Copyright | Will Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria ( |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Exported types
- Methods
- deviceGetAssociatedDevice
- deviceGetAxisUse
- deviceGetDeviceType
- deviceGetDisplay
- deviceGetHasCursor
- deviceGetKey
- deviceGetLastEventWindow
- deviceGetMode
- deviceGetNAxes
- deviceGetNKeys
- deviceGetName
- deviceGetPosition
- deviceGetPositionDouble
- deviceGetProductId
- deviceGetSource
- deviceGetVendorId
- deviceGetWindowAtPosition
- deviceGetWindowAtPositionDouble
- deviceGrab
- deviceGrabInfoLibgtkOnly
- deviceListAxes
- deviceListSlaveDevices
- deviceSetAxisUse
- deviceSetKey
- deviceSetMode
- deviceUngrab
- deviceWarp
- Properties
- Signals
- newtype Device = Device (ForeignPtr Device)
- class GObject o => DeviceK o
- toDevice :: DeviceK o => o -> IO Device
- noDevice :: Maybe Device
- data DeviceGetAssociatedDeviceMethodInfo
- deviceGetAssociatedDevice :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Device
- data DeviceGetAxisUseMethodInfo
- deviceGetAxisUse :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> Word32 -> m AxisUse
- data DeviceGetDeviceTypeMethodInfo
- deviceGetDeviceType :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m DeviceType
- data DeviceGetDisplayMethodInfo
- deviceGetDisplay :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Display
- data DeviceGetHasCursorMethodInfo
- deviceGetHasCursor :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Bool
- data DeviceGetKeyMethodInfo
- deviceGetKey :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> Word32 -> m (Bool, Word32, [ModifierType])
- data DeviceGetLastEventWindowMethodInfo
- deviceGetLastEventWindow :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Window
- data DeviceGetModeMethodInfo
- deviceGetMode :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m InputMode
- data DeviceGetNAxesMethodInfo
- deviceGetNAxes :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Int32
- data DeviceGetNKeysMethodInfo
- deviceGetNKeys :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Int32
- data DeviceGetNameMethodInfo
- deviceGetName :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Text
- data DeviceGetPositionMethodInfo
- deviceGetPosition :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m (Screen, Int32, Int32)
- data DeviceGetPositionDoubleMethodInfo
- deviceGetPositionDouble :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m (Screen, Double, Double)
- data DeviceGetProductIdMethodInfo
- deviceGetProductId :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Text
- data DeviceGetSourceMethodInfo
- deviceGetSource :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m InputSource
- data DeviceGetVendorIdMethodInfo
- deviceGetVendorId :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Text
- data DeviceGetWindowAtPositionMethodInfo
- deviceGetWindowAtPosition :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m (Window, Int32, Int32)
- data DeviceGetWindowAtPositionDoubleMethodInfo
- deviceGetWindowAtPositionDouble :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m (Window, Double, Double)
- data DeviceGrabMethodInfo
- deviceGrab :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a, WindowK b, CursorK c) => a -> b -> GrabOwnership -> Bool -> [EventMask] -> Maybe c -> Word32 -> m GrabStatus
- deviceGrabInfoLibgtkOnly :: (MonadIO m, DisplayK a, DeviceK b) => a -> b -> m (Bool, Window, Bool)
- data DeviceListAxesMethodInfo
- deviceListAxes :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m [Atom]
- data DeviceListSlaveDevicesMethodInfo
- deviceListSlaveDevices :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m [Device]
- data DeviceSetAxisUseMethodInfo
- deviceSetAxisUse :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> Word32 -> AxisUse -> m ()
- data DeviceSetKeyMethodInfo
- deviceSetKey :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> Word32 -> Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m ()
- data DeviceSetModeMethodInfo
- deviceSetMode :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> InputMode -> m Bool
- data DeviceUngrabMethodInfo
- deviceUngrab :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> Word32 -> m ()
- data DeviceWarpMethodInfo
- deviceWarp :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a, ScreenK b) => a -> b -> Int32 -> Int32 -> m ()
- data DeviceAssociatedDevicePropertyInfo
- getDeviceAssociatedDevice :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Device
- data DeviceDeviceManagerPropertyInfo
- constructDeviceDeviceManager :: DeviceManagerK a => a -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceDeviceManager :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m DeviceManager
- data DeviceDisplayPropertyInfo
- constructDeviceDisplay :: DisplayK a => a -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceDisplay :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Display
- data DeviceHasCursorPropertyInfo
- constructDeviceHasCursor :: Bool -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceHasCursor :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Bool
- data DeviceInputModePropertyInfo
- constructDeviceInputMode :: InputMode -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceInputMode :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m InputMode
- setDeviceInputMode :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> InputMode -> m ()
- data DeviceInputSourcePropertyInfo
- constructDeviceInputSource :: InputSource -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceInputSource :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m InputSource
- data DeviceNAxesPropertyInfo
- getDeviceNAxes :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Word32
- data DeviceNamePropertyInfo
- constructDeviceName :: Text -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceName :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Text
- data DeviceProductIdPropertyInfo
- constructDeviceProductId :: Text -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceProductId :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Text
- data DeviceTypePropertyInfo
- constructDeviceType :: DeviceType -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceType :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m DeviceType
- data DeviceVendorIdPropertyInfo
- constructDeviceVendorId :: Text -> IO ([Char], GValue)
- getDeviceVendorId :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Text
- type DeviceChangedCallback = IO ()
- type DeviceChangedCallbackC = Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- data DeviceChangedSignalInfo
- afterDeviceChanged :: (GObject a, MonadIO m) => a -> DeviceChangedCallback -> m SignalHandlerId
- deviceChangedCallbackWrapper :: DeviceChangedCallback -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO ()
- deviceChangedClosure :: DeviceChangedCallback -> IO Closure
- mkDeviceChangedCallback :: DeviceChangedCallbackC -> IO (FunPtr DeviceChangedCallbackC)
- noDeviceChangedCallback :: Maybe DeviceChangedCallback
- onDeviceChanged :: (GObject a, MonadIO m) => a -> DeviceChangedCallback -> m SignalHandlerId
Exported types
Device (ForeignPtr Device) |
GObject Device Source | |
((~) * info (ResolveDeviceMethod t Device), MethodInfo * info Device p) => IsLabel t (Device -> p) Source | |
((~) * info (ResolveDeviceMethod t Device), MethodInfo * info Device p) => IsLabelProxy t (Device -> p) Source | |
type ParentTypes Device Source | |
type AttributeList Device Source | |
type SignalList Device Source |
class GObject o => DeviceK o Source
(GObject o, IsDescendantOf Device o) => DeviceK o Source | |
data DeviceGetAssociatedDeviceMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Device), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetAssociatedDeviceMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetAssociatedDevice :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Device Source
data DeviceGetDeviceTypeMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m DeviceType), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetDeviceTypeMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetDeviceType :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m DeviceType Source
data DeviceGetDisplayMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Display), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetDisplayMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetDisplay :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Display Source
data DeviceGetHasCursorMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Bool), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetHasCursorMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetHasCursor :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Bool Source
data DeviceGetKeyMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (Word32 -> m (Bool, Word32, [ModifierType])), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetKeyMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetKey :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> Word32 -> m (Bool, Word32, [ModifierType]) Source
data DeviceGetLastEventWindowMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Window), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetLastEventWindowMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetLastEventWindow :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Window Source
data DeviceGetModeMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m InputMode), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetModeMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetMode :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m InputMode Source
data DeviceGetNAxesMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Int32), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetNAxesMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetNAxes :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Int32 Source
data DeviceGetNKeysMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Int32), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetNKeysMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetNKeys :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Int32 Source
data DeviceGetNameMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Text), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetNameMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetName :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Text Source
data DeviceGetProductIdMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Text), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetProductIdMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetProductId :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Text Source
data DeviceGetSourceMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m InputSource), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetSourceMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetSource :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m InputSource Source
data DeviceGetVendorIdMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m Text), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGetVendorIdMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGetVendorId :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m Text Source
data DeviceGrabMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (b -> GrabOwnership -> Bool -> [EventMask] -> Maybe c -> Word32 -> m GrabStatus), MonadIO m, DeviceK a, WindowK b, CursorK c) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceGrabMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceGrab :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a, WindowK b, CursorK c) => a -> b -> GrabOwnership -> Bool -> [EventMask] -> Maybe c -> Word32 -> m GrabStatus Source
deviceGrabInfoLibgtkOnly :: (MonadIO m, DisplayK a, DeviceK b) => a -> b -> m (Bool, Window, Bool) Source
Deprecated: (Since version 3.16)The symbol was never meant to be used outside of GTK+
data DeviceListAxesMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m [Atom]), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceListAxesMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceListAxes :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m [Atom] Source
data DeviceListSlaveDevicesMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (m [Device]), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceListSlaveDevicesMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceListSlaveDevices :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> m [Device] Source
data DeviceSetKeyMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (Word32 -> Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m ()), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceSetKeyMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceSetKey :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> Word32 -> Word32 -> [ModifierType] -> m () Source
data DeviceUngrabMethodInfo Source
((~) (TYPE Lifted) signature (Word32 -> m ()), MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => MethodInfo (TYPE Lifted) DeviceUngrabMethodInfo a signature Source | |
deviceUngrab :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK a) => a -> Word32 -> m () Source
data DeviceAssociatedDevicePropertyInfo Source
getDeviceAssociatedDevice :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Device Source
data DeviceDeviceManagerPropertyInfo Source
constructDeviceDeviceManager :: DeviceManagerK a => a -> IO ([Char], GValue) Source
getDeviceDeviceManager :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m DeviceManager Source
data DeviceDisplayPropertyInfo Source
AttrInfo DeviceDisplayPropertyInfo Source | |
type AttrLabel DeviceDisplayPropertyInfo = "display" Source | |
type AttrGetType DeviceDisplayPropertyInfo = Display Source | |
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DeviceDisplayPropertyInfo = DeviceK Source | |
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DeviceDisplayPropertyInfo = DisplayK Source | |
type AttrAllowedOps DeviceDisplayPropertyInfo = (:) AttrOpTag AttrConstruct ((:) AttrOpTag AttrGet ([] AttrOpTag)) Source |
getDeviceDisplay :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Display Source
data DeviceHasCursorPropertyInfo Source
AttrInfo DeviceHasCursorPropertyInfo Source | |
type AttrLabel DeviceHasCursorPropertyInfo = "has-cursor" Source | |
type AttrGetType DeviceHasCursorPropertyInfo = Bool Source | |
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DeviceHasCursorPropertyInfo = DeviceK Source | |
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DeviceHasCursorPropertyInfo = TYPE Lifted ~ Bool Source | |
type AttrAllowedOps DeviceHasCursorPropertyInfo = (:) AttrOpTag AttrConstruct ((:) AttrOpTag AttrGet ([] AttrOpTag)) Source |
getDeviceHasCursor :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Bool Source
data DeviceInputModePropertyInfo Source
AttrInfo DeviceInputModePropertyInfo Source | |
type AttrLabel DeviceInputModePropertyInfo = "input-mode" Source | |
type AttrGetType DeviceInputModePropertyInfo = InputMode Source | |
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DeviceInputModePropertyInfo = DeviceK Source | |
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DeviceInputModePropertyInfo = TYPE Lifted ~ InputMode Source | |
type AttrAllowedOps DeviceInputModePropertyInfo = (:) AttrOpTag AttrSet ((:) AttrOpTag AttrConstruct ((:) AttrOpTag AttrGet ([] AttrOpTag))) Source |
getDeviceInputMode :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m InputMode Source
setDeviceInputMode :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> InputMode -> m () Source
data DeviceInputSourcePropertyInfo Source
constructDeviceInputSource :: InputSource -> IO ([Char], GValue) Source
getDeviceInputSource :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m InputSource Source
data DeviceNAxesPropertyInfo Source
AttrInfo DeviceNAxesPropertyInfo Source | |
type AttrLabel DeviceNAxesPropertyInfo = "n-axes" Source | |
type AttrGetType DeviceNAxesPropertyInfo = Word32 Source | |
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DeviceNAxesPropertyInfo = DeviceK Source | |
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DeviceNAxesPropertyInfo = TYPE Lifted ~ () Source | |
type AttrAllowedOps DeviceNAxesPropertyInfo = (:) AttrOpTag AttrGet ([] AttrOpTag) Source |
getDeviceNAxes :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Word32 Source
data DeviceNamePropertyInfo Source
AttrInfo DeviceNamePropertyInfo Source | |
type AttrLabel DeviceNamePropertyInfo = "name" Source | |
type AttrGetType DeviceNamePropertyInfo = Text Source | |
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DeviceNamePropertyInfo = DeviceK Source | |
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DeviceNamePropertyInfo = TYPE Lifted ~ Text Source | |
type AttrAllowedOps DeviceNamePropertyInfo = (:) AttrOpTag AttrConstruct ((:) AttrOpTag AttrGet ([] AttrOpTag)) Source |
getDeviceName :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Text Source
data DeviceProductIdPropertyInfo Source
AttrInfo DeviceProductIdPropertyInfo Source | |
type AttrLabel DeviceProductIdPropertyInfo = "product-id" Source | |
type AttrGetType DeviceProductIdPropertyInfo = Text Source | |
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DeviceProductIdPropertyInfo = DeviceK Source | |
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DeviceProductIdPropertyInfo = TYPE Lifted ~ Text Source | |
type AttrAllowedOps DeviceProductIdPropertyInfo = (:) AttrOpTag AttrConstruct ((:) AttrOpTag AttrGet ([] AttrOpTag)) Source |
getDeviceProductId :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Text Source
data DeviceTypePropertyInfo Source
AttrInfo DeviceTypePropertyInfo Source | |
type AttrLabel DeviceTypePropertyInfo = "type" Source | |
type AttrGetType DeviceTypePropertyInfo = DeviceType Source | |
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DeviceTypePropertyInfo = DeviceK Source | |
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DeviceTypePropertyInfo = TYPE Lifted ~ DeviceType Source | |
type AttrAllowedOps DeviceTypePropertyInfo = (:) AttrOpTag AttrConstruct ((:) AttrOpTag AttrGet ([] AttrOpTag)) Source |
constructDeviceType :: DeviceType -> IO ([Char], GValue) Source
getDeviceType :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m DeviceType Source
data DeviceVendorIdPropertyInfo Source
AttrInfo DeviceVendorIdPropertyInfo Source | |
type AttrLabel DeviceVendorIdPropertyInfo = "vendor-id" Source | |
type AttrGetType DeviceVendorIdPropertyInfo = Text Source | |
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint DeviceVendorIdPropertyInfo = DeviceK Source | |
type AttrSetTypeConstraint DeviceVendorIdPropertyInfo = TYPE Lifted ~ Text Source | |
type AttrAllowedOps DeviceVendorIdPropertyInfo = (:) AttrOpTag AttrConstruct ((:) AttrOpTag AttrGet ([] AttrOpTag)) Source |
getDeviceVendorId :: (MonadIO m, DeviceK o) => o -> m Text Source
type DeviceChangedCallback = IO () Source
type DeviceChangedCallbackC = Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO () Source
afterDeviceChanged :: (GObject a, MonadIO m) => a -> DeviceChangedCallback -> m SignalHandlerId Source
deviceChangedCallbackWrapper :: DeviceChangedCallback -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO () Source
onDeviceChanged :: (GObject a, MonadIO m) => a -> DeviceChangedCallback -> m SignalHandlerId Source