-> m Bool |
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_SuggestionPositionFunc :: MonadIO m => SuggestionPositionFunc -> m (GClosure C_SuggestionPositionFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_SuggestionPositionFunc :: C_SuggestionPositionFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_SuggestionPositionFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_SuggestionPositionFunc
noSuggestionPositionFunc :: Maybe SuggestionPositionFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noSuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe SuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_SuggestionPositionFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_SuggestionPositionFunc)) -> SuggestionPositionFunc_WithClosures -> C_SuggestionPositionFunc Source #
Wrap a SuggestionPositionFunc
into a C_SuggestionPositionFunc
type C_TaskCacheCallback = Ptr TaskCache -> Ptr () -> Ptr Task -> Ptr () -> IO () Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type TaskCacheCallback Source #
= TaskCache |
-> Ptr () |
-> Task |
-> IO () |
is the prototype for a function to be executed to
populate an item in the cache.
This function will be executed when a fault (cache miss) occurs from a caller requesting an item from the cache.
The callee may complete the operation asynchronously, but MUST return
either a GObject using taskReturnPointer
or a GError
or g_task_return_new_error()
type TaskCacheCallback_WithClosures Source #
= TaskCache |
-> Ptr () |
-> Task |
-> Ptr () |
-> IO () |
is the prototype for a function to be executed to
populate an item in the cache.
This function will be executed when a fault (cache miss) occurs from a caller requesting an item from the cache.
The callee may complete the operation asynchronously, but MUST return
either a GObject using taskReturnPointer
or a GError
or g_task_return_new_error()
drop_closures_TaskCacheCallback :: TaskCacheCallback -> TaskCacheCallback_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_TaskCacheCallback Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTaskCache a, IsTask b) | |
=> FunPtr C_TaskCacheCallback | |
-> a |
-> Ptr () |
-> b |
-> Ptr () |
-> m () |
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_TaskCacheCallback :: MonadIO m => TaskCacheCallback -> m (GClosure C_TaskCacheCallback) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_TaskCacheCallback :: C_TaskCacheCallback -> IO (FunPtr C_TaskCacheCallback) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_TaskCacheCallback
noTaskCacheCallback :: Maybe TaskCacheCallback Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noTaskCacheCallback_WithClosures :: Maybe TaskCacheCallback_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_TaskCacheCallback :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TaskCacheCallback)) -> TaskCacheCallback_WithClosures -> C_TaskCacheCallback Source #
Wrap a TaskCacheCallback
into a C_TaskCacheCallback
type C_TreeFilterFunc = Ptr Tree -> Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO CInt Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type TreeFilterFunc Source #
Callback to check if node
should be visible.
type TreeFilterFunc_WithClosures Source #
Callback to check if node
should be visible.
drop_closures_TreeFilterFunc :: TreeFilterFunc -> TreeFilterFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_TreeFilterFunc Source #
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTree a, IsTreeNode b) | |
=> FunPtr C_TreeFilterFunc | |
-> a | |
-> b | |
-> Ptr () | |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_TreeFilterFunc :: MonadIO m => TreeFilterFunc -> m (GClosure C_TreeFilterFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_TreeFilterFunc :: C_TreeFilterFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_TreeFilterFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_TreeFilterFunc
noTreeFilterFunc :: Maybe TreeFilterFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noTreeFilterFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe TreeFilterFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_TreeFilterFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TreeFilterFunc)) -> TreeFilterFunc_WithClosures -> C_TreeFilterFunc Source #
Wrap a TreeFilterFunc
into a C_TreeFilterFunc
type C_TreeFindFunc = Ptr Tree -> Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO CInt Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type TreeFindFunc Source #
drop_closures_TreeFindFunc :: TreeFindFunc -> TreeFindFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTree a, IsTreeNode b, IsTreeNode c) | |
=> FunPtr C_TreeFindFunc | |
-> a | |
-> b | |
-> c | |
-> Ptr () | |
-> m Bool | Returns: |
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_TreeFindFunc :: MonadIO m => TreeFindFunc -> m (GClosure C_TreeFindFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_TreeFindFunc :: C_TreeFindFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_TreeFindFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_TreeFindFunc
noTreeFindFunc :: Maybe TreeFindFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noTreeFindFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe TreeFindFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_TreeFindFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TreeFindFunc)) -> TreeFindFunc_WithClosures -> C_TreeFindFunc Source #
Wrap a TreeFindFunc
into a C_TreeFindFunc
type C_TreeNodeCompareFunc = Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO Int32 Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type TreeNodeCompareFunc = TreeNode -> TreeNode -> IO Int32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
type TreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures = TreeNode -> TreeNode -> Ptr () -> IO Int32 Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
drop_closures_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: TreeNodeCompareFunc -> TreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTreeNode a, IsTreeNode b) => FunPtr C_TreeNodeCompareFunc -> a -> b -> Ptr () -> m Int32 Source #
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: MonadIO m => TreeNodeCompareFunc -> m (GClosure C_TreeNodeCompareFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: C_TreeNodeCompareFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_TreeNodeCompareFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_TreeNodeCompareFunc
noTreeNodeCompareFunc :: Maybe TreeNodeCompareFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noTreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe TreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_TreeNodeCompareFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TreeNodeCompareFunc)) -> TreeNodeCompareFunc_WithClosures -> C_TreeNodeCompareFunc Source #
Wrap a TreeNodeCompareFunc
into a C_TreeNodeCompareFunc
type C_TrieTraverseFunc = Ptr Trie -> CString -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO CInt Source #
Type for the callback on the (unwrapped) C side.
type TrieTraverseFunc = Trie -> Text -> Ptr () -> IO Bool Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
type TrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures = Trie -> Text -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO Bool Source #
No description available in the introspection data.
drop_closures_TrieTraverseFunc :: TrieTraverseFunc -> TrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures Source #
A simple wrapper that ignores the closure arguments.
dynamic_TrieTraverseFunc :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => FunPtr C_TrieTraverseFunc -> Trie -> Text -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> m Bool Source #
Given a pointer to a foreign C function, wrap it into a function callable from Haskell.
genClosure_TrieTraverseFunc :: MonadIO m => TrieTraverseFunc -> m (GClosure C_TrieTraverseFunc) Source #
Wrap the callback into a GClosure
mk_TrieTraverseFunc :: C_TrieTraverseFunc -> IO (FunPtr C_TrieTraverseFunc) Source #
Generate a function pointer callable from C code, from a C_TrieTraverseFunc
noTrieTraverseFunc :: Maybe TrieTraverseFunc Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
noTrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures :: Maybe TrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures Source #
A convenience synonym for
:: Maybe
wrap_TrieTraverseFunc :: Maybe (Ptr (FunPtr C_TrieTraverseFunc)) -> TrieTraverseFunc_WithClosures -> C_TrieTraverseFunc Source #
Wrap a TrieTraverseFunc
into a C_TrieTraverseFunc