gi-gdk-3.0.12: Gdk bindings

CopyrightWill Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria (
Safe HaskellNone




A Cursor represents a cursor. Its contents are private.


Exported types

newtype Cursor Source #


Cursor (ManagedPtr Cursor) 


GObject Cursor Source # 


gobjectType :: Cursor -> IO GType #

IsObject Cursor Source # 
IsCursor Cursor Source # 
((~) * info (ResolveCursorMethod t Cursor), MethodInfo * info Cursor p) => IsLabel t (Cursor -> p) Source # 


fromLabel :: Proxy# Symbol t -> Cursor -> p #

((~) * info (ResolveCursorMethod t Cursor), MethodInfo * info Cursor p) => IsLabelProxy t (Cursor -> p) Source # 


fromLabelProxy :: Proxy Symbol t -> Cursor -> p #

HasAttributeList * Cursor Source # 
type AttributeList Cursor Source # 
type SignalList Cursor Source # 



cursorGetCursorType Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsCursor a) 
=> a

cursor: a Cursor

-> m CursorType

Returns: a CursorType

Returns the cursor type for this cursor.

Since: 2.22


cursorGetDisplay Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsCursor a) 
=> a

cursor: a Cursor.

-> m Display

Returns: the Display associated to cursor

Returns the display on which the Cursor is defined.

Since: 2.2


data CursorGetImageMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (m (Maybe Pixbuf)), MonadIO m, IsCursor a) => MethodInfo * CursorGetImageMethodInfo a signature Source # 

cursorGetImage Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsCursor a) 
=> a

cursor: a Cursor

-> m (Maybe Pixbuf)

Returns: a Pixbuf representing cursor, or Nothing

Returns a Pixbuf with the image used to display the cursor.

Note that depending on the capabilities of the windowing system and on the cursor, GDK may not be able to obtain the image data. In this case, Nothing is returned.

Since: 2.8


cursorGetSurface Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsCursor a) 
=> a

cursor: a Cursor

-> m (Maybe Surface, Double, Double)

Returns: a Surface representing cursor, or Nothing

Returns a cairo image surface with the image used to display the cursor.

Note that depending on the capabilities of the windowing system and on the cursor, GDK may not be able to obtain the image data. In this case, Nothing is returned.

Since: 3.10


cursorNew Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) 
=> CursorType

cursorType: cursor to create

-> m Cursor

Returns: a new Cursor

Deprecated: (Since version 3.16)Use cursorNewForDisplay instead.

Creates a new cursor from the set of builtin cursors for the default display. See cursorNewForDisplay.

To make the cursor invisible, use CursorTypeBlankCursor.


cursorNewForDisplay Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDisplay a) 
=> a

display: the Display for which the cursor will be created

-> CursorType

cursorType: cursor to create

-> m Cursor

Returns: a new Cursor

Creates a new cursor from the set of builtin cursors.

Since: 2.2


cursorNewFromName Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDisplay a) 
=> a

display: the Display for which the cursor will be created

-> Text

name: the name of the cursor

-> m (Maybe Cursor)

Returns: a new Cursor, or Nothing if there is no cursor with the given name

Creates a new cursor by looking up name in the current cursor theme.

A recommended set of cursor names that will work across different platforms can be found in the CSS specification:

  • "none"
  • "default"
  • "help"
  • "pointer"
  • "context-menu"
  • "progress"
  • "wait"
  • "cell"
  • "crosshair"
  • "text"
  • "vertical-text"
  • "alias"
  • "copy"
  • "no-drop"
  • "move"
  • "not-allowed"
  • "grab"
  • "grabbing"
  • "all-scroll"
  • "col-resize"
  • "row-resize"
  • "n-resize"
  • "e-resize"
  • "s-resize"
  • "w-resize"
  • "ne-resize"
  • "nw-resize"
  • "sw-resize"
  • "se-resize"
  • "ew-resize"
  • "ns-resize"
  • "nesw-resize"
  • "nwse-resize"
  • "zoom-in"
  • "zoom-out"

Since: 2.8


cursorNewFromPixbuf Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDisplay a, IsPixbuf b) 
=> a

display: the Display for which the cursor will be created

-> b

pixbuf: the Pixbuf containing the cursor image

-> Int32

x: the horizontal offset of the “hotspot” of the cursor.

-> Int32

y: the vertical offset of the “hotspot” of the cursor.

-> m Cursor

Returns: a new Cursor.

Creates a new cursor from a pixbuf.

Not all GDK backends support RGBA cursors. If they are not supported, a monochrome approximation will be displayed. The functions displaySupportsCursorAlpha and displaySupportsCursorColor can be used to determine whether RGBA cursors are supported; displayGetDefaultCursorSize and displayGetMaximalCursorSize give information about cursor sizes.

If x or y are -1, the pixbuf must have options named “x_hot” and “y_hot”, resp., containing integer values between 0 and the width resp. height of the pixbuf. (Since: 3.0)

On the X backend, support for RGBA cursors requires a sufficently new version of the X Render extension.

Since: 2.4


cursorNewFromSurface Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDisplay a) 
=> a

display: the Display for which the cursor will be created

-> Surface

surface: the cairo image surface containing the cursor pixel data

-> Double

x: the horizontal offset of the “hotspot” of the cursor

-> Double

y: the vertical offset of the “hotspot” of the cursor

-> m Cursor

Returns: a new Cursor.

Creates a new cursor from a cairo image surface.

Not all GDK backends support RGBA cursors. If they are not supported, a monochrome approximation will be displayed. The functions displaySupportsCursorAlpha and displaySupportsCursorColor can be used to determine whether RGBA cursors are supported; displayGetDefaultCursorSize and displayGetMaximalCursorSize give information about cursor sizes.

On the X backend, support for RGBA cursors requires a sufficently new version of the X Render extension.

Since: 3.10


data CursorRefMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (m Cursor), MonadIO m, IsCursor a) => MethodInfo * CursorRefMethodInfo a signature Source # 


overloadedMethod :: MethodProxy CursorRefMethodInfo a -> signature -> s #

cursorRef Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsCursor a) 
=> a

cursor: a Cursor

-> m Cursor

Returns: Same cursor that was passed in

Deprecated: (Since version 3.0)Use objectRef instead

Adds a reference to cursor.


data CursorUnrefMethodInfo Source #


((~) * signature (m ()), MonadIO m, IsCursor a) => MethodInfo * CursorUnrefMethodInfo a signature Source # 


overloadedMethod :: MethodProxy CursorUnrefMethodInfo a -> signature -> s #

cursorUnref Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsCursor a) 
=> a

cursor: a Cursor

-> m () 

Deprecated: (Since version 3.0)Use objectUnref instead

Removes a reference from cursor, deallocating the cursor if no references remain.



data CursorCursorTypePropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo CursorCursorTypePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin CursorCursorTypePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel CursorCursorTypePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrGetType CursorCursorTypePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint CursorCursorTypePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint CursorCursorTypePropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps CursorCursorTypePropertyInfo Source # 


data CursorDisplayPropertyInfo Source #


AttrInfo CursorDisplayPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrOrigin CursorDisplayPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrLabel CursorDisplayPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrGetType CursorDisplayPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrBaseTypeConstraint CursorDisplayPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrSetTypeConstraint CursorDisplayPropertyInfo Source # 
type AttrAllowedOps CursorDisplayPropertyInfo Source #